Baby Tyrant

Chapter 41 - Everything You Want is Yours

Chapter 41 - Everything You Want is Yours

41. Everything You Want is Yours

Preparations went smoothly after it was decided that the rain ritual would be held.

‘The preparations for the rain ritual are written in Gustav’s tears.’

Because of the unexpected rain ritual, Gustav stayed up for nights and days.

Mabel deeply sympathized with him. On the other hand, she vowed to be deposed.

‘My dream is to become rich and unemployed!”

It is a betrayal of one’s ability to be Emperor and suffer from work.

I never wanted to be like Gustav and have to work hard.

Although it was the Emperor’s office, Mabel was sitting on Gustav’s seat and alternated looking between the hard working Gustav and the stand-in-Emperor.

“How am I, Mabel. Papa is working hard.”

Whether he wanted to appear to be a hard worker, he said that line every 10 minutes. I almost got a scab in my ear.

Seeing Gustav glancing at the stand-in-Emperor with anxious eyes, I could see what he usually does.

Mabel gave a sigh.

“Pwoor Gustab…” (Poor Gustav…)

“Hm? What did you say, Mabel?”

“I dwidn say anythwing.” (I didn’t say anything.)


Thinking it would be nice to read another line in the documents at least when he had time to say that, Mabel ate macarons little by little.

There were six macaroons on the plate.

There were three people in the office, so each had two. Before she knew it, Mabel ate up her two macarons.

‘I want to eat more.’

However, eating a lot of desserts was not good for my health, and I could endure it because I would eat again soon. I can endure it…

‘Looks delicious…’

When I was Yoon Gyeo-Ul, I had never eaten as much dessert as I wanted to, like macarons. The price of a macaron can buy you several ramens.

Maybe that’s why I was especially weak to desserts. If there was a cookie in front of me, my hand would move towards it.

Mabel overheard their conversation, desperately holding back in case she ate someone else’s macaron.

“I think the attendance list for the rain ritual has been sorted out.”

“What did you put Duke Javier in for?”

“Because he is giving the most support. Other than Duke Javier, others don’t look good, so there will definitely be backlash.”

Esteban ungratefully scattered the list and put it down. Just like the perfectionist Gustav, there was no place to modify.

“But there is one problem that Your Majesty has to decide.”

“What is it?”

“Whether to accompany Aiden to the rain ritual.”


Mabel, who had been keeping her eyes on the macaron, slowly raised her head. Esteban’s mood got bad when he thought about that boy.

He didn’t want Mabel to be interested in Aiden.

In fact, he didn’t even want to talk about boys close to Mabel’s age, such as Aiden and Enrique.

Esteban looked back at Gustav, looking away from Mabel’s eyes.

“It would be bad to leave that brat alone.”

“Yes. It would be bad.”

They were aware of Mabel’s gaze and kept talking, but they were pointing out Aiden’s “characteristics.”

The characteristics that when he was close to Mabel, Devlin’s king’s, Veron, magic would weaken and calm him down.

On the contrary, it meant that if Mabel left the Imperial Palace for the rain ritual, he might explode.

The remaining troops will not be able to handle a runaway Aiden, as he planned to bring a number of troops to the rain ritual.

Esteban made a decision.

“We can’t leave him here, so we’ll go together.”

It was not for Aiden, but for the safety of the Imperial City.

“The place where the rain ritual is to be held is the altar of the Western Sanctuary. The procession of this scale is expected to take about three or four days to move.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s any later, so make sure you don’t neglect the protection. Above all, Mabel’s safety comes first.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Esteban scattered the following documents and pushed the macaron plate in front of Mabel.

He was looking at the rain ritual’s budget and checking if there was anything missing when he suddenly realized that Mabel’s behaviour was strange.

Mabel was only looking at the plate of macarons, not eating them.

“What’s wrong, Mabel? Do you dislike macarons?”


“Why aren’t you eating them?”

“Thethe awen’t mine.” (These aren’t mine.)

Esteban didn’t understand what Mabel said. It was the same for Gustav.

“What do you mean, Your Majesty? That it isn’t Your Majesty’s?”

“Thewe are sic, I athe two. Retht ith Gustab’th and Rowal Fawthe’.” (There are six, I ate two. Rest is Gustav’s and Royal Father’s.)

The age at which you can indulge in delicious foods.

But somehow Mabel thought about others before herself.

Esteban himself was never taught how to be considerate of others.

Is her natural disposition similar to her birth mother, Siana? However, Esteban hoped that Mabel wasn’t just a nice kid.

‘Siana gave up a lot of things to others… sometimes even when it was precious to her.’

He didn’t want Mabel to make those sacrifices.

“You can eat all of it. It’s yours, Mabel.”

“Nwo. Rowal Fawthe eat too.” (No. Royal Father eat too.)

“I’m okay. Here, eat it.”

When Esteban picked up the macaron and handed it to Mabel, the child had an uncomfortable look and hesitated without eating. Esteban tasted the hopelessness of the ground being extinguished for a moment.

‘…you were never taught to be conscious either.’

Just what is happening?

It wasn’t enough to just show Mabel the world’s most precious and beautiful things.

The child looked at Esteban and Gustav alternatively before cutting off the tip of the macaron.

Her plump cheeks went red from the deliciousness.

Esteban felt a sense of crisis when he saw that. Even if the child was nice, she was too nice.

Suddenly, he was worried about how the gentle and nice Mabel would live in the harsh world.

He was protecting her now, but what if something happens to her?

Esteban grabbed Mabel by the shoulder and faced her.

Then he spoke to her seriously.

“Mabel, listen well.”


“Mabel, everything you want is yours.”


“If anyone says no, hit them.”


