Baby Tyrant

Chapter 31 - Please Take Me Away

Chapter 31 - Please Take Me Away

31. Please Take Me Away

‘Why is Mabel here?’

As Mabel might get hurt, Esteban hurriedly gathered his strength.

There’s the possibility that the enemy may make a surprise attack, but that didn’t matter.

Because Mabel’s safety was more important than his own.

“Mabel. Why did you come all the way here? It’s dangerous.”

Unlike his soft tone, he glared at Lissandro, who was behind Mabel, with a look that seemed to kill him at any moment.

Lissandro muttered in a low voice, avoiding Esteban’s gaze.

“How can I stop Her Majesty…”

Lissandro also had his own reasons.

Xavier inadvertently told Lalima everything he heard from outside.

It was natural for Mabel to say that she would come forward when she heard that the stand-in-Emperor and Devlin’s devil were confronting each other over meeting the Emperor.

No matter how dangerous it was, it was useless.

“Your Majesty. Devlin’s devil is a formidable man. It’s too dangerous to go there.”

“Ithn’t Lithandwo stwong?You can juth pwotect me.”(Isn’t Lissandro strong? You can just protect me.)

“O-of course I’m strong, but…”

“Leth go. huh?” (Let’s go. Huh?)

How can you turn a blind eye to the small hand that grabbed your sleeve?

‘Yes. I can just protect her well…!’

Lissandro ended up losing because of the unbearable cuteness.

‘That’s understandable.’

Esteban, who roughly guessed the situation, didn’t loosen up his expression.

He ordered for Mabel to be taken back with a signal, but Mabel did not follow his will.

“Dwon’t fwight.” (Don’t fight.)

“Fighting. Your dad is?”

“You’we fwighting. Wit dat oppa.” (You’re fighting. With that oppa.)

When Mabel pointed fearlessly to Aiden, there was an unusual energy.

Many people were shocked by Mabel’s pointing finger and calling Devlin’s Devil ‘oppa.’

Of course, the most surprised was Oscar.

‘You… never even called me oppa!’

Whether Oscar was in shock or not, Mabel decided to settle the situation first.

When she heard that he had killed all the soldiers he had brought, she had doubts, but the scene she encountered was indeed a wild scene.

Aiden was the only one standing on top of the mountain.

He couldn’t take his eyes off Mabel the moment she appeared.

Feeling his gaze, Mabel was sweating inwardly.

‘It feels like my face is going to be pierced…’

Likewise, Aiden’s gaze was directed only at Mabel, not caring that Esteban was staring at him with blazing eyes.

‘Let’s greet him first.’

As a native of the Eastern Burea of Courtesy, Mabel had a good personality.

As soon as I stepped forward, Lissandro blocked me with his body so I couldn’t get close to him, but I could wave my hand at the most.

I poked my head in front from behind Lissandro and said hello to Aiden.

“Hewwo. Ah’m Mabel.” (Hello. I’m Mabel.)


“You can’t twak?” (You can’t talk?)

Aiden just stared at Mabel instead of answering.

For some reason, the stare from his red eyes felt terrible, so Mabel clung to Lissandro’s legs.

“Lissandro. Hurry and get Mabel inside-.”

Esteban ordered the escort, but Aiden took a step.

It was in the direction of Mabel.

“Stop there.”

Lissandro spoke with a nervous voice and checked Aiden.

However, Aiden did not care and went towards Mabel without hesitation.

The end of Lissandro’s sword pointed at Aiden’s neck without hesitation. The sharp blade shone threateningly as if it were about to cut off flesh.


Fortunately or unfortunately, Aiden no liner approached Mabel. Everyone was keeping Aiden in check.

After a while, Aiden moved.


Everyone was in awe.

Because the man called Devlin’s devil was kneeling.

Aiden, who was kneeling on one knee, looked up.

He looked at Mabel with his red eyes. Lissandro was in between him and Mabel, but he didn’t care.

‘Just what kind of dream is this?’

Mabel was also nervous and clung onto Lissandro’s leg.

Their eyes were entangled. Mabel felt like she was going to be sucked into the slowly blinking red eyes.

After a while, Aiden opened his mouth.

“I’ll exile to Ermano.”


At the sudden nonsense, Mabel doubted her ears. But…

“I will be subjugated to you.”


“Please take me away.”


I didn’t hear wrong!

When Mabel was frozen because she didn’t know what to say, Esteban pulled out his sword.


Gustav hurriedly dissuaded Esteban in anticipation of another bloody wind.

“Y-your Majesty! Her Majesty the Emperor is watching!”

