Becoming Legend

Chapter 11: Toni

Chapter 11: Toni

[The Mark Ned.]

"What's with the Mark?" Ned replied.

[The Mark is a single Code System, it's trying to read and merge into your DNA. Would you allow it?]

"Allow it. Also, if it's a system can you read its Code? and what's it doing in this world?" Now curiosity struck Ned.

[Allowing system.]

[New System detected.]

[Merging 'Paracletus' system into the Host.]

[Merging complete.]

After the merging was completed, Ned felt a surge of Mana flowing into his body.

[Mana storage capacity increased. Mana storage capacity increased from 301 to 601.]

[Mana Points replenished. Mana Points replenished from 50 to 100.]

[Current Mana Points status 100 out of 601. 100/601.]

So it's storing pure mana also. I wonder what's the use of this Mark. Ned was surprised.

[Analyzing new system code.]

[Analyzing completed.]

[This system is named Paracletus, which translates to Defender. Back at the Galactic Empire of Sskat, before we were created, there is a system called Persenexit means Old System or Ancient. Unlike us, who have hundreds to thousands of codes, this old system uses only one single string of code. And the code depends on who created the system.]

"So, do you know who created the Mark of the Knight?"

[Negative. The creator didn't leave a signature.]

Ned was dissatisfied with this information.

"Then why does it have Mana, but you do not have?"

[Unlike us who needed a host to survive. The old system uses mana, that's why they can be transferred from one host to the other. Although convenient, they only use a single string of code. And since it only has a single Code, it doesn't have the Code of Communication, so it can't communicate with the host.]

"What's the code for the Mark of Knight?"

[The code for Paracletus or the Mark of the Knight is the Code of Protection.]

"How does it activates?"

[It will activate depending on the code. The Mark of the Knight, when activated, protects the hosts from fatal wounds. It uses 10, 000 Mana points and has a re-casting time of 12 months.]

10, 000 Mana, and I only have 601 Mana capacity. I can't use it now. And twelve months to use again, well, it does save me from dying though. Reasonable enough. Ned thought. But I can't let my guard down with this. It would be a waste if some random mount hit me on my way from buying supplies and some water goddess revived me to another world. Ned sighed.

Ned got up from the ground and pulled the Butterfly from his waist. Trying to feel its weight. "You said 'Us', how many systems are there?" He asked.

[Unaccountable. We are called 'Pervellus'or a new system. Calahir made me following my sister and brother's code from the Empire. Raid Queen a battle system type and Jar'vees a support system type. And I'm a Utility system type. We Pervellus or new system uses thousands of codes to function.]

"And what are these codes?"

[Depends on the system. Alice system uses Survival Codes, Alita uses Combat Codes, Ja'Anoos uses Context Reading Codes, Mi'Anoos uses Rifle Making Code and Ur'Anoos uses Smelling Code.]

Ned now waving the Butterfly, shadowing enemies to practice the sword. Vertical and horizontal slashes hummed through the air.

[As for me, I'm a Utility Type System, I use thousands of codes together to improve my hosts. I use Battle Codes, Combat Codes, Survival, short-range and long-range, weapons-making Code, Book path codes, cooking code, writing code, and many other codes encoded by Calahir.]

"So you're one of a kind then," Ned was happy that Calahir made ICE specifically for him. "But you didn't answer my question before, why was the old system, here on this planet?"

[To why it was here, I do not have sufficient data to answer that question, Ned. Explore more to support my data.]

With sweats popping out of Ned's forehead, Ned decided to call it a night and prepare for tomorrow's Selection day.

ICE evaluate. Ned thought as he got up from his comfortable straw bed. Walked outside and saw the cat was still sleeping. The way the cat sleeps, rolling left and right, feel like he was the owner of the house. Ned walked outside to a wellspring and washed up his face.

[Mana replenished. Mana replenished from 100 to 145 out of 601. 145/601.]

[Energy is at 100%.]

[Vanish skill 5.]

[Vanish skill will be dismissed in 6 hours, 20 minutes, and 31 seconds.]

Well, at least I was left with one skill. Ned thought.

Ned wearing ragged clothes prepared food, and as always, it was Rabbi meat, some mushrooms, and edible fruit - that looked like a spiky apple but tasted like an orange.

[Mana Points increased by 1 for eating tropical fruit. 5 from Rabbi meat and 2 from the wild mushroom.]

Since I only absorb pure mana, I'm only getting single digits. Replenishing Mana will take a while for me. Ned sighed.

[Current Mana Points is 153 out of 601.]

ICE prompted as Ned ate the food.

