Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 11:

Chapter 11:

TL/Editor: Raei


Illustrations: None.

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Where did it all go wrong in this world?

Ian, true to his role as a wizard who explores mysteries, set out to find the reason behind Emily's twisted concept of hygiene.

The reason was not hard to uncover.

Firstly, among the medieval folks, there were indeed those who genuinely believed water was filthy.

Proudly, Emily was one of them.

'Water is so dirty, full of lime, mud, parasites... absolutely filthy!'

A fastidious medieval person with strict hygiene standards.

Thus, these 'clean' medieval people, like modern folks who always carry hand sanitizers and alcohol, and manage hygiene solely with personal items, acknowledged only the pure water from the sky that is, rainwater as true water.

Water from other lands?

Oh, its dirty.


But just as modern people who vigorously scrub surfaces with disinfectants might be thought 'crazy',

Most other medieval folks thought those who actually lived on just rainwater were 'out of their minds'.

Most people just casually drank well water, spring water, or river water.

Of course, they didn't think the water was clean but rather thought, 'It's dirty, but boiling it should make it okay'.

Indeed, drinking water directly from the wild could soon lead to parasitic infections and food poisoning.

Naturally, boiling water was the correct approach.

However, Ian and the Rabbit Foot Company had not lit a fire for several days now.

They were close to the end of their journey, and lighting a fire might provoke a drake, a risk they didn't want to take.

In other words, Emily's conclusion that 'water fallen on the ground, dirty and unboiled, cannot be used' was a perfectly logical decision.

To top it off.

Second reason.

Emily was a prostitute (not an insult).

Most men she met had no qualms about exchanging saliva with her.

In fact, they enjoyed it more when Emily licked her lips and spat.

That's why she assumed Ian would be fine with it.

"Amazing, these medieval folks."


Ian decided not to tackle the hygiene issue anymore.

It was just a pain. Only a loss for himself.

"From now on, when you do the dishes, just fetch some water in a pot."

"But, Sir Wizard. The water..."

"I'll boil it, so just bring it."

Ian grumbled and took care of his own dish.

The thought of that damned woman spitting in it made him feel disgustingly uncomfortable.

During their walk, Ian stealthily collected some water to rewash his dish.

"Sir Wizard. It's about time for our meal..."


"Eek! No, nothing!"

Rick now openly regarded Ian as a monster.

Up until now, Ian had always used polite language, but as Rick's reaction crossed the line, Ian's desire to be polite vanished.

So, he spoke as he pleased.

"Hey, mister. Got a problem with me?"

"No! No! How could that be! Hehe."

Rick forced a sycophantic smile, the same one he had often shown before the nobility, that smile of the class system.

Having confirmed that Rick had completely masked his true self, Ian decided not to invest any more emotions in him.

'I thought we could be companions on the road.'

In a society with a strict class system, it wasnt easy for just anyone to become friends.

While creative works often depict friendships transcending social status, these are rare in reality and thus become notable stories.

"Sir Wizard! Is the meal to your liking?"

"Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"If there's anything you need, just tell us!"

Ironically, after distancing himself from Rick, the servility of the workers and mercenaries increased significantly.

Accustomed to a hierarchical society, they instinctively recognized Ian as the most powerful person there.

Ian's eccentric wizard performance also contributed to solidifying his status.

'What's really going on?'

Ian was baffled.

When he was polite and treated them well, they ignored him.

But after he showed anger, they groveled as if ready to sacrifice anything for him.

Ian still didn't understand.

That it wasnt warm kindness but cold fear that moved human hearts.

"Sir Wizard! Ive brought water!"

After being scolded by Ian, even Emily, who came from a lower social background, approached him with an ingratiating attitude, used to serving those above her.

"Gather some twigs and start a fire."

Upon Ian's command, one of the workers made a cringing face.

"But Sir Wizard... won't lighting a fire attract the drake's attention?"

The worker's gaze was fixed solely on Ian.

His original employer, Rick, didn't even register in his eyes.

"It's just for a moment, so don't worry."

"Yes, sir! I'll light it then!"

The worker immediately created a small fire.

Despite the risk of attracting a drake, they followed the wizard's command, showing immense trust in Ian.

They believed Ian would handle everything, even if a drake appeared.

But Ian... had no such concerns.

'It should be fine.'

They were close to descending the mountain.

Nothing had happened so far, so he assumed nothing would happen going forward.

And besides, the drake wasnt some kind of forest ranger.

Would it really attack them over a small fire?

Ian began chanting in the magical language in front of the small fire he made with a flint.


As soon as Ian finished speaking, the flames blazed up.

The sight of a large fire emerging from a small bundle of twigs was nothing short of mystical.

Ian boiled the water Emily had fetched.


"That's real magic!"

The mercenaries, witnessing the marvel before their eyes, each exclaimed in awe.

"Be quiet."

"Yes, Sir Wizard!"

And as Ian curtly rebuked them, they shut their mouths, seemingly pleased.


He couldn't fathom why they enjoyed being scolded by a wizard.

Trembling, Emily finished washing the dishes with the hot water.

"Ah... this is it... this cleanliness! This is what I wanted!"

Ian, holding the warm dish, laughed wickedly.

Making Emily wash the dishes with boiling water and chuckling at her struggles, he looked like a mad wizard from afar.

The mercenaries trembled in fear once more at the sight of Ian.

