Becoming God of a Dystopian World

Chapter 76 - Origin & Cruelty


The shield that Bellum used.

It acted more like a charm as it saved Zhao Luo by blocking Mite's attack, without him knowing about it.

Before sending Zhao Luo's consciousness out of his World, Bellum had merged his shield with Zhao Luo's body. But it wasn't so easy to control a treasure that you don't even know about.

Overall a treasure like 'Drion' wasn't like instant noodles, it was like a luxury food that would take time to be prepared.

A very long time ago, in the era of Bellum, someone who knew about the origin of Drion said.

"Drion, a shield made by smelting the bones of Silver Lion with the shell of an Earth Turtle. Silver Lion was a breed of lions that had the thickest bones yet they had so much flexibility in those bones that it couldn't be compared. The Earth Turtle was very scarce and their bodies were like war drums. Their shells were counted amongst the materials with the most strength. Combining the thickness of Silver Lion's bones and the strength of the Earth Turtle's shell resulted in a mystical treasure that was named Drion."

That Man had told Bellum who had found the shield from one of the ruins.

The name of the famous shield came from the shape of the earth turtle and the last letters of the silver lion.

This was the story of 'Drion' a msytical shield that was now merging to become one with Zhao Luo.

Zhao Luo who had no idea just felt his body's temperature rising which started with a warm feeling and slowly turned into controllable pain that he had to endure.

This was because of the merging process between the treasure inside him and his body.

Originally the shield was supposed to merge with his body around his chest area but unconsciously Zhao Luo had pulled it into his Mental World, The Dark Space.

Thus speeding up the process and while Mite attacked Zhao Luo sneakily, the merging had already ended and the aftereffects were subsiding.

Zhao Luo who was still not aware of the shield felt some weird force controlling him as the shield 'Drion' blocked Mite's attack after spreading a silver barrier that covered only his back but the barrier was partially invisible. Thus nobody could see it and the credit for saving Zhao Luo went to Zi Fei who was now dealing with Mite.

Zhao Luo's body had already cooled down and he was feeling way better than before as though the earlier suffering wasn't even real.

Zhao Luo had his fist clenched as he looked at Zi Fei and Mite.

'I could have died.'

Zhao Luo thought while feeling no emotions.

'I need to become stronger.'

Zhao Luo repeated his top goal.

Without strength, how could he become the ultimate ruler?

'How could he become a God of this Dystopia without strength?'

Zhao Luo's goal hadn't changed.

Zhao Luo's speed was very slow but he could only do his best and hope for the best.

"I guess it's my turn to teach you a lesson."

Zi Fei told Mite as he stood in front of Mite who was sitting on the floor of the ring.

Mite started shivering. He felt a fear which he had never felt before.

It wasn't because of what Zi Fei had told him instead the expression on Zi Fei's face was the reason why Mite was being overwhelmed with fear.

'This psychopath...Ahhhh'

Mite cursed Zi Fei inside his mind.

But before Mite could finish what he was thinking, Zi Fei crushed Mite's right hand with his foot.

"I hate when someone curses at me, hehe."

Zi Fei laughed while stepping on Mite's hand using his force on it to destroy it completely.

Zi Fei acted like he could read Mite's thoughts.


Mite started screaming in pain. There was no way that he wouldn't scream.

After being endlessly tired while fighting Zhao Luo, getting punished by a creepy senior like Zi Fei was the last thing on his list.

"Senior, please...Ahhhhh."

Mite begged but Zi Fei was just looking at him with his creepy smile.

Zi Fei crushed Mite's other hand too by striking it with his foot.

The whole training area was silent.

Only Mite's painful screams resounded again and again as Zi Fei slowly beat him into a pulp.

Zhao Luo who was watching everything with squinted eyes thought that he was watching a demon.

"Did this guy really save me?"

Zhao Luo questioned but his sound didn't reach Zi Fei's ears.

'How could such a cruel person have the heart to save someone?'

Zhao Luo questioned what Yan had told him before.

Zi Fei had already crushed Mite's appendages that are his feet and hands.

Zi Fei looked like he was in a pool of pleasure.

