Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 9: Assassination (6)

Chapter 9: Assassination (6)

I followed Riche and slowly opened my mouth.

Riche, thank you for your hard work yesterday.

Yes. You worked hard too, Boochan.

Oh, by the way, whatever happened to that Brig guy?

Hes locked up in the family prison.

As expected of Riche.

She informed David von Thomas of yesterdays events.

Even if the family members and Thomas dont believe me.

They will not disregard the words of Riche, who is very trusted.

The reason Thomas is calling me now is that he must hear exactly what happened yesterday.

And that will determine my punishment.

Please dont kick me out.

I followed Riche, praying earnestly in my heart, and before I knew it, we arrived.

Riche speaks with an expressionless face, bowing slightly at the waist, as if her introduction is over.

You can enter, Boochan.

Right. Thanks for guiding me.


Riche has a complex and subtle expression on her face at my words of thanks.

She is still unable to hide her expression, as if this kind of behavior of mine is still awkward.

I ignore her reaction and knock on the door.

Tonton! Tonton!

Its David von Kane. Dad, Im coming in.

Yes. Come in.

A low pitched voice answered my words.

I opened the door slowly as Thomas spoke.


Just like the office where I had worked in a previous life, with nothing but papers on a desk, and in front of it was an expensive sofa and table.

I walked inside and turned my gaze to Thomas

He had dark hair, a rough beard, and a slightly masculine face. You could see his muscles even though they were hidden by his clothes.

By all accounts, he is middle-aged who does a fair amount of exercise.

Thomas was also carrying a sword around his waist, likely as a precaution.

By the way you dont look much like Kane.

Of course, its not that the Kane I possessed was ugly. No, in fact, hes almost perfectly handsome except for his slightly bad guy like eyes. In addition, he has lush hair.

Quite frankly, there is no comparison to my former self. And with lush hair, too I suddenly felt a sense of despair.

I became somewhat sad and my hand naturally went up to the top of my head.

_ So much hair.! (TL: Maybe his dad half bald?)

As I touch my head, feeling pleased with the lushness, Thomas looks at me with a suspicious expression on his face.

Do you have something on your head?


Thomas looks me over and opens his mouth .

So Ill get straight to the point. I saw and heard that the guild you built collapsed.


I was going to tell you about it after all.

At times like this, you need to put on your best facial expressions.

I bowed my head at Thomas icy tone, as if I was frightened.

Thomas looks a little surprised, just as I thought he would.

This is the only point at which I like Kane.

Its true that thanks to the possession of the ruffian, everyone tends to see him differently, even though hes just showing his natural self.

So image is very important.

In fact, if I had possessed someone with a good reputation and image instead of a ruffian like Kane, I would never have reacted the way I did.

Honestly, its only natural for me to show remorse for my wrong behavior, but who would have thought Id react like that?

What would I have done if I had originally been Kane?

I thought to myself with a look of remorse on my face. I was sure that if I had been the original one, I would have made every excuse I could to get out through thick and thin.

Well, its none of my business now, anyway.

So you look like youre reflecting on things unlike usual. But apart from that, Originally, I was going to expel you from the family.

Thomas continued .

But, Riche told me you caught the spy of church.

Yes, I did.

Yes, but Riche tends to take your side so I wont believe you without proof. So bring me the proof.

As soon as he had finished, I took a listening device out of my pocket.

When Thomas sees it, he looks at me with a questioning look.

Isnt that a listening device?

Yes, thats right.

And how do you make evidence with it?

In response to his question, I explained at length about what had happened yesterday.

So you are saying that it is recorded there?

Yes, Ill turn it on now.

I pressed the button next to the wiretap.

[Puhahaha! Yes, thats right. That expression. Thats what I wanted to see. The look of frustration on your face. Noble nobles always. They are so confident that they wont be assassinated. Why act like that when you know, youll be put on the churchs hit list?? Guhahaha.]

I could hear Birgs excited voice from the wiretap.

I checked it once yesterday and its still well recorded.

In fact, I put a listening device in my pocket inside the alter ego yesterday. I was sure that that guy would tell me all kinds of nonsense the moment he thought he had killed me.

Of course, I wasnt 100% sure that that guy would say something like that.

To be honest, I was pretty sure I was going to get Birg, but the recording was close to a gamble.

Given the guys setup, I expected he would have said something like that, but still, nothing is unconditional in the world.

Thomas looks somewhat surprised when he hears the wiretap recording.

Well what Riche said turns out to be true. By the way, how did you know that Birg was a spy?

I knew he was going to ask that question. And when I listened to the recording yesterday, I thought of an excuse in advance.

I controlled myself from smiling.

Yes, actually, I didnt think Birg was a spy. I just thought that the guys from the Church were after me.

Right. Now I heard on the recording and It sounds like you have dealing with them. What is going on?

I nodded in response to this question.

Those guys proposed to exchange information with me.

