Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 4 Bloodline Awakening 2

He had no reason to trust her, perhaps she had cooked up some trap for him, but the temptations of her offer were just too strong.

Having this amazing battle talent but not being able to fight to his heart's content, living as a weakling his whole life, and being unable to do a thing about it was a constant pain for him whenever he thought about it.

Yet here was someone offering to heal him, she claimed there would be no side effects and dangled the prospects of him getting a bloodline.

Bloodlines were one of the most sought-after features for a cultivator, many a time, it was valued more than cultivation talent.

Top governments on earth were known to possess a good number of bloodline wielders whom they valued and were given exclusive access to rare resources, while the big clans in the world used their ridiculously powerful bloodline to dominate regions.

The thought of getting one that was as strong as or maybe even stronger than all other bloodlines on earth was a massive temptation but this also made him warier of Rose and curious about her background.

She said she wanted to pay back the debt of him saving her life, while she might have had a hidden agenda behind all this, did he have a choice, this might be the only chance he ever gets to change his fate in this life.

All these thoughts flew through his head in seconds and when he come out of his thought process he replied with a simple " I'm in".

Rose wasn't surprised as she had expected him to agree, he clearly enjoyed fighting and might even be a battle maniac, there was no way he going to refuse a chance to get his hands on some real power.

After answering her, Seth could see a wide grin appear on her face and the next instant her hand which had been stroking his cheeks went to the back of his head, gripped it, and forcefully pulled his head closer to hers.

He could barely make out two fangs appearing in her mouth as his head was tilted to the right and Rose's head shot forward and her beautiful lips latched onto his neck with her teeth biting into his flesh.

Rose had met Seth on different occasions but never had she felt anything special about him other than his intelligence, but when she watched him fight earlier, the desire to have a taste of his blood began growing in her.

It was normal for vampires to show disdain towards the blood of weaker beings but desire that of powerful cultivators especially those of their enemies as they could absorb their essence.

She had come across one of the powerful figures of earth and had felt nothing but disgust at the thought of even having a taste of this figure's blood, yet here she was craving the blood of an earthling who barely qualified to be called a cultivator.

As she bit into him, her plan which had been to only taste his blood was forgotten as she found herself unable to stop drinking his blood as she moaned unconsciously at its taste.

The taste was far from what she had expected, she even had a hard time describing it.

If normal blood could be likened to water, then the blood of powerful cultivators could be likened to expensive wine but Seth's blood was different, its taste could be likened to that of the purest and holiest water in the world.

Every gulp of his blood refreshed her and rejuvenated her in indescribable ways.

She even had the thought that it strengthened her bloodline and it was the absurdity of this thought that snapped her out of her bloodlust, reminding her of her main objective here.

Regaining control of herself, she stopped feeding on him and began injecting the transformation venom into him through her fangs.

It was called a venom because of its ability to cause a horrifyingly painful death if one failed to successfully transform into a vampire.

She wished Seth would succeed as the cost of producing venom for a high-level vampire transformation was far from cheap, it involved her sacrificing some of her essences.

She pulled her head back when she was done and let Seth drop to the ground. She moved several steps back, waved her hand and a throne chair appeared which she sat down on, and then began observing Seth.

Seth had been expecting many things when Rose bit his neck, but he didn't expect her to begin sucking his blood.

From the moment he had come into Rose's grip, he found he couldn't control his body and now could only watch as she drank his blood.

"Was this her plan all along he wondered to himself, to suck out all the blood in me till I die" he thought?

The next moment she stopped drinking his blood, making him wonder what was coming next when he felt something enter his body.

He felt as if hot magma was being directly poured into his body through his neck, his body began trembling all over, and then he felt himself fall down to the ground with an even more intense pain washing over him, it was like he had hot ants moving in his body and biting into his flesh and organs.

On earth, bloodlines were thought of as a complex mutation in the body that made qi behave differently and allow its wielder to carry out actions thought of as impossible, but in the universe, it was well known that the strength of bloodline correlates to its age and peak strength of its past wielders.

