Battle of Ascension

Chapter 510: Ascension Tower (2)

Chapter 510: Ascension Tower (2)

With CCC pulled the ship over, it only took the Divine Empyrean team three days to reach the Ascension Tower. Finally, everyone could see from near, the tower pierced the sky.

The Ascension Tower was big and they could not see the end of the tower. It stood on an Island, an island only filled only with grassland. As soon as the team saw the island, they anchored the ship and landed on the bright grassland.

The journey surprisingly smooth and they did not encounter a beast or monster at all. As soon as they landed to the island, everyone was looking around curiously.

There were also some of them who cautious. Even though Randy reminded them there would be no danger, many of them still cautious.

Randy who knew there would be no danger around here, leading everyone to the Ascension Tower's bottom. It did not long before they reached the tower's bottom, but they still could not reach as there was a wall blocking their path.

Yes, there was a wall surrounding the tower. Of course, when there was a wall, there was also a gate. It just the black metal gate was closed. Without asking Randy's permission, Udin and Gusti approached the gate. They knocked it aloud.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Hello, Divine Empyrean here! We are ready to take the last trial!" Gusti shouted as he knocked the metal gate.

The duo action left Randy speechless. Only this duo who dared act like this while the others were nervously holding their weapon. They were getting ready, just in case, there was a group of beast or monster burst out from the gate.

However, after waiting a while, there was no reaction from behind the gate. Udin and Gusti knocked the gate once again, louder and longer than before.

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!

"Divine Empyrean has come, we are ready for the trial. Please open the gate!" This time, it was Udin who shouted. His voice was louder than Gusti's and more polite as he used "please".

The others were waiting nervously as they watched the gate. Even though they were nervous for what Udin and Gusti did, no one prevented them. Yet, it was the same as before, no reaction from behind the gate.

Udin and Gusti looked at each other and nodded their heads. They tried to push the gate, they wanted to open with force, but to no avail, the duo failed to open the gate even with their full strength.

"F*ck, let's smash this gate!" Gusti was lost his patience and took out his blue giant ax.

Apparently, Udin also had the same opinion as Gusti's. He also took out his twin ax and got ready to smash the gate open. However, just as they got ready to smash the gate open, there was a childish voice resounded.

"Wait! Can you guys be less barbaric?"

The voice stopped Udin and Gusti motion in the air. They got the response, but there was something weird. The source of the voice was not from the gate but from the back.

Simultaneously, everyone looked back and found an old man stood on Randy's back. Of course, Randy also noticed the voice was from his back as he heard it clearly. However, he felt a familiarity with the voice.

Udin and Gusti dashed toward Randy. Even though they could not perceive hostility from the old man, but they could tell the old man was dangerous.

Randy looked back and found where the voice came from. No wonder he felt a familiarity with the voice, it was the voice belonged to someone he knew, and that person was Hermit Varikh, the person who sent him to Ascension World for a trial.

Randy gave a hand signal to everyone to calm down, "It's okay guys, he is not an enemy. However, he is also not a friend, right? Hermit Varikh, one of sixteen Guardians!"

Knowing the old man was one of sixteen guardians, the others stopped their motion. Randy already briefed the situation and they knew Guardian was a being who supervised the Battle of Ascension. Just like Randy said, Guardian was not an enemy, but also not a friend. Guardian was neutral existence, even neutral than the people in Ascension Guild.

"Yow!" Hermit Varikh waved his hand toward Randy as greeting.

Hermit Varikh smiled at Randy and said, "You are growing in frightening speed and force us to hasten the last phase. Indeed, my eyes never wrong!"

After saying it, Hermit Varikh shot a gaze toward Udin and Gusti, "Hey you two, can you stop banging the gate? It's so noisy, you know? If you want to enter, only your King can open the gate. Only the leader who can open the gate so stops banging the gate already!"

After that, Hermit Varikh rapper Randy's shoulder, "Alright Kid, good luck!"

Then Hermit Varikh vanished. It was like instant teleportation, Hermit Varikh vanished without a trace. It was also not Shadow Drive, Randy would be able to see it if it was Shadow Drive but it was also not Shadow Drive.

Even Randy himself shocked. Even after growing this strong, he still could not see the tail of Hermit Varikh, he was not even close to Hermit Varikh.

Randy could only shake his head, even it was still far, he could do nothing about for now. The most important thing for now was to enter the gate.

Randy walked to the gate. Hermit Varikh said only a leader who could open the gate. This meant only Randy could open the gate. Randy pushed the gate, he did not use much strength, and the gate opened.

With the gate opened, the view behind the gate came into Randy's sight, behind the gate was a city? An empty city to be more exact! Yes, there were many familiar buildings like in Dimensional City. With just one look, Randy could notice this.

Randy walked into the city. As soon as he entered the city, he halted his steps as a notification rang inside his head.


Battle System: Welcome to the City of Ascension! For further instruction, please come to Ascension Tower's entrance!

"Boss! What happen?" Noticing Randy halted his steps, Udin and Gusti rushed toward Randy. However, they also stopped when they heard the notification.

As everyone entered the city, everyone got the notification. After reading the notification, everyone looked toward the tower. Their destination was still tower, but for the security, Randy had them to check the building and the city. An empty city seemed to be suspicious. He was afraid the trial would start since he opened the gate.

After an hour check, they could not find anything. Every building they checked also empty of furniture, no single life could be found.

Randy let out a sigh of relief. Since the trial had not started yet, this meant there was no different from the one King Andreas told him. Afterward, under the lead of Randy, Divine Empyrean marched toward the Ascension Tower.

Even though they could not find a danger, everyone still cautious as they kept looking at the surrounding. They did not dare to let their guard down.

They smoothly reached the Ascension Tower and found the entrance. There was no one at the entrance, it seemed the city was really void of living things.

Randy and the others reached the entrance, but they did not have a clue what to do next. Randy also did not dare to open the entrance rashly. There was no instruction telling him to open the entrance. Battle System only told them to reach the entrance.

At this time, Randy could only rely on Shana, "Shana, what I need to do now?"

Even though King Andreas told him about the last trial, but it was not complete. After all, it was King Andreas' father who experienced the Battle of Ascension, not King Andreas himself.

Fortunately, Shana was reliable and she immediately instructed Randy, "Put your hand at the entrance door!"

Shana instructed Randy to put his hand at the door, not to push it. Randy put his hand at the entrance door and another notification rang in his head.

Battle System: Do you want to register Divine Empyrean for the last trial? Yes/No?

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