Becoming Legend

Chapter 27: Earflgard

Chapter 27: Earflgard

There are four known Continents in the World of Earflgard. Cassan, Ekan, Afrahati, and Dark Continent.

Cassan, a human-inhabited continent, met its first Gate three thousand years ago. In the gate, emerged the first race of Elves.

Due to misunderstanding, elves and humans fought their first war. Humans called this war The First Race War. Human technology against Elven magic. The war lasted three hundred years until another Gate appeared. Not only one, but hundreds of thousands of Gate all throughout Earflgard.

With the appearance of new a Gate. Dragons, Giants, Titans, Elementals, Behemoths, and many other devastating Magical creatures emerge, chaos spread.

With this, Humans and Elves decided to make a truce and repel magical creatures out of Cassan continent. After winning the Great War. The two races decided to divide Cassan Continent into two, one for elves the other for humans. With this alliance, Elves taught Humans to manipulate Mana in the surroundings and use them as Magic. Likewise, humans shared their knowledge about technology.

Though the passing of time, Humans and Elves discovered that, every three hundred years, Gate appeared randomly in every part of the World. And theorized that, there was another world aside from Earflgard and the only way to cross this world was through the Gates.

With the increasing amount of Magical Creatures surpassing both Humans and Elves. The first hunting guild was founded. At first, the only goal of the Hunting Guild was to hunt and kill magical creatures in Cassan Continent. Led by both races, they started to hunt monsters in every nook of the continent.

With the effort of Hunters even though thousands were missing, gone, or dead. They discovered that it wasn't just Cassan Continent. But other continents were waiting to be discovered as well.

Ekan Continent, a continent ruled by humans as well. Ekan Continent was once ruled by barbarians until the Zolins took control and united all factions and became Zolin Empire. Zolin Empire was highly regarded to rule the high seas.

Afrahati Continent. A continent filled with different races. None ruled the Afrahati continent, but it was divided into different regions ruled by different species. Humans called this continent The Beastman Continent because it was overpopulated by Beastmans. Humans, especially from the Cassan continent aren't welcome here. Only special privileged humans may enter the Beastman Continent.

The fourth continent, the Dark Continent. Less was known about this continent, hunters sent explorers to the Dark Continent but none had returned. Cassanians, Ekkans, and Afrahatians regarded this continent as no entry. Rumors says that Mana inside the Dark Continent was unstable. And no normal human or race could handle these kinds of Mana.

Centuries have passed and human technology was envied by the Elves. Envy leads to suspicion, suspicion lead to fear. And fear leads to war. With humans rapid advancement in technology and magic. Elves became wary. Afraid, that humans will overwhelm them. The Elves started another war - The Second Race War. It was to stop the progress of humans.

With the advancement of technology coupled with magic taught by elves. Humans successfully repelled Elves out of Cassan Continent. The remaining Elves who were caught became slaves by the humans. As to where the other elves, no one knew.

The Old King, King James Giffard Atherton Pendragoon, and his Royal Family successfully repelled the Elves and was throned the King of Griffith Kingdom. Due to old age and with the new Gate coming, the Old King passed his throne to his first Eldest son, Prince Arthurius Roland Pendragoon - the current King of Griffith Kingdom.

Due to the Zolin Empire's rapid expansion and uniting of the human race, and failed attempt of negotiation, it went to war with its neighboring continent, the Cassan Continent ruled by the Griffith Kingdom.

The war ran to a stalemate for almost decades. But this never stopped the Griffith Academy from recruiting young mages to defend the kingdom.

Every year, Griffith Academy recruits young aspiring Mages from different locations all throughout the boundaries of the Cassan Continent. Recruit's who passed the Selection will be sent to the Academy, and for four years, they will be trained to improve their Magic.

"Four years huh," closing the pamphlet, Ned took another sip of water. Holding the booklet, Ned carefully analyzed the writings. "Idiot's Guide to the History of Earflgard and How the Kingdom will Dominate the World. Second Edition. By Diamond Level Hunter, Explorer, and Historian, Edith Cornerstone."

