Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 5: Assassination (2)

Chapter 5: Assassination (2)

After a rest in the bath, I made my way to my room. Lying down on the soft bed without hesitation.

Lets go over my second plan and my abilities, shall we?

For the time being, the main goal is to get the constellation to return to Kim Soo Yong again, but I have to prepare in case I fail.

Honestly, even if I try to get this thing to go back home, its not going to happen the way I want it to, isnt it?

Therefore, I need to come up with a second plan.

If she doesnt leave, I need to secretly support Kim Soo Yeon.

Originally, that guy would be supported by the church that follows this perverted constellation. but the problem is that the future has changed, and the probability of that has dropped drastically.

By the way, how do I volunteer?

I am now in a situation where, frankly, I could be kicked out of the family.

Obviously, the odds are that, David von Thomas, would know that Kanes shadow guild has been crushed to pieces.

In the end, it is almost certain that he would be evicted after causing significant damage to the family.

No, it would be fortunate if I am kicked out. Frankly, I have nothing to say to Davids assassins, even if I die.

Thinking about this, it wasnt my place to worry about anyone else.

I have to use the knowledge I have of the game. Get the hidden pieces and need to support secretly.

Not only that, but it is also possible to support by using points and cash items.

That said, I shouldnt be too brazen about it. If done badly, it can drastically change from the original story too much.

If it changes too much from the original, I cant predict what will happen.

At that moment, my advantage of knowing the future disappears.

Of course there is a way for me to die and get back to the past, but I wouldnt dare to die on purpose.

To be honest, when I had a hole in my stomach. I was so horrified that even the word pain was not enough.

I dont want to go through that experience again.

For no reason at all, I remember that moment and I got goosebumps in my arms.

Ok. Ive pretty much decided on a plan. Lets see what my real abilities are now.

Game setting abilities: volume control, effect quality control, color settings, map display, inventory, cash shop

First of all, it is certain that only the volume adjustment and the cache shop can be used. And of the two abilities, only one volume adjustment can be used properly.

I cant buy most items in the cash shop with the points I have now.

Lets adjust the quality of the effects, then.


[To open the Effects Quality Adjustment, 500 points will be spent. Would you like to spend it?]

Last time I looked at the map, the points cost ten times as much as that. As might be expected, it would be obvious that the better the performance, the more points it would cost.

Honestly, unless one is in a bugged space like last time to look at the map, you can easily find out where your opponent is.

No wonder it takes 5,000 points.

Hmmm lets not decide for now.

Frankly, I dont need that ability right now, and besides, I dont feel much need for it.

Well, perhaps there will come a time when it will be useful.

Having reviewed my plans and abilities, I turned my gaze to the window.

Its night already.

Its time to go to bed. But first I have to go to the toilet.

With that in mind, I opened the door to my room and went out.

Its too dark.

Its so dark that it wouldnt be surprising if some ghosts appeared here.

Shiba. I feel like Im doing some kind of courage test.

Somewhat feeling scared, I quickly walked to the toilet.

Perhaps because the mansion is so big, I walked quite a bit, but I havent reached it yet.

Its nasty, why is this place so big.

I didnt feel it at the time I played the game, but now that I am experiencing it myself like this, I realize how big it is, this mansion.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is bigger than the high school I attended.

While I was walking around mentally rambling, before I knew it, I arrived at the toilet.

The facilities are better than I expected.

To be honest, I didnt have great expectations because the game world is not as modern as Earth, but instead of science, they used magic to cover it and there wasnt a big difference.

Or maybe the facilities are good because its here.

I havent yet seen the facilities used by commoners. So dont stereotype yet.

Anyway, lets take a piss as soon as possible.

As I finished my business that way, the magic stone in the urinal was automatically activated and the water was naturally lowered.

The moment I came out after washing my hands, I was about to go back to my room once more.

I felt the presence of someone behind me. Without hesitation I turned my head back



Was I wrong?

There was nothing behind me, contrary to what I had sensed.

For some reason it made me feel ominous, so I walked quickly to my room.



Someone chased after me as I walked.

I turn my head back once more.

Sure enough, the corridor was empty.

I used the volume control without hesitation to see if I was sensitive or if someone was really following me.

When I turned it up to maximum, I stopped breathing for a moment. A drop of sweat ran down my spine .

Not only that, but a fear of death took over my whole body.

I was not mistaken. Someone is coming after me.

Who was it? Is it Philip? Is he trying to kill me at the family order?

Surely that would make sense. To them, I am nothing more than a pest in the family.

But .

. The way our family assassins do it is so different from this.

They assassinate, but usually outside the compound, not in a place like this, where they could leave a trail.

But first, it doesnt matter. I have to escape.

If I die like this, I will be regressing without knowing anything about it, no doubt.

Thats no good.

Nothing is more pointless than to die like that. Thinking this, I slowly walked as though I knew nothing again, like a natural person.

Lets not make it obvious.

