Battle of Ascension

Chapter 454: Change (20)

Chapter 454: Change (20)

Yes, the matter about Ravendawn Empire had spread to East City. The six medium guilds which opposed Happy Guild grew fearful when this news came up.

They got this information from East Forum. There was a publisher released this news an hour after Happy Guild launched the counter-attack. What did it mean? It meant Happy Guild crushed Ravendawn Empire in an hour.

No, in the post, the post wrote most of the Ravendawn Empire's force surrendered after half an hour fight. The half-hour later, Happy Guild hunted down the people who still resisted. Even though the post was not detailed, but the conclusion was clear. Ravendawn Empire fell.

As for the fate of Celiker Yavas, no one knew. Along with the two vice leaders of Ravendawn Empire, Celiker Yavas's fate was unknown. However, there was a rumor spread that Celiker Yavas died. There was a rumor said Celiker Yavas was running away. There was a rumor said Celiker Yavas became Happy Guild captive.

But it was just a rumor, no one knew what happened to Celiker Yavas. However, after half an hour the news Ravendawn Empire fell, East Forum exploded once more, Celiker Yavas and two vice leaders, Ahmed Saleh and Aqeel al-Tamer died.

Everyone believed this as they could see that Celiker Yavas, Ahmed Saleh, and Aqeel al-Tamer vanished from the Ranking Level. Their names were missing along with the high-ranking members of Ravendawn Empire from the top 100 Ranking Level.

When the six medium guilds received this information, they scared, thoroughly scared. Ravendawn Empire, even though it was not the strongest guild. However, Ravendawn Empire was known with the second largest forces after Dragon Dynasty.

Yes, the population of Ravendawn Empire was enormous. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan territories were under Ravendawn Empire. Ravendawn Empire was the ranking fourth in population after the Dragon Dynasty, Eternal Shogunate, and Happy Guild.

Not only that, but there were also 19 people from Ravendawn Empire entered the top 100 Ranking Level. However, all of this was nothing to Happy Guild.

19 names vanished from the Ranking Level and half of the Ravendawn forces surrendered. This made the six medium guilds scared. Before, the four medium guilds force died without knowing how. This alone already made them grew fearful of Happy Guild.

However, at that time, Celiker Yavas calmed them down and proposed to increase their force massively. The six guild leaders of the medium guild did as Celiker Yavas orders them to.

Now the person who ordered them to increase their force was gone and crumbled along with his guild. Terror, regret, despair, and fear feeling mixed deep inside.

They truly regretted their decision for opposing such colossal guild. But it was too late to regret now. What they needed to do was to solve the crisis.

There was no need for them to continue this campaign against as the result was as clear as crystal water. Even the six medium guilds united their force, they were not confident they could win against Ravendawn Empire.

Moreover, what made them confident was the bloodline army Ravendawn Empire trained. They thought with over a hundred thousand bloodline armies, they could topple Happy Guild. But the result showed then otherwise.

As for how they solved the current crisis, the only way was to apologize and compensation. This was the only way they could think. As for Warlord, they never placed a single hope on Warlord at all.

Yes, after the news of Celiker Yavas died spread, Subas Banstola reached then. Warlord wanted them to unite their force to fight to the death against Happy Guild. But after the fall of Ravendawn Empire, the six medium guilds totally gave up.

Now, the Happy Guild forces were split up. If they united their force, Happy Guild would do the same. Less than a million Happy Guild forces crushed the almost thirty million Ravendawn Empire forces. This showed the terror of Happy Guild forces and also crushed their will to fight against Happy Guild.

The six guild leaders of the medium guilds gathered. They even wanted to cede their territory for the compensation. But then, they got the reply from Happy Guild, Happy Guild refused to talk peace with them. And then, the six guild leaders panicked and despair showed on their expression.

The six guild leaders realized Happy Guild wanted to use them to warn the others. If Happy Guild destroyed the alliance of 12 guilds, in the future, there would be fewer people would oppose Happy Guild.

One guild leader out of the six medium guilds clenched his teeth and voiced out his opinion.

"If Happy Guild does not want to make peace with us, then we only need to force Happy Guild!"

The other five people looked to the voice. Actually, when they heard the word "force Happy Guild to", the other five guild leaders wanted to reject this idea. They thought this was enough already and wanted to get a better solution. However, they realized that except made peace with Happy Guild, they had no way to solve this crisis. The other five leaders decided to listen instead of rejecting, but how

"We can use the forum. If Happy Guild does not want to make peace, then we only need to make it happen. We will express our regret and make apologies, then we will show our intention to make peace with them. I believe many people"

The guild leader began elaborating his idea to the other guild leaders. He wanted to use the public to pressure Happy Guild to make peace with them. Even though this action would make the other guild despise or even look down upon them, but the public would not. They would support them, at least it was his thought when this guild leader voiced his idea.

Moreover, Happy Guild was known for its good reputation. If Happy Guild still refused to make peace with them, it would stain the Happy Guild name which known to a guild that loved peace.

The other five guild leaders immediately agreed at this idea. This idea was feasible, they could force Happy Guild to sign a peace with this. At least, this was the best idea they could have for now.

After that, the six guild leaders immediately posted an official post simultaneously. Of course, they did not tell the public Happy Guild had rejected their proposal. Even though they wanted to force Happy Guild to make peace, they knew their limit.

Warlord Territory, East King Castle

Subas Banstola regarded himself as the King, that was why he built a grand castle and named it East King Castle. Currently, the upper echelon Warlord gathered. Even though they did not initiate a peace talk, it did not mean they did not feel nervous.

Instead, the atmosphere in the meeting room was quite restless and intense. Soon, there was a woman rushed toward the meeting room. This woman was Subas Banstola's woman and she was in charge of Warlord's internal affair of Easy King Castle.

"Dear, it's bad news. The six medium guilds have released out an official office" The woman in brown hair quite flustered as she rushed in.

Hearing this, the people in the meeting room immediately opened the East Forum. They wanted to read by themselves, the official post of the six medium guilds.

The official post of the six medium guilds was quite long. It took them five minutes to finish reading the post. As soon as he finished reading the post, Subas Banstola slammed his fist to the table, at the same time he cursed these six medium guilds.

Bam! Crack!


The table cracked under Subas Banstola's fist. He had heard about the plan to make peace with the Happy Guild. He thought this idea was the best way to solve the current crisis.

However, to make peace, they had to know the stand of Happy Guild. Subas Banstola also wanted to make peace. But then, Happy Guild refused, then he realized that Happy Guild would not let them off the hook just like that. Instead, he had a hunch they would be the target of Happy Guild to warn the others. It just that Subas was not sure about this, but it most likely

He knew these six mediums's idea, they wanted to force Happy Guild to make peace. But forcing Happy Guild to make peace in this current situation? It was a fool action.

Will Happy Guild sign peace with them? The answer absolutely no. He knew clearly about Happy Guild. As long as no one started, Happy Guild would not start. However, now they started it, they initiated to war against Happy Guild. He knew that Happy Guild would not let them off after what they did.

"It seems my friend is in distress. How about I offer advice for you?"

Suddenly there was an unfamiliar voice resounded inside the meeting room. Everyone in the meeting room looked toward the voice and found five figures.

Three figures were human and the other two figures were beastmen.

Subas recognized the three men, they were the missing Evil Clan guild leader and his two vice leaders. Joseph Triston, Vanus Sebastian, and Amir. These three men were the wanted men by Happy Guild.

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