Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

The world spread out beneath the cold ice was a maze. The underground space I had chosen as my nest was extensively carved out in both directions, but this place surpassed it. It seemed like a massive mining drill had roamed around, piercing passageways here and there.

The Mother of the Sky and I constructed the ice maze underground. Thanks to my auxiliary apparatus, I could navigate through the darkness without losing my way. Even so, The Mother of the Sky moved effortlessly without a single speck of light in this place.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Which way should we go?)]

It seems like the right path might be faster.

[ZZZ (Really?)]

Her pumpkin-colored irises glimmered subtly like lanterns.

Among the mythical creatures capable of transformation, some stored light in their bodies to emit it as needed. Thanks to this ability, a griffin like her could utilize its exceptional vision actively regardless of day or night.

Like adventurers exploring unknown realms relying on a single torch, we continued towards where our nest lay.

Something feels off.

It had been over ten minutes since we entered, yet we hadnt encountered any creatures. It was surprising considering that even in such underground spaces, there should be inhabitants.

Furthermore, as we ventured deeper, it became evident that this vast space wasnt naturally formed.

The Mother of the Sky shared my thoughts.

I think we might have entered the wrong place.

She pointed to a section of the wall with her forepaw.

Traces, each three meters long, were sporadically scattered. All of them seemed to have been there for quite some time, with ice and dirt embedded in them. But I understood what these traces meant.

What this place was.

This was a space created by a being larger than any creature I had ever encountered.

Comparatively inferior to the Black Gallagon but possessing formidable power.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (Its the domain of the Ice Horror.)]

And its at least an adult.

As the Ice Horror ages, it undergoes moulting, growing significantly larger and its carapace harder with each moult. In the game, due to balance reasons, theres a limit called adulthood to prevent endless growth. But this was reality. If it continued to grow even after reaching adulthood, one could hardly imagine its size.

Those marks look like claw prints.

If the claws were of a size similar to those marks, the creatures size would be at least 150 meters. It would be beyond measure, truly.

Do you sense anything around?

[ZZ (No)]

It was natural, but I had checked with the auxiliary organ before descending. I only felt the chilly air; there was no unusual movement detected.

I inspected the walls with the auxiliary apparatus, but it was the same as before.

However, if this was the Ice Horrors domain, we couldnt afford to let our guard down.

Due to its immense size, it wont hunt far from its territory. It designates a certain area as its hunting ground and targets prey that enters it.

Its been several tens of minutes since we entered. It probably knows about our intrusion.

Even from dozens of kilometers away, it can detect scent or vibrations. If theres no nest, its considerably more adept than me, capable of detecting enemies within a radius of a few kilometers.

By now, its probably diligently coming to capture us.

Moreover, the Ice Horror, despite its massive size, can minimize its movement sound. This is because it reduces the sound generated by the movement of fur on its legs and body as much as possible.

If you hear its sound, its likely already too late.

Even if we were to detect its pursuit in advance and flee, this is its home ground. Escape would only buy us time.

Rather than fleeing, we need to prepare for how to fight it.

Lets consider our options.

First, lets look at the advantages the enemy possesses. I dont know much about it.

While Im well acquainted with the Ice Horror, I cant be certain how much stronger the creature here is.

In the game, the Ice Horrors size doesnt exceed 100 meters, but the one here is over 150 meters. Even if my body size is currently 28 meters, it would increase if I were to use the Symbol of Hunt but compared to the enemy, its still significantly smaller.

Unlike the Sea Demon or Black Gallagon, which have extraordinary abilities to manipulate enemies, the Ice Horror doesnt possess any special abilities. Instead, it relies on superior physical abilities to overpower its opponents.

Undoubtedly, it must be superior to me in strength and defense.

Moreover, its detection abilities surpass mine. The Ice Horror can detect various factors such as vibrations, sounds, and smells with the antennae on its head.

Ill quickly be discovered no matter where I hide, so the strategy of initiating combat by surprise as usual wont work here.

An opponent with detection abilities superior even to mine. And the uncertainty of how powerful the Ice Horror is. These are the creatures advantages.

On the other hand, I have the same advantages.

The Ice Horror also lacks information about me. It probably regards us as nothing more than Winter Walkers who accidentally fell into the underground.

The creature doesnt know what Im capable of.

If its a creature that deviates from the norm, then Im the same.

Even if my combat ability is inferior to the creatures, I have characteristics that can compensate for it.

Furthermore, while I dont know about the creature, I do know about the Ice Horror. Its habits, strengths, weaknessesevery piece of information is in my head.

Various traits and experiences from hunting numerous Ice Horrors. These are my weapons.

Having organized my thoughts, I summoned The Mother of the Sky.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZZ (Lets fight here.)]

Would it be okay with just the two of us?

I shook my head at The Mother of the Skys question.

Of course not.

Facing the creature directly would be overwhelming for me alone.

If the creature is indeed over 150 meters in size, it will be difficult to break its carapace.

Even the thinnest carapace would be several meters thick. Unless it has a body reinforced by Symbol of Hunt or destructive traits like Divine Spectre it wont cause any harm at all.

So here, I need help from others, not just meNumber 26 and Adhai, The Mother of the Sky, everyones assistance is needed.

The footsteps echoed, punctuating the silence. My time to stall. Fetch them from the nest.

Youre baiting them?

[ZZZ (Yes.)]

Well, its true the creature usually goes for big prey, but its not always the case. I might be the one attacked first.

