Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

The Grandmaster might be a player too.

So far, Ive known a total of four players. Muriel, a space-dog player who can transform into different species while being a cyborg, the Mother of the Sky, who helped Muriel, and I also know that there are players in the MegaCorp and the Cult. But now, a player from StarUnion has been added to the mix.

StarUnions presence is bothersome when theyre enemies.

Since they operate mainly with machinery, they dont align well with Amorphs, who collect genetic essence to evolve. No matter how many machines an Amorph consumes, It cant become stronger. Additionally, its impossible to utilize deceit tactics through complex political structures when facing StarUnion.

Unlike MegaCorp, where power is divided among various families, and Cult, where multiple political factions proliferate, StarUnions power structure is solely singular: the Machine Assembly. And the leader of this assembly is none other than the Grandmaster. Hence, being at odds with him is tantamount to being hostile to the entire StarUnion.

No. Theres no need to worry yet since nothing is confirmed.

However, theres a more pressing issue at hand: identifying the MegaCorp player cooperating with the Grandmaster.

Someone proficient in manipulating Hulk mutant technology and easily accessible to the upper echelons of StarUnion.

Suddenly, the MegaCorp player who supported Muriel comes to mind.

Could it be?

I speculated that the player who assisted her might hold a high position within the Garamelda family, known for reinforced armor development.

But upon further consideration, all the equipment she used was of StarUnion origin. While psionium, as per the setting, is a stimulant traded even within MegaCorp, its ultimately a drug developed by StarUnion. Blood River is also a device only cyborgs can produce.

Initially, I thought the equipment the cyborg Muriel obtained was modified by the Garamelda players. However, if its not the case, and instead involves a StarUnion player, a Garamelda player, and Muriel, then

No, theres insufficient evidence.

Blood River is an advanced device, but given enough resources, its easily replicable. As a cyborg pirate capable of disguising as other species, Muriel could easily produce it. Even if there were another StarUnion player aiding Muriel, theres no guarantee theyre the Grandmaster.

Perhaps theyre separate factions.

Supporters of Muriel and Screamer operators. Viewing them as two separate entities seems reasonable.

If luck isnt on my side, these factions might even cooperate. In such a case, Id have not only Muriels supporting faction to contend with but also the Screamer operators.

Its still uncertain.

I forcibly quelled the incessant speculation.

While its not wrong to be vigilant, excessive caution can hinder proper judgment. It becomes a shackle obstructing correct decisions.

Returning to square one, the MegaCorp player who aided in creating the Screamers is at least Prime Capital or above. Genetic manipulation technology is unavoidable if they want to use it.

And when it comes to producing Hulk mutants, the options narrow further. Only Prime Capitals, like the knights from the Eden family I saw before, can manipulate genes to such an extent. To produce Hulk mutants, one would need to ascend to Noble Capital.

Moreover, among the Noble Capitals, the Yujins have the most advanced genetic manipulation techniques.

Previously, there were Si-hyun Yujin and Code Black, creations of the Yujin family. They didnt exhibit any noticeable side effects despite harboring multiple genes within their bodies.

Other Noble Capitals cant create to that standard.

Yet, creating these Screamers doesnt seem to require such advanced technology.

I scrutinized all the Screamers. While they appear as cyborgs, closer inspection reveals some distinct features.

This part seems to be extracted from Cold Bloods keratinization gene, and this one looks like a result of muscle enhancement genes.

Theyre all Hulk mutants synthesized with two or three genes. Noble Capitals other than the Yujins can also create Hulk mutants at this level.

Im confused.

In this state, it seems impossible to guess whos involved with the Screamers.

I told my guess to the Mother of the Sky, who is also a player.

The Grandmaster might be a player too since being a cyborg is a prerequisite for reaching the ending.

[ZZZ (Hmm.)]

Perhaps, as you speculated, a ranker from Garamelda has made a deal with the Grandmaster.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Hmm? Why?)]

Screamers are classified as half biological, half mechanical. If theyre going to mass-produce Hulk mutants to use as Screamer material, theyll need an understanding of machinery and weapon technology.

Its a valid point. In the realm of mechanical weaponry rather than bioweapons, Garamelda is superior to the Yujin family.

Maybe both families have made a pact.

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZ (Are there players from both families?)]

Honestly, I think the likelihood is low, but you never know. Even if its not the case, a player from one side could have persuaded the other family.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (It seems far-fetched, but there is nothing to lose in being cautious.)]

