Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

Just now, what was that?

There wasnt just one demon with three heads, was there?

In a short time, two people fell victim to unidentified enemies. Since they were prepared to target only one of the three-headed demons, there was no avoiding the shock.

You stored information about that creature, didnt you?

One member nodded silently in response to Alias telepathy.

Rather than fighting cults or regular forces of other factions, the Temple Guardians primarily fought against monstrous beings larger than them, or wicked entities like the followers of the Vortex Order. It was common for them to fight beings from other dimensions without leaving behind corpses or traces when they died.

Therefore, members of the Temple Guardians are trained in special psychic power techniques.

One of these techniques is called Memory Storage Technique, similar to the ability of memory transference. It involves digitizing memories that are perceived or felt, akin to the ability of memory transference. Even if someone is ambushed, if a fellow member trained in memory storage technique records it and communicates it to other members, the same situation can be prevented from recurring.

Everyone, stand by.

I will transmit the stored memories.

While other members maintained vigilance, a member trained in memory storage technique sent the image of what happened to Brentz to Alia.

In front of Alia, who received the memory information through the telepathic link, the recent events unfolded like a video.

Brentz picking up the corpse of a baby monster from the ground. Between his legs, something vague could be seen amidst the mist.

It appeared to be a womans face, as if a drop of white paint had fallen on black paper.

However, it wasnt the typical appearance of a human that she knew. The pupils and sclera were all black without distinction, and the lips were as red as if soaked in blood.

Except for the eyes, it was clearly a beautiful face, but Alia felt only creepiness and discomfort.

Though it resembled a human in appearance up to the head, it was not so below the neck. It was similar in form to a spider. Of course, this was a metaphor; in reality, it was a truly horrific sight.

She, or rather it, seemed to have been hiding beneath the ice floor, low to the ground. It had waited in ambush until the members were off guard.

The pale face of the monster emerging from the ground quickly reached behind Brentzs ear. Brentz is still unaware of the creatures presence.

And the monster opened its blood-red mouth.

Its jaw split open, stretching wider than the length of its own face. Inside were triangular teeth resembling saw blades, densely packed.

The creature with the grotesque mouth clamped down on Brentzs neck.

Blood gushed out, and his neck was severed very easily. The creature held Brentzs severed neck and quickly retreated.

It was only then that the members, belatedly aiming their weapons, were seen. Amidst the frantic movements of the user of the memory storage technique, Alia noticed something.

Bilones figure was nowhere to be seen.

Amidst the distraction caused by the spider monster killing Brentz, another monster must have abducted Bilone.

Then, the spider monster disappeared into the darkness of the corridor, blocking attacks from the members, along with Brentzs severed neck.

The video ended there.

Alia, experiencing a headache brought on by the side effects of accessing the information stored in the memory storage technique, pondered.

Those who just attacked are definitely not to be underestimated.

The appearance of the two monsters was clearly coordinated. While the baby monsters drew attention, the one with a human head quietly lurked, waiting for the moment when they let their guard down.

Another one waited, seizing the moment when the members attention shifted elsewhere.

In other words, the intelligence of the monsters the Temple Guardians faced was quite high. Their exceptional physical abilities were just a bonus.

These fragments came off the creature during the attack.

This is

The tissue brought by the member was so bizarrely fused with black flesh onto what seemed like metal shards.

A fusion of metal and organic matter.

Not many entities have the capability to create such items.


Before coming here, she had heard rumors that the three-headed demon might be related to the StarUnion.

The three-headed demon was said to be a new biological weapon created by the StarUnion, which escaped from their control during experiments and infiltrated the territory of the Cult Empire. Recently, there had even been armed conflicts between the Empire and the StarUnion attributed to the three-headed demon.

No, thats an exaggeration.

Alia shook her head, dismissing the fantasies in her mind.

Lets think about its identity after we capture it.

After sharing the information created through memory storage technique with the members, Alia reported to Jason via telepathy.

Brentz and Bilone died because of it?

Brentz fell in battle, and Bilone was captured by it while moving. We should track her down now

No. Tracking is prohibited. Bilones fate is sealed anyway. You might just end up annihilated if you follow. Return here.

Excuse me?

Just knowing that its not alone is a huge gain. So come back.

Bilone was still connected via soul link. They couldnt just abandon her, waiting for the rescue from other members.

Shes our comrade! We cant just leave her knowing shes still alive.

I dont want to lose you, Alia.

What on earth is it? Doesnt the High Priest know? Why wont he tell us?

Jason fell silent under Alias intense telepathy. The turmoil of his lovers mind was transmitted to her clearly.

Well, I thought she might break if I talked, but whatever. Just back off after hearing this.

After confirming the telepathy sent by him, Alia could only be astonished.


Hey big baby, our friends here.

You did well. Hows your body?

[Kirik, compared to the previous model, has much more organic movement possible, Kirik, but durability is low.

That part seems like it needs to be supplemented by ingesting metal.

[Blood Liver, Kirik, if you give me more, its possible.


