Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 201

Chapter 201


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In the world of “Space Survival,” the ability to travel through space is extremely important. This is only natural, given that the game is set in space. However, the point at which space travel becomes feasible varies by species.

Space pirates like the Spacedog and MegaCorp captains can travel through space very early on. These factions are recommended to engage in smuggling or recruit mercenaries using their ships. On the other hand, some species are specialized for space activities but are delayed in their space travel due to various restrictions.

For instance, the Metallic Gremlins can theoretically travel through space from birth but are limited in their means to leave their atmosphere. Outspacers can go into space right from the start, but without any defense mechanisms, it’s largely pointless. For species like the Metallic Gremlins and Outspacers, it’s easier to progress if they establish a strong foundation on their starting planet before venturing into space.

The Amorph falls into the latter category. While they can survive in space without much trouble, their lack of spacefaring capability makes early space travel difficult. To travel to other planets, they must stow away on the ships of players or NPCs. Once they gradually develop and gain space travel capabilities, their gameplay style changes significantly, shifting from moving within a planet or continent to exploring the entire universe.

‘Space travel includes faster-than-light (FTL) movement.’

However, this isn’t something that can be used arbitrarily. FTL travel consumes an enormous amount of energy and requires as much preparation as stowing away on another ship.

‘If used recklessly, you could run out of energy and starve to death mid-journey.’

Before setting off, you must eat as much as possible and ensure there are resources for resupply during the journey. Another drawback is that FTL travel cannot be used during combat due to a long charge time, which makes you vulnerable to enemy fire.

‘In the game, these risks required cautious use, but…’

In this world, it’s different. I have another interstellar navigation ability: “Horizon of Nightmares.” This unique trait allows me to merge with a spaceship, transforming it into a sort of bio-ship.

‘Each ability has significant limitations, but together, they complement each other.’

Horizon of Nightmares and Enhanced Wings of the Beast each have distinct advantages and disadvantages. Horizon of Nightmares isn’t very versatile but can store much more energy, making it suitable for long-distance travel between star systems. However, it can only dominate one spaceship every seven days. Conversely, Enhanced Wings of the Beast are effective for short-range travel between planets or within planetary systems. Due to the need to continually find food, crossing multiple star systems with this trait is challenging.

In essence, how you use these traits can compensate for each other’s weaknesses.

‘Use the wings for planetary or system-internal travel, and Horizon of Nightmares for long-distance travel by taking over a ship.’

There are likely other uses, but I’ll figure those out as I go along.

I looked down at the arms enhanced with the “Enhanced Wings of the Beast” trait. This was the first trait I acquired after arriving in this world. Initially, they were similar to beetle wings, folding protectively around my body and unfolding when needed.

However, the new wings are quite different. The topmost pair of my six combat arms has transformed into wings. Typically, my combat arms are all the same length and shape, changing only during special transformation modes. But now, the winged arms are much longer and larger than the others, almost two to three times as long. When fully extended, the fingertips touch the ground even without bending my torso.

The arms’ exoskeletons have small, membrane-covered holes lined up in a row, used to expel propulsion substances necessary for FTL travel and space flight. All but one of the four fingers on each hand have become long and sturdy, with a broad membrane growing between them, resembling a bat’s wings. The outside of the membrane is covered in scales, giving it a rough, tough feel, while the inner side is lined with fine, soft fur.

The outer surface of the wings is fairly hard, resistant to energy-based weapons, and can even block a plasma cannon blast once, making them useful for emergency defense.

‘Frequent hits will tear them, so it’s not the best choice, though.’

The membranes are almost as large as my body when fully spread out, but folded, they drape down like a massive cloak.

‘Amorph cloaked in wings.’

When I evolve into a full-grown form, I’ll look quite impressive, resembling a three-headed dragon from classic Japanese monster movies.

‘The Saint Stage.’

With the ability to travel freely through space, I’ll be able to meet my evolution conditions more quickly. With this excellent means of transport, the entire planet becomes my hunting ground.

