Battle of Ascension

Chapter 501: Nation (2)

Chapter 501: Nation (2)

Establishing a nation, it was a crazy proposal for him. Never it crossed in his mind to establish a nation. After all, a nation was more complicated than a guild, though the system would make thing easier. But still, it was crazy.

However, then Randy found that a nation and a guild actually similar. Yes, the guild was a small version of the nation. Except for the complicated law than used in a nation, the nation was similar to a guild. Randy could not find the reason why he must agree to this proposal.

Moreover, with Sacred Tortuga joined, the first step of his guild improvement was useless. The branch guild was truly merged with Happy Guild this time, but then he had to share with the Sacred Tortuga. He could not find any advantage for his guild at all.

Even though Limera was his best friend and trusted him, but it only limited to Limera. He did not trust Oubin and his other two brothers. The proposal was not tempting at all. With the current Happy Guild, Randy could establish a nation by himself if he wanted to.

After surprised for a moment, Randy calmed down once again. He was thinking about how to refuse this proposal, there was no need to consider it. Only if Sacred Tortuga wanted to be ruled by Happy Guild, maybe he could consider this proposal.

Experiencing the matter Asia Alliance, Randy did not want to put his trust to the others again. Let alone, the other was not under his control. Moreover, Sacred Tortuga was a strong guild, it was different if one day Sacred Tortuga went against them compared to Warlord, Ravendawn Empire and additional over ten guilds. The impact would be big to Happy Guild, he did not want this to happen.

However, Oubin took Randy's silence differently. He thought Randy would agree with his good proposal and went on, 

"This is the plan, Happy Guild is in the charge of the government and Sacred Tortuga will be responsible for Military!"

Yes, Oubin thought this was a perfect plan. He believed if the two guilds merged and established a nation, they would be the strongest force of mankind.

Even though Happy Guild force was stronger than Sacred Tortuga's, but the people of Sacred Tortuga experienced a constant war in Africa. He believed his men were the fittest to be a general. Moreover, with Limera in his side, he believed Randy would not reject this proposal.

Yes, Oubin was thinking from his perspective, Sacred Tortuga interest and did not realize there was no advantage could be offered toward Happy Guild with the merge. He thought the fact they would be the strongest force was enough to make Randy agreed. There was also his son, yes, Limera existence was the one boosted his confidence.

"Uncle Oubin, I am sorry, but I can accept your proposal!" Randy voiced out his rejection toward the proposal.

He found Oubin was thinking that he agreed toward the proposal, so he rejected it outright. Randy knew Oubin was taking advantage of his friendship and thought he would agree with the proposal.

Moreover, after hearing Sacred Tortuga would take in charge of military affirmed his decision to reject this proposal. In this kind of era, where the strong prey the weak, military was the core in a nation. The one who held the power would reign, it would be a fool if he handed the force he groomed over the years to the other, even it was Limera.

Moreover, with the blood essence Happy Guild harvested during the World Contest. Happy Guild would experience a tremendous change in power. How could he hand over this force while they were undergoing a huge improvement?

Oubin surprised and his two other brothers also surprised. They surprised by Randy firm rejection. Hermione was still calm and collected at Randy rejection. She guessed Randy would reject this proposal.

As for Limera, he also surprised for a moment, but then he calmed down. Hermione already told him Randy would reject the proposal. Hermione already told him that Happy Guild was in big advantage, there was no way Happy Guild would agree with the merge, except it was Sacred Tortuga joined the Happy Guild flag.

Limera was a bit disappointed when he heard the rejection. He also wanted to be in the same guild as David and Randy, fighting together with them. Yet, Limera already anticipated his friend decision.

Hermione glanced at her husband and noticed the disappointment. But she could do nothing about it. After all, the proposal was really could not bring any advantage to Happy Guild.

She also did not oppose her father-in-law's decision to propose this idea even though she already knew they would be rejected. After all, Oubin was not only her father-in-law but also a guild leader. Oubin was a King in Sacred Tortuga, it was not good to oppose him directly.

Oubin had a different though with his daughter-in-law and son. He could not believe Randy rejected such a good proposal, the strongest force.

"But why?" Oubin asked with an unbelievable look on his face.

"Why?" He could not understand why did Randy reject this brilliant idea.

"To be frank, I don't trust you, Uncle! In Sacred Tortuga, only Limera the only person I can put my trust with! Limera attaches important to our friendship, he cherished our friendship, and I believe he will not betray me! But it's different for you, you will put Sacred Tortuga's interest to the utmost importance! Your proposal is not feasible!"

Randy replied frankly without hiding his distrust toward Oubin. They were close, but not close enough. He respected Oubin because Oubin was Limera's father, this was the relationship between them, no more.

