Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 152 Hunting Fleeing Prey

Back when Seth fought Diana, he had to feed on Amelia's blood in order to be able to heal his injuries, but after breaking through two levels, his body had become powerful enough to heal on its own, capable of supplying the origin energy need to heal his injuries and given the extent of his injuries, a large amount of it had been needed to keep his body from burning to ashes, and though he succeeded in keeping himself alive, his new healing prowess didn't protect him from one thing, Pain.

Pain, at the moment Seth didn't know which was worse, that of his transformation or the current one, but Seth refused to utter the slightest sound to display his anguish as he clamped down on his teeth

Seth just hadn't been burnt in unending flames, with every regeneration he initiated, he had practically offered himself up for a new round of pain as the just healed flesh got burnt once more while the blood within him remained ever boiling.

"Ha, ha ha ha" Seth burst out laughing madly as he walked forward, he could no longer feel hold the pain within, so he laughed, using laughter as a means to express that horrible pain.

Why he stayed in the flame Seth wasn't sure, but on reflection, it was probably him punishing himself, and as for the reason why he had decided to punish himself, Seth didn't know.

Seth seemed to have devolved into madness as he moved forward, dropping Barl's sword as he made his way over to them, his footsteps slow and unsteady.

Grey seeing Seth's state felt more invigorated, guessing that pain from the pain had damaged him mentally, but even then he did not dare slack, he focused his mind on cutting Seth and went for a frontal attack, not bothering that he had left himself open as she went in for a direct slash, planning to bring his sword down on Seth and end him with a single swing.

To the watching Barl and Aimy, this was a very stupid move, while to Seth he didn't care, just continuously moving forwards seemingly in a daze.

Grey was just about three steps away from Seth, closing in on him with his best speed, a look of extremes determination on his face, but before he could reach him, he saw Seth almost disappear, Grey's eyes were barely able to follow Seth's hazy approaching figure, and with both his hands raised up and holding onto his sword, he was left wide open, unable to put up a single defense as Seth arrived by his side.

Arriving in front of Grey, Seth's right hand stretched out and palmed him on the chest, the first hit brought Grey's momentum to a stop and caused enormous damage to Grey who couldn't help but spurt out blood, but Seth's attack didn't end there as he sent another palm to the man's chest, qi spilling out of every pore in his arm as he hit him the second time, this time the loud sound of bones cracking spilling out of Grey.

After delivering his two hits, Seth rated Grey to be immobile and moved to grab onto his arm and pull him closer to him, but to Seth's amazement, the man was still able to put power in his legs and take a step back, narrowly avoiding Seth's grab, and while he dodges Seth's hand, his left arm came swinging at Seth, his sword tightly holding it.

With the memories and last embers of pain which were still coursing through his body, Grey's defiance pissed off Seth, and he immediately replied to Grey's determined but feeble attack with a kick from his right leg, smashing into his chest before his sword could reach him, but just as Seth moved to deliver another kick, he found Grey flying away from him.

Seth's kick to Grey while powerful should have at best sent the man flying over some short distance seeing as he had kicked to destroy, concentrating the power of his kick in one spot, but to his surprise, his single kick had sent Grey speeding into the air, flying suspiciously in an arc and away from him.

Grey's sudden flight had stunned Seth and made him fail to stop the man's body from flying away, but that didn't stop him from turning around and kicking up black from the floor, holding the weapon with both hands and then swinging it at the flying form of Grey, a lightening covered slash shooting out and immediately collided with grey, his form first of all being propelled forward before he falling out of the sky with an explosion.

With Grey dead, Seth turned to Barl and Aimy only to find them fleeing, his attack on Grey had been so fast that the two of them hadn't had the time to intervene, and now having watched Grey be killed, their hearts were filled with fear as they saw death as the only road ahead if they dared engage Seth.

Aimy moved left while Barl went right, not even bothering to pick up his sword,  the two cultivators splitting apart as they escaped, hoping not to be the one Seth chose to Pursue, though in Aimy's case, she had little faith she would escape.

The truth was the duo of Aimy and Barl could have easily escaped if they had access to a very important piece of information, and that was the fact that Seth couldn't fly.

While it was true that moving in the air was the fastest, it didn't change the fact that it consumed a lot of qi, and that it also left one completely wide open to an attack from any direction.

After watching Grey get brutally killed, both Aimy and Barl had been left a little traumatized, their minds filled with fear of what will happen if they went off in the air, the thoughts of how vulnerable they would be to Seth's supersonic attacks having them deciding to move on the ground and then take the air when they were out of Seth's sight.

The minute they both made this decision they were both domed as it wasn't up to a minute later that a loud ear piercing scream filled the forest, the pain behind the voice sending a shiver through Aimy when she recognized its owner, though the cry didn't last long as it slowly died off.

His lost energy replenished, Seth's figure could be seen dashing away, both red and black in hand, with Seth licking his red lips, and behind him lay the dried-up corpse of Barl.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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