Though there’s still a long way to go before reaching my mature form, I can now achieve it faster than before.

‘Do you like it that much?’

As I admired my wings, Mother of the Sky approached me. After the representation of the hunt effect ended, everyone else had temporarily backed off, fearing I might attack. Behind her were Number 26 and PS-111.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZ (Sorry for causing you worry.)]

「What’s to worry about? I already knew.」

「Big baby, are you full now?」

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ (Sorry for eating so much by myself.)]

「Babies get hungry quickly, so it’s okay!」

When I came to my senses after the side effects of the Symbol of Hunt ended, the only remaining food in front of me was half of a female Crystalwing’s body. The male’s corpse was completely devoured.

[Preliminary simulation results of the energy consumption for the enhanced form suggest that sufficient energy has not yet been supplied.]

“Now that I’ve regained my sanity, it’s fine.”

[TL/N- Well there is a slight confusion here actually on how Amorph talks with PS-111 I think he uses the mimic organ to talk to it.. I’ll once again recheck in all the raws as in the starting the mc talked to PS-111 using mimic only and there is no other description saying that they can communicate using thoughts. Nevertheless I will check]

[I’ve heard that ‘Amorph’ can remove its weaknesses through genetic modification. I recommend consuming other organic matter to eliminate those weaknesses.]

No need to say it; that was my plan. Now that I’ve acquired the desired flight ability, my next target will be the Sharkbear to gain a new trait.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZ (Once we’re done eating, let’s go find new prey.)]



Number 26 and PS-111, who were engrossed in eating Crystalwing meat, responded enthusiastically.

「Oh, by the way, I have something to show you.」

Instead of replying, Mother of the Sky showed me a small metal fragment. It was an ivory-colored metal, partially melted—Moon Silver.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (Moon Silver? Where did you find this?)]

「I found it in the digestive tract of the female.」

While I was consuming the male’s head to gain its trait, she had been examining the female. To enhance her deification stage, she needed to consume the heart and organs. She must have discovered the Moon Silver fragment during this process.

‘But why would a Crystalwing have Moon Silver?’

I examined the Moon Silver fragment closely.

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ (It’s not in its mineral state.)]

「Right. It’s a refined Moon Silver alloy.」

Hearing that, I had a suspicion. She seemed to have the same thought and nodded silently.

Moon Silver is a mineral primarily used by cultists. Its properties amplify psychic power effects, so Moon Silver alloy is widely used in weapons, power suits, and even ships.

There’s only one possible explanation.


It’s undoubtedly a remnant of the spaceship Jason and his subordinates arrived in. Judging by the extent of the metal’s melting, it seems it was digested quite some time ago.

‘At least over a day ago.’

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZ (Did you find anything else?]

「I didn’t find any other traces.」

I would have examined the male’s body further if it hadn’t been completely consumed by me.

‘A spaceship, huh.’

When I interrogated Jason, who had become an Inmyeonsu, he mentioned bringing several subordinates. These subordinates had set up camp in the Black Gallagon’s nest. This wouldn’t have been possible under normal circumstances, but it was a miracle made possible because the Black Gallagon had a close relationship with his fellow player.

‘He said they would never leave until he returned.’

Judging from the current situation, it seems likely that his subordinates tried to leave the planet and met with misfortune. The Crystalwings wouldn’t have entered the Black Gallagon’s territory to attack the cultists otherwise.

‘Or is it an entirely different force?’

It’s also possible that pirates composed of cultists have set foot here, similar to Muriel’s cartel.

‘No need to overthink it.’

If necessary, I can find out directly.

With my thoughts organized, I looked at the others. Number 26 and PS-111 had already finished their brief meal.

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ (Did you eat well?)]


[Quite satisfactorily, though more energy is needed.]

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Is that so? Perfect.)]

Having eaten and acquired winged arms, it’s the perfect time to hunt while flying.


”All repairs are complete.”

”Phew, thank goodness.”

The captain, who had been anxious while the ship was being repaired, finally breathed a sigh of relief. This dreadful planet was crawling with terrifying monsters.

