Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 142 Red And Black

"Why me," Seth internally lamented as he found himself currently fighting what he could only describe as an alliance between vultures that had bat wings and moles that had fangs.

After dealing with the two snake-like monsters, Seth had wandered off looking for a mission, and as time passed on, the heavy rainfall had died off, the sun rising up so fast Seth wouldn't have doubted it if someone said it had simply replaced the moon.

With the sun shining, Seth had thought he would have an easier time navigating his way through the abnormal dungeon, but just about an hour into sunrise, he had stumbled upon a wide plain field.

With fresh air brought about by the previous rain and the light sun rays falling on his body, Seth had decided to go through the plain, his journey being nothing but peaceful and uneventful till he was about halfway through the plain and holes began popping up all around him with hissing sounds as vultures began falling from the sky in thousands, all of them diving down at him.

Throwing out punches and kicks was all Seth did at the moment, from the qi the monsters gave off Seth would place them at the rank 4 beast level, very easy kills for him, yet their seemingly infinite quantity made fending off their attack a stressful chore for him.

In the beginning, Seth had been throwing out hard punches at the monsters, but having to dodge their splattering of blood and flesh became annoying, so he eased up on his punches and began dishing out knockout punches.

This strategy seemed to work for a while, but in no time, Seth found some monsters he had already hit coming back, it would seem the monster waves were a combination of monsters at different levels, and that would mean a punch sent to knockout a lower level monster might not have much of an effect against a much stronger one.

The current situation called for a change in plan, and Seth had the option of trying to scorch the entire plain, but he decided to go for a more modest approach.

Rubbing the two rings on the index finger of both his hands, a great sword staff appeared in both his hands, and not wasting a moment, Seth swung them in an arc to his left and right, the sword staffs unleashing a black beam that blasted apart everything a 100 meter around him.

During his days of preparation, Adriana had taken Seth to the armory to pick a weapon, and in the end, Seth had picked out two swordstaffs despite Adriana's warning against handling two at the same time.

Two sword staffs possessing a two-sided blade at each end with various carvings all along its length, Seth had named them red and black in respect to their colors, and this was Seth's chosen and first ever weapons and he spent the rest of the free time he had practicing with it, and now it was time to use it in an actual fight.

Swordstaffs were commonly wielded with two hands due to their enormous weight, length, and heavy demand for quick flexibility when being used, and Seth having picked a two-sided swordstaff had to put in double the effort.

Given Seth's monstrous physical strength, handling a single swordstaff was far from a problem for him, but the problem came when he began wielding two at the same time.

With a single swordstaff, Seth could easily exert his strength from his arms into the weapons, but when he wielded two at the same time, Seth could only exert strength from his wrists, a situation which left him outputting a level of destruction way below his power level, and it showed in his current attack.

For someone of Seth's strength, an attack on monsters as weak as the ones before him should have killed off all the monsters within a mile of his current location, but soon Seth found the measly 100 meters of breathing space he had just created being rapidly filled up by the ever inexhaustible tide of monsters.

Seth was more than aware of his decrease in power as he used the sword staffs, but that didn't stop a smile from appearing on his face as his heart thumbed in excitement, sure he lost a lot of power with each action he made, but the euphoric feeling that filled his entire being as swung both weapons down at an enemy, his power output rising to over 75% more than made up for it, wielding the two Swordstaffs made Seth more than comfortable with them, and Seth couldn't wait for when he would finally be an expert at using them.

Despite the vastness of his received memories, Seth hadn't found any teachings on the use of two sword staffs, and neither had Alice been able to provide him with one, so in the end, Seth had been left to figure out how to use his chosen weapons, and Seth figured the current situation was the best time to polish his laughable skills.

Seth became lost in an impromptu training session as he forgot about his previous annoyance with blood stains and fully welcomed the showers of blood his every swing created.

Cutting up and cutting down, a crazy laugh erupted from Seth as he neither retreated nor advanced, just maintaining his current position while he and his swordstaffs worked together to create a blood bath.

Hours passed by and the sun which had been shining in the sky finally set, and the moon once against rose up, meeting Seth where it had left him, but this time it provided him with better illumination.

Some hours after the moon's blue rays had replaced the sun's yellow light, the onslaught of monsters began tapering away till there was none left, leaving just the lonely figure of Seth covered in blood and flesh standing on a tall heap of corpses.

"That was fun," Seth thought with a smile, the previous high wearing off, but before he could sit and have a rest, a loud screech filled with power sounded all around him, and a 10 meters long flying monster similar to the one that had just attacked him came charging at him, the creature flying through the air at breakneck speed at reaching him in seconds, proceed to let out a defiant screech as it passed by Seth position, losing altitude and crashing into the ground.

"Won't you come out?" Seth said as his figure landed back on the mountain of bodies, Seth having slashed his two sword staffs through the flying monster's belly, and then proceeding to kick it away before he landed back on the ground.

"Other than a quickly fading whimper," Seth got no other reply from the powerful monster which was within the ground.

"Probably thier leaders who thought I had been weakened and moved to attack me," Seth thought as he walked down the fleshy hill, and when he arrived back on the ground, he became stuck in the dilemma of where next to go.

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