Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 71 Liquid State

"Uhhhh, I just killed two perfect lab rats" Seth internally complained as he watched the old man's eyes close forever, Treuchi's final attack while not being much of a challenge to handle had still surprised Seth, making him forget about his plans for an experiment,

"Uhhh I will just find some other test subjects" he finally concluded.

"Dad, Nina" a voice cried out and ran towards the dead bodied at Seth's feet, sobbing harder as he held them.

"What did he ever do to you, we had peace before you came along, why, why would you be so cruel" the young man sobbed.

"I can tell you a lot of reasons, but the plain truth is that I did it because I want to, I have the ability and the desire, and so I did it," Seth said and began walking away.

"My name is Evary Seth, feel free to look for me for revenge whenever you feel like it," Seth said as he walked away from the mourning man.

The sobbing man stared at Seth's back, thoughts of attacking him popping into his head, but they left faster as the pressure of Seth's aura left him terrified.

"I didn't expect you to be so brutal, you didn't even spare his family," Alexia said now floating beside Seth.

"No one would be happy after dying, not to mention the fact that you're also dead," Seth said.

"Oh, then you did well especially with that big-breasted whore" Alexia snorted, "but why did you spare the boy, what if he became a threat," Alexia asked.

"That's the goal, an enemy would always keep me on my toes, not like I lack them though, but the strongest can never have too many enemies" he replied.

"I have no problem with that, but Seth I think you've gotten maybe a bit too arrogant" Alexia tentatively cautioned, though the worry in her tone could not be hidden.

"Don't worry" am working on it, Seth truthfully said, his action of receiving that attack head on just for the satisfaction of overcoming it was a stupid and unnecessary move, and such actions were the kind of thing that would get him killed again.

"So where are we going now," Alexia asked as both she and Seth walked away from the pitiful scene behind them.

"To meet the first and last person that will ever kill me, "Seth said.

"Well am going back inside to sleep", Alexia said,

"I thought u were a soul, why do u need sleep," Seth asked,

"Souls aren't meant to just walk around in the world of the living, souls contain soul energy, and without a body, I gradually lose some of my soul energy whenever I leave your soul space, so I need to go back in and rest so I can regain it," Alexia said,

"So any more questions little bro," Alexia asked trying to lighten up the atmosphere as she floated in front of Seth with her arms planted on her hips, looking like an elderly sister who was lecturing her junior brother.

"No big sis," Seth said deciding to play along,

"Hmm, perverted brother" Alexia sneered at Seth with a smile when she saw him ogling her, and then she disappeared, returning to Seth's soul space.

Seth rubbed his nose, a little embarrassed about his inability to resist staring at Alexia's beautiful form despite them being together for almost a week,

"Then again she's always on my back, which gives me no chance to see a thing" Seth internally complained, though his mind couldn't help but wander to the recent murders he had just committed.

"Is freedom a prerequisite for evil, I am becoming evil" Seth thought, but quickly brushed off the thought, his strength would categorize what was good or evil.

"Come," Seth said shouted after walking some distance away,, and some seconds later his mount flew down and landed before him.

Back then Seth had been excited with his new powers and had decided to name Slowly, but now he didn't even deign the rank 6 beast bowing before him worthy of being named.

"That ungrateful bird was my first mount, it better not disgrace me," Seth thought in annoyance, remembering how slowly had taken flown off without regard for him after being benevolently rewarded.

Seth stepped on top of its back and with an order, the beast immediately flapped its wings and took to the sky, with Seth uncaring about the tragic scene behind him.

With the beast in the sky, seth set it on the right course and then sat down cross-legged on its hard rough back, he took out ten qi stones, and then closing his eyes, he began cultivating.

Cultivating was the act of drawing free qi into the body and then pulling it into one's dantian.

One needed to continue this act till their dantian was filled with qi and could hold no more, and only then would they be ready for a breakthrough.

The process sounded simple, but then one's qi absorption rate, which was the efficiency with which qi could be delivered to the dantian without it leaking out of the body, and most importantly the effectiveness of one's dantian at keeping qi without losing it were the determiners of who was a genius and could reach the top of the general level and possibly enter the Kaiser level.

Though cultivating was all about taking in qi and filing the dantian, there were different cultivation techniques that were capable of bringing about great benefits, back in Moroc city Seth had given Alia a cultivation technique that he felt would go well with whatever curse ability was, and she had been moved to tears which went on to show how precious they were.

Most cultivators took days absorbing the qi from a single qi stone while geniuses took around 5 hours, but by the time an hour had passed, the 4th batch of ten qi stones that Seth had placed around him shattered, all the qi in them being already drained out.

Seth had once thought of 100 lower grade qi stones as priceless treasures, but right now he hoped his murderer kept a good stock of them.

"Well it doesn't matter if she doesn't, I can always trust my rich pet to have some in store, "Seth thought with a smile, and then a thought hit him which sent him downtrodden

"A pet richer than the Master", and with a sour mood, Seth placed another 10 qi stones around him and went back to cultivating.

Seth was just over 10 minutes into his new round of cultivation when he felt his dantian begin spinning and actively absorbing the qi in the qi stones and his surroundings and maybe from his mount, and some seconds later he could hear it Roaring out in alarm, but Seth ignored it and focused on the transformation happening to his dantian.

His dantian kept on spinning, absorbing qi faster than Seth could while he cultivated, and as it spun, the qi which flowed into it got compressed further and further and some minutes later, a series of shockwaves went through his entire body scrambling his senses and sending the beast he was currently on roaring and falling to the ground, unable to properly control its wings as the shockwaves traveled from Seth's body to its own.

Seconds before they could crash, Seth's eyes snapped open as he regained control of his body only to find himself once again falling from the sky, his one time mount spinning around in the air and roaring, unable to flap its wings,

"My qi probably invaded its body when those shockwaves went through me," Seth thought, and a few seconds later, just as the tail of the beast passed by Seth's steadily falling body, he reached for it and grabbed it, and with a yank, he pulled himself onto the beast body and the next second he was gone from there and was now standing on the ground, the sound of the beast's pitiful roars as it crashed sounding In the distance.

After using his previous mount's body as a platform to jump off and safely land on the ground, Seth took the newly gotten calm to check on the changes that had happened within his body.

His dantian which had once been filled with qi now contained just a tiny black drop of what should be his liquid qi, Seth had advanced to the 1st stage liquid soldier level.

The greatest benefit of advancement within cultivation level was an increase in qi quantity, previously Seth had felt that his dantian was filled with qi, but after advancing to the liquid phase, it now felt empty, but then he circulated his qi through his body and then gave out a punch to his front and a loud clap like that of a lightning strike could be heard, meaning that though he had just a tiny dot within him, Seth's dantian was still able to pump out as much qi as it could before his advancement.

With a smile on his face, Seth took out 20 qi stones and began filling his almost empty dantian, and 15 minutes later and Seth was done with the qi stones, his time taken to absorb them alluding to the fact that an advancement in cultivation seemed to bring about an increased difficulty in qi absorption.

With a stretch of his stiff bones, Seth turned toward the crashed beast some distance away and trekked to it.

"Will you be alright?" Seth asked when he reached the beast's location.

Although he had no love for the beast, it had still flown him around and added to the fact that he was the cause of its current predicament, checking its welfare was at the very least his responsibility.

The beast hearing his voice roared back and Seth this time understood it, the beast needed some time to recover, but Seth wasn't in the mood to wait,

"When you're done recovering, go about your merry way," Seth said to it and then began jogging towards the location of his target, his eyes on the lookout for any potential mounts.

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