Battle of Ascension

Chapter 512: Ascension Battle (2)

Chapter 512: Ascension Battle (2)

Randy was faced with five choices. Upon noticing the first choice, Randy immediately wanted to choose the first choice. One vs one duel, he would go alone to battle for his people.

However, he realized the most votes were the one would be chosen. Even though he chose the first choice, the other two leaders, Evan and Horn could have chosen another choice. The first round was doomed to be a draw. The second round was the round would determine the result.

He believed if he chose the first choice, the two friends behind would not choose the same choice as him. Randy knew well his friend, they would not let him fight alone, they also wanted to help and join him in the fight. This meant choosing the first choice useless, it would not be chosen without cooperation with his friend.

As for why he wanted to choose the first choice, Randy wanted to minimize the casualties. This battle was different from the beforehand battle. Ascension Battle was a battle to determine who could ascend to Ascension World. The opponent would go all out and the opponent was not weak as before.

Randy was sure Limera would choose the second choice. But it was different from David. Randy could not read David's thought at all. Even though they were close, Randy really could not guess what was in his mind.

Based on the information Shadow Group gathered, Randy grasped sixty percent of Sirius Guild forces. However, he knew nothing about the Abyss Realm, but he knew there were at least 12 Divine Grade Horns.

Meanwhile, on his side, there were 12 people with Divine Grade Bloodline and 43 people with Saint Grade Bloodline. Divine Empyrean did not have an advantage in 100-Battle Royale. Especially facing Abyss Realm. After further thought, Randy determined to choose the second choice, 10-Battle Royale.

No discussion allowed, Randy understood why Hermit Varikh forbade them to have a discussion. However, even though they could not have a discussion, Randy had a way to communicate with his two friends.

Randy wanted to make number two gesture with his finger. Informing David and Limera he chose the second choice. Then he realized something, he could not move his finger. Then he realized, not only his finger, but he also could not move his body. Even his mouth could not be opened, tightly sealed. He could only move his eyeball.

Randy tried to open the messenger. But everything was already anticipated by the Guardian. The messenger was disabled, he could not send or receive a message.

He could only believe in his friend and chose the second choice, 10-Battle Royale.

"The result has come out, but we still can't get the result yet! The three leaders chose a different choice!" Hermit Varikh informed. However, he did not tell the choices were chosen.

Randy already could predict it. It was less likely they would get the result in one round.

"Let's begin the second round!"

The second round lasted less than a minute.

"Hoho, it's fast! Ascension Battle is royale battle with" Hermit Varikh paused. He was more like a host that announced the winner of the lottery.

"Up!" Hermit Varikh suddenly raised his hand. Along with the hand, a projection appeared. The result was on the projection.

1Vs1 Duel 0 vote

10-Battle Royale (4)

100-Battle Royale (3)

1000-Battle Royale (2)

An-all out Battle Royale (0)

None of them chose the first and last choice. Randy could understand why no one chose the last choice. If one lost in an all-out battle, there would be no chance for the loser side to recover.

But the fact no one chose the first surprised Randy, he thought Evan would choose the first choice. Based on the story he heard and what Evan experienced, there was no one he could believe since the tragedy happened to his sister.

"The Ascension Battle is 10-Battle Royale and we will hold the battle in three days. You can make your preparation and choose the person who will participate in 10-Battle Royale." Hermit Varikh announced the result.

"See you in three days~" Hermit Varikh did not forget with the farewell.


The three groups got teleported out from the Ascension Tower. Outside the Ascension Tower, there were many people waiting for the three to return.

Zhen Yi and Long Xinya were the first one to pounce toward Randy. They were asking what happened in inside the Ascension Tower. Hermione also waited for them while Silvia, David's wife looked so worried.

The crowd gathered around the three.

Randy waved his hand to the crowd and said, "Let's not talk here!"

Randy released out a sigh relief as he got the result he wanted. Also, he relieved because there was no different the trial King Andreas talked about with the current trial he had to pass through. The difference was they did not need to get through the first two stages.

The next step was to chose who would participate in the Ascension Battle.

Inside one room, the 12 councils once again gathered. Randy told them what happened inside the Ascension Tower, not a single detail left out. Including the ten people battle royale.

Meanwhile, Limera also shared the story with others. Rather than covering what happened inside the Ascension Tower which would make them worry. It was better if everyone knew the last battle was near.