“What the hell, six attacks in less than a day!”

The spot where the cult cruiser crash-landed was near the middle of a massive mountain. It was quite a distance from the Gallagon nests, but that didn’t mean it was safe. Being away from the Gallagon nests meant that many other wild creatures lived in the area. While they expected some attacks, they never imagined being attacked this frequently.

If it weren’t for the temple guardians, specialists in monster hunting, the ship’s crew would have become food for the beasts long ago.

“At least the Garan Minos haven’t returned.”

Garan Minos have special outer shells that make them undetectable by scanners. Unless seen with the naked eye or detected using specific psychic power techniques, it’s nearly impossible to avoid their attacks. Initially, the crew’s attempts to leave the planet were thwarted because of those damn Garan Minos.

The temple guardians kept a vigilant watch for fear of another Garan Minos attack, but fortunately, no such incident occurred.

”Providence is on our side. Everyone, prepare for takeoff!”

”Yes, sir!”

The crew busily responded to the captain’s orders. The engines, which had been shut down, roared to life, and warmth spread through the cold hull that had been chilled by the outside air.

The cultists in the command room synchronized their psychic power with the cruiser, which had just awakened. Information stored at the time of the crash was transmitted into the synchronized minds of the cultists. Important data was projected as a translucent image made of energy in the middle of the command room.

[Engine activation at 70%. Rising steadily to 100%.]

[Energy levels at 67%. Stable.]

”Damage control and containment complete.”

”Ready for takeoff.”

”Good. Once we’re off the planet, prepare the engines for a jump.”


”Observers, report immediately if you detect any Gallagons or other threats.”

”Yes, sir!”

With all preparations complete, the ship slowly began to lift off. The ivory-colored, elongated rhomboid cruiser wobbled slightly at first but soon ascended smoothly into the sky.

”Please, let there be no threats…”

”Biological signals rapidly approaching! It’s a Gallagon!”

”Damn it!”

The cultist in charge of external monitoring urgently reported. Simultaneously, a tactical map, more sophisticated than those produced by MegaCorp or the StarUnion, was projected in the command room. A triangular marker was approaching the rhomboid shape representing the cruiser in the center of the map.

”Can you identify the Gallagon’s color?”

”Judging by its size, it’s estimated to be green. At its current trajectory, it will collide with us in five minutes.”

”…Tsk, switch to evasive maneuvers but maintain current speed as much as possible. Do not engage; just get away quickly.”


Given the speed at which it was approaching, it was clear the Gallagon wasn’t coming with friendly intentions. For some reason, it had targeted the cruiser.

As the crew tensed at the sudden appearance of the enemy, the complexion of the crew member in charge of monitoring and scanning turned pale.

”Emergency report! Another unidentified target is approaching!”


”Judging by its size, it’s at least white class! Its speed is incredible! Estimated collision in one minute!”

The unexpected bad news threw everyone in the command room into confusion. The captain, barely maintaining his composure, urgently issued orders.

”Prepare the FTL engines! Observer, share the external camera feed!”

”There isn’t enough time to get the engines ready!”

”Damn it! Do whatever it takes!”

As the situation grew increasingly tense, the video feed from the external camera was displayed in the middle of the command room.

”What the…?”

The captain was horrified by what he saw on the camera.

It was a black meteor soaring through the dark sky. Known as a harbinger of great calamities to the empire, it appeared whenever a massive disaster struck.

A black demon with gigantic wings was approaching them.

”What? What is that?”

As everyone froze in fear at the sight of the ominous entity, someone’s bewildered voice echoed through the command room. The captain’s gaze turned to the reinforced glass at the front of the command room.

Among the black clouds and the storm of snow and hail, something was there.

A dark silhouette illuminated by flashes of lightning.

The terrifying entity captured on camera opened its massive jaws wide and hurtled toward them.

”Everyone, brace for impact!”

Just as the captain screamed at the top of his lungs, the cruiser shook violently.


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