Battle of Ascension

Chapter 412: Hope

Chapter 412: Hope

The dead silence befell upon the arena. In the beforehand six fights, the spectators would let outa shocked explanation Happy Guild members knocked down the opponent in one hit.

However, this time, the silence lasted longer as no one expected this outcome. They thought the kangaroo beastmen would be defeated in one or two minutes. Or if kangaroo beastmen was a little stronger, maybe it would take Alan 5 to 10 minutes to knock the kangaroo beastmen.

It was the scenario in everyone's mind. They did not predict Alan would be defeated at all. If Alan lost could be considered a shocking result to them, then Alan lost to against kangaroo beastmen less than a minute was a miracle.

But the miracle happened. Not only kangaroo beastmen defeated Alan less than a minute, but they also witnessed how powerless Alan before the kangaroo beastmen.

When the kangaroo beastmen started attacking Alan, he never let Alan free from his grips. Kangaroo beastmen plastered Alan despite the Alan many attempts to make a distance from the kangaroo beastmen.

The rank 5 Grand Knight in Royal Knight did not have a chance even to launch a counterattack.

Arthur also stunned on the spot. He could not believe what he was witnessing just now. But when Alan's figure fell, he immediately rushed to Alan.

Arthur was checking Alan's condition. Alan was still breathing, even though the breath was still hurried, but he did not find serious injury on Alan. Just he wanted to check further for Alan's condition, a cold voice traveled into his ears.

"Don't worry, there's nothing dangerous on him. The kangaroo just now avoided attacking this young man's vital spot. You don't need to worry about him. You only need to feed him a healing potion and let him recuperate for a day."

Arthur turned his head and he realized it was the referee's voice.


Arthur picked Alan up and gave a slight now toward the referee. He let out a sigh of relief afterward. At least there was no serious injury on Alan.

He brought Alan to Royal Knight's seat and failed to hear what referee murmured.

"The difference is just too big. Why are they so willing to do such an event? Moreover, there's also a bet."

The next match was back into the number one holder, Panzer. Just now, every people from Starlight had witnessed how powerless rank 5 Grand Knight was.

Kurt as the leader in the Starlight team could not help but hesitate to send his men to the arena. Starlight higher-ups appointed him to lead 20 men with him and the strongest was of course him. But in his team, he only had 4 people on a par with Alan, 2 men slightly stronger than Alan, and one who was a level stronger than Alan.

Of course, it was he who stronger than Alan. But it was too earlier if he had to join the fight. The only choice was sending the slightly stronger men to challenger another opponent, not the kangaroo beastmen. It was clear the kangaroo beastmen was on a par with him.

Kurt scanned Happy Guild's seat. There were 19 figures but only 16 could be challenged. Pristine was one people that could not be challenged and there was another couple beside Randy that also could not be challenged.

He was in deep thought, but then, there was a feminine disrupted his thought.

"Mr. Kurt! Please choose one of your people to the arena and sign the contract!"

Kurt turned his head toward the voice and spotted Pristine was smiling politely toward him. With no words, Kurt took the contract scroll and fell into another thought of his.

Pristine did not urge Kurt, but she only looked at Kurt with full of smugness. Earlier, these people were protesting because of Happy Guild only chose a little number of core members. The five guilds claimed arrogantly 16 core members were not enough to satisfy them. However now, one round just passed, but Kurt was already having a hard time.

"Krauser!" After a while, finally, Kurt called a name.

The man named Krauser walked to Kurt side. Krauser was the people that categorized to a slightly stronger than Alan.

Kurd got his head closer to Krauser's and whispered something. Krauser nodded his head as the response. After that, Kurt signed the contract scroll and hand the contract back to Pristine.

Pristine headed back to Happy Guild's seat happily.  She was sitting right behind Long Xinya and each contract soul that had been signed, she would give it to Long Xinya.

Kurt looked at Krauser's back and let out a sigh. He knew that they were underestimating the Happy Guild's strength, but he did not expect Happy Guild was this strong.

Kurt was the number 9th figure in Starlight and Starlight's guild leader trusted this mission over him. As for Krauser, if they had made a rank based on strength, then Krauser was the number 20th in Starlight and Krauser was the second strongest in Panzer team.

'I hope the skeleton is much weaker than the beastmen!' Kurt thought as he looked toward the opponent he had chosen for Krauser.

After the defeat Alan, it alarmed the other guilds too. Krauser knew that he had to take seriously the fight.

It was what in Krauser's mind as he walked toward the arena. Just as he arrived at the stage, with a solemn yet full of confident tone, Krauser pointed toward Kiddo.

"I challenge him!"

When Krauser challenged Kiddo, the other guilds no longer despised Krauser's choice for challenging yet another non-human opponent after witnessing kangaroo beastmen.


A childish voice rang after Krauser voiced his challenge.

"Finally they chose me! Boss, I will flatten this paled-man less than a minute! They dare to challenge our guild, I will teach them a lesson!" Kiddo stood excitedly after Krauser challenged him. His hand was itchy when he watched the others fought.

But the fact Kiddo had a childish voice and the words he said. It made the whole Colosseum burst into laughter, Krauser included. The words Kiddo said did not match with his voice at all. It was more like five years of a child threatened them.

