Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Youd think Im some prodigy at this point. I can imagine the people in the stands watching this fight. Theyre probably thinking, What the hell did he do over the holidays?

[Goddess of Destiny says your movements are suspicious].

Of course, unlike mere mortals, the constellations seem to sharp to notice my movements.

Anyway, Damn. Look at the expression on Ogtins face. Hes quite flustered.

At the back of the training ground, Ogtins pupils dilate, and he trembles in disbelief.

Yeah. I really wanted to see that look on your face. I really did.

When I think about it, that Im the one responsible for it, but knowing the truth puts that thought to rest.

How many times have I regressed?

Well, there are many reasons, but the most important one is that I lost a duel and couldnt complete the quest.

Normally, I wouldnt have made this choice just because I lost a duel.

But I cant watch Ogtin win.

I am Korean before I am Kane.

Its a Korean trait that I cant stand to see others succeed.

Of course, I have that tendency, but Im not crazy enough to kill myself because I dont want to see others succeed.


I would have just been disappointed if I had lost, but it was disgusting to see this Ogtin guy grinning broadly as he watched me get beaten up by his brother.

Huh?! He just looks like he is the happiest person in the world.

I was so pissed to see that.

I even sent Kim Soo-yong on the second regression to kick his ass.

But the damn quest would not notify me that I had cleared it, even though he had beaten him.

I ended up fighting Benjamin the same way, four times, learning all of his attack patterns.

Of course, you might be thinking, how did I figure it out after only four regressions?

The answer is simple.

A combination of volume control and physical enhancement.

At a volume of 100, I can hear every breath, movement, step, and every tiny detail.

But what if you combine your increased hearing with the ability to adjust the volume through physical strengthening?

Not only do I hear them more clearly, but I can hear every muscle movement.

So I can see how hes going to attack before he does.

Of course, theres a lot more to it than that, especially after fighting him the same way four times.

Anyway, theres no denying that those two combinations together are a huge cheat, but theres also a huge weakness.



Side effects and duration.

Physical strengthening is very demanding on the body, and thats why Skaya taught me mental strengthening to make it as comfortable as possible.

However, if the body is already under heavy pressure and you add in the ability to adjust the volume, its bound to be even more so.

Especially my hearing, which has become ridiculously clueless.

I thought Benjamin was angry that I had deliberately ignored him earlier, but in fact, my hearing went numb for a while at the same time as the physical strengthening ended.

In other words, I didnt know what he said. I just smiled in response.

While I was momentarily lost in thought. Benjamin thinks Im off guard and swings the wooden sword in his hand.

Just before the attack reaches my face, I drive my foot into his abdomen first.


Ortins ribs shattered. The sound echoed around the training ground at the time of the shovel. He rolled across the floor, holding his shattered ribs with both hands.


What are you wincing? Get up or are you going cry like a little b**ch?

At my words, Ortin looked at me with a look that said, Then why dont you get your ribs broken by me?

Ugh. Im being a bit harsh.

I mean, sure, its natural for him to be like that when his bones are broken, but thats fresh blood compared to what Ive been through with him is nothing.

It pisses me off just thinking about it.

Hey. Get up, a**ehole, you gonna stand there and take a beating from a junior?

As soon as he hears them, he frowns heavily and slowly gets to his feet.

Yes, you can. You can do it! Get up so I can beat you even more! Hurry up!

As I cheer, Benjamin must have heard my plea, because he rises to his feet, using his wooden sword as a walking stick, and glares at me with his eyes that have not lost Its life yet.

Breathing heavily, he speaks.

*Rough breathing*, youre quite the speaker for a mere first year. Looking all mes.

What. Fuck you. You think you are winning?

The way he talks, one would think he was winning the battle now.

I cut him off and prepared myself to deliver the final blow. Benjamin, in response, raises his wooden sword with one hand and aims it at me.

Now, where shall I strike, so that word may spread that I beat him well?

I scanned Benjamin over.

His face was bruised all over, and his uniform was covered in dirt from the beating hed taken from me.

Hmm. I dont think theres anywhere on him thats unharmed. No?

Just when I thought there was no place left unscathed, there was one spot that was uniquely intact.

Of course, if I hit that spot, Ill feel like s**m, but considering everything Ive been through with this guy, Id be a Buddha if I could just leave it at that.

Yeah. I have a heart as big as the ocean, so this is how it should be.

With that thought, I kicked my feet. At the same time.

Ability to set up the game: adjust the volume, adjust the quality of the effects, that is, set the color, view the mapinventory, cash shop

The holy water in my inner pocket lit up as brightly as possible.




My holy glow caused the people in the spectator seats to cover their eyes with their arms and grimace.

