Battle of Ascension

Chapter 446: Change (12)

Chapter 446: Change (12)

Zhen Yi and Risman went to the opposite side. Zhen Yi had a grim look on her face as she went to check the surrounding of Glacier Island while Risman had a confused look.

Risman did not why suddenly the boss ordered him to check the surrounding Glacier Island, but he executed the order without question.

Meanwhile, Zhen Yi was sharing the same concern. Zhen Yi and Randy's detection successfully detected the giant polar bear while Risman failed to get the detail about the giant polar bear.


[Irele - Golden Blizzard Poer]

Grade: Divine Beast

Level: 1712



This was what appeared in Zhen Yi and Randy's eyes. Randy and Zhen Yi were not afraid of the Golden Blizzard Poer itself, but what he afraid was the creature who managed to kill this Golden Blizzard Poer.

Divine Beast in level 1712 was killed. Yes, the Golden Blizzard Poer in front of him practically died. It was just a matter of the time before Golden Blizzard Poer died. Randy kept his distance from the Golden Blizzard Poer.

Something that could kill Divine Grade Beast, Randy did not have much confidence to face it. Moreover, he had his princess with him, it would be troublesome if he had to face the creature who wounded Irele while protecting Aveline.

Of course, there was also a possibility that the creature who almost killed Golden Blizzard Poer was weaker than the Golden Blizzard Poer itself.

First, it might be that Golden Blizzard Poer was just given birth to the baby bear. A creature that just gave birth certainly became weak and its enemy took this chance to attack Irele who just gave birth.

The second possibility was Golden Blizzard Poer just evolved to Divine Grade Beast and got besieged by many Saint Grade Beasts.

Of course, there was only a small chance for these possibilities to happen. Most likely, it was Divine Grade Beast which stronger than this Golden Blizzard Poer who wanted to kill Irele.

Randy was thinking about the cause of the downfall of the Divine Grade Bear and worried about the hidden danger in the dark. He forgot that Aveline was in his hand and the wound on the giant polar bear was too gruesome. It was not good for Aveline to see this, Randy tried to cover Aveline's eyes with his right hand.

However, it was too late, Aveline already saw it all. She shoved her Didi's hand away. Aveline was not scared with the injury on the polar, moreover, her eyes focused on the baby bear who tried to wake the mama bear. She could sense that from the voice of the baby, the baby was quite anxious and terrified as it called its mother.

Sadness flashed on Aveline's face. She was imagining herself in the position of the baby bear. Imagining this, she turned her head toward her Didi as crystal tear fell from her eyes.

Randy quite shocked when he saw Aveline was crying. He became even more shocked for what he heard next from Aveline's mouth.

"Didi, will you leave me as well like that mama bear left the baby bear?"

Aveline knew that the giant polar bear was dying while the baby bear was crying. She could feel the sadness in the baby bear's voice.

Randy stunned and caught off guard by Aveline's question. But then, he understood why Aveline cried. She was affected by the situation that the baby bear experienced and she afraid that she would experience what the baby experience as well.

"Silly! How can Didi bear to leave my princess alone? Moreover, Didi is stronger than that giant bear! Didi would never leave the princess alone!" Randy kissed Aveline's chubby cheek.

"Really!?" Aveline was still doubtful.

"Really!" Randy nodded his head vigorously.

"Pinky promise! Didi has to stay with Veline forever, alright?" Aveline stretched out her pinky finger toward Randy.

"Good, pinky promise! I will not leave my princess until she marries!" Randy nodded his head seriously. When he said the last words, his heart ached. Even though it was the future matter, he was still quite reluctant to send her daughter away.

But just as his finger almost reached Aveline's, she immediately retracted her finger and said resolutely, "NO! I won't marry other men except for Didi!"

"Good! Good!" Randy was happy when he heard this. Though it was just a child who admired her father, this still made Randy happy.

