Baby Tyrant

Chapter 48 - I’m Willing To Be A Tyrant

Chapter 48 - I’m Willing To Be A Tyrant

48. I’m Willing To Be A Tyrant

Elder Clement’s mouth was stuttering with my confident nagging.

“Yelium… is passed down in the Holy Kingdom from King to King for generations…”

“You thaid ith mine. Wha awe you twaking it away fwom me…” (You said it’s mine. Why are you taking it away from me…)

As I pretended to be upset and dropped my eyes, my father, who was watching silently, sharpened his eyes.

“How dare you… you’re messing with my daughter?”

I cheered inside with my daddy’s unexpected intervention.

‘Nice timing!’

As expected, Elder Clement began to stutter in great confusion.

“W-when did I mess with her Majesty-.”

“If you dwon’t give wath mine, Ah won’t chwange ma name!” (If you don’t give what’s mine, I won’t change my name!)

I gave a critical hit.

“However, the conditions sent were clearly recognized-.”

“Ah dwon’t know anythwing abowt that! Retuwn whath mine!” (I don’t know anything about that! Return what’s mine!)

“Ah, um, that…”

“You’we a thwief! You twook whath mine!” (You’re a thief! You took what’s mine!)

I began to shout recklessly. Elder Clement was embarrassed and disapproving. When Gustav recommended ending the conversation, he quickly left the bedroom as we had waited.

“He weft.” (He left.)

Hihi. When I smiled satisfactorily, my daddy lifted me up and put me on his lap.

“As expected of my daughter. You’re so smart.”

“Thath wight. Ah’m smart.” (That’s right. I’m smart.)

Even if I am a figurehead, it’s been two years and several months since I’ve lived in this world.

‘Ahem. I haven’t been living for nothing during that time.’

As it was diplomatically intertwined, the issue wouldn’t be resolved like this, but I was satisfied that I had chased away Abelardo’s elder.

‘There’s a way to guarantee my position and rights in the Holy Land instead of recognizing my identity. I’ll feed you well.’

While I was thinking about this and that, I suddenly remembered the face of the person I forgot about.


“Yes, Mabel. It’s Papa.”

“Whewe did Othcar gwo? I dwon’t thwee him. Did he gwo to the Duchy?” (Where did Oscar go? I don’t see him. Did he go to the Duchy?)

I hadn’t seen Oscar’s face since I opened my eyes. If he knows I’m awake, he’ll come running right away, but I got scared when he didn’t come.

‘Did something happen to him?’

I looked at my daddy with worried eyes. He then sighed and patted my head.

“Oscar seems to have a concern lately. He’s been swinging his sword everyday. I let him be and watched first.”

“Conthern? What conthern?” (Concern? What concern?)

He’s still a young child, what kind of concern does he have to be so focused on training?

I looked at Daddy persistently, but he kept avoiding my eyes. Something that I can’t be told must’ve happened to Oscar.

I don’t think Daddy will tell me anything, so I’ll go see if he’s okay.


In Lissandro’s arms, we arrived at the entrance of the training grounds. I didn’t even go in yet, but I heard the sound of wind slashing.

“It seems that he is still training.”

“Let mwe down.” (Let me down.)

After stepping on the ground, I immediately jumped into the training ground.

In a vacant spot at the end of the training ground, Oscar was wielding a wooden sword. His body was covered with sweat and sand. Oscar usually had a smile on, but the Oscar wielding a sword had no expression.

‘I’ve never seen that face.’

The guy with an intensive expression enthusiastic about training didn’t even notice that I was watching.

“Othcar!” (Oscar!)

When I called his name, his eyes opened wide and looked back at me.


The sword in Oscar’s hand dropped, perhaps because his hands got weak. I smiled and waved my hand as I walked toward Oscar. But.


Oscar suddenly turned around and started running.

‘W-why is he suddenly running away?’

In a panic, I watched the scene of Oscar from a distance and began to run after him. Of course, I couldn’t catch up to Oscar with my short legs.


“Don’t come, Mabel…!”