When Mabel was mentioned, Esteban looked at Mabel and reluctantly put his sword back.

But the anger didn’t go away.

He glared at Aiden, who was still on one knee with and wide eyed.

“He is obviously out of his mind. Put him in jail right now!”


The Ermano soldiers slowly approached Aiden. However, Aiden was still on one knee only looking at Mabel.

It was then when one of the knights touched Aiden’s shoulder.


The explosion sent the knight flying. Fortunately, the soldier groaned, meaning he was still alive.

The soldiers hardened and no longer tried to approach Aiden.

‘You can attack people with energy?’

How far can they go?

Mabel was also shocked to see a man fly in front of her.

‘This human is a living bomb!’

Even though he was looking only at her, there was a faint sense of life in his eyes.

Mabel thought. At this rate, all of the Ermano soldiers will be destroyed.

“W-whath exthile?” (W-what’s exile?)

First, let’s pretend to be a child and get out of this crisis.

I grinned and laughed as if I knew nothing, but he just stared at me.

Unaware of Mabel’s tearful efforts to protect Ermano, Esteban grappled with the soldiers.

“What are you doing not capturing him.”

“We’ve received His Majesty’s orders!”

Again, the soldiers began to approach Aiden. Mabel felt it intuitively that someone really might die this time.

‘His eyes look like it.’

Just before one of the soldiers finally reached Aiden, Mabel clenched her fist and shouted.

“Good! dwo exthile. Inthead, lithen to Papa well!” (Good! Do exile. Instead, listen to daddy well.)

(T/N: Mabel called Esteban papa for the first time! Not the ideal situation but she still called him papa?)

Everyone was shocked by the Emperor’s permission to exile.

“Y-your Majesty?!”


Despite their reproachful cries, Mabel didn’t bat an eye.

“You’ll lithen well, wright?” (You’ll listen well, right?)

Mabel asked, joking a little. Surprisingly, however, Aiden nodded slightly.

‘Oh my God.’

Along with the consternation of many, Devlin’s devil succeeded in seeking temporary asylum in the Ermano Empire.


A meeting was held because of the uproar.

“This is ridiculous, Your Majesty. What do you mean asylum? He’s a monstrous monster who smashed half of his country’s border forces!”

“You are correct.”

“It’s absolutely obvious that Devlin is playing around. He’s trying to steal Ermano’s military secrets.”

“That’s right!”

Opposition from the subjects were pouring in. I stared at their war of words with absurdity.

‘My god, there’s nothing you can’t say in front of a baby…’

Not only the nanny, but also the subjects continued to overlook the fact that I was a baby who couldn’t pronounce correctly.

If I were an ordinary baby, I would have burst into tears without understanding what they were saying.

“He tried to infiltrate the Imperial Castle. It’s obvious that exile is just an excuse.”

“I feel the same way, Your Majesty.”

Devlin’s devil must be scary. Seeing that they’re getting all white and dry.

‘Of course I’m also a little scared…’

Drinking the orange juice left by the servant, I waited for the subjects to calm down.

The 100% orange juice was fresh and delicious because it was made by squeezing fresh oranges.


By the time I finished my drink and took a sip of my next glass, the uproar had reached a lull. The eyes of the subjects directed at me in unison.

‘Euk. It’s burdensome.’

I let go of the straw that I had bit with regret. Then I spoke curtly, “Sthupid subject Ahjussi’s.” (Stupid Subject Uncles)


I only said they were stupid, but the subjects’ eyes widened as if they were humiliated.

Sigh. After sighing, I looked around at the subjects.

“Ith doesn’t mather if its a lie or not, wright?” (It doesn’t matter if it’s a lie or not, right?)

“What does that…?”

“If he really wanth to exthile or not, than ith good becauthe we hab a hostage in our hands.” (If he really wants to exile or now, than it’s good because we have a hostage in our hands.)


“We juth need good secuwity.” (We just need good security.)

Anyway, there was nothing to lose for Ermano. Allowing asylum was a temporary permission anyway, and it’s not an expression of complete trust.

And in fact, what I was more afraid of was….

‘His eyes… I thought he was going to kill anytime.’

I also wondered why he looked at me with such eyes. I woke up from my thought and looked around again, but-.


I think the eyes of the subjects changed? Was it my misunderstanding?

“Whath?” (What?)

As soon as I asked timidly, the subjects shouted as if they had waited.

“As expected, Your Majesty is extraordinary!”

“You’re brilliant!”

“You believe in the knights! That’s right. It’s not terrible to take a hostage again that we let go!”

“To think that this humble subject dared not to know the deep meaning of Her Majesty, euuuk…!”