And unlike them, Benjamin, who was caught right in the face, squeezed his eyes shut so tightly he couldnt even open them.

I shouted out a chant loud enough to be heard!

Magical Punch!!!

When he hears me, he raises his guard and smiles sardonically.

Judging by his reaction, I can tell he thinks Im pathetic for hitting him while calling a wierd name.

Yeah! Laugh while you can.

I ignore his reaction and kick him in the balls.


The sound of an egg breaking echoed across the training ground.

The sound caused all the guys in the spectator seats to tilt their heads, except for the two who were dueling because they couldnt see properly.

Ack! C-coward to kick there. You have no honorArghh!

Whatever. Theres nothing cowardly in a battle, youre an incompetent idiot for not stopping it.

With those words, he fainted with tears, a runny nose, and a look of frustration on his face, as he held his balls with both hands.

Seeing that, I reset the quality of the effects, body enhancement, and volume.

When the brilliant light disappeared, everyone in the audience was surprised to see the whole mess on the training ground.

The men, in particular, broke out in a cold sweat as they realized what the sound was that echoed through the training ground and gulp!

Yeah, thats right, be scared.

Well, actually, it was a warning to them.

I have many enemies. Or, more accurately, a lot of kids who hate me.

And one of them is Ogtin. If he loses a duel, they wont speak to me for a while.

But thats not enough.

So I sent a message to them that if they messed with me, they too could become eunuchs.

Well, theres also the fact that Im annoyed that Ortin got the better of me, but thats a side note.

Yeah. Thats really all it is.

I look around to see if Ive gotten my message across, and the guys who normally glare at me avert their eyes.

Yeah. If you touch me, Ill f**k you, mate!

As Im looking around and warning them, William opens his mouth with a tired look on his face.

Ugh!!! Its finally over, and yes, the winner is David von Kane. You two, Ortin, Benjamin, get ready to hand in your withdrawal forms.

N-no way.

Ogtin exclaims in disbelief at Williams declaration.

Haha! Thats pretty darn gross. Oh, yes. I wanted to see that look on his face.

Ogtin stares at me with vacant eyes as I approach.

I ignored his reaction and patted him on the shoulder.

Yeah. You shouldnt mess with someone above your level. Take It as a lesson.! Oh and Congratulations on your expulsion.


He turned scarlet at my words, his whole body shaking.

Ignoring Ogtins reaction, I stare at the quest completion message in front of me and leave the training grounds.


Meanwhile, the Constellation was deep in thought as she watched Kane, who was smiling smugly at the sight of Ogtin trembling.

What is he?

Ive been watching how Kane has been training for a week now.

He was obviously very talented.

Still, there was no way he could beat Ortin.

Ortin may not be able to use aura, but hes a 4th year student.

Hes not even the bottom of the class, but the upper middle of the class.

Its strange that Kane could defeat him with only a weeks training, but he was just too powerful.

Of course, he would have lost without the Holy Cross, but regardless, the point is that he overpowered him while he was still physically strong.

There was definitely something off about Kanes movements.

Kanes movements were almost as if he anticipated how Ortin would attack.

Is it the ability to see the future?

Given his previous actions, it makes sense.

From recognizing Birg as an assassin, to being aware of Anjes presence.

Its impossible for Kane to detect Anjes presence with his powers.

And if I assume that all of Ortins current attacks are being anticipated and avoided by looking into the future, it makes sense with Kanes entire actions so far.

Thinking about it, its clear.

At the time, I was skeptical, but this confirms it.

Kane has the ability to see the future, and he can do so freely and without consequence.

As soon as I realised that, my face suddenly became hot. My heart began to beat a little faster than usual.

It was exciting, thrilling.

What is this? Why is this happening?

I didnt usually feel like this. I mean, it happened every now, and then whenever I would see Kane, but never to this extent.

Whoa calm down, this will only last a moment.

With that thought in mind, I fanned my face with my hands and stared at the screen for a moment.

Kane is walking out of the training center, all smiles and happy for some reason.

It wasnt long before Riche, Kersey, and Skaya were walking towards him.

All women.

Constellation narrowed her eyes at the sight of Kane surrounded by women. Her cheeks puffed up like balloons.

Why is she so upset?

Ive been seeing Kane interacting with women a lot, but today, its particularly upsetting.

She wrote the message slowly, thinking that if she kept quiet, Kane might forget about her.

Okay. Write it down like this.

Goddess of Destiny is beginning to take a liking to you.]

This will surely get Kanes attention.

No. He might actually like it.

Im a goddess, after all, and Im not going to lose to mere mortals.

With that arrogant thought, she sent a message to Kane.

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