But there was a secret about bloodlines known to only the extremely powerful in the universe, and that was the fact that every bloodline had a consciousness.

This consciousness exited in a different plane inaccessible to cultivators and it had two functions. One, it made it possible for foreigners to get the bloodline of a clan, and two, it acted as a faith bank for a bloodline.

Faith could be said to be energy gotten from the trust, confidence, respect, love, and pride one had in their bloodline, a populated clan filled with a history of strong individuals was bound to accumulate a lot of faith from their powerful emotions resulting in a stronger faith and a bigger faith bank.

Under dire stress or dedicated and intense training or in a moment of enlightenment, a bloodline clan member could access this bank and gain a fortuitous encounter, like gaining insight into how to better use his bloodline or his bloodline might be strengthened or even evolved to a stronger version.

In the event of the total annihilation of a bloodline clan, as long as such a clan had a strong enough bloodline consciousness, the bloodline of that clan could be revived with just a drop of blood from the clan.

While the bloodline consciousness of other clans needed just the faith bank to bestow bloodline power upon a person, the vampire race was different, to bestow their bloodline upon someone, their bloodline consciousness used both faith energy and the essence of the vampire carrying out the transformation.

All this was information even Rose was still too low level to know about, so she was none the wiser when a horrible clash between three different bloodline consciousnesses began taking place in Seth's soul as he trembled on the ground.

The dragon bloodline consciousness had spent the last 25 years in regret, 25 years ago it had sensed an attractive energy from a newly born infant from its clan and had arrogantly gone to check it out, it moved into the boy's soul without a care until it met that terrifying entity.

The dragon clan was a behemoth in the universe and as its bloodline consciousness, its strength could be imagined yet on meeting the entity in this boy, it had felt primal fear from the depths of its being.

It tried to flee only to discover that it had been trapped in the boy's soul, after blasting off its energy several times in a bid to escape and failing, it directed its attention back to the entity which had surprisingly allowed it to run rampant. After carefully observing it, He discovered that it was slumbering.

Stuck in here with no way to escape and unable to attack it for fear of awakening it, it did the next best thing it could think of.

It cut off the flow of qi between the body and soul which destroyed the boy's chance of building his qi pathways as the soul was needed to instruct qi on how to build qi pathways in the body. It did this to prevent him from getting stronger and supplying the entity with powerful qi which will awaken it.

It also tried its best to create a comfortable environment for the entity, with the boy's path to power blocked, he could hopefully die early taking whatever this thing was with him and freeing it.

For the past 25 years, its plan had been working quite smoothly till today when it felt another consciousness brazenly smash into the boy's mind without care just like it had years ago, and began sending out energy all through the body.

As consciousnesses, they didn't need a physical medium to speak and could simply message one another telepathically, the dragon consciousness hurriedly tried to explain the situation to invading consciousness but that just made things worse.

Of course, the invading bloodline was the vampire bloodline consciousness entering into Seth's soul and upon receiving a message from another consciousness within Seth it instantly became enraged and stormed towards the sender's location not bothering to listen to the message as it felt indignant that another being dared to possess the same body it wanted.

25 years of soothing this entity had tamed the dragon consciousness arrogance, and so it had made the mistake of sending out a timid message to the vampire consciousness giving out a false impression that it was a weakling.

By the time it realized its mistake it was too late as the vampire consciousness had already begun attacking its location with waves of energy.

The dragon consciousness had isolated the entity in a comfortable surrounding filled with its energy so as to keep it from outside disturbances.

The vampire consciousness noticed the isolated area but couldn't sense what was beneath the energy covering, so it carelessly attacked the location with full force to the dread of the dragon consciousness.

The next moment all the dragon consciousness fears were confirmed and its 25 years of patience were flushed down the drain as a primordial aura filled with pride and disdain for the world instantly exploded outward from the sleeping entity.

The terror brought forth by the aura snapped the vampire consciousness to its sense as it realized it had made a terrible mistake. Immediately, it turned around and tried to escape, but felt itself being held in place by a terrifying aura, unable to move an inch.

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