What information did they want?

They did not want anything big, it was information about Kim Soo Yeon.

[The goddess of destiny asks, What do you mean? What else did they ask?]

No, why are you being deceived?

He continued, dismayed in his mind at the situation where even the constellation was being deceived.

The only information I requested was one thing. About the spies in the family, that was all. Of course, they only told me that they wouldnt tell me who they were.

Thats right.

By the way, what did they ask about Kim Soo Yeon?

They asked me if Kim Soo Yeon was an otherworldly person.

And what did you answer?

I .

Riche was right, you have certainly changed.

At first I didnt really believe Richeys words.

So far, the behavior Kane had shown me was drinking every day, throwing stuff, and going around breading and wasting as much money away as he could find.

He was not as talented as his other brothers.

Kanes behaviour has been a disappointment not only to Thomas, but to all of the David family.

So naturally, I thought Riche, who was particularly supportive of Kane, would lie to protect him, but that was not the case.

Kane, who would normally have been brazen and arrogant while being the enemys underling, showed the opposite behavior to him today, unlike the previous days.

Thomas closed his eyes and remembered what had just happened .

I said no.

`Oh, then. Why did you answer that, by the way? ,

Is there a reason? People in this world arent dogs to be used for their convenience, and to be honest, that sort of stuff happens only in fiction, doesnt it? So I just said no, and I even swore at them as an added bonus.

Certainly the guys from church wouldnt have exchanged information with anyone other than Kane, who is an academy student like Kim-Soo Yeon.

That is also true. Because Kane is almost the only one in the academy who is involved in the dark side.

He shrugged and continued .

Anyway, I was going to use this to catch the spy, thinking that the guys from the church would naturally try to assassinate me when they heard the information about me cursing them. Because a spy in the family is the best way to assassinate someone.

After hearing all the explanations, Thomas nodded with a satisfied look on his face.

Youre right. I understand. As for your punishment, you will not be expelled in view of your achievements this time. But I will stop giving you pocket money and other support.

Yes, I understand. Father.

I hope to hear good news next time. Get out.

After finishing his recollections, Thomas was impressed by Kanes resourcefulness.

How many moves ahead had he been able to foresee?

His family, including himself, had tried to track down the spy with no success.

But Kane used an ambiguous exchange of information to catch the spy.

What on earth happened during the attack on Kim Soo Yeon yesterday?

According to Riche, he changed some time after she went outside.

No lets not be completely positive that he has changed yet.

There might be a one-time lucky outcome in his life.

Of course, it was too much of an achievement to be lucky, but looking at Kanes progress so far, it is still too early to completely rule out that he has changed after this one time.

Well, we will see later whether he is lucky or not.

As such, Thomas picked up his pen again and started working on the paperwork.


Meanwhile, at the time.

The Goddess of Destiny looks at Kane on the screen with narrowed eyes.

This time again he has escaped the fate of death.

This is now certain. Kane did not escape his fate by accident against Kim Soo Yeon at first.

He escaped of his own volition.

Once might be a coincidence, but twice is certainly not.

When she thinks about it, her corners of her mouth are raised.

But how on earth is he escaping, by the way?

It may sound condescending to say this, but I have never been wrong about my own predictions before.

I closed my eyes and thought long and hard about Kanes actions.

Ten minutes passed in that state. A light bulb appeared at the top of the constellations head.

Ah! No way?

Constellation remembered Kanes actions yesterday. Starting with asking for Birgs identity, it wasnt enough to see what that guy was capable of, but also to predict his behavior.

Can he see the future?

If so, it makes sense.

Assuming that he can see the future, it fits back in as to why he was able to subdue Birg so easily.


That doesnt make sense.

It is impossible, even for a transcendent constellation to see the future as Kane does.



Therefore, I can only see the destiny of others.

No come to think of it, that guy also had the power to create something.

What the hell is he really?

Its strange no matter how you look at it. When Kim Soo Yeon was attending the academy. I saw Kane for a while.

At the time, it was no exaggeration to call him clearly incompetent himself. He didnt have any special abilities like he does now.

Not only that, his behavior was different from now, starting with his worst personality and not making any effort at all.

Was it because I didnt look at it in detail at the time?

When I think about it, I only looked at Kane briefly, unlike Kim Soo Yeon, or neither looked at or investigated him in detail.

So I shouldnt assume that the behavior he showed at that time was all that Kane had to offer.

I agree. Lets not assume anything definite in the meantime.

With that in mind, I looked at Kane on the screen.

He, well, I dont know, but he smiles brightly as he rolls around in bed.

Rolling around aimlessly, Kane eventually fell off the bed.


He fell on the bed, clutching the back of his head in pain.

The constellation saw this and shook its head.

[The goddess who sees destiny says it is pathetic.]

I can do this, right?

Constellation thus sent a message to Kane, oblivious to her pounding chest, which was beating faster than usual.

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