Battle of Ascension

Chapter 418: Crisis

Chapter 418: Crisis

Three years passed since the continent barrier disappeared. The situation in Asia, Europe, and Africa stabilized. It was in the span of three years, besides the human force, a beast also established their own kingdom.

For example the beast kingdom in Africa. There was an internal conflict which led the beast kingdom split into two kingdoms.

Actually, Randy offered his guild to solve the beast kingdom in Africa. Unfortunately, Africa guilds came into an agreement. They stated if there was a guild from the other continent stepped into Africa, that guild would become their enemy.

It seemed the guilds in Africa was repulsive to the guilds from the other continent. With that claim, there was no guild dared to step into Africa. Moreover, Randy and his guild also said nothing and made no move over declaration of the guilds in Africa.

No one dared to take the start, so until now there was no guild stepped into Africa, whether it was a guild from Asia or a guild from Europe.

Of course, Happy Guild was secretly supporting and doing trade with Limera's guild. Limera transported what Happy Guild needed and he brought back what his guild needed.

Not only Happy Guild but the other guilds also did the same thing as Happy Guild with a different partner. They did not enter Africa, but they could still do a trade with the guilds within Africa.

Besides the two beast kingdoms in Africa, there were another three foreign forces in Europe and Asia. One undead Kingdom at the north of Finlandia which led a massive loss to Heroes Land.

A beast Kingdom in east China. However, Dragon Dynasty claimed he did not need help to face the beast kingdom. The third Beast Kingdom appeared in Spain. This beast kingdom which led a shock to Europe.

In one day, the beast kingdom took Spain from a human. All the people in Spain completely slaughtered by the beast kingdom.

Once again, Asia Alliance offered help to the European Council to subdue the two beast kingdoms in Europe, but only got rejected by them.

It was a matter of pride and the European Council did not let the guild from Asia to intervene with the two beast kingdoms in Europe.

However, that was it. Even though the two beast kingdoms and the undead kingdom managed to take a few territories from Human, but they could not grow further under the watch of human's force.

The day they resurfaced and announced their presence to the world, they stopped growing. They could not expand their territories and force with the constant war against the human force.

But during these three years, there was a thing which baffled the guilds from Europe and Asia, America Continent. Even though the continent barrier disappeared a long time ago, they still could not head to America as there was another barrier that separated them, nature.

Storm, a huge storm surrounded America Continent which stopped the advance of ship. The ship could not hold against the giant storm that surrounded America Continent. This was the big puzzled that could not be solved in these three years.

Randy and Happy Guild was quite helpless about this. Even Shana did not understand how could there was a giant storm covered a continent.

So, in these three years, except for the prolonged war against the beast kingdom between a few guilds, the world was at peace. No conflict between human as many guilds races to conquer more territories.

It was as if the old Earth back once again. But of course, it was only a big guild such as Eternal Shogunate, New Korea, Happy Guild could have this peace. As for the small guild, they were struggling against the beast to maintain their presence.

Happy Guild Capital City, Evergreen City

Today, Evergreen City was bustling with many visitors. The city was vibrant with a lively atmosphere that hard to find in the current era.

Every people wore a tall hat, there was a tall head in smiling emoji shape. There was a hat in koala shape and colorful bird shape. People were exchanged banter with a smile and laugh. Each big district of Evergreen City crowded because today was a special day which only happened once in a year.

Happy Festival where Happy Guild held a tournament between the guild members. Happy Festival could be said was a holiday for every Happy Guild guild member.

Of course, the tournament was not the only attraction. Happy Guild lasted for a week and in these seven days, Happy Guild would introduce their newly created product.

Such as new food from a foreign ingredient, beverage, new clothes and battle clothes, new potion, new design equipment, new rune, and every single new invention from every division in Happy Guild.

But today was the last day of Happy Festival, today also the final of the tournament. The tournament was the main attraction which made the other guild's guild member envy of Happy Guild's guild members.

The prize of the tournament was a bloodline. It just that Happy Guild did not disclose the bloodline grade, a single word bloodline made the other envied Happy Guild's guild members.

-Evergreen Arena-

This was the place where the tournament held. There were two matches for today, match to fight over the third place and the champion.

Usually, the bloodline prize only for the champion, but because today was Happy Festival, a special event. The top 3 would get a bloodline as the prize.

The first match was between Garuda's guild member and Invincible Dome's guild member. The two were fighting over the third place.

Meanwhile, the final was between Garuda's guild members against Valiant Rider's guild member, fighting for the first place.

On the topmost of Evergreen Arena, there was an exclusive seat for Happy Guild core members and Happy Guild's special guest. At the west arena, Randy and his family there.

Besides Randy, there was three years old girl sucked and beside the girl was where Zhen Yi sat. Of course, the little girl was Aveline and she has grown into a cute little girl by now. The little girls had two braids, pink sneakers in her feet, and she wore a lovely dress.

However, currently, Aveline pouted her mouth and refused to speak despite Randy's constantly called her name.

"Hey, My little cute princess" Randy got his head closer to Aveline's and whispered something to her.

After hearing what her father whispered to her, Aveline no longer pouted anymore and her face brightened.

"Promise!??" Aveline had her pinky finger toward Randy.

Randy nodded his head and crossed his pinky finger with Aveline's. When the two pinky fingers crossed at each other, Aveline immediately pounced toward Randy.

"I love you, Didi!" She cheerfully hugged Randy's neck.

Meanwhile, there were certain eyes gazed at the two, it was Zhen Yi. She looked at Randy fervently, she was inquiry what the two talked about.

"No, Didi! Don't look!" Somehow, Aveline also noticed her mommy gaze. She immediately covered Randy's eyes, preventing the two had contact eyes.

Aveline knew well about her father and mother. Her Didi was the one who always spoiled her while her mommy was the one who strict toward. She did not want her mommy to disturb her plan with Didi.

"Good, good! I will not look!" Randy obeyed her little princess's order and looked at the arena. The match for the third place had ended with the guild member of Invincible Dome came up as the winner.

Now the final match was currently taking a place at the arena. The fight was intense, even though the two men already fought in over twenty minutes, it was still hard to guess who had the upper hand.

However, Valiant Rider's guild member made a slip and his opponent took this chance to take Valiant Rider's guild member down.

Cheerful cry filled the arena when the Valiant Rider's guild member down. Even Aveline shocked by the loud of cheerful cry.

But as the cheerful cry filled the Evergreen Arena, there was a hurried footstep came into the exclusive seat of Happy Guil. Randy looked at the door and Risa came in a hurry.

"Boss!" Risa called Randy.

Happy Guild quarter,

Randy, Zhen Yi, Long Xinya, and other core members gathered. Wisen also here, even Aveline followed. She took a seat beside her Didi and wore a solemn look, pretending to be like an adult.

"So what happened?" Randy asked. It had been a long time since they held the last meeting, Randy wondered what happened after the three years peace.

"First, Ascension Guild just issued Continent Tournament. We have to discuss this. But there's more. An hour ago, we got a report the storm that surrounded America Continent vanished, "

Pristine told why they were gathering here. Hearing the first update, Randy still looked disinterest. However, when he heard the news about the storm, Randy brightened.

If the storm had vanished, they really had to make a plan to cross to America. But it seemed the first two information was not the end.

"But our urgent matter is not this. Dragon Dynasty, just now they reached us and asked a reinforcement. There was a huge wave of monster and beast surrounded the whole of China. Not only the Dragon Dynasty, Sky Sect and two mediums guild based in China also issued a reinforcement to Asia Alliance! China is in crisis!"

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