Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 137 14 Days To Seduce My Mate

When Joanna and Amos got to the stairs they met Audrey sitting on the stairs watching the basketball teams play on the field.

Audrey has never been interested in idols' talk except when it had to do with fighting or games so she wasn't surprised that she stayed back.

Together the three of them headed to the cafe.

At the cafe, it was very bubbling that day. Leah and Joanna were not able to handle the number of customers trooping in so Audrey decided to assist them.

Since Joanna has no other classes that day she was at the cafe until night.

She closed from work at the normal time she was supposed to.

For eight days Joanna spent all her spare time trying to get tips on how to seduce a man.

She watched lots of movies, anime and novels to widen her horizons.

After three days of intense learning and preparation, she was so confident that seducing Kayden to say the words she wanted to hear would be a piece of cake.

Joanna sitting on her desk placed very close to the window grinned as she stared at the note in front of her.

"14 days to seduce my mate," Joanna giggled as she read out the title of her mission.

She stood up from the brown wooden chair and dusted off her white swagerliciously.

"Let's see how he will not fall on his knees and say I LOVE YOU after I have executed all the seduction ideas on my list," Joanna smirked, not staring away from the book.

Joanna was still staring at the book when a knock came at the door.

In a flash, she closed the blue notebook, stretched her hand and opened her drawer.

She shoved the notebook into the drawer and with the creak of the drawer it closed.

"Who is it?" Joanna questioned as she hastened to face the door.

The door creaked open and a tiny figure out out head first to survey the room.

"You can come in. I am not dressing up now," Joanna beckoned him in with a smile.

Seeing how