Battle of Ascension

Chapter 517: The Difference

Chapter 517: The Difference

Sirius team still had ten members and so did Divine Empyrean. It was ten against ten, each person had their opponent.

Without any agreement between both sides, the Demon on Evan's side spread out. Their intention was clear, they wanted a fight one versus one.

Divine Empyrean members also split up and chase after their opponent. Leaving Randy with Rocky while Evan also stayed across Randy. The leader against the leader.

While Randy was worried about his two wives, he was also helpless at the same time. It was not that he could help them while leaving Evan alone. What he could do as the King was giving his trust to them.

The deep silence accompanied Randy and Evan. No one spoke, but just staring at each other. Randy could feel a big difference within Evan he met in Ascension World and the current Evan.

When they met in Ascension World, Evan was behaving like a man with high pride. They could get close because he was strong and Evan seemed to be appreciating the strong person.

However, the current Evan was different. He looked gloomy and the aura he exuded was somewhat dark with a pair of emotionless eyes. Evan did really changed a lot.

"Let's start!"

After a while, Evan broke the silence with his cold voice. Along with his voice, Evan rushed toward Randy as fast as lightning. In an instant, the trident head was right before Randy's eyes.

Randy was prepared and slashed his sword upward. He parried the spear and dark blue energy shot upward. The dark blue energy was coming from the trident, it was a spear skill, Spear Piercing Shot.

Getting his spear deflected, a sword appeared in his left hand. Evan slashed it downward toward Randy. However, Evan's attack failed to land a hit on Randy, flame avatar blocked the incoming sword the flame sword.

Bzzzt! Bzzzt

Blue lightning burst out from the clash between the two swords. Randy perfectly countered Evan's first two moves.

Just as he wanted to start his counter attack, a giant made of blue lightning appeared right on the top of Evan.

'Tch, Evan also can use Avatar Domain.'

Without a doubt, the giant was Evan's Avatar Domain. It was holding a huge hammer. The giant had his hammer descended toward Randy and his flame avatar.


A giant blue fireball shot toward the blue lightning hammer. A giant hammer made of blue lightning and a big blue fireball collided in the air caused a terrific explosion.

The blue lightning and blue fire mingled in an explosion which engulfed Randy and Evan. The blue fire belonged to Rocky repelled the giant hammer away.

A shadow came out from the explosion. The blue lightning giant also followed the figure out. The shadow was Evan while Randy remained inside the explosion, unscathed.

The first three exchanges ended with a draw. Randy perfectly repelled Evan's strike.

Evan retreated back to the opposite pit. The three attacks earlier were merely probing Randy. Evan himself was not clear by how strong Randy was. After all, they never fought face to face like this. This was the first time.

Rocky who was weaker than him before was now strong.


A red light burst out from Evan's feet and a figure appeared before Evan.

Randy recognized the figure appeared before Evan, it was the beastmen he failed to kill in Trial Island. Nil the leader of Colossus Union he annihilated in Trial Island.

Randy was surprised. He heard from David he failed to catch Nil. It turned out Evan saved Nil and made Nil as his pet? Randy never knew this would work.

Meanwhile, Evan pointed his index finger toward Rocky and ordered: "Kill it!"

"Yes, My Lord!" Nil knelt down to Evan and turned toward Rocky.

Nil was a lion beastmen while Rocky was Griffin with lion head. The two lions immediately clashed and left their Master. Now, it was truly Evan and Randy left.


Evan's feet released out blue lightning. It was getting bigger and more intense. Randy was not the only one who could create a skill, Evan also created his skill.

However, Evan's skill was different from Randy. If Randy created a Sword Skill, Evan created a movement skill. He applied his Lightning Elemental Power into this skill, Lightning Flow.

Flowing like lightning, Lightning Flow made Evan's movement faster ten times. Evan himself created this skill to face Randy or a monster with great speed.

Evan did not know how Randy allocated his stats, but Evan has to admit he could not follow Randy's speed. Moreover, with a cheating-like skill, a shadow movement, Evan could not handle Randy with such movement.

That was why he came up with a skill like this, a skill to match an opponent with great speed, Lightning Flow.

Bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt


Leaving a trail of blue lightning, Evan dashed toward Randy with frightening speed. It was even faster than before.

"Thousand Thrust!"

In an instant, Randy faced a thousand of the trident right before his face. Randy calmly smiled and a faint golden sphere formed. He activated Sword of Slight Expanse.

Clang! Clang! Clang

A series of sword and trident clashed each other resounded. Inside the sphere, Randy's sword became even faster compared when he fought Hakusa. Thousand Thrust of Trident parried by Randy sword.

At the same time, countless crimson flame sword formed, surrounding Randy and Evan.

Randy smirked, "You should not have come closer!"

Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh

The countless sword shot toward Evan. It was hard for Evan to escape his sword encirclement.

To Randy surprise, despite being surrounded by the countless sword, Evan returned Randy's smirk with a smile, a calm smile.


Leaving the trail of the blue lightning, Evan safely came out of Randy's sword encirclement. Evan retreated, he retreated out of the range Sword of Slight Expanse. At the same time, a wolf's howl resounded.

Randy looked up, a black thunder in the form of wolf's head descended toward him. This was Evan elemental integration, Randy faces this skill once in Trial Island.

However, for the current Randy, there was no need for him to dodge the incoming black thunder.

Randy had his sword pointed toward the incoming black thunder.

"Dragon Hellstorm!"

Mixing Fire Elemental Power and Lightning Elemental Power, Randy came up with this Dragon Hellstorm. A dragon made of crimson flame and blue lightning.



The wolf and dragon clashed in the air. The explosion was just like fireworks exploded in the sky. The explosion caused the Dimensional Island shook.

However, the two people who caused this grinned, Randy and Evan were grinning at each other. Both realized skill was not working, each skill would get countered.

Randy transformed his sword into twin swords. The skill was not working against Evan, both strengths were at the same level. If the skill was useless, then close combat was the last choice. Randy was ready for close combat.

Evan also had the same thought. However, Evan had a secret skill he got from Mythical Chest, Divine Power. It was a skill to increase his Strength stat by 30%. Evan had speed with Lightning Flow and Divine Power to increase his strength. He was confident to win against Randy in close combat.

Actually, Randy still had another integration skill. However, after using Dragon Hellstorm and Dragon Rend, he could not afford to use another big skill. If he used another integration skill, it would drain his spirit.

It was good if the integration skill could defeat Evan in one attack. But if he failed, then he was the one who gonna die.

Maintaining his transformation skill and avatar domain was already a huge toll for him. So he could not use another big skill, he had to face Evan in close combat.

Randy vanished into his shadow and appeared before Evan and slashed his twin swords downward.

Evan already anticipated this, he turned his body and swung the trident toward Randy.


Randy surprised. He was not surprised because Evan read his movement. He was surprised by the force behind the trident. It pushed him back with only just one swing.

While Randy was surprised, Evan moved with his Lightning Flow. Leaving a trail of blue lightning in his movement, Evan appeared before Randy with a grin.

The emotionless face of Evan finally had a change in expression. Subconsciously, he was grinning excitedly.

Randy crossed his sword and blocked the incoming sword.


The force behind Evan's sword was huge. Only blocking Evan's brute force was enough to make his hand grew numb. The ground where Randy stood also sunk down.

"Urgh!" Randy let out a groan.

He was indeed allocating his stat more to agility. However, he did not expect the strength difference would be this huge.

Randy immediately moved out with his Shadow Drive and Evan chased after Randy with Lightning Flow. Both figures kept flickering, one was leaving a black shadow, the other one was leaving a trail of blue lightning.

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