“Your Majesty, you’re so cute…!”

I gaped at the compliments of the subjects.

Then, a thought suddenly passed through my head.

‘Aren’t I working too hard…?’

My dream was definitely to be abandoned!

Was the part-time job experience from my past life triggered without my knowledge?

But I couldn’t pick up the spilled water.


After Devlin’s attack, a full day passed.

But I hadn’t heard anything about Devlin’s devil.

However, whenever I ask a question regarding the situation-.


“I forgot a moment about work.”

He left his seat without hesitation.


“Madame Lupe. Bring some snacks for Mabel.”


I turned my attention to snacks.


“It’s time to go to bed, Mabel. Sweet dreams.”

Chu. He kissed my forehead and turned off the lights.

I was angry that he avoided the Devlin’s devil-related topics multiple times.

I just wanted to know the boy’s residence and treatment, but when he didn’t tell me anything, I got angry.

‘I’m going to have to see him personally.’

I thought he didn’t want me to see him because it’s dangerous, but if he was going to kill me, he would’ve tried to before.

It occurred to me that Devlin’s devil might have other intentions.

The next day at dinner. I didn’t eat the chocolate cake that came out for dessert. Instead, I asked Lalima to put it in a basket with a fork.


“Yes, Your Majesty. Are you going for a walk in the evening?”

Xavier asked me, glancing at the basket I was struggling to hold.

I shook my head.

“Where ith Devwin’s debil?” (Where is Devlin’s devil?)

“Yes, Yes?!”

I was surprised as Xavier pretended he couldn’t hear. Immediately, his face turned white to the point of pity.

“L-let’s see. I don’t know? Hahaha.”

As if reading a text book, I was convinced that Xavier knew the boy’s whereabouts.

“I want to gwo to Devwin’s debil.” (I want to go to Devlin’s devil.)

“Pardon? No. It’s dangerous. His Majesty-!”

I cut Xavier’s words and spoke.

“Ith it him or me?” (Is it him or me?)

“Yes, yes?!”

“Do you…lwike him more?”

I had a particularly weak crying look on my face. Xavier’s eyes shook endlessly.


“I hwate Xabie…”

“Huk, why are you doing this to me.”

Although he said that, Xavier’s body began to guide me steadily.

As I walked alongside Xavier, Lissandro appeared.

“Where are you going, our little Emperor?”

“To Devwin’s debil.”


Lissandro, who had a black expression, hurriedly blocked my way. I frowned and looked up at Lissandro. He shook his head firmly.



“It’s too dangerous. If he goes on a rampage… What’s more, His Majesty…”

I cut off Lissandro’s words this time.

“Ith it him or me?”


“Do you lwike him more?”

“No, why are you saying that! There is no way that can happen!”

It was a similar but different reaction from Xavier. I probably won’t be able to act sad in front of this man.

“Thwen why do you lithen to him?” (Then why do you listen to him?)

“Because his Majesty’s orders are all for the sake of you, Your Majesty.”

“Ath ethpected, Lithandwo likes him more…” (As expected, Lissandro likes him more…)

“That’s a curse.”

I flipped my head away.I felt that Lissandro was confused.

I threw a line of repentance.

“Hng. Whathever. I hwate Lithandwo.” (Hng. Whatever. I hate Lissandro.)

“Y-your Majesty.”

“Ah hwate you.” (I hate you.)

“…I’ll show you around.”

Having got what I wanted so much, I handed over the basket of cakes to Lissandro and walked.

Soon after, we arrived at the entrance to the underground prison. At a glance, a tremendous number of troops were camped around the prison.

The guards looked at Lissandro’s face and let us in without a murmur. Xavier stretched out his arms to me.

“Since there are a lot of stairs and it’s dangerous, I’ll hold you.”


The spiral staircase went down endlessly. After the stairs, I thought I could see the corridor, but we went down stairs again.

I don’t know how much we walked, but we finally arrived at the destination.

‘Euk what’s this smell?’

The stench quickly filled my nose. Xavier headed to the end of the hall.


I was astonished at the sight.

I didn’t think it would be lavish, but this was…

‘It’s too harsh…’

What I saw was a boy whose limbs were bound and hanging from the wall.

And the person who got him like this.

“You’ll lithen well, wright?” (You’ll listen well, right?)

‘It’s me…!’

As soon as I realized that, the boy opened his eyes.

His red eyes captured me without hesitation.

‘I’m in trouble.’

I had a hunch that something would happen if I made a mistake here.

For example, a boy who was angry at me for making him look like this would blow me up!

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