"Hehe, he dared to laugh at me. I will kill this guy, I will show this guy who he provokes is!" Another adorable and cute voice rang once again, but once again, the threat only made the Colosseum burst into another laughter.

Kiddo knew that his threat was not working. He stopped his the tricks and the black flame in his eyes flickered fiercely.

But then, Rougher stopped and reminded Kiddo "Hey, don't kill him. You will ruin Boss' plan!"

"I know, I know!" Kiddo slapped Rougher's hand away and headed toward the stage.

It did not take a long time before Kiddo arrived at the stage with Krauser 10 meters away. With still blazing fiercely black flame in his socket, Kiddo scanned the opponent who laughed at him.

Krauser's weapon was a blue shield and a blue spear. Not only his weapon was blue, but Krauser was also wearing blue armor that covered his all his body parts.

Somehow, Krauser felt uncomfortable being stared by Kiddo. He realized that he had angered the skeleton before him. But it did deter Krauser in the slightest, with a blue shield in his left hand and blue spear in his right hand. Krauser was ready to start the fight anytime and waited for the referee to start the match.

Meanwhile, Kiddo stared at Krauser intently and then, the referee voice rang!


When Kiddo heard the referee's voice which was indicating the match started. He raised his hand toward Krauser and said with his childish voice.


Learning from Alan's mistake, Krauser did not initiate the attack. He decided that he would make a defensive stance while familiarizing with the skeleton's ability first.

Krauser became vigilant when hears the skeleton's voice. His eyes never left Kiddo, but then he heard a weird voice which accompanied with heat from below.

Krauser looked down and noticed there was a black flame lit up and circled him. When the black flame finished circling him, black flame pillar shot up.

It caught the people in Colosseum off guard. Even Krauser could not react with the sudden black flame pillar.

Searing pain immediately assaulted all over his body as the result and he let our scream.


But five seconds after the black flame shot up, Krauser immediately leaped back in hasty as he held the burning pain. He thought it would save him by jumping back from the black flame pillar.

However, when he just came out from the black flame pillar, there was another black shadow chased after him. Krauser looked up and saw the black shadow was the skeleton. It was what he saw before darkness befell upon him.


With a punch, Kiddo blew Krauser away. Krauser's body flew back and hit the Colosseum's wall.

The Colosseum fell into another dead silence. Ten seconds, Krauser lost to Kiddo in ten seconds.

After Krauser defeat, it was Wind turn. So far, the result of the fight was not to Charles expected. He could not measure how strong Happy Guild was. Moreover, he had a big purpose for participating in this event. Besides taking the territory from Happy Guild, he also needed to force Happy Guild to participate in the fight.

But it seemed he could not force the boss to participate if this continued. As Charles was in deep thought, he heard a youth voice full of fighting spirit traveled into his ears.

"Captain, let me fight!!"

Charles looked toward the voice and youth with silver hair came into his sight. This youth was the currently third strongest in his team and he was also Wind guild newly rising star.

Alwin was the youth name and he brought Alwin here to consume Happy Guild's boss strength. However, based on the current situation, his plan already failed. He must prioritize their purpose for coming here, taking the important territory in Russia.

"Good! Go challenge that monkey!" Charles readily agreed at the youth request. The 'monkey' in Charles' mouth was of course Marlin, Monikia Chief Tribe.

"B,but I want to challenge the Boss!" Alwin did not afraid of challenging the people that stronger than him as it would also make his strength and experience also grew.

He couldn't help but protest after hearing Captain Charles' order.

"No, just do as I say! If you can win against that monkey, we will challenge the Boss!" Charles whispered to Alwin.

Alwin knew that it was no use to argue further. He walked toward the stage.

Looking at Alwin who was going to fight, the Colosseum broke into discussion. It seemed Alwin had a high reputation even among the seven guilds.

"He is Alwin. A new rising star from Wind and people called him "Swift Sword"!"

Pristine already back from Wind's seat. He explained to Randy and the others about Alwin as she handed the scroll contract.

As Charles ordered him to, Alwin challenged Marlin. Even though Alwin wanted to challenge the Boss directly, it did not mean that he looked down upon the beastmen. He just wanted to experience how strong this Boss was.

Alwin scanned Marlin and noticed Marlin's weapon was a golden stick.

Alwin sheathed out his sword while Marlin maintained his position, standing calmly with a golden stick in his left hand.

"Start!" The golden armored guard announced.

Alwin immediately dashed toward Marlin right after the referee announced. He got a title Swift Sword was for a reason. Besides his swift movement, his sword technique also as swift as the wind. This was the reason why people called him Swift Sword.

In no time, Alwin already before Marlin and launched his attack with his green sword.

Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping.

In the span of ten seconds, a sound of metal clashed sounded for 20 or 30 times. The spectators at the stands could not help but feel marvel with the spectacular scene they witnessed.

They witnessed Alwin launched a barrage of attack which could not be followed with their eyes. What the spectators could see was the green streak line shot toward Marlin.

In the thirty seconds, Marlin was being cornered by Alwin. Witnessing this scene, the spectators let out of surprised gasp as a hope bubble out in their heart.

If Alwin could be defeated, then there was a chance for them as well. So far, they made no progress as if they met an immovable wall that could not be passed. But as the fight between Marlin and Alwin, hope resurfaced once again.

'We can still beat Happy Guild!'

Every spectator had the same though.

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