Hek hek.

I even ran with all my might, but it wasn’t good enough. Oscar gradually became a dot and disappeared.

The waddling me stopped-.


I tripped over a stone.

“Euang. Ith huwts…” (Euang. It hurts…)

It hurt so much that tears came out. I sobbed for a moment and wiped my tears with my sleeve.

‘This is your second life, don’t cry because you fell.’

My knees were stinging from the fall.

“Aigu.” (Aigoo.)

I was going to get up, but a dark shadow fell over me. As I looked up, Oscar was looking down at me with a dark expression.

“Mabel. Are you okay?”


“Grab my hand and get up.”

I held Oscar’s hand without hesitation. His body flinched. As soon as I stood up, Oscar hurriedly tried to let go of my hand.

Squeeze. I used my other hand to squeeze Oscar’s hand.


“Wha did you avwoide me?” (Why did you avoid me?)


“So you dwid avwoid me.” (So you did avoid me.)

I stared straight at Oscar. He couldn’t hide his embarrassment and avoided my gaze.

“Othcar. You dwon’t lwike me now?” (Oscar. You don’t like me now?)

“Of course not, Mabel. How could I dislike you.”

“Thwen wha did you wun away?” (Then why did you run away?)


Oscar hesitated, sighed, and looked at me. His moist green eyes shaking greatly.

“I… don’t qualify.”

“Wha qwalificathions?” (What qualifications?)

I looked up at Oscar with a long face.

‘If he says he couldn’t keep his promise to protect me, I’ll have to hit him once.’

As soon as I thought that, Oscar replied.

“I couldn’t protect you after saying I would.”


How could you say exactly what I expected? I clenched my just and hit Oscar on the shoulder.


Oscar called me in embarrassment. I narrowed my forehead and shot back at Oscar.

“Dwummy.” (Dummy.)


“Stwupid. Poop hwead. Idwiot. Othcar’s a real dwummy.” (Stupid. Poop head. Idiot. Oscar’s a real dummy.)

“Where did you learn to say that? You can’t use such bad words.”

“Why cwan’t I! I will uthe them!” (Why can’t I! I will use them!)

Oscar’s eyes widened as I shouted recklessly. Of course he was surprised, I’ve never acted like this before.

“How couwd a bwother aways pwotect the wittle sister? The wittle sister can pwotect the bwother too!” (How could a brother always protect the little sister? The little sister can protect the brother too!)

I held Oscar’s hand tightly with both hands. His hands were rough because he swung the sword for a long time. How long did he swing the sword blaming himself? My heart hurt.

“…pwotecting each other ith a famiwy.” (…protecting each other is a family.)


“So dwon’t avwoid me.” (So don’t avoid me.)

Actually, I was angry with myself. It was natural for Oscar to avoid me.

Because I didn’t give him any faith. Unlike Oscar who always poured out a lot of affection, I felt burdened every time and was in a rush to avoid him.

To Daddy and Oscar.

It was about Oscar, but it was more about me.

Don’t avoid it.

“Mabel, you really…”

Somehow, Oscar couldn’t speak and breathed heavily. And a little bit later.

Warm arms hugged me. I smelled sweat because he was wielding a sword until just now, but it didn’t matter. I smiled and hugged Oscar back.

“Ah’ll pwotect you, Othcar.” (I’ll protect you, Oscar.)

“That’s my line, Mabel.”

“Ith mine.” (It’s mine.)

“Yes, yes.”

We hugged each other until Lissandro, who came to find me, called me.

As an only child, I felt like I had a brother for the first time.

A 10 years younger older brother.


As soon as I entered the office, two pairs of eyes landed on me. The poor Gustav and Daddy. I brought up the topic.

“Athign Aidwen ath my escowt.” (Assign Aiden as my escort.)


My father’s face was stained with shock. But he recovered very quickly. He collected his expression and smiled affectionately.

“Did you enjoy your meal, Mabel?”

“Athign Aidwen ath my escowt.” (Assign Aiden as my escort.)