When Randy ended the story with the ten people battle royale, the room fell into a deep silence. No one opened their mouth to give advice or recommended the person who should participate in Ascension Battle.

"But I can guess the line-up of Abyss Realm. One thing is sure, they will 10 Divine Grade in this battle! And actually, I already have some people in my mind!" Randy broke the silence.

"Udin, Gusti, David, Limera, Pristine, Oubin, Arabin" Randy stopped here and shot a glance toward Anna, "I need one person with Justice hidden stat and I want that person on a par with Pristine!"

The enemy was undead, there was possibility Evan would bring people with Evil hidden stat with them. The growth of people with hidden stat was frightening. Randy was not surprised if half of Evan's team filled with people with Evil hidden stat.

So Randy needed people with Light Elemental Power to suppress the undead and the demon.

"Then I will join the team! I have sparred once again Pristine and I am only a little weaker than her!" Anna immediately offered herself to join the team.

Randy frowned, Anna was holding back. She rather sacrificed herself than choosing her guild leader. As Randy thought, Divine Empyrean was not united as one, there was still a gap between the guild.

There were two persons who on par against Pristine in Justice Knight. Roman, Justice Knight guild leader and Ummar, Commander of Holy Knight. Anna did not recommend these two people. She rather chose herself.

"We still lack two people" Hermione wanted to discuss these two people, but Randy cut her words midway.

"We only lack one person, I will lead the team to the battle!"

"Then our strongest knight will fill the last spot!" Markus recommended a person for the last spot. Everyone sent their men to the battle and only Royal Knight who had not sent a person. That was why he recommended a person from Royal Knight in the last person.

To Markus surprised, his recommendation was instantly rejected by Randy.

"No! We will choose another person!"

An instant rejection made Markus and Ryan furious. They felt Randy was looking down upon the strongest knight of Royal Knight.

Looking at Markus and Ryan, Randy knew his words just offender these two council members.

"I don't mean it. I am not looking down on Royal Knight" The more Randy wanted to explain it, the more furious Markus and Ryan became.

"Is your strongest knight can defeat a Divine Grade Undead?"

Hermione's question stunned Markus and Ryan.

"King already told you the enemies are Divine Grade Undead! If the strongest knight of Royal Knight can defeat a Divine Grade Undead, there's no reason for us to reject your recommendation!"

Markus and Ryan fell silent. They realized their mistake.

"Please remember, there is no longer Royal Knight, Sacred Tortuga, or Happy Guild. We are fighting only for Divine Empyrean! Don't drag Divine Empyrean down with you just because a mere of top guild's pride!" Hermione had no mercy on her words.

"Divine King, we are sorry for our rudeness and offense!" Markus and Ryan knelt down.

Randy let out a soft sigh. He waved his hand indicated it was okay.

"I wonder if we chose the right king?" Hermione thought as he looked at how Randy forgave the two middle-aged men.

"I will fill the last spot!"

"I will take the last spot!"

After Markus and Ryan back to their seat, two female's voice responded simultaneously. The voice belonged to Zhen Yi and Long Xinya. These two women were indeed the appropriate candidate, but because of Randy's selfishness, he did not include his two wives.

Randy had a headache when the two women volunteered themselves. Just as Randy was thinking how to persuade his two wives to not join the battle, the door was opened and there were many figures barged in.

Gusti, Erwin, Akihiro, and Asuka knelt toward Randy and said in unison, "Boss, Let me participate in the last battle!"

Besides these four, the Cardinal Skeleton also knelt there with them, Rougher and Kiddo. There was a beastman, the Boxerian Kangaroo chief, Boroo. Moreover, they did not call Randy, King, but Boss.

Looking at these people, Randy felt the trouble was increased.

Three days passed, after a long discussion, Divine Empyrean settled the team would be sent to Ascension Battle.

Randy who wore his known black armor led nine people with him.

Currently, the tower city was filled with the people. These people were Divine Empyrean citizen. They were sending the team for the last battle. Most people were praying for the team.

The crowd made a path toward the Ascension Tower and Randy was walking in the middle of the crowd. There were also many people cheered for Randy and the team.

When Randy and the team reached the Ascension Tower's entrance the cheer died down. As the cheer died everyone knelt down toward the team.

As the people knelt down, Randy brought the team into the Ascension Tower.

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