Battle of Ascension

Chapter 429: China Bloodshed (8)

Chapter 429: China Bloodshed (8)

Randy stood on the top wall as he looked toward Tibet Region. Based on the map that Asia Alliance gave to them, there were two secret passages at Tibet.

The nearest secret passage was about 100,000 Km from Qinghai and the secret passage located in Tibet. They had to head there if they wanted to investigate where this mixed horde came from.

This was one of the most troublesome. If Randy was alone, he could use his Shadow Drive. So there was no need for him to face the mixed horde to get to the secret passage.

But there were seven people from Dragon Dynasty followed him and five people from his guild. If it was only with his guild member, he could bring them with Shadow Drive at a slower pace.

Randy turned his head toward the seven people from Dragon Dynasty. "You guys only need to catch up with our pace. We will take care of the beast and the monster!"


Under Randy's order, they jumped down from the wall. The seven people from Dragon Dynasty was hesitated at first as this was their first time, jumping from the 20 meters high wall.

Nevertheless, they still followed. When the seven people safely landed on the ground, Randy and his group were already 300 meters ahead. The seven people of Dragon Dynasty immediately rushed to catch up to Randy's group.

Randy used his sword skill, Sleight of Sword Expanse. There was a light sphere about 30 meters in diameter with Randy in its center.

The light sphere covered five people. Every beast and monster who entered the light sphere would be cut into many pieces.

Long Hanyu, Tang Ren, Yang Zhenkang, Zhang Hao, Feng Hao Tian, and Dongfang Yun followed with a shocked look on their face. Ye Shaoyang who always wore an expressionless look also surprised and it could be seen in his eyes.

Because of this, the seven people also did not dare to enter the light sphere, least they would also get killed by the unknown thing inside the light sphere. So, they were keeping their distance from the light sphere as they followed Randy and his group.

100,000 Km, more or less, Randy and his group reached the nearest secret passage in 20 minutes time. Everything around the entrance of the secret passage turned into a bloody scene under Randy assault.

When they reached the entrance, Randy turned his Sleight of Sword Expanse off. Only then, the seven people from the Dragon Dynasty dared to get closer to Randy and his group.

However, traveling 100,000 in 20 minutes, it was a huge load for them. Bead sweats converged on their forehead as they gasped for the breath.

Randy glanced at the seven people for a moment before focusing back to the entrance of the secret passage.

Right on the ground, it was where the secret passage located. The entrance was quite big, 10 meters long and 5 meters wide. There was also a stone stair led to the underground.

There was no strong beast or monster guarded the entrance. But the entrance guarded by 100 Legendary Grade Beast and Monster, 1,000 Emperor Grade Beast and Monster, and 5,000 King Grade Beast and Monster.

But all of them had died. Zhen Yi and Long Xinya had collected which one was the mutated one and stored them to their System Storage while the seven people from the Dragon Dynasty could only watch Zhen Yi and Long Xinya collected the carcasses. Of course, the mutated beast was not that many, only dozens of mutated beast.

Looking at the seven people condition, Randy decided to get rest for a while before entering the secret passage.

"We will take a rest for 15 minutes!"

Actually, the one who took a rest was only the seven people from the Dragon Dynasty. Right after Randy said this, David entered the secret passage while the others were killing the surround beast and monster.

15 minutes passed by, Randy and the other ignored the surrounding beast and entered the secret passage.

They entered the secret passage with David led the group. David had scouted the secret passage earlier. When they entered the passage, a stench of blood assaulted their nose. The secret passage filled with the beast and monster's dead bodies.

The dark passage lighted up by the torch on the wall. The dimmed light of the torch was the source of their lighting, though the torch was not necessary as everyone could still see after their five senses being enhanced along with their bloodline awakening.

They descended through the stone stair. It estimated about 15 meters down to the underground. When they reached the bottom of the stone stair, the passage split into two. One passage led to the left and the other one led to the right.

Randy guessed all the secret passages were connected to each other. If he chose the left passage then it would lead them to passages in the north of China while the right passages would lead them to the south of China.

Of course, it was only his conjecture based on the secret passage's location on the map that Asia Alliance gave to Happy Guild. He had to explore the secret passage himself to confirm his conjecture.

David looked back to Randy. It was clear, he was asking Randy which direction they should explore.

"Left!" Randy only responded with a word.

David nodded his head and they rushed to the left. During their rush, they also met the beast and the monster. Of course, David who was leading the group killed all beasts and monsters they encountered.

Did not know how long they had been rushing in the dimmed passage and they encountered another stone stair. Of course, they rushed to the surface and slaughtered the beast around at the secret passage's entrance.

Randy also wanted to confirm his conjecture about the secret passage. Sure enough, based on the map, the secret passage connected to each other.

After the group continued to explore the secret passage. Did not know how long it had been they explored the secret passage, they still could not reach its end.

When they decided to take a rest and go up from the underground, it was already morning. It meant they had been running for about 7 hours and they now were in the southeast of Mongolia.

The beast and the monster inside the secret passage slowed their advance. 15 minutes for rest and meal before they continued exploring the secret passage.

This time, they rushed the passage without stopping. As they kept advancing, they encountered more and more beasts. As they ventured deeper, the denser of the beasts they met.

Until then, they encountered the second passage that split into the direction since their first time entered the secret passage.

This time, there was no need for David to ask Randy where they had to go. He immediately led the group to the left passage.

There was no need for them to venture deeper. 100 meters walk and they found where the monster and the beast came from.

They reached the end of the secret passage and at the end of the secret passage, there was a mysterious black layer. The beast and the monster were coming from that mysterious black layer.

They stopped 5 meters away from the black layer. Even David hesitated to enter the black layer. In the end, Randy passed David and entered the mysterious black layer.

The others watched Randy vanished behind the mysterious black layer. After Randy, Zhen Yi and Long Xinya entered the mysterious black layer followed by David and Akihiro.

Long Hanyu and his group hesitated. After all, the most feared was an unknown thing. But they had reached there and they knew they had to enter the mysterious black layer to confirm the root behind the attack of their territory, China.

When the seven people entered the mysterious black layer, what awaited them was a bloody scene.

They saw Randy and his group were in the midst of slaughtering the beast and the monster.

The place before them was like a soccer stadium. But this soccer stadium located in underground and this place was 5 times bigger than a normal soccer stadium.

They looked down and they were on the topmost of the stadium. There was a stone stair that led them to the stadium. Right in the stadium, countless beast and monster gathered. Amidst the monster and beast, the seven people saw Randy and his group went on a rampage, killing the beast and the monster.

In the other side of the stadium, the seven people could see a big portal. 10 ten times bigger than the door teleportation and almost the same as the size of the teleportation site in Main City.

Right before the big portal, they could see 11 humans in blue armor stood. Besides the 11 humans, they also saw 7 beastmen.

They stared the big portal for a moment. Less than 10 seconds, the seven people noticed a group of the beast came out from the portal, about 200-300 beasts.

Looking at this, they realized where this beast and monster came from. They came from behind the big portal.

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