I wasn’t easy enough to fall for a shallow trick. My father made an ill sound and held his forehead.

“That’s hard, Mabel.”

“How cwome?” (How come?)

“Aiden is so cruel he is called Devlin’s Devil, so…”

Father frowned slightly as if it was difficult to convey the meaning of death to a child.

He then peeked at Gustav and tried to shift the problem over. Gustav looked sad and sighed. He sat in front of me to match out eye level.

“Your Majesty. Aiden is a very dangerous person. He hurt a lot of people. We cannot have such a person next to you.”

It was a line that reflected Gustav’s efforts to speak euphemistically.

I laughed brightly and destroyed the adult’s innocence.

“I won’ die. Thwo ith okway!” (I won’t die. So it’s okay!)



Seeing the two people have nothing to say, I added on.

“And if it wewen’t for Aidwen, Cithewo woudn’t have been caugh. You have two gib him cwedit. Stwop tweating him wike a cwiminal.” (And if it weren’t for Aiden, Cissero wouldn’t have been caught. You have to give him credit. Stop treating him like a criminal.)

Gustav and Daddy froze at my conviction. Of course, I thought they were thinking hard about my remarks, but they weren’t.

“My daughter is so smart it’s troubling, Gustav.”

“…the genius of the century.”

“What should I do?”

“You should be proud, Your Majesty.”


They were thinking about something completely different!

“Papa! Gustab!”

They came back to reality when I shouted and stomped my foot. I ran and grabbed Daddy’s clothes. And I looked up with eager eyes.

“You won’t dwo it?”

I blinked my eyes.

“…I will. I will do everything for you. Aiden to whatever you want is yours, Mabel.”


The consent was given too fast, overshadowing the strong opposition.


There was one condition for Aiden to be my escort. To move within Lissandro’s vision anytime and anywhere.

He wasn’t planning anything suspicious, so it wasn’t a problem.

I chose a garden as a formal meeting place with Aiden. I waited for Aiden with the kitty.

[You woke up too early, Mabel.]

‘You mean about the healing ability, right?’

[Yeah. It’s still too much for your body to handle. But have good news.]

‘What is it?’

[Now that you’ve increased your sacred power… you can take me to the Imperial Palace! I can break through the barrier now!]

The kitty’s eyes were sparkling and gave me look full of anticipation. I thought of a stray cat rubbing its body asking to be picked up, so I giggled.

[Why are you laughing? Am I funny?!]

“No, leth gwo togethe, kitty. We wive togethe now.” (No, let’s go together. We live together now.”

[Finally, I’m escaping from this stupid forest life!]

I was saddened by the sight of the kitty running around the room happily. He pretended to be okay, but in fact, he seemed uncomfortable staying in the forest.

[So exciting! Exciting…!]

An exciting kitty suddenly stared at me, flipping its tail. No, to be exact, it was staring behind me.

When I turned around, I saw Aiden coming.


The kitty took a step backwards, hissing.

[I can feel the evil spirit!!! Mabel, avoid him!]

I ignored the fussy kitty and looked up at Aiden.

“I greet Her Majesty, the Emperor.”

“Hewwo, Aidwen.” (Hello, Aiden.)

Hair darker than darkness and red eyes like freshly squeezed blood. His calm eyes stared at me like the day we first met.

I offered him to sit down on the bench, but he refused and took a step back. I shrugged and sat on the bench.

And I asked what I was most curious about.

“How dwid you knwow?” (How did you know?)

It was a sentence that had no meaning, but he couldn’t not understand it. As I expected, Aiden wasn’t agitated.

“When the mice first came, I put my energy on them. The traces led to Your Majesty’s bedroom so I just guessed.”


I thought it was a surveillance method that no one would be able to catch, but it wasn’t. I realized that I would need to be careful when using my abilities in the future.

“Okway. I underthand. What wath the Vithcount Tago?” (Okay. I understand. What was the Viscount Targo?)

“It was Cissero.”



There was a cool silence.

I stared at Aiden with cool eyes. He had been looking at me without avoiding my gaze the whole time.

