Becoming God of a Dystopian World

Chapter 40 - Solving Riddles!

Test Hall on the first floor of Xin Sect's Building.

Little Feng Mei looked around her, left and right, and saw that everyone was scribbling something. 

Basically, they were solving the riddles and writing their answers to the riddle below it, on the paper that the old man had given them.

Feng Mei also answered her riddle but the riddle stayed there and the next one didn't appear.

'This answer is wrong too.'

Feng Mei angrily thought while puffing her cheeks cutely.


She wrote another answer but it was still wrong. So she looked around again.

Feng Mei was already a Queen of the household and yet she was stuck in the first riddle. She had been taught by her Grandfather, High Scholars of the 4th City, and many other well-versed teachers. Yet now all the knowledge couldn't help her solve a simple riddle. 

She calmly looked at the riddle and read it.

"Riddle: A man stood in the rain without wearing anything over his head, for hours and hours yet his hair never got wet."

Little Feng Mei who thought that it was easy, smiled at the difficulty of the answer and the points she will be getting soon. 

There were '10 points' written next to the riddle.

She wrote the answer.

"Answer: He stood under a cover."

Feng Mei thought as she wrote the answer with her small hands. 

But the riddle didn't change so she knew her answer was wrong. 

'If he didn't stand under a cover then how did his hair didn't get wet?'

Feng Mei thought.

She was annoyed because no answer was coming in her head.

She tried again as there was a limited time to accumulate the points.

"Answer 02: He stood in the rain but the rain never fell on him."

She waited but the riddle still stayed on the page.

'Another Wrong answer. Ahhhhh.'

Feng Mei wanted to cry.

If only she had seen the man then she would know how easy the riddle was.

Feng Mei looked around again.

Now she understood why everyone kept on scribbling.

They weren't solving their riddles directly instead they were just guessing and trying to get the right answer.

"Answer 03: He used sidestepping to dodge the raindrops."

Little Feng Mei had her imagination run wild. Even making the man a master of martial arts, such kind who wouldn't even be touched by the nature.

'Still Wrong.'

Every time she wrote an answer, she would think.

Feng Mei put her pen down and looked at the riddle again.


Feng Mei took a deep breather.

She picked her pen again and starting writing her yet another answer.

"Answer 04: He was doing a handstand in the rain."

Feng Mei wrote.

If that person was here, he would have killed himself of embarrassment.

'Who in their right mind would even do a handstand in rain?'

That man would have definitely had this thought if he looked at Feng Mei's answer.

'This is wrong too. Sigh.'

Tears could be seen in the eyes of Feng Mei as she was having second thoughts about giving up on getting the points.

'Even if I can't solve this, I will still enter the Sect so why should I suffer like this?'

Little Feng Mei thought as she placed her hand on the paper.

Her fingers were hiding some of the words while leaving some of the words visible to her.

She felt a little depressed and looked around her.

Some of the people around her whose faces she could see had despair written all over their faces.

Who were these examinees?

Almost everyone was from a powerful and exceptional background. They belonged to big names of the Xin Range and yet they couldn't even solve the first riddle.

While the other people still hadn't given up. 

One of these people was Yan.

Yan was already answering his 2nd riddle.

Seeing Yan and the others who were still trying was a motivational scene for Feng Mei as she looked at the paper.


Feng Mei was shocked as she saw the riddle on the paper which had some of its parts hidden by her hands.

One of the words of the riddle which were under her index finger was hair.

Looking at this was like a spark for her.

"What if like the missing word the man was missing his hair?"

Feng Mei said it out lightly unconsciously.

"Answer 05: He was bald."

Feng Mei answered while looking at the paper with her eyes wide opened.


The riddle disappeared and another one appeared in its place. 

The top of her paper changed. 

"Adding 10 Points for Feng Mei."

A sentence appeared on the top of the paper telling the addition of her points from clearing the first riddle.


Then a ten appeared on her paper.

Feng Mei smiled cutely. 

'Now if only I can solve this one too.'

She thought while looking at the 2nd riddle.

"Riddle 02: It follows you all the times when you block the light."

The riddle went like this causing Feng Mei to think of countless answers again.