If I run in this body anyway, Im done. So, as much as possible, I have to walk as if I had no idea that the assassin was behind me.

Lets go to the riche, the soldier or the butler.

That way I can survive, or at least die with some information against him/her.

After walking for about 30 seconds, I found a butler in front of the corridor who looked similar to Philip.

Who is he? Its not Philip.

But it is obvious from his dress and hair that he is Davids familys butler.

So there is a probability that he is an assassin disguised.

I approach him with a long stride. He looks at me and straightens his hips.

Good morning. Boochan.

Someone is coming after me.

The butlers eyes widen in surprise at my words. I ignore his reaction and turn my head back and point behind me .

Theyre chasing me from over there now Arghh.


The words didnt last. My stomach was burning hot.

Not only that, but blood was pouring from it, and my whole body lost strength.

Shifting my gaze to the butler, with my wide eyes.

The fellow smiles brightly and wipes the bloody dagger with his handkerchief.

What? Whats going on?

I could definitely feel a presence behind me.

Even though I was about to die, I still turned back desperately to get information.

No way?!!

T-two assassins?

That guy gives a twisted smile at my question .

Haha~ Youre half right.

Half right? What does that mean?

I want to think, but I cant because of the pain.

My vision becomes increasingly clouded.


[The goddess who sees destiny exhales a deep sigh of disappointment in you.] With that message as the last, my vision completely darkens.

(Note: Kane knew that wasnt his butler but still went to him, to confirm his doubts)


Meanwhile, at the time.

The goddess of destiny could not hide her disappointment at the sight of the fallen Kane.

Its below my expectations.

To be honest, she knew that Kane was destined to die. So I watched with anticipation and excitement to see how he would avoid it this time.

Initially, it wasnt bad.

I noticed at once that Kanes ability, from what I had known. That much was good.

But Kane didnt even know what the assassins ability was and unexpectedly approached the butler in the corridor, who was infact an assassin in disguise.

And there, I immediately lost expectations.

Should I go and see Kim Soo Yeon?

As I thought to myself, at that moment.

-dluohS I og dna ees miK ooS noeY?

What? W-Why am I suddenly speaking in reverse?

My eyes widened at the sudden turn of events, and I looked around.

Its not just me. Now the world itself starts to spin backwards.

N-no way!!!

Instead, she shifted her gaze from the world to the screen.

The butler stares at his surroundings with a bewildered expression. The blood that has pooled at the bottom begins to recover in the dead Kane.

The world begins to spin backwards around Kane.

Seeing this, Constellation twisted her mouth into a smile.

I want it to be mine. I want it to be mine. I want it to be mine. I want it to be mine. I want it to be mine. I want it to be mine. I want it to be mine. I want it to be mine. I want it to be mine. I want it to be mine.

Ive never seen a human like this before.

Ive never wanted someone like this so much.

My heart is pounding.

It throbs so much. Feeling like Ive never felt anything like this before.

Is this love?

It must be. Ive never been in love before, but Ive heard that when you look at the one you love, your heart throbs like crazy.

When I think about it, I can feel my face getting hotter and and body too.

I had never felt this way when I was watching over Kim Soo Yeon. I was interested, but.

Looking at Kane now, I want him so much that I want to be alone with him forever in the room, dont want to give him to anyone.

But, theres no way Ill remember this when the regression is over.

When Kane is survived by Kim Soo Yeon . He must have regressed at least once.

Yet seeing that I dont remember, this is a power that transcends even the constellations.

I have to do something. Otherwise, I will lose this feeling, this memory now.

What shall I do? What shall I do? What shall I do? What shall I do? What shall I do? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? What shall I do?

There is no way to recall all my knowledge in such a hurry.

While she was in a hurry. And so the regression eventually ended.


Haa! Haa! Haa!

[The goddess of seeing destiny tilts her head at your condition].

Where am I? !

I fidgeted around for a while.

The surroundings were the first sight I saw when I left the hideout, not the mansion.

Did I regress?

Master Kane, perhaps youre not feeling well? Your complexion is very pale.

When I remain in a daze for a while, Riche stares at me with a worried face next to her.

Looking at the mask that hides her face, it would be obvious that she regressed around the time of our escape from the hideout.

Sorry. Just thinking about something else. Lets get back to the family as soon as possible.

Right. Understood.

Hmm lets just walk and think for now.

If I dont do anything now, Ill die tonight. That guy surely told me I was only half right.

Only half

One things for sure, hes not alone. I certainly felt the presence of someone chasing after me.

Walking with my head down for a while, recalling all the knowledge I had about the game.


I bumped shoulders with someone.

Excuse me. I was lost in thought so!

S-so sorry. I couldnt see the front properly and made a big rude mistake. Please forgive us just this once.

No, why are you apologising for bumping my shoulder once?

I had no choice but to shift my gaze to those apologizing.

No, oh?

Just as I was about to apologize.

Two women who looked exactly like each other knelt down in front of me and begging

Only half right ah!

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