Battle of Ascension

Chapter 462: The Native Creature (1)

Chapter 462: The Native Creature (1)

Zhen Yi immediately turned her body with the blue spear, Long Xinya also followed. However, the two did not find anything.

Zhen Yi scanned the surrounding and did find the one so-called beast or enemy. Her eyes caught nothing. The same for Long Xinya, she did not find anything, but the two did not doubt David, they kept vigilant.

"They are invisible" David's voice drifted away as David's figure vanished then appeared at one tree.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

David attacked an air, but everyone could see David sword clashed against something. They could see David's sword let out a spark of fire each time it clashed against the invincible thing.

Zhen Yi, Randy, and Long Xinya surprised. They were not surprised by the invisible thing but surprised as the invisible creature could match against David surprise attack.

Not only Randy, Zhen Yi, and Long Xinya. David himself surprised that this weird creature could read his movement and attack. Even though he indeed did not use his full strength, but this was still surprising to him.


After exchanged attack after attack for minutes, David finally managed to cut something. Green liquid spurted out and something fell down. The thing that fell down was a 1.5 meters blade.

David also retreated after finishing his job and the creature became visible. The invisible creature came to sight. The creature was similar to mantis with a silver exoskeleton. The body was the same as mantis except for the size, about 3-3.5 meters long.

The weirdest was its head. It had a human face with tentacles grew. Its head had many tentacles like an octopus and at the end of its tentacle was concave blade. So thing clashed against David just now was the mantis blade.

With one weird creature appeared, the other weird creatures also appeared. Just like David told them, they were getting surrounded by these weird creature.



Affiliate: Invoctis Tribe

Grade: King Monster

Level: 756



The information appeared in everyone's eyes. When this weird creature appeared, they immediately used the detection skill.

Randy, one by one, scanning this ugly monster with his detection skill to confirm something. It was as Shana told him, all Invoctis was mutated creature. Based on the fight between David and this creature earlier, this Invoctis quite strong.

Confirming this, Randy's face turned ugly. Probably, he could face this creature with a longer than usual, but what about his guild member. He was not afraid of Udin group encountered something dangerous as he believed they could have their way. However, it was different for the other guild members he brought.

All of this was King Grade and all of them was mutated creature. There was about a few hundred of Invoctis surrounded him. If one of Happy Guild team encountered such a situation, Randy was not sure if they could survive.

'Why? Why did the Ascension Guild send them here?' A thought flashed in Randy's mind. He just did not understand why the Ascension Guild sent them here.

If it was because of the grudge between Happy Guild and Titan Faction, Randy did not believe this. After all, not only Happy Guild who participate in Happy Guild but many guilds.

But he did not have time to think about this, he had to solve the current crisis first.

"Schreeecchhh! Screech!" Invoctis released out a strange noise. Along with the strange noise, Invoctis swarmed toward Randy and his group.


Randy immediately used his skill, Sleight of Sword Expanse. As Invoctis entered the light sphere, the sound of metal clashed resounded. Invoctis was blocking Randy's swords with their tentacle blade. Invoctis managed to block the invisible sword inside the light sphere.

Tang! Ting! Tang! Ting!

This shocked Randy, not only Randy, even Zhen Yi, Long Xinya, and David surprised to see this. Randy's two sword skills were more like a cheat to them, one was unlimited sword and the other one was an invisible sword. Then the most troublesome was when Randy used these two skills at the same, unlimited sword and invisible sword, even David had no confidence facing such an attack.

However, these weird mantises managed to block the invisible sword. Of course, Invoctis could not block all Randy's swords as it could be seen green liquid leaked out from their exoskeleton.

But that was it, Randy could only leave not a deep cut on Invoctis' exoskeleton. This was the first time Randy's skill failed to kill the target. Despite failing to kill even one Invoctis, but Randy managed to slow down Invoctis.

Then, Zhen Yi, Long Xinya, and David made their move. But soon, they realized something thorny, Invoctis was hard to kill. Besides its hard exoskeleton, Invoctis also had high-rate regeneration. Moreover, Invoctis could elongate its tentacle and attacked them within a safe distance of their range weapon.

Even though they cut the tentacle, it would grow again in less than five seconds. It was fortunate that the Invoctis was only at King Grade, if it was Emperor Grade or Legendary Grade, maybe Randy and his groups had to run away from the Invoctis encirclement.

Realizing the superiority of the Invoctis, Randy and his group changed their tactic. Sleight of Sword Expanse only had a little effect on Invoctis, Randy deactivated the skill and changed the way they fought, using their elemental power.

Even though Invoctis' tentacle blade movement was fast, but their body movement was quite slow. Realizing the superiority of Invoctis, Randy and his group also manage to find their weakness. The Invoctis exoskeleton was hard? Easy, they only needed to cut Invoctis' head.

Long Xinya and Zhen Yi immediately released out their Ice Elemental Power. Ice Elemental Power not only slowed down the tentacle blade but also slowed down Invoctis main body movement.

Even though the effect of the Ice Elemental Power could not reach Randy's elemental Domain scale, but it was enough. Two women combined Ice Elemental Power almost froze 100 meters area.

With Invoctis movement got slowed down, Randy and David launched a series of attack with their Shadow Elemental Power. With Randy and David very fast movement and Invoctis movement slowed down, they found the breakthrough and killed Invoctis faster than before.

Despite having the breakthrough, but it took fully three hours before Randy and his group killed over three hundred Invoctis completely.


The last Invoctis exuded a strange yet loud cry before it fell down. The fight was over, but it could not be said an easy fight.

Beads of sweat emerged on the two girls' forehead as they panted a bit.

"Pack the corpses, we have to move away from here!" Randy instructed as he stored Invoctis corpses to his System Storage.

Even though Randy did not know what the last Invoctis said, but he knew it certainly called for help

"Why?" Long Xinya blurted asked. She also knew the last Invoctis was calling its companion, but they just needed to kill them when they came, there was no need to run away, right?

Maybe Randy would face the Invoctis head-on. However, it was different now, they had to change the plan. This was not just a normal Dimensional Island, but the place where the Combat Trial would be held, Trial Island.

Just as Randy wanted to explain it to the others, David reminded Randy.

"They are coming!"

"There's a change in our plan. For now, we have to retreat first, I will explain to you later!" Randy hastened his pace.

5 minutes later, the area around the small pond emptied, only the stench of weird smell permeated there. It was the blood of Invoctis smell.

The area around a small pond was quiet, but if one had sharp hearing, one could hear there was something moving through the grass.

Ten seconds passed, Invoctis figure appeared. Not only one, but dozens of Invoctis appeared. Even though the number of Invoctis appeared was less than beforehand group. However, the size of this group of Invoctis was bigger.

The smallest Invoctis was 6 meters long while the biggest was 10 meters.

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