Ill speak up if I recall anything or find a clue.

Ultimately, I didnt obtain concrete information about making Screamers. I can only speculate that players were involved.

Whats left.

Fresh prey brought by Number 26.

Big guy, eat quickly. Itll taste bad if time passes.

Denial Its Bad


In the original game, killing Screamers didnt yield genetic essence because they were classified as mechanical despite being a mix of biological and mechanical.

But not here.

With Hulk mutants, genetic essence is a given. If I kill the remaining Screamers, all the traits within them will be mine.

Should I use the Symbol of Hunt?

Using the Symbol of Hunt significantly increases the chance of prey. Its the only way to obtain a large amount of genetic essence when you want to secure multiple types.

However, the drawback is the side effects after the Mark fades. This transformation consumes massive amounts of energy, leading to immense hunger after it ends, to the point where maintaining sanity becomes difficult.

That Hulk mutant has one decent genetic essence.

As confirmed earlier, one of the Screamers had genetic essence from Cold Blood.

Cold Blood has many traits related to internal organs.

So far, Ive acquired a total of four types, with three types unlocked conditionally. Originally, there were only two types: Special Defense Type and Cosmic Monster Type. However, a few hours ago, I unlocked a new type by devouring StarUnions supply line in its entirety.

[Type Internal Organs-related: Muscle reinforcement, heat emission, enhanced digestive fluid secretion.]

[-Fused traits related to internal organs: Revenant Organ]

The StarUnion supply line I consumed contained a variety of intelligent beings, allowing me to acquire many internal organ-related traits that arent easily obtainable.

The Internal Organs trait focuses on enhancing and modifying various organs within the body. While it doesnt offer many direct combat-related traits, its specialized in supporting the effects of other traits.

Most traits in this category are duds, but some are very effective.

Currently, the only useful internal organ-related trait I have is the Revenant Organ made from Household Waste. However, there are other useful traits included besides that.

In particular, traits that modify the nervous system synergize well with psychic-related traits.

Just as there is synergy between infection-related traits and nest-related traits, psychic-related traits have synergy with several internal organ-related traits.

Moreover, traits that increase my energy consumption efficiency are also classified as internal organ-related traits.

However, theres no guarantee that consuming them will yield immediate results.

I hesitated as I looked at the remaining Screamers.

Come to think of it, there was talk about conserving energy in intelligent weaklings.

It was written in the description. After a moment of contemplation, I made a decision.

Lets try it this time.

I might end up using the Symbol of Hunt while in the state of an intelligent weakling later. In the current situation, where Im not directly threatened, its better to confirm in advance to avoid problems later.

I cautioned the kids that I might lose my mind again. In that case, they should quickly pass the body to someone else.

Poor big guy, must be really hungry.

Big adult Gourmet

Number 26 sent waves of pity mixed with Adhais teasing mockery. After giving them all a glance, I looked at Mother of the Sky one last time.

She silently nodded. It was a sign that she would help, so I shouldnt worry.

Feeling relieved, I activated the Symbol of Hunt.


Damn it!

Captain Cain of Ship 98 cursed as he continuously observed the incoming bio-signals screen, filled with black fires. Since the assault of unknown monsters began, communication with the cyborgs had been cut off one by one.

Moreover, the Screamer received from the Machine assembly were rapidly dying off. Cain knew that Screamers were criminals, but they were also very effective in combat as war weapons.

The fact that such powerful weapons were being destroyed without resistance meant the enemies were beyond the usual level.

Activate emergency power and reactivate the camera.

Darn it, its not just one!

Due to the destruction of the drone control center, it was impossible to view the camera footage remotely, but the androids were not affected.

Synced with dozens of android perspectives, Cain could see the monsters that had boarded the ship.

Two invisible creatures, a four-legged hairy beast, and even a pink balloon-like creature using unknown powers.

Even in the StarUnions arena of beasts, such monsters were unheard of.

What about the analysis of these creatures?

[Analysis of unidentified organisms types C and D is ongoing. Type C is assumed to have very agile movements, with strong claws and beaks. Type D is suspected to use high-density prophet-grade psychic powers.]

What about A and B? Theyre not visible, why is that?

[Type B is assumed to possess the ability to fly at high speeds. Estimated to move faster than a fighter jet based on the damage level when androids were attacked.]

How many drones capable of automatic navigation are there on this ship?

[Due to the destruction of the drone control center, only 6 are currently available.]

