Baby Tyrant

Chapter 34 - Go On Strike, Strike

Chapter 34. Go On Strike, Strike

‘In order to use ‘that method,’ it was important to lay the foundation down on a daily basis.’

And the opportunity came unexpectedly quickly.

“Your Majesty the Emperor, His Majesty has asked you to join him for dinner.”

The commander-in-chief who conveyed the request had a face with zero expectations. It was because he came to invite Mabel to dinner every other day, but Mabel never agreed.

Of course, I thought to play it cool as usual.

“Okway.” (Okay.)

Mabel was willing to nod her head!

His eyes were wide open with astonishment.


“Ung. Twell him I thaid okway.” (Yeah. Tell him I said okay.)

The chief’s mouth was stuck to his ears. He was excited about how happy Esteban would be when he heard this news.

“Yes! I understand!”

With a big smile, the commander ran out vigorously.

It was the nanny who wondered at the unexpected dinner.

“What happened, Your Majesty?”

“Juth…” (Just…)

Mabel smiled vaguely and evasively. Fortunately, Madame Lupe prepared her to attend the dinner without asking anymore.

Dinner time was just around the corner.

Mabel finally arrived at the dining hall after holding Xavier’s hand and struggling for a short distance.

Esteban, who was very excited and arrived an hour early, jumped up and welcomed Mabel.


“Hewwo.” (Hello.)

“Welcome. Since I couldn’t see you after the morning, I was dying to see you.”


‘Isn’t it enough to see me in the morning, what is there to see again?’

Mabel gave a soft nod and sat next to Esteban.

Esteban grinned and watched Mabel’s every move.

‘…I should have called Oscar too.’

A flood of regret, but it was something that already happened. Mabel only looked forward with an uncomfortable look.

After a while, a feast began to unfold on the table.

‘Ahhh. I’m so happy…’

Mabel awkwardly grabbed a spoon and drank the mushroom soup.

The savory yet sweet taste was excellent.


Mabel, who diligently moved the spoon, emptied the bowl without missing a single drop.

Esteban stared at the scene without touching his meal,

“How can eating like that be so lovely? Eat a lot, Mabel. Cute little thing.”

Mabel, who slightly raised her head at Esteban’s silly remarks, mumbled with a mouth full of bread.

“You eat twoo.” (You eat too.)

“Yes, yes. Dad will eat too.”

Even though he said so, Esteban only watched Mabel eat.

‘It’s this delicious, so why aren’t you eating?’

She couldn’t understand him, but Mabel just left him alone and ate excitedly.

The baby food for Mabel was rather bland and finely chopped, but the taste was still excellent.

‘I love potatoes.’

Mabel’s cheeks swelled up with a spoon in her mouth. Chewing slowly, the plate was eventually empty.

“Ah, tho yummy.” (Ah, so yummy.)

When satisfied, Mabel put down the spoon. The royal chef, who was watching the Emperor from afar, shed tears.

“Your Majesty ate well today too…!”

“Congratulations, sous-chef!”

“Hahaha. Thank you, thank you!”

Not knowing what was going on in the kitchen, Mabel sipped orange juice as dessert.

There seemed to be noise, but she didn’t think much of it.

‘As expected of 100% orange juice, it’s the best.’

Now that I’ve finished my meal, it’s time to carry out the plan.

The meal in front of Esteban was almost untouched, but he didn’t seem to have any intention of eating it.

Mabel shook her head secretly.

‘You don’t know how precious food is.’

This was the difference between a gold spoon and chopsticks.

“Bu-Hwang.” (T/N: Bu-Hwang is what people call the Emperor’s father. I couldn’t find the official term for it in english so I’m going to keep it as Bu-hwang.)



The knife in Esteban’s hand fell helplessly. Esteban’s two shocked eyes were filled with Mabel.

‘This can’t be.’

He couldn’t believe it at all.

‘Mabel, Mabel called me first…!’

Looking at Esteban, who was so moved that he couldn’t say anything, Mabel thought, ‘What’s wrong with him?’

However, there wasn’t just a day or two that the bu-hwang acted strangely, so Mabel just let it be.

“Ah hab a fabor to awsk.” (I have a favor to ask.)

“What is it? Just say it. Do you have any land you want from the Holy Land? The country is fine too. You can take over the country!”

Esteban, who was suddenly overwhelmed with the request, began to burn with enthusiasm, saying that he would take over a country.

‘A country?’

Mabel turned pale from the unimaginable scale.

“Ah, ah dwon’t need ith.” (I, I don’t need it.)