I rejected PS-111s request outright. There were only 7 left, having already consumed one. Even if Blood Liver was the only top-grade equipment that could be mass-produced, it wasnt something you could find just anywhere. It would be even harder to obtain more until we conquered the core planets of the StarUnion.

We need to conserve them since there are many formidable enemies on this planet.

Its only been two days since I arrived here, and already encountering an Apex, a Black Gallagon-class skilled Cult, was a situation I faced. No matter how numerous the cards are, theyre insufficient.

[Request persuasion to the main controller for Amorph.

If Big One says no, then its a no.

Even the attempt to ask Number 26 for a favor was thwarted. PS-111 hung its head low.

Still, gaining a useful ally is a profit.

I looked at the disappointed creature.

PS-111s appearance had changed a lot since our first encounter. The human womans face with white skin remained the same, but everything below the neck was completely different.

Red tubes and mechanical devices reminiscent of Blood Liver, black flesh obtained by consuming tooth fairies. Metal and organic matter mixed to create a new body.

To put it bluntly, it resembled a spider with a human head. There were four pairs of legs on each side of the body, and energy absorption devices from Blood Liver could be seen intermittently between the black skin on the torso.

However, few would think of a spider upon seeing it. The eight legs varied in length and shape, more akin to human arms and legs grotesquely elongated.

Different types of feet were attached to the elongated legs. One type resembled a hook with five fingers, while the other had sickle-shaped claws resembling scythes. Either way, they seemed effective in tearing apart the opponents body.

Despite the varying lengths of the eight legs, it moved very naturally from the beginning, as if it had always been like that.

It looks like a creature from some sci-fi movie or horror game.

From my perspective as a monster enthusiast, its appearance was enough to pass. At least it looked much better compared to screamers or hulk mutants that seemed to have been made by an incompetent special effects team.

Im not sure if the Cultists think the same way.

Most likely, they would have been frightened seeing PS-111 emerge from underground. Looking at the scars on its body, it was evident that the cultists had attacked frantically even in that brief moment.

Wouldnt eating the remains of the Ice Horror increase its defense?

[Kirik, theres a 72% chance of that.


Nodding, I accepted the Cultists head it offered.

[Why do you need the head?

Because it might come in handy later.

I put the head with goat horns into my mouth and chewed. The unique fruity taste of the cultists filled my mouth. It was a taste of orange with a hint of lemon added.

The skin, facial muscles, horns and skull, and even the brain were crushed finely and swallowed down the throat. Along with it, the genetic components of the Cult were quickly absorbed.

Eventually, one of the human-faced insects on the back of my head rapidly shriveled, and a new face grew in its place.

The newly grown face looked exactly like the face of the Cultist I had eaten, except for being very pale, like the other human-faced insects.

The newly transformed individual opened their eyes. They immediately understood their situation and blinked rapidly.

[What is this?!


The five human-faced insects growing on my head were all bound by my will. If I told them to be quiet, they had to close their mouths, and if I told them to speak, they had to obey.

In any case, soon youll be able to make as much noise as you want.

That was the purpose they were brought here for in the first place.

I sent a signal to the Adhai hiding nearby.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZ (Is the enemy coming?)

Theyre coming The number is Twelve.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ (Are there any enemies as strong as the small adult?)

The enemy Strength Small adults Comparison Low.

The group containing the Black Gallagon-class strongman stopped immediately when another group was attacked. Whether they were about to move again after assessing the situation or were staying put at the rear was unclear.

The group attacked by PS-111 and the Mother of the Sky also changed their movements. Instead of heading towards my nest, they changed direction and moved towards where the other group was.

The group acting independently was the only one coming towards us.

So far, everything is going according to plan.

By now, the Mother of the Sky should have arrived at the nest with the captives. The plan was for PS-111 to cut the throat of one Cultist while she distracted another, allowing her to be kidnapped.

Our response will depend on how the enemy comes out.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Well done. Wait until I give the signal.)


After ending the conversation with Adhai, I turned my gaze to Number 26, who was beside me.

It was unleashing the vast psychic power he had accumulated within his body.

The massive psychic power emitted by Sea demons affects other psychic beings. Abilities that require precise control of psychic power, such as telepathy or soul links, are restricted.

Since entering the underground, one of the three divided groups has been coming towards us. They aim to remove obstacles that hinder them.

Of course, its a trap.

The groups coming here now dont know if theres been a change in the operation. This is because telepathy isnt working smoothly due to the psychic power emitted by Number 26.

If all the groups coming here are annihilated, the enemy will move too.

There are two actions the enemy might take. Either the Mother of the Sky will rescue the captives shes caught. Or

Theyll come to directly remove the obstacles hindering the flow of psychic power.

And whatever choice the enemy makes, the outcome will be the same.

Right now, where I stand, in this place with the hard exoskeleton of the Ice Horror and its remaining bones, I intend to engage in battle with the enemy.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZZ (Then lets get ready.)


[Understood, Kirik.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ (If they suddenly move from their side, proceed as planned.)

[Confirmed. Dont worry.

I, along with Number 26 and PS-111, entered the skeleton of the Ice Horror, which lay overturned.