They made the pinky promise and Aveline attention back to the sad baby bear. Though the mama bear was still alive, its breath was becoming weaker and weaker. Moreover, it did not loosen its vigilant toward Randy despite Randy had no ill intention toward it.

"But Didi, the baby was quite pitiful. It's still small but the mama bear" Aveline choked in the half-way of her words. She was quite sad as she looked at the pitiful bear.

However, Randy also helpless. Helping the mama bear? He could not as its injuries were too many. Maybe if they were in Evergreen City, there was hope. However, even if he could heal the mama bear, he won't help the bear. It was Divine Beast and everything on its body was precious. Moreover, he could get another Divine Blood Essence from the giant bear.

Suddenly, the saddened Aveline looked bright and made a request toward her father, "Didi, can we take the baby bear with us?"

There was no need for Aveline to make a request, he was indeed having the intention to take the baby bear with him back. But to make everything smooth, he had to wait for his wife and agreed to his daughter, "Good, but we have to wait for Mama first!"

Happiness filled Aveline expression as she heard this. She had one more friend with her after this. Of course, there was a reason to wait for Zhen Yi, his wife could talk with the beast.

Ten minutes later, Zhen Yi back and she shook her head, indicating she found nothing. Five minutes after Zhen Yi back, Risman also got back. The same as Zhen Yi, Risman also found nothing.

After Zhen Yi got back, Randy told Zhen Yi about taking back the baby bear with them. Zhen Yi understood Randy's intention, she approached the giant bear.

As Zhen Yi got closer to the giant bear. The giant polar bear's aura became stronger and stronger. It tried to drive Zhen Yi away with its aura. But then, Zhen Yi spoke with an unknown language that he did not understand.

As Zhen Yi got closer and closer, the aura of the giant polar bear also weakened. The giant polar bear and Zhen Yi began talking.

Five minutes, Zhen Yi back with the baby bear while the Mama bear just breathed out her last breath.

Zhen Yi told Randy the giant polar bear pleaded to her to foster its child. The Golden Blizzard Poer promised to give her bloodline and her body as a reward. It told Zhen Yi that it could destroy its own heart before it died, but if Zhen Yi promised to foster the baby bear, it won't destroy the heart.

Zhen Yi promised of course. Even without the Golden Blizzard Poer's plea, her husband would foster the baby bear.

Aveline immediately hugged the baby bear when they got near. The baby bears only half of Aveline height because it was just born two days ago. She was comforting the baby bear.

Randy stored the Golden Blizzard Poer corpse to his System Storage.

'Really, I have a big harvest even before meet the Lucky Pet.' Randy was delighted with the harvest. A baby of Divine Beast.

Afterward, the group continued to the penguin's nest. It took fifteen minutes walking to reach their destination. The mountain made of ice, Randy stood before a cave that not too big.

Just as Randy and his group wanted to enter the cave, there were seven shadows dashed out. These seven small shadows were of course the seven penguins they looked for.

The seven penguins encircled Randy's feet intimately. There was no need for Randy to enter the cave, the seven penguins approached him voluntarily. It because this Lucky Pet could detect the people with Lucky Stat, it knew that the person with Lucky Stat would spoil and treasure them.

Risman was shocked, he could not believe what he saw. The penguin who always cautious and avoided the human now acted intimately with the boss. He had experienced how hard to track these seven penguins, yet Boss just stood there and the seven penguins approached him intimately. It was as if the penguin had found their true owner.

'If the Boss can catch the penguin with ease like this, isn't it better if the Boss looks for the penguin personally?' Thought Risman bitterly.

He and his groups suffered in order to track the penguins. However, Boss was doing nothing but managed to tame the penguin. The penguin even approached the Boss voluntarily.

"Didi, is this penguin you talked about?" Aveline asked curiously. She was asking the question she already knew the answer.

Randy nodded his head. With this, Randy's Lucky Pet increased once again. With the seven penguins, he had 10 Lucky Pets.

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