These pamphlets were given to the participants who passed the Selection. This is to teach them the history of Griffith Kingdom and prepare them for what to expect once they were inside the academy. Inside was the map of Cassan Continent, it also includes the great achievements of the past Kings and current King. Every page was imbued by magic, so each illustration was moving just like they were alive but without noises.

On the page of 'The First Race War', Ned saw hundreds of hunters fighting the Elves. Humans are using devices infused with magic, while Elves are using different spells.

Toni was sitting on Ned's side, when she noticed Ned's knitted eyebrow, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing it's just that," after carefully analyzing the booklet, Ned put it on the table, "we'll be staying in the academy for four years, I wonder what will we learn."

"A lot, probably," Toni had been eyeing Ned's finger lately, there she saw the ring Ned put on his index finger, "let's just stay away from nobles."


"Nothing, it's just that, I don't get along well with nobles," Toni turned her gazed outside the window, the sunlight passed through the window. Outside she saw busy people gathering. She turned her gaze back to Ned, "Ned, what's with the ring?"

"This?" Ned rubbed the ring with his thumb finger, fidgeting. His eyes were deep while he looked at the ring, "someone gave it to me."

"Where is this someone now?"

With a long deep breath, Ned looked at Toni, "this someone is long gone," he answered.

"I'm sorry," Toni looked down, she was unable to meet Ned's eyes.

"It's fine," Ned let out a breath and lifted his chin. "Anyway, since Royal Mage Park said that I'm able to go out now, why don't we visit Xi?"

"Are you sure?" Toni lifted Coco and let the cat rest on his arms, "what about your Master? Sir Edwin said that your Master had waited outside the town's gate for quite some time."

Ned's white linen clothes hanged when he tried to get up. These clothes are imbued by magic specifically worn by someone who was injured. This increases the recovery rate of the one wearing the magic clothe.

"He will be fine after I take my sword, I'll be going out too." Ned walked into a tiny room where he changed his clothes to his old hunter clothe. When he opened the door, Toni was already waiting. Looking anxious, and tired. "I'm sorry, I've put you in so much trouble."

Toni clasped her hands behind her back. Even with this gesture, she was still looking attractive with her tattered tight leather clothing. "We're a team, so don't worry,"

When the two opened the door, a lady wearing a full plated armor was waiting. Her chestnut hair was pony-tailed perfectly. Leaving nothing but a single strand. Her green rounded eyes glared on Ned and Toni and back to Ned. But never on Coco. Her overall demeanor was that of the eye of the stormsilent, but Ned and Toni knew that this lady doesn't give any openings.

"Miss Allaina," Ned lifted a smile and greeted Allaina. He put his hands on his chest and slightly bowed. "How we may help you?"

After Sir Edwin and Mage Park gave Ned and Toni their booklets, and with small talk, the two left. But Allaina, who was accompanying them decided to stay behind and was eagerly waiting outside the infirmary.

"Not her," tilting her head toward Toni and back to Ned, "only you," her usual monotonous voice was gone, and all that was left was a voice of discerning, "since your going to the academy, well be seeing each other quite often, so how about you start helping me of something."

"What could that be?" Toni's usual timid voice was also gone and what remained was her voice of confrontation.

"I said not you," Allaina shrugged her shoulder, without looking at Toni she let out an aura. The air around them turned blazingly hot.

Without saying anything, Toni stood unmoving. With the air turning hot, she released a chilling aura. Coco jumped off Toni's arms, trying to get away from the two ladies as far as possible.

Pillar of ice started to form out of the ground. Not just pillars, but different shapes of ice formed and was floating midair. But with only a matter of seconds, the chunks of ice were melted instantly. Instead of worry, Toni showed a faint smile.

Ned, who was in the middle was utterly confused, using magic inside the premises could result in bystanders getting hurt. Ned was pressured by both fire and ice magic.

Seeing Toni's ice magic, Allaina was surprised. "For a pheasant to be Gifted, you're lucky, young miss." She glared at Toni for a moment then shifted her gaze back to Ned. "But as I have said, I only need this kid's help."

"What do you want?" Since the Selection was over, Ned wondered what Allaina wanted with them.

"Play with me."

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