After they ate food, Ned went to his straw-like room and pick his sword. He was now feeling ecstatic to have his own sword. Although not as strong as the one he used back at the Empire. He was still happy that it was given to him by his father figure.

His master, wearing full white linen clothes with some leather straps to hold what was hanging, approached Ned to tell him about the Star Grass herb.

"Before we go to the town, let's visit the orphanage first. I believe Lady Zoreena was done concocting the Star Grass herb you gathered yesterday." Master Will said.

For almost an hour, they have reached the orphanage. Now that Ned was clear-headed the second time he visited, the first was when he was robbed by the thugs and lost consciousness after Overcloking, he now realized that, for almost years of walking and hunting the forest, he never really hunted the outskirts. The orphanage was also well hidden in the forest. Since a lot of people visit O'rriadt Island, they need to make sure that the kids are well protected.

Now that it was clear, the two-story orphanage was made of murky-white bricks, and vines started to crawl up the wooden roof. The architecture was like from the Romans but with less complexity. Although looking old, the building was sturdy, it could be seen from the walls with some scraps from the sides that it withstood the test of time.

"Come in," Lady Zoreena said. Waving her hand signaling them to enter. "Welcome back lucky Ned, want some meat?"

"Thank you Lady Zoreena but we're already full," Ned said, thinking his last time he was here, he ate a handful of meat. How embarrassed Ned was. "Uhm, where's Toni, I didn't properly thank her last time."

"She's at my room, she helped me concoct the Star Grass you gathered. She's actually ecstatic to help me. You're quite lucky to found a rare type herb kid," Mama smiled, it seems that rounded objects, that resembles a Pica, could be seen on her twinkling eyes. "Despite low grade, rares are rares, and Picas are Picas."

With their current life on the island, one must be wise on how to acquire resources. And Mama sure knows one or two ways to stockpile them.

"Star Grass could be sold for a hundred or two Picas kid." Master Will interrupted, "but we're not going to sell them, you'll consume them."

"Thank you, Master."

"Don't thank me, it's yours from the start. You reap what you sow kid." Master Will said.

Inside the concocting room, Toni with her long obsidian hair, that scattered across her face and shoulder, was soundly sleeping. Now that Ned saw her under the beam of the sunlight that passed through the windows of the room. He noticed some strand of golden hair hidden under her dark hair. Her small nose, narrow eyes, and cute pink lips agree how shy she was. Her overall figure was contradicted by her common clothes. Tiny holes could be seen on her sleeves.

She soon woke up when she heard that people are rushing into the room. Her bashful face turned red when she saw Ned staring at her. "Uhmm...uhmm...hello," Toni raised her right hand and placed it on her chest. She then bowed. Ned noticed some waves of curves but immediately focused her attention on the pills that were placed on the table.

The strong green pills gave off a comforting aroma. "May I?"

"Go on kid, it's yours," Master Will replied.

"Remember to focus when you absorb it kid. If it's your first time absorbing a concocted pill, it might heat up a little when it passes through your nodes." Mama explained.

With all the kids running and playing around the orphanage, Ned decided to leave the place and went to a nearby forest to focus on absorbing the pill.

There, he sat on a flat stone, cross-legged, and ingest the pill.

[Foreign object detected.]

[Absorb foreign object?]

"Yes," Ned muttered.

He closed his eyes then for a moment, he felt that heat is building upon his stomach. And all of a sudden waves of energy passed all throughout his body. First, his system, then his organs, then his muscles, and lastly his skin felt like hot water was drench all over his body. Inside and out. Sweat formed all over Ned's body.

[Mana Points increased. Mana Points Increased from 153 to 160 out of 601.]

Seven points only. Ned sighed. After the pill was fully absorbed, even at a small amount, he felt like his body was refreshed. I can absorb a decent amount of pure mana if the grade was higher.

Due to Ned's training both from his past life and current, Ned's natural instincts were always on top.

Not far from him, he sensed that someone was watching. He looked back to the direction where the orphanage was and he saw Toni looking at him, behind the tree, again.

In a flash, she hid when she saw Ned looking at her. But she can't stop herself from peaking again, slowly she tilted her head off the tree. Suddenly, Ned was already in front of her. Surprised, she hid again. "Uhmm, I'm sorry," she muttered.

Ned pressed his back against the tree. "It's fine, but why is it that you're always watching me?" Ned asked.

Between them was a tree, where Toni's wobbly voice passes through.

"Uhmm, because...because, even though you're a Hollow, you never give the first time I saw you fighting those thugs...I, I can clearly sense that there is no Mana around you...but...but, you are still fighting. I admire you, Ned, we... we're a complete... complete opposite, Ned."

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