Battle of Ascension

Chapter 459: World Contest (4)

Chapter 459: World Contest (4)

Assassination left a deep trauma and scar to his daughter. He even watched himself how her daughter trembled and frightened she was even after passed the critical condition. Moreover, during the process of intoxication, he also witnessed his daughter suffered deep pain.

Just imagining three years old child struggled against violent poison already angered him. Let alone that three years old child was his daughter. Moreover, that poison almost took her daughter forever from him. Randy could not imagine if

Thinking here, Randy shook his head. He did not dare to continue to imagine such a thing. Maybe if he lost his daughter at that time he would go insane? But it did not matter now, Aveline was saved, but it did not mean the problem was over.

The person behind the assassination was still alive. Now he was doing the retaliation to the culprit behind the assassination. He witnessed his daughter suffered greatly with his own eyes during the ten minutes intoxication.

At that time he thought of killing the culprit, but he realized death was too good for them. That was why he formulated a plan, blood for blood. They almost killed her daughter with poison, then he would pay back with poison as well.

Happy Guild had Potion Encyclopedia, not only covered making a potion, but there were many types of poison in Potion Encyclopedia. He requested Happy Potion Hall to make 200 kinds of poison. He planned to suffer the culprit for a hundred days.

Even though this was against his conscience, but he had to be ruthless when it related to his closest safety. Moreover, he almost lost his precious daughter, he felt 100 days were too short.

However, later he found the culprit was Long Xinya's family member. One was her cousin while the other was her big brother from a different mother. For Long Xinya face, Randy decided to not kill these two, but of course these two had to pay the price.

Randy instilled this idea and shorten the time to a month. But the last report he received from the person who was responsible for the two prisoners said that if this continued, these two would experience a mental break down.

Long Hanyu was okay, he had a tenacious will. Despite suffering lethal poison in the last three week, he did not show a sign of mental breakdown. But it was different when came to Long Zhemin. Lately, Long Zhemin tried to kill himself. After being fed by poison, later Long Zhemin refused to drink the antidote.

Receiving this report, Randy knew Long Zhemin was at his limit. If Randy insisted to continue for a month, maybe Long Zhemin would go insane already. It was an indeed worse punishment than death. However, once again, Randy could not bring himself to use such mean to retaliate. He was not cruel enough to do this.

If Long Zhemin went insane, he did not know how to face Long Xinya later. Even though on the outside, she looked cold and indifferent, but his wife told him Long Xinya definitely cared for her own family. Cold on the outside but weak inside, it was the same as Zhen Yi.

Therefore, Randy decided to release these two out today. Today was the day of the World Contest started, Randy would not be able to keep on watch on these two anymore as he would participate in the World Contest.

"I have good news for you two, you will be free from today onwards!"

Randy's words were akin to an angel to Long Zhemin and Long Hanyu. Their bodies trembled voluntarily. Then, a sob sounded in the room, it was Long Zhemin.

He tried to suppress his voice but in such a quiet room, it was inevitable to be heard. At first, Long Zhemin tried to suppress his sob, but then he realized it was impossible for the other people to not hear his sob. In the end, he just went all out, sobbing as hard as he can.

This proved the report was true. If Randy insisted to fed Long Zhemin with poison for another seven days. Long Zhemin would go insane for real.

"But this is the last time I will forgive you! Long Xinya face can only buy your lives once. If there's next" Randy did not need finishing his words as Long Zhemin and Long Hanyu could fill the blank by themselves.

These words were telling them Randy forgiven them because of Long Xinya. Then, if next time they fell into Randy's hand once again, it would be worse than this.

Long Hanyu and Long Zhemin body shuddered voluntarily. Long Hanyu, despite having a tenacious will, he still afraid of Randy after experiencing such hell. This place was hell and Randy was the devil here.

Deep inside, Long Hanyu did not dare to believe Randy would torture them in such a way. As for why he could survive until now, it was because of his father, because of Long Tianyu.

If at that time Long Tianyu did not smile to him, he would be the first would have a mental breakdown. If Long Tianyu did not send that message at that time If he did not read the last words his father sent that day, he would be the first one would collapse.

Randy immediately turned back after saying his words. If he kept looking at these two, he would always remember the pain her daughter suffered.

"Wait!" A weak yet hoarse voice sounded.

Randy halted his steps and looked back. He saw Long Hanyu was trying to stand. Relying on the wall, Long Hanyu could stand and meet his eyes with Randy's eyes.

"I-I am-m sorry!"

Hearing this, Randy shocked. He did not dare to believe that the person he poisoned for three weeks would say this to him.

If Long Hanyu had a deep hatred toward him, Randy found it was normal. But apologizing after being poisoned, this somewhat...

'Does poison change the person?' Randy could not help but think like this.

'But if the poison can change the person, this is a good deed!' Thought Randy absentmindedly.

"Also, can you tell sorry to my sister?" Long Hanyu continued.

Currently, Long Hanyu looked pitiful and with these words, Randy confirmed his thought.

'Poison can really change the person mind.'

"No! If there are words you wanted to say to your sister, you have to say it directly! I am not your lackey!" Instantly, Randy gave the reply.

After that, he left the room. Leaving the crying Long Zhemin and Long Hanyu.

East City Center

East City center crowded with many people. Today, the World Contest formally started. During the World Contest, declaring war was prohibited. So the guild could leave the territory with ease.

Moreover, this applied to all races. The same for the beast, the monster, and other races. They could attack human territories during the World Contest.

With this issue came out, this brought relief to many guilds. They could bring their core member to participate in the World Contest. Happy Guild also the same, Randy brought his core member with him.

The formation of Happy Guild brought much attention. Randy, Zhen Yi, Long Xinya, Udin, Gusti, Erwin, Asuka, Akihiro, Pristine and along with the core of high-grade bloodline members. David's fame was not that big in Asia and in the last three years, he had been low-key all this time.

Of course, bringing such forces, Happy Guild purpose was not only the 1st place. But the native of Dimensional Island! Their main target was the Dimensional Island, their blood essence.

The most important condition during the World Contest, the hundred people from the same guild would be placed randomly in Dimensional Island. However, during the World Contest, a guild could create a team with a maximum member of ten people.

Happy Guild divided into 11 teams. Randy, Zhen Yi, Long Xinya, and David were the first team. This team aimed for the Mythical and Saint Grade Native.

The second team comprised Pristine, Akihiro, Asuka, Udin, Gusti, and Erwin. The second team aimed for Legendary and Mythical Grade Native.

The rest team compromised with Legendary Grade bloodline to King Grade bloodline guild members. They would be aiming Legendary Grade Native and lower. Happy Guild main target was not the Mythical grade set equipment, but the blood essence.

Just as the center city bustling with many voices, suddenly the ground vibrated, and there was a portal with 10 meters tall and 5 meters wide.

"Attention! Attention! This is the portal which leads you to Dimensional Island. I will call the guild name and you can enter the portal!"

There was a podium and on the podium, a gold-armored guard announced loudly. Along with the voice of the golden-armored guard, the crowd went silent.

"Happy Guild! Happy Guild will enter the portal for the first!" With those words, Randy led his guild members entered the portal.

"Eternal Shogunate! Eternal Shogunate will be the second to enter the portal!"

With the announcement continued, the World Contest formally started.

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