A valid point.

The Ice Horror generally prefers large prey, but its not without exceptions. Being a cunning species, it sometimes behaves unusually.

For instance, it might first subdue a seemingly weaker opponent before targeting larger prey. If the creature acts like this here, The Mother of the Sky will be in significant danger.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ Daoist Phofbs Dont worry)]

While the creature may be cunning, were not fools either.

Hey, its your turn.

The thick carapace and the circular mucous membranes located where it meets the waist tore apart with a sticky sound. Small goblins from the nest poured out.

It was the activation of the infection fusion trait, Tooth Fairy Nest.

Compared to my size, now at 28 meters, the murder fleas, still small, lined up in front of me. The Mother of the Sky, who understood my intentions, nodded.

I see.

[Go right when you reach the fork.]

You didnt need to explain?

The griffin chuckled and met my eyes.

Though she didnt say anything, it was easy to guess what she was thinking.

As I nodded slightly, she dashed forward.

Having sent her off, I glanced at the Tooth Fairies.

There are things you need to do.

The beings imbued with my will began to find their respective tasks and move. Seeing them scatter, I too relocated.

The battleground suitable for fighting the creature is nearby.

The thing, crawling across the ice with countless legs, halted in its tracks.

There was a change in the vibrations coming from afar.

The large and small vibrations that had been moving together suddenly split and moved in different directions.

It knew what this meant. Among packs of prey, there are cases where the adults become bait to protect the weaker offspring. This case might be similar.

So the answer was clear.

It aimed for the small vibrations. Since the offspring are slow and weak, its much more effective to consume them first and then go for the stronger adults later.

It attempted to follow the usual path of chasing the small vibrations, but its antennae detected a new vibration.

From the large vibration, a multitude of tiny vibrations was emanating.

Such an opponent had never been encountered before, so it was slightly taken aback. Was this time the small vibrations acting as bait? Or had it detected something incorrectly?

It pressed its long, dual antennae against the ground. Amidst the cool sensation of soil and ice, mixed with faint tremors and sounds, the vibrations traveled up the antennae.

The creature judged it as the sound of footsteps produced by small creatures. That meant there were offspring around the large vibrations.

The reason for the change in the vibrations felt earlier was probably because there were creatures carrying offspring. It was rare, but such creatures did exist, so the creature understood.


Retrieving its antennae, the creature set off again.

The destination was where numerous vibrations converged.

The creature, with hundreds of legs, diligently maneuvered through the icy maze, sliding as it went. Despite its immense size, it moved very quietly. If any other creature had entered, they might have mistaken the wind for a hole opening somewhere in the underground space.

In this brief time of movement, the creatures senses caught prey. Before it, there were ten offspring.

Probably some of the creatures offspring had fallen behind in their escape.

Even though they were offspring, they were quite aggressive creatures. The fallen ones rushed towards the creature appearing in the passage.

The creature widened its mouth, extending its four jaws wide open and drove its head down where the offspring were. The four jaws exposed the frozen ground like a digger. The offspring, mixed with soil, rocks, and ice, headed straight for the creatures insides.

Given the vast difference in size between the quantum beings, this was a feasible method, as there was an immense gap.

Having quickly dispatched ten offspring, the creature continued forward.

Its antennae spoke to it. Once it passed through the upcoming passage, it would reach the gathering place. There, the large vibrations and the offspring were converging.

Thinking of the imminent feast, saliva dripped from its jaws. Eager to quickly fill its insides with fresh meat, the creature raced through the ice cavern.

In a flash, the creature passed through the passage and extended its head into the wide chamber. The distance to the large vibration was close enough for the creature to discern with its antennae.

Caught you.

A small sound carried through the air.

The creature didnt know what the sound meant. But the immense energy emanating from the entity that made the sound, it knew well. It knew what consequences that bundle of energy would bring.

The creature attempted to retreat behind the passage quickly, but due to its physique, it wasnt easy. As its body got stuck in the passage, the creatures worst fear became a reality.

An enormous amount of energy from within the chamber engulfed the creatures carapace. Not only the carapace but its insides too were engulfed in flames. As the energy flames subsided, rocks and ice collapsed on the creature.

Its going according to plan.

In the chamber where I was, there were several ice passages, but deliberately, I left ten Tooth Fairies in that passage.

Since the Ice Horror, which targets offspring or weaker ones first, would undoubtedly crush the Tooth Fairies, I was sure of it. And as soon as I felt the Tooth Fairies deaths, I was prepared to unleash a psychic blast.

The reason for using Psychic Breath instead of Gods Club was simple. It was because using Gods Club would likely cause the entire ice plateau above to collapse.

If that happened, not just me but the others would be crushed immediately. The Gallant Galgons flying around outside would quickly realize that something was beneath them.

For this reason, after Gods Club, the next most powerful long-range attack, Psychic Breath, was used.

Moreover, the enemys size made it easier to hit.

I estimated the creatures length to be 150m, but it seemed even larger just from its head. Because its body was so large, despite detecting my attack early, the creature couldnt evade in the passage.

First, I took the initiative.

Although the passage the creature had passed through completely collapsed, the Ice Horror wasnt weak enough to die from such an attack. Perhaps the part of its carapace directly hit by Psychic Breath was damaged.

It will soon emerge and attack me.

But before that.

To face a monster, one must first become a monster.

I activated the Symbol of Hunt..

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

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