Again a riddle worth 10 points appeared on her page.

'Light is when it's day and during the day my subordinates follow me. So that's the answer then.'

Feng Mei thought while spinning the pen around her fingers. She was more than assured of her answer as she had just cleared her last riddle, so the feeling of getting the correct answer was still there.


She started writing her answer.

"Answer: My Subordinates."

Feng Mei wrote her answer while thinking.

'This riddle is perfect for me. Ho ho.'

She didn't forget to give the victory laugh as she waited for her riddle to disappear yet she knew soon.

'Again Wrong? How?'

Feng Mei couldn't think of another better answer except this for the riddle. Getting the wrong answer again and again was getting annoying for the little Queen.

She was frustrated but she knew that now want the time to be emotional.

So after calming down she looked at the riddle again.

'So it's something else.'

Feng Mei thought as she looked around thinking about the riddle.

'This hall is well lighted, my subordinates are waiting below. What is following me then?'

Little Feng Mei thought as she looked around again.

But she failed to realize that if only she looked downwards at her right she would have known the answer to this riddle.

Everyone else was suffering like this.

Yan was stuck at his 3rd riddle. 

Su Shi was at her 4th riddle but she was still disappointed as she knew she could do better.

But till now, among the 19 examinees here taking the 2nd test, only Su Shi had accumulated 30 points.

On the top floor of the Sect's Building.

The Second Elder was sweating while looking at smug-faced handsome Zhao Luo.

Zhao Luo was sitting in front of the Second Elder as if he was the Elder and the Second Elder was a child.

A few minutes ago, to be exact around 4 minutes ago when the Second Elder had brought Zhao Luo here.

The reason for bringing Zhao Luo here was simple.

'Since the time I told everyone to climb the stairs of the first floor, only this child has acted differently.'

The Second Elder thought.

'Only he could see through my Deception technique.'

The elder wondered while inspecting Zhao Luo.

"Do you mind if I take your second test here?"

He asked Zhao Luo.

"Not at all. Just let me start."

Zhao Luo answered with an eager attitude as he just wanted to get it over with.

 'It's just a test of riddles anyways.'

He thought about how hard could it be.

"It will be hard. Some may even be very hard to answer."

Second Elder replied to Zhao Luo as if he could read his thoughts.

"Take a seat."

The Elder said.

Zhao Luo sat down on the floor as a small table with a paper appeared in front of him.

"You can begin. You can just tell me your answer directly."

Second Elder gave the start mark to Zhao Luo.

He then began spectating Zhao Luo as Zhao Luo focused on the riddle.

'Let's see what you can do.'

The Elder was excited. He loved making riddles and solving them. His knowledge had already reached a peak so the only excitement he would get was through engaging in Riddles.

"A man stood in the rain without wearing anything over his head, for hours and hours yet his hair never got wet."

Zhao Luo read the first riddle.


Zhao Luo laughed after reading the riddle. While laughing he looked at the Elder who was looking at him angrily.

"Forgive me for that Elder. The riddle was just so funny that I couldn't hold it in."

Zhao Luo cupped his hand.

"What is so funny about the riddle? Maybe you have already solved it after reading once."

Second Elder asked Zhao Luo while trying to catch him off guard. As for the Elder, he was already of the opinion that nobody could solve his riddle right after reading it.

"The person must be bald. You won't get your hands wet if you don't have them in the first place."

Zhao Luo raised his hands while answering the Elder's question.

"Right. You are correct. You will get 10 points for that."

The Elder told Zhao Luo about his answer, that it was correct, and awarded him the points. He looked at Zhao Luo who was grinning while looking at the next riddle which had already appeared on the paper.

Second Elder felt even more excited while observing Zhao Luo. Still, he thought that it would be best if he warned Zhao Luo.

"Remember from now on, the riddles will-"


Zhao Luo interrupted the Second Elder with the answer to the next riddle.

The riddle was the same one that Feng Mei had to solve as her second riddle. Since Feng Mei and Zhao Luo had entered together so the Second Elder started with the same riddles that Feng Mei had to solve.


The Second Elder looked at Zhao Luo as if Zhao Luo was some genius of the century but the surprise had just begun.

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