The intruders who foolishly attacked me.

Their future holds only two possibilities.

Either they die and become genetic essence, or they become my slaves.

Either way.

Their essence will be mine, regardless.


Is this it? Looks like animal bones.

Leading the third team of the Temple Guardians, Kryssian marveled at the giant creatures bones.

The place they stood was a partially collapsed underground chamber. Despite the vast space, the bones of the creature exuded a tremendous presence.

Psychic power is emanating from inside the bones. Ill investigate.

Selene, keep sending telepathy to Jason and Alia.


The Cultists present here couldnt properly use telepathy and soul links. It was because of the massive psychic power emanating from inside the bones.

Unless Jason and Alia, who were powerful psychic users, directly sent telepathy to them, there was no way to communicate with the outside.

Until the cause of this mysterious energy emission was removed.

What kind of creature emits such powerful psychic power?

Could it be the carcass of an Arcane Orca?

A creature that flies through space died under the ice?

It doesnt look like a fossil.

While the members were carrying out their mission, Kryssian examined the bones and exoskeleton.

The light made from glowing gems illuminated the bones. They gleamed white, smooth without a trace of flesh.

Its strange. If a creature of this size died, the surrounding ecology would have changed.

Predators approaching to eat the creatures flesh, the massive gases and bacteria from its decay. Yet, none of these traces could be found. The giant creatures bones were clean, as if someone had thoroughly wiped them clean.

And these traces. There was clearly a battle.

Kryssian thought as he touched the broken skeleton. There were many oddities to consider if it was assumed that they were defeated and eaten by the triple-headed demon.

Despite being several times larger than this giant creature, there were no traces of it entering and leaving this chamber and the connecting passage.

Since I cant contact the other membersTsk.

As he clicked his tongue in frustration, he heard the voices of the members who had entered the bones and exoskeleton.

Kryssian, come over here!

Whats going on?

Following the voices of the members, Kryssian ventured inside and was taken aback by the scene before him.

Between the white skeletal frame, there was a dark purple wall.

The wall was densely engraved with geometric patterns, and its surface was irregular and very rough. Unlike other bones on the ground, which were different from the wall, sharp spikes of the same dark purple color protruded from the wall. It seemed more like the exoskeleton of some giant creature rather than a wall.

There, five pale faces were embedded.

Uhh, pleaplease, help!

Ahhhh! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

It hurts! Its too painful! Somebody, please help!


Get us out!

Surprisingly, they were all Cultists faces. Although I didnt know how they were embedded in the wall, all five of them were alive. They were pleading for help, shedding tears and snot.

Despite experiencing countless battles, Kryssian had never seen a wall with only faces embedded in it. The sight was truly something out of a nightmare.

Whatwhat on earth happened here?

Thethe psychic power is emanating from behind this wall.

Darn it! We need to break this wall righthuh? Wait a minute, Ive seen that face somewhere.

Kryssian thought one of the five faces looked familiar.

You, are you Brentz?

WhaKryssian! Its me, Im Brentz!

He was so pale that I didnt recognize him at first. The one embedded in the wall was Brentz, a Temple Guardian who had come in here with us.

Werent you supposed to go with Alia? Why are you here?

I dont know! Damn itI lost consciousness and woke up here!

Ill get you out right away!

Kryssian approached the wall with the faces.

Then, the voice of Sele, who was in charge of communication outside the skeleton, was heard.

Kryssian! We just received a telepathy from Alia! Brentz and Bilone have fallen in battle!


Hearing that, Kryssian and the members looked at each other.

Brentz was right in front of them. He was only sticking his head out of the dark purple wall.

Ignore that voice! Its Alias mistake! Im still alive! Im alive, I tell you!

Among the Temple Guardians here, Alia holds the highest position. She is the third most skilled member of the Temple Guardians overall.

Wouldnt such a remarkable person be able to ascertain whether her comrades are truly dead or not?

Kryssian and the members began to distance themselves from the wall bit by bit. Seeing this, Brentz, with only his head protruding from the wall, cursed vehemently.

You damn Cult bastards! Do you think youll get away unscathed?!

With tears of blood streaming from his eyes, his cursed appearance was like a demon itself.

Kryssian was certain. That wasnt Brentz; it was something disguised as Brentz.

Everyone, be careful


Upon hearing the startled voice of the member, Kryssian turned his head to look at him. Like him, the members who had experienced various battles were gaping, as if they had seen something incredibly surprising or frightening.

Then Kryssian felt a sharp pain. His gaze lowered.


A spike that should have been fixed to the ground was impaled into his abdomen. His blood and pieces of his entrails flowed over the thick, dark purple spike.

He felt his strength drain from the legs that were standing on the ground. His wavering gaze turned towards the wall in front of him.

Faces embedded in the wall came into view.

They were smiling, their lips stretched upward.

Hehe, caught you.

Finally, he realized.

The face he saw wasnt Brentz. And what was in front of him wasnt a wall either.

Itthe thing that impaled Kryssian with its hornbegan to reveal itself above the ground.

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

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