Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 81 Taking Down The Widow

While it was true that his breakthrough into the soldier stage activated several abilities of his bloodline, Seth had no idea which abilities he had gained given that what he possessed was a merged bloodline, and even though from his memories, he knew that vampires could feed on blood to rapidly heal their injuries, and even replenish their qi depending on the vampire's cultivation level, he had no idea if it would work for him which was why he had been hesitant to immediately kill Amelia.

After seeing Diana brutally kill her husband, Seth had hoped she would be grateful to him and let bygones be bygones, but unfortunately for him, the ungrateful woman had instead decided to attack him, forcing him to feed on Amelia and hope her blood could help him heal his injuries, and in the end, he wasn't even allowed to properly feed as Diana attacked him.

Though Seth's bloodsucking session was disrupted, his body had begun healing with some of his qi surprisingly being replenished, and now he had a plan to deal with the troublesome beauty.

.....Back to the battle...

With his roar, Seth reached the peak of his jump and then began descending, but unlike the disoriented woman, Seth fell in a controlled mannered manner till he was able to place himself some distance above her falling body.

With a smile on his face, he sent qi into the new space ring on his finger, and the next second a bunch of stuff appeared beside him in midair, but he was only interested in two things amongst them, he reached out for the two hand fans which were among the pile of things, and then without delay, he poured as much qi as he could into them and began waving them at Diana one at a time.

Back when he had been molesting Amelia, Seth had been thinking of how he could deal with Diana in the event she attacked, he already had his shaky plans of getting Amelia's blood settled, but now he was left with the problem of how to Defeat Diana if she went airborne.

With Treuchi, Seth had Raiju's Lightening and his flying beast on standby to easily counter him in the air, though now that he thought about it, Treuchi could have taken his family with him to the air, but unfortunately for the old man, he no idea Seth had lost his ability to move in the air.

Seth had prepared his "by my hand" technique on the off chance that Amelia somehow eluded him and got into the air, but he had used it against Jinkins, which now left him without a way to deal with Diana.

At the moment, Seth had only two long-ranged attacks, his dragon flame, and his improvised dragon roar, and both attacks while powerful consumed a lot of qi with his dragon flame taking a heavy toll on his qi.

Seth had pondered on how to solve this issue for some time before arriving at the solution of using Amelia's hand fan, he had seen her use it only once, back on the day he died, but remembering the ease with which she used it to fend off Treuchi attack, Seth knew it was a magic tool, perhaps a low or middle grade one he wasn't sure, but that fact that it could fire off long range attacks was enough for him.

Seth poured his qi into the fan which greedily absorbed it and as Seth swung his hands, powerful beams of qi came out of it and headed in Diana's direction, some went towards her while others missed the target, but that was enough for Seth as the now recovered Diana was forced to the ground by attacks raining on her.

Seth recklessly rained down as many beams as he could, not caring about the terrifying drain that fan was having on his qi, were it any other soldier-level cultivator, even the 3rd stage, they would have been drained to nothing after 5 firing off two beams, but Seth was different, his dantian contained so much qi that he had been misjudged as being at the 3rd stage soldier level.

Seth fired off a few more beams of qi at Diana to keep her grounded figure out of the air, and immediately he landed back on the ground just some distance away from her, he ran towards her as fast as she could, but unfortunately, Diana realized his plan as she shot into the air, not being stupid enough to engage Seth in close combat.

Diana had been assured of her escape as Seth was still some distance away, but seconds after she went into the air, she saw Seth turn into a bright beam of basically moving qi which her eyes soon failed to follow, and the next thing she knew, a pair of hands were holding onto her ankles, and with an irresistible force, they pulled her down, and Diana unable to extricate herself from the powerful grips, was brutally slammed into the ground, compliments of a now coughing Seth.

Seth currently lacked a lot of things, qi stones, a weapon, experience, and many more, but one thing he sufficiently had for now were techniques, and though he could not use his qi out of his body again, he still had his body techniques.

When Seth realized that Dina had recovered faster than he expected and was now going into the air, once again about to get out of his reach, Seth was forced to use two techniques, "shadow flight" and "shadow dash".

Shadow flight and shadow dash were vampire techniques that relied on the darkness element to quickly and stealthily move on the ground and air respectively, Seth had almost zero idea about the darkness element, he only knew that it was a natural affinity for vampires, but so far Seth had neither seen nor felt anything relating to it, he would have preferred to use one of the dragon clan techniques, but he knew his body was far from being able to satisfy its requirements.

Left with no other option, Seth had first used shadow dash to quickly cover up the distance, while using his raw qi in place of the shadow element, and then he quickly switched to the shadow flight, and fortunately, he was able to go airborne just long enough to reach Diana's rising feet, grab on to them and bring her down.

As Seth pulled down Dina, he could feel his qi going all chaotic due to his forceful, crude, and consecutive use of techniques he was ill-equipped to handle, blood flowed out of his mouth, ears, and eyes and he could feel his dantian trembling within him, struggling to contain the erratic movement of his qi within him.

Seth knew he was in a critical situation, and so immediately his feet touched the ground, with his hands swing down Diana's body and slamming it inot the ground, forming a small crater, he mounted her downed form, firmly planting both his hips by her side while his hands held down her hands apart and then he bent his head down and brutally bit into her neck.

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