“Hit them and take it from them.”

There was nothing in the world that Mabel could not have if she wanted it.

He should have told her earlier, but it was too late. Esteban vowed to tell Mabel everyday from now on.

Mabel’s feelings towards her biological father were devastating.

‘…j-just what are you teaching a child?’

Esteban asked with an affectionate smile, “Okay, Mabel?”

“Ah dwon’t know.” (I don’t know.)


“Dwon’ hit people. Thath bad.” (Don’t hit people. That’s bad.)

“But Mabel, you can do that. No one will be able to disobey.”

“Ah dwon’t want to. Wha dwo you want me to hurth them?” (I don’t want to. Why do you want me to hurt them?)

Mabel looked at Esteban with discontent eyes.

Esteban’s credibility fell sharply. Esteban, who understood the meaning in Mabel’s eyes completely, froze in embarrassment.

“That’s not what I meant, Mabel. Papa said it out of hope that you will do what you want to do. Do you understand?”

“A wittle.” (A little.)

Still, Mabel’s eyes were filled with distrust, but Esteban was relieved with the improvement in her answer.

Mabel took a bite of a macaron and looked up to Esteban.

“Rowal Fawthe. Thewe’th someting ah want two do.” (Royal Father. There’s something I want to do.)

“What is it? I’ll do anything.”

“Ah dwon’ want to be Empewor.” (I don’t want to be Emperor.)


Esteban’s eyes wandered roughly. Gustav mourned briefly when he saw the stand-in-Emperor face in a state of an unexpected crisis.

‘You’re already wrong, Your Majesty. You can only be hated.’

Gustav’s inner thoughts became a prophecy.

“Lwook, you wied again, didn’ you?” (Look, you lied again, didn’t you?)

Hmph. Mabel went down from the sofa and wobbled to the door.

Esteban called Mabel desperately.


“Wha!” (Why!)

“…go after eating the macarons.”

In a very short moment, Mabel faced a tremendous conflict.

Macarons or pride? That’s the problem.

Mabel, who hesitated, crept closer. Esteban smiled softly and tapped to the seat next to him.



Mabel took the plate of macarons and left.

Gustav clicked his tongue, seeing the abandoned Esteban.

“Rather than that, should Your Majesty be surprised that Her Majesty, who is only two-years-old, can fully understand the concept of division? No one has ever taught her that.”

Still in shock, Esteban replied blankly.

“That… Mabel’s a genius, so…”


Gustav was speechless.

‘I want to go home…’


The procession to the Western Sancuary was unprecedented in history. The guards were especially notable.

“What, where… are they going to war?”

Lissandro roughly expected it, but he was greatly embarrassed because he did not think it would be to this extent.

It was where the number of people protecting was more than the number of people to protect.

Mabel looked around her surrounding surrounded by soldiers and shook her head.

“Justh lweave it.” (Just leave it.)

“Yes, well… I don’t know what to say to his Majesty.”

Leaving Lissandro behind, who seemed to be smiling, Mabel looked around.

‘Where’s Aiden?’

She clearly heard that Aiden was going with them, but she couldn’t see him.

‘I’ll have to ask.’

How did you know my ability and what was the meaning of the last note. ‘Viscount Targo.’

Without an introduction, a note with ‘Viscount Targo’ was so ridiculous that I sent [?], but I didn’t know that the note exchanging would be cut off after that.

It was because the mice were so scared that I couldn’t sent them.

‘If he’s nearby, I can meet him once.’

It was Mabel’s small hope that Esteban deliberately put Aiden at the end of the procession.

A face appeared among the busy people preparing to depart.

“Mabel. What are you doing here?”

“Justh.” (Just.)

Oscar naturally stroked Mabel’s head. Mabel found one thing different from usual in Oscar.

“Knipe!” (Knife!)

“That’s right. I can’t have anything in the Imperial Palace unless I’m a knight, but I’m outside now.”

Oscar felt proud when he looked at the knife hanging on his waist.

“I’ve been practicing my sword skills, so look forward to it, Mabel.”

It was time for Oscar to boast.

“It would be better if you didn’t have to show off your skills, Your Highness.”

Oscar and Mabel turned their heads at the same time to the voice that suddenly intervened. Indeed, it was a face that I haven’t seen in a long time.

“Enwique!” (Enrique!)

“I greet Her Majesty the Emperor. I haven’t heard that name in a long time.”

While she hadn’t seen him, Enrique, who grew taller, looked down at Mabel with a gentle smile.

“How have you been, Your Majesty?”


“There were all sorts reckless that happened, but let’s just move on.”

Enrique had also heard that Mabel had fainted, but he pretended not to know.

“That’s a relief.”

“But Enrique, why are you here? I didn’t hear you were joining the rain ritual…”

Mabel looked around in surprise after Oscar asked. For a moment, I forgot about the joy and remembered that Enrique was Duke Javier’s son. If Enrique was here, there was a high possibility that Duke Javier was nearby.

‘As I thought.’

As expected, Duke Javier was watching them from nearby. As soon as their eyes met, Mabel smiled reflexively. Oscar tilted his head.

“Mabel, why are you smiling.”

“Becauthe thewe’th someting to smile about.” (Because there’s something to smile about.)

Looking around, Oscar became puzzled. All he could see were busy soldiers, and Duke Javier was far away.

They didn’t notice it, but everyone’s eyes were on Mabel and the two handsome boys.

Mabel was indescribably cute, and the two boys were also quite handsome. So the three standing together was like a picture.

And the news reached the father.

“What? …Mabel is with a boy?”

His low voice was dull.

“And she’s smiling. And on top of that, cutely?”

There was a red flame in Esteban’s eyes.


Gustav touched his wrinkled forehead.

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