The scene of torture was so horrifying that most of the spectating disciples had closed their eyes while many others had already left the Training area as they could no longer handle the fearful cries of Mite.

Yet this senior of his who was torturing hadn't stopped smiling for even a second. Even worse had yet to come as Zi Fei wasn't done with Mite just yet.

"Hahaha, how I have waited for some junior to make such a crazy mistake."

Zi Fei started laughing crazily while swinging left and right.

Zi Fei was an inner disciple. He was allowed to discipline his juniors who were outer disciples and even the newbies, the trainee disciples.

One of the harshest punishments was set for those who tried to kill fellow disciples under the guise of 'training' or 'lesson'.

'Tried' was only applicable till the disciple was still alive, otherwise, if the targeted disciple dies then the disciple who killed him would be given the death penalty.

But even the harsh punishment that the Sect had decided was nowhere close to the cruelty of Zi Fei.

Zi Fei who had his foot on Mite's knee looked at him with the eyes of gratitude. If Mite didn't try to kill Zhao Luo this would have never happened.

Mite was shivering but he couldn't even move his legs away because of the pressure Zi Fei was applying on him.

"Junior, SIGH. Thanks for giving me this chance." 

Zi Fei said with a creepy smile as he couldn't hide his white teeth because of the happiness he felt at the moment.

"CRACK~ Ahh~"

Zi Fei had crippled Mite by breaking his right knee but instead of stopping he put his foot on the left knee of Mite.

Mite had his eyes closed while he moaned in pain.


Zhao Luo shouted before Zi Fei could show his cruel move again.

Zi Fei removed his foot from Mite's other knee and turned around to look at Zhao Luo.


Zi Fei was quiet for a second but this quietness was, even more, scarier than Zi Fei's creepy laughter.

Zhao Luo shivered for a moment while looking at the angry expression on Zi Fei's face.

'How could he smile while being angry?'

Zhao Luo wondered as he calmed down.

Zi Fei's brows were dripping as anger consumed him but his creepy smiled remained in its place.

"He tried to kill you and you want me to stop, heh?"

Zi Fei clasped his hands behind his back as he asked Zhao Luo.

"I am still alive and you have already done more than enough."

Zhao Luo said to Zi Fei.

Zhao Luo could already see that Zi Fei was doing what he enjoyed instead of just punishing Mite.

Zhao Luo still believed in his principle of not leaving a trauma on his enemies.

Mite finally breathed as he heard Zhao Luo's voice trying to stop Zi Fei.

'He is trying to save me from this monster.'

Mite trembled as he felt sad.

Everything started from him being arrogant towards Zhao Luo. 

If the only Mite hadn't tried to get the new trainees to follow the previous trainees just because Mite thought that they all were trash, the current situation would have never happened.

Mite could have never imagined that the person he made fun of and tried to mess with even worse than that he tried to kill this person yet the same person was now stopping this senior who wasn't any less than an evil demon.


Zi Fei turned around and kicked Mite in his face, throwing him away once again.

"How dare you relax when your punishment is going on?"

Zi Fei shouted at the unconscious Mite.

Mite was had already fallen in a sleep-like state because of the augmenting pain that kept on stacking over time. The kick was like the spell that put him out of his misery. Mite was still alive.

"Uh, huh, you can't sleep just yet, tsk."

Zi Fei moved towards Mite to beat him enough so he wakes up. Only then Zi Fei would be able to continue with his fun.

"I said you can STOP."

Zhao Luo shouted as he started walking towards Zi Fei.

Zi Fei stared at Zhao Luo who had come to stop in front of him. 

They both stared at each other.

'I am looking at a crazy guy. He is nothing more than a crazy senior.'

Zhao Luo had already forsaken the fear he had felt for a moment.


Instead of taking any action towards Zhao Luo, Zi Fei started laughing while holding his head.

"We will meet later. When you reach the inner halls after becoming an inner disciple."

Zi Fei said while looking down on Zhao Luo.

'How can i devour him just now? Such a juicy junior.'

Zi Fei thought while looking at Zhao Luo.

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