"Furthermore, Sacred Tortuga is much weaker than us, merger is impossible unless" Here Randy stopped and looked to Oubin with a solemn look before adding, "Unless Sacred Tortuga is governed by Happy Guild!"


As soon as Randy finished his words, Oubin slammed his hand at the table between them. The table disintegrated under Oubin's hand, showing how angry he was.

"Absurd!" Oubin bellowed. He was angry with Randy statement. It was the same with asking Sacred Tortuga submit to Happy Guild. Moreover, Randy earlier statement also made him uncomfortable which made him exploded in anger.

He could still accept Randy rejected his proposal, but he could not accept Randy last statement. Oubin felt Randy was looking down too much at Sacred Tortuga.

Poli and Arabin also stood up from their seat. They had a furious look on their face. Even Limera himself surprised to hear this, only Hermione who could keep her calm.

Randy unfazed while facing the three. He knew his words were too much, but he felt he had to be honest before they could talk further. Moreover, in a relationship, he preferred honesty and frankness rather honeyed words which he regarded as a hypocrite. Of course, he could not be like this on every occasion, only at the current situation he had to be blunt and frank.

Looking at the unfazed Randy, it angered Arabin more. He took out his sword which shocked the people around there. But Arabin's action stopped as he felt something cold on his neck. There's no need to look what it was, he knew it was also a sword.

As soon as Arabin took his sword out, David also moved. He activated Shadow Drive and appeared right behind Arabin with his sword. If Arabin made a move, the sword would also cut his neck. David without a doubt would do this, that was why Arabin did not dare make the slightest movement.

Oubin also shocked by his brother action. Even though he also angry, but he was not that impulsive as his brother.

If he thought carefully, there was nothing wrong with Randy's words. He also knew Sacred Tortuga was weaker compared to Happy Guild. But of course, he did not want to admit it.

Also, when he heard Randy did not trust him, he realized that he was taking advantage of his son's friendship with Randy in this proposal. He was only thinking about Sacred Tortuga. Here, he tried to grab Happy Guild force, if he was in Randy's position, he also would not agree with this proposal.

Even though his intention was pure, yes, he only intended to make an invincible force. He felt crisis loomed over them after the discovery of Sirius and Abyss Realm. Sirius was hostile to them and Abyss Realm was not, at least they were not hostile for now, but it was unknown what would happen in the future.

Because of all of this and added with Happy Guild giant force, Oubin came up with this proposal. He thought with the relationship between his son and Randy, the proposal would be accepted.

In such a short time, he found the reason why Randy rejected his proposal. The proposal was only advantageous to Sacred Tortuga. Moreover, he also shamelessly made an absurd plan by taking in charge of the military. It was the same as taking Happy Guild's force with a gentle mean.

Oubin signaled his brother to put the sword down with his hand. Arabin also realized his action was incorrect. He stored his sword back and then, the coldness on his neck vanished.

The atmosphere became a bit intense with this incident. However, Oubin did not want to acknowledge his misjudgment as he felt the term offered by Randy was unacceptable. The talk reached a deadlock.

From the time to time, Limera wanted to talk but he did not what to say. In the end, he chose to not speak.

Randy however did not want to continue this the staring contest against Oubin. He broke the silence.

"Let's end the talk here! We can continue the discussion tomorrow."

Oubin nodded his head and walked out of the room. He said no words and left directly. Poli and Arabin followed their big brother. After hesitating for a while, Limera nodded toward Randy and David before catching up after his father and uncle, leaving only Hermione.

Randy relieved after they left. Though he knew he was a bit meanie, yes, only a bit meanie with his words, he did not regret it

He turned toward Hermione who still sat on her sear calmly. He a shot glance toward her and asked, "Why do you still here?"

Hermione did not answer Randy, but she replied with a question, "What if you include me to Sacred Tortuga's force? I wonder if we are weaker than Happy Guild?"

Randy stunned for a moment, but then he grinned toward Hermione and replied her with a strong statement, "You are strong, but we are not weak either!"

With just this one statement, Randy already told here that he was not afraid even with her joined despite the restriction within her.

Now, it was Hermione and Randy who got into a staring contest. After a moment, Hermione admitted defeat and stood up.

"You should be more tactful with your words!"

Hermione left this sentence as she went out. Randy only responded with a shrug. He needed to make a clear stance if they really want to merge. Moreover, if they really wanted to establish a nation, there should be no more Happy Guild and Sacred Tortuga. They had to unite as one.

With this, the discussion about was put on hold. Like Randy said if Oubin could trust on him and let Happy Guild took the absolute control. He would really consider establishing a nation with them. But this was less likely to happen.

After the discussion was put into a hold temporarily, Risa came in.

"Boss, Your father waits for you in your office!"

Randy nodded his head and headed to upstair. He heard the Shadow group successfully investigate America. He wanted to know what happened in America and Sirius.

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