“Then what do you need? Just say it. I’ll give it to you.”

“Aidwen.” (Aiden.)


The atmosphere suddenly cooled.

Then Mabel cheered inwardly. This was exactly what she wanted.

‘This is it!’

It was no matter whether Esteban disliked it or not.

“Rewease Aidwen.” (Release Aiden.)


“Rewease.” (Release.)


“You twold me twoo thay anythwing.” (You told me to say anything.)


Esteban cursed the him from seconds ago. But he couldn’t take back what he had already said.

“…yes. I couldn’t keep him there forever anyway.”


Mabel was flustered with the permission attained so easily and fast. She thought that he would say no. She expected a long scuffle.


‘I was going to be stubborn and get hate points, but I was wrong.’

Anyway, she was able to get Aiden out of prison, so one purpose was accomplished.

With a light heart, Mabel took a big bite of her dessert pudding.

‘Then shall I move on to the second plan?’


Today, the regular meeting was held.

Mabel, who touched her hair prettily, walked in.

Hearts sprang up in the eyes of the subjects who were waiting.

“We greet Her Majesty the Emperor.”

“You put your hair down instead of in pigtails today. You’re so cute!”

“The red ribbon looks perfect on you. Of course, everything would suit your Majesty!”

All kinds of compliments for Mabel were pouring out.

Mabel was burdened about it at first, but now she didn’t even blink at their words.

‘Anyway. Everyone’s blinded by power. They’ve been kissing my ass every day.’

Esteban lifted Mabel up and placed her on the throne.

“Then let’s start the meeting.”

It was time to review the meeting materials that each of the subjects had prepared.

Sitting on the throne gently, Mabel began to wriggle.

‘…What’s this?’

All eyes were on Mabel. Not knowing that everyone’s eyes were on her, Mabel focused on what she was doing without saying anything.

What Mabel was doing was…


She laid down on the throne!


“Y-Your Majesty?”

Not only Esteban, but also the subjects were flustered with Mabel’s sudden action.

However, Mabel went one step further and rolled over on the throne.

It was Mabel’s first deviation. She seemed unhappy to attend the meeting and sat quietly on the throne. She wore a firm and stiff expression too. The shock was big.

“Her Majesty…!”

“No, how could this…”

Mabel lay down satisfactorily, listening to the hums of her bewildered subjects.

‘Strike, it’s strike.’

The Mabel who attended the regular meeting in good faith didn’t exist anymore!

Mabel’s ultimate goal was to undermine the trust if her subjects under the motto of disloyalty. (T/N: Again, you’re two.)

‘I think it’s going well.’

Hehe, She couldn’t help herself and giggled a little.

‘I’ve been to sincere.’

Now it’s time to rebel. Mabel, who was rolling back on the throne, suddenly realized that the chattering had died down.

‘…what is it?’

Why do I feel so nervous?

The reason soon came to light.

“Her Majesty must have finally opened your heart to us subjects!”

“To think this joyous time would come…to think you would show your relaxed form, this subject, I don’t know what to do!”

“You look so lovely lying down! It;s okay to lie down in future meetings too!”

“Of course, of course. Let’s turn the meetings into snack time!”

“Haha. I’m all for it!”

All kinds of crazy comments began to come out. Mabel raised her body in embarrassment.

‘This, this isn’t how it’s supposed to be though?’

She was expecting to be kicked out of the meeting or be scolded. But what the hell was going on here?

‘Are you out of your mind, to turn the meeting into snack time?’

Everyone was so full of energy that she couldn’t say anything. Esteban, who had been quiet all along, spoke.

Mabel thought that he would lead his subjects down the correct path with his words.


“Snack time, what a fresh idea.”


There was no miracle…

“Stwike ith hawd.” (Strike is hard.)

With that realization, my second birthday came around. The day I turn 24 months old.


I sighed repeatedly and left myself in the hands of the nanny. The soft touch on my hair made me fall asleep.

“Why do you sigh on such a happy day, Your Majesty?”

“Ith it happy?” (Is it happy?)

“Of course it;s a happy day. It’s Your Majesty’s birthday.”


It was actually a very scary day rather than a happy one, Everyone, raise your heads and think of my first birthday party.

“Mabel. I’ll give you this country.”

“I abdicate the throne to Mabel Gardenia Ermano.”

It’s the source that made my life so hard!

I was so afraid of what gifts I would be given this year.

“Madame. Her Majesty must be cold. She’s shaking so pitifully?”

Lalima, who brought the dress, shouted in surprise.