Damn, for now, transmit all the information weve gathered so far through those drones.


After I leave, launch them in automatic navigation mode, and set them to send out a distress signal after 10 hours.


With that, Cain unplugged the cable behind his head. He did this to somehow convey information to the fleet he belonged to, the Nemea Fleet.

Judging from their strategy of attacking key facilities, these creatures arent just strong monsters.

If they were creatures that moved strategically to this extent, they might expect him to escape on a fighter jet. If there was no way to escape anyway, he was prepared to fight to the end.

My revenge will be carried out by the Nemea Fleet. You monsters!

Standing up, he armed himself with the weapons in the situation room. As he was about to leave armed, Number 98 reported to him.

[Setup complete.]

Alright. Good job.

[Safe travels.]

It was a message that always appeared when leaving the situation room, but why did it sound like it was cheering him on for his determination?

Cain emerged into the dark corridor.

Despite the destruction of numerous cyborgs and androids, the corridor in front of the situation room remained silent.

With a lightweight version of the storm gun in hand, he controlled the drone terminal. A neat spherical drone rose above his head.

Even with the androids and screamers wiped out, his chances of defeating the monsters were slim, given his lower level of armament compared to them.

It doesnt matter.

His revenge plan was already in motion. He clenched his jaw and surveyed the corridor ahead.

As he stared into the darkness of the corridor, he suddenly felt a vibration.

Though he had spent a long time on this ship, the vibration beneath his feet felt strangely unfamiliar. The irregular vibration caused the alloy walls surrounding the corridor to tremble with a uniform rhythm.

Theyre coming!

Cain tightened his grip on the pulse gun. Not long after the strange vibration was felt, he heard a sound.

It resembled the breath of a screamer but was much rougher and deeper. It reminded him of the sound of a hyperspace engine moving, but more ferocious.

Cain easily recognized the sound as the growling of a monster.

Darn it! Where are they?

As the sound and vibration grew closer, the creatures presence remained unseen. Even the reconnaissance drone continued to circle the area without spotting it.

I can hear footsteps, but theyre not visible on the heat detection sensors Wait, whats that sound?

Quickly, Cain adjusted the options of the reconnaissance drone and his own field of view. It was a mode to identify the enemys movements through vibration and waves.

In doing so, he saw the figure of the creature standing at the end of the corridor.

The sight of the monster, filling the corridor, was truly terrifying.

With six long, thick horns reaching the ceiling, the creatures face resembled an animals skull. Its elongated snout gripped the severed head of a screamer, and where eyes should have been, there were sharp spikes and plates protruding, sometimes appearing like eyes, only adding to the fear.

Below its jaw were four sharp bone blades, menacing as the horns above. The bone blades twitched incessantly, as if ready to slice through an enemy at any moment.

The body below was covered in long fur, making it difficult to see clearly. Merely glimpsing the legs that appeared whenever the creature breathed hinted at the presence of multiple limbs.

Cain, facing the creature, lost all his composure.

The thought of buying time against that monster was nothing short of a terrible joke.

[Enemy sighted.]

If the drone hadnt reported, he would have died without moving a muscle. Regaining his senses, he ran madly down the opposite corridor.

As he fled, the creature swallowed the head of the screamer in one gulp and moved. With every step of the massive creature, the corridor echoed with a rumble.

Straining himself to run as fast as he could, Cain suddenly felt a chilling sensation behind his neck. At the same time, the blade attached to the creatures jaw cut through the corridor, cleanly slicing through the sturdy alloy wall like scissors through paper.


He narrowly avoided the attack, but his posture crumbled. Several steps later, he collapsed completely.

S-Stay back!

Sensing imminent death, he tightly shut his eyes.

However, time passed, and he did not die. When he cautiously opened one eye, he saw the creatures face in front of him.

Y-You are you the captain?

The voice that came from the creatures mouth was feminine. He was too tense to respond properly.

Trembling, he was asked again by the monster.

Ill ask one last time. Are you the captain?


Satisfied with his answer, the creature withdrew its head.

Attempting suicide with a gun, only to have it misfire, must feel something like this. Cain, who had just faced death and somehow survived, sighed heavily. But what followed froze him in place.

I almost killed a useful one.

With those words, it extended its arm. Inside the thick fur of the creature, something squirmed as if trying to emerge.

From now on, you will serve the Andromeda, not the Star Union.

Seeing the wiggling black worm emerging from the fur, Cain wished he could just faint instead.

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

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