'To wash dishes with that hot water...!'

'Such a bizarre wizard...!'

'I thought he was a bit odd before... but now I see he's the real deal.'

To the mercenaries, Ian was the epitome of 'real.'



For several days, Captain John of the mercenaries had been in a foul mood.

"Cassie, have you thought about my offer..."

"Didn't I tell you it's not necessary?"

'That damn woman.'

It was all because he was making no progress with the beautiful Cassie.

If things had gone as planned, he would have secretly called Cassie out every night, sweet-talked her, threatened her, and by now, he should have achieved his goal.

But Cassie, that woman, treated mercenaries like nothing.

No matter what John said, she ignored him and only focused on her duties.

John was genuinely infuriated by her disrespectful attitude.

Do my words sound like a joke to her?

Is Captain John of the Bloodied Brotherhood to be taken lightly?

I've made it this far by pushing aside the capable and disposing of the weak.

Cassie, I have a heart too.

If you trample on my feelings like this, I'll turn into a thug!

The women John had encountered before usually didn't resist to this extent and stripped at his command.

Who in their right mind wouldn't strip when threatened with a knife?

That's why John had never failed to get a woman he set his eyes on.

This time too, he planned to threaten Cassie with a knife to undress, just like he always did.

Once he succeeded in sleeping with her once, everything else would follow smoothly.

If she complied, he would keep her as his toy; if not, he would hand her over to his men.

With Cassie's looks, she could rival any noblewoman, so he had even thought about making her his wife.

In this era, being a wife wasnt much of anything.

Once she's pregnant, how could she run away with a child in her belly?

They would end up living together somehow.

Once she gets attached, she wouldnt think of running away.

After all, being a mercenary, isn't it all about getting a pretty wife and living well?

So he was trying to get a pretty wife...

"Hey, what are we going to do about Cassie?"

"Erhm. About that, Captain?"

If he got Cassie, he promised to share her with his men.

That was part of the deal.

But as the journey neared its end, his men showed no sign of action.

"Hey r*pe is a bit..."


"I mean, we're not criminals..."

John was dumbfounded by his suddenly righteous men.

What happened?

Did they all attend Saint Francesca's moral lecture in their dreams?

Had they all forgotten those beautiful days in the vast plains, where John and his men rampaged through the villages like a herd of bison, ravaging country maidens?

But soon enough, John grasped the situation.

"Got cold feet?"

"Erhm, it's not that..."

"Scared, you cowards!"

His men were now wary of the wizard!

When Rick was the leader of the group, there was nothing to worry about.

Rick and Cassie were strangers, and as long as the mercenaries fulfilled their duties, they wouldnt interfere with each other.

However, now that the wizard had become the center of the group, things were different.

That dark-haired wizard was a quirky psycho, just as the common rumors suggested.

Unpredictable, it was only natural to be cautious around him.

Picking a fight with a wizard over a woman would be foolish beyond measure.

"You idiots. Are you going to miss out on a precious woman like Cassie just because you're scared of that damn wizard?"

"uh, 'damn wizard'?"

The mercenaries shivered.

They were afraid of the wizard.

Their fear of the wizard stemmed from two main reasons.

First, there was a rumor that if you offend a wizard, you get cursed.

Being superstitious, the mercenaries were particularly sensitive about curses.

The second reason was more practical.

Wizards were closely connected with the nobility, and offending one could ruin your life.

No matter how young he was, they couldnt underestimate Ian.

Who knew what powerful archwizard or noble Ian might be close with?

"And Cassie. She doesn't seem like an ordinary commoner..."

"So damn it, we have to take her now!"

John was fervent in his speech.

"If shes hiding her noble identity, why the hell do you think shes hiding it? Because revealing it would screw her over!"

"Then maybe we can slowly investigate after we descend..."

"Shell run away by then!"

The men shook their heads.

John's argument was hard to buy.

It seemed like just an excuse to justify his desire for Cassie.

"Alright, alright, Captain."

Even if John acted like a sex-crazed parrot, he was still their captain.

The captain can throw a tantrum.

What's the point of being a captain if you can't?

The wizard might be a concern, but maybe they could get away with it if they were discreet.

After all, the wizard was a complete stranger to Cassie too.

"When are we doing it?"


"If it goes south, we'll pretend we knew nothing. I'll take over as the next captain."

"Fine, damn it. You talk too much for someone whos getting a piece."

Deciding there was no more time to waste, John planned to stealthily assault Cassie that very night.

His 'kind heart' was trampled upon, and he became a thug.

In the dead of night, when everyone was asleep.

The mercenaries, having drawn the night watch duties to themselves, moved secretly.

"Wheres Cassie?"

"She went down to pee for a bit."

"Damn, the heavens are helping us."

John, with a full smile, followed after Cassie.

Rustle, rustle.

In the darkness, a moving figure appeared.


John's eyes widened.

What is this?

It wasn't Cassie.

The figure was too large to be her.

It was an assailant.

An unknown assailant was carrying Cassie off...?

Who's there!

One of the mercenaries shouted angrily.

The moment John realized what was happening.


A flying dagger, cutting through the darkness, pierced the neck of the mercenary.

Uh... what?

The subordinate, like a wine bottle with its cork removed, gushed blood profusely.

A three-second pause in thought.

And then.

You bastard!

John, with a face twisted like a demon, drew his sword and charged at the assailant.

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