Xavier quickly brought a blanket and covered me.

“Thwank you.” (Thank you.)

Actually, it’s not because I was cold, but because I was scared.

I wrapped myself up in the blanket and called for Xavier.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Whath abowt Aidwen?” (What about Aiden?)

“Of course he’s at the palace.”

“Aidwen ithn’t cwoming todway?” (Aiden isn’t coming today?)

“Uh… Yes, he’s probably not coming.”

It’s not that he’s not coming, but he can’t come. But I didn’t bother correcting him.

Aiden came out of prison about two months ago and was staying at the palace under the watch of the stand-in-Emperor.

I had never met Aiden since he came out of the prison because the palace was located in a remote place near the end of the Imperial palace’s fortress and was so heavily guarded that I couldn’t meet him.

‘A month isn’t enough time to relax.’

But I was getting closer to believing Aiden’s words.

I’ve heard reports once a day from the mice who I dispatched secretly with cheese, and there was nothing suspicious about it.

[The male only went out a few times, squeak.]

[The male tried to kill us. Squeak.]

[We almost died, squeak. Give more cheese, squeak.]

[Give more, squeak!]

Because they acted like an insurance fraud group, saying they almost died, I was ripped off for no reason.

Anyway, I’m glad nothing happened.

‘Why do I feel so unpleasant?’

Aiden’s purpose was also on my mind. It was when I was in agony with a serious face did the nanny take her hands off my hair and smiled brightly.

“All done.”

Lalima quickly held the mirror in front of me.

I was wearing a light pink dress. My fairly long light pink hair curled down with jewel dust glistening.

Finally, Xavier put on a red sash and all the decorating was finished.

“You’re so, so, so cool, Your Majesty.”

“Your Majesty is the most cool person in the world. You’re so brilliant.”

I headed to the hall where the birthday banquet was being held while listening to Lalima’s and Xavier’s constant praise.

I couldn’t communicate on my last birthday, but it’s different this time.

My wish for my birthday to be less flashy was accepted.

When I arrived at the entrance of the banquet hall, the servant announced my entering.

“The sun of the Empire, Her Majesty the Emperor, Mabel Gardenia Ermano enters!”

I entered the hall with a rather light heart and was immediately surprised.

“Thwis, thwis…scwammer!” (This, this…scammer!)

I was greeted by a hall more spectacular than last year’s. I was swindled by the stand-in-Emperor.

The nanny whispered in my ear because I was dumbfounded.

“Your Majesty. Shouldn’t you go to your seat?”


I wobbled my way to the throne. The stand-in-Emperor, who had come before, naturally reached out to me and sat me on the throne. I glared at him.

‘Let’s see, you con man.’

“It’s nice to see you looking at this dad with such an enthusiastic stare today.”

“Ah’m nwot.” (I’m not.)

“The shy Mabel is so cute.”


I gave up talking and looked around the crowd. I was able to find a difference from last year’s birthday party.

Although the appearance may be spectacular, the attendance was less than half.

“Mabel, we’ve reduced the number of people as you said. We took out all the foreign things we didn’t need.”

‘…was it downsizing?’

I spoke to the nobles who were bowing their heads.

“Wift your heads.” (Lift your heads.)

The nobles raised their heads.

Most of the faces were unfamiliar because it was the first time an official holding was held since the first birthday banquet, except for the regular meetings.

They looked at me surprised for some reason.


‘Is my hair messy?’

The perfectionist nanny wouldn’t make such a mistake.

The gifts were presented in confusion.

“It’s a fecundated manure of a rare southern monster.”

“This is the fur of the wolf king that we have been working to get. May Your Majesty have a warm winter.”

“It’s a drop of water from the Gabor Sirnik that has been passed down from generation to generation. I think it goes well with Your Majesty’s blue eyes.”

All kinds of gifts poured out. I don’t know what it is, but it seemed to be very expensive and noble.

Actually, I didn’t think it was mine, so I wasn’t impressed.

‘They’re stolen items that cannot be bought and sold.’

To prepare for my independence, wasn’t cash what I needed the most?

The gift giving was finally ending.

“I dedicate the fabric made of magic to Her Majesty. Congratulations on your second birthday.”

The subject bowed and left.

A gaze of anticipation from the gift givers were directed at me. They seemed to be waiting for a word of gratitude.

‘Is finally the time?’

It’s finally time to show off my long-standing ambitious plan for the abdication.

‘I’m sure they’ll lose it with this.’

I took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

“Gib mwe mwore!” (Give me more!)

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