‘The effort to let me know was impressive, so let’s move on…’

Cough, Aiden opened his mouth I gave a cough.

“I also have something I’m curious about.”

“What ith it?” (What is it?)

“What did you mean on the last note you sent?”


The ‘?.’ I couldn’t say what I meant, so I smiled awkwardly and gave a rough idea.

“Uh, um… thwat I woughwy got it?” (Uh, um… That I roughly got it?)

“I see.”

I added timidly,

“I dwon’t wite often… acuawy, I cwan’t wite.” (I don’t write often…actually, I can’t write.)

I was very worried that Aiden might overthink the vowels. Was I suspicious? Aiden’s eyes became significant.

“Was it an insult?”


Ask! I screamed inside. What was that response!

But Aiden’s reply was quite plain.

“I understand.”

What did he understand? Anyway, it was fortunate that he didn’t press further.

We solved the little questions we had about each other. In fact, the most important thing was from now on.

“Aren’t you cuwious wha I chwose you ath my escowt?” (Aren’t you curious why I chose you as my escort?)

There was a reason why I decided to keep Aiden by my side.

Officially, it was said that a group of unidentified men attacked the Imperial procession, but actually, the Devlin Empire was the one behind it.

It was the Holy Kingdom of Abelardo who forced my potential to open up.

And it was the Devlin Empire that forced me to use that power.

They could have been conspiring separately, or they could have been working together. Whichever one it was, it didn’t matter.

What was clear was that the existence of the two countries interfered with my peaceful life.

“Aidwen. Ah nweed you.” (Aiden. I need you.)


“Twell me about Devwin.” (Tell me about Devlin.)

“I understand.”

Aiden didn’t ask why. I kindly explained why.

“Ah’m going to destwoy Devwin.” (I’m going to destroy Devlin.)

Just in case he was thinking about something else.

The one who abandoned Devlin and sought asylum in the enemy country. I noticed earlier that this boy didn’t hold good feelings for Devlin. It was more of a bad feeling.

“Do you wan two destwoy togethe?” (Do you want to destroy together?)

I suggested to break Devlin together.

‘We’ll be pretty good partners.’

Aiden kneeled in front of me.

“I will obey Your Majesty’s will.”

The corners of his mouth, which had rarely been seen moving, rose slightly. Strangely, he seemed to be in a good mood.

“Use me as you wish.”


That’s how I obtained an important hand for a comfortable retirement.

A very dangerous hand that used to be the enemy’s dog.


That night, I had a nightmare.

A dream where my past life’s family abandoned me. But it wasn’t shocking. I wasn’t afraid to be abandoned anymore.

But what scared me was the next scene.

“A gross thing like you isn’t my daughter.”

“Get your hand off me, Mabel.”

Daddy and Oscar shook my hand off and turned around.

I burst into tears because of the tremendous shock. I soon woke up.

When I opened my eyes, Daddy and Oscar were watching me with worry.

‘It was a dream.’

Since dreams are reflections of reality, did I always worry about being abandoned like in my dream?

“Mabel, are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?”

“Come here, Mabel. Papa will give you a hug.”

I was surprisingly calm when I was held in the warm arms. Daddy and Oscar stood by me until I was completely fine. Until the morning when the sun shone after the bluish dawn.

When I saw them, I had these thoughts.

I didn’t really want to be a great Emperor. A possible dethronement was good in its own way. But if anyone touched my precious people,

‘I’m willing to be a tyrant.’


What seemed to last forever wasn’t enough time to win.

The precious letters in the drawer, the four-leaf clovers that were inserted between the books, and the ten wooden tablets held by small animals, all of which were bound to be crushed.

My days were the same.

Time passed without a hitch, as if the more precious it was, the sooner it wore off, and the trees in the garden changed their clothes several times.

Before I knew it, three years passed by.

T/N: Not relevant to this chapter, but I changed the word ‘subjects’ to ‘vassals.’ It was hard to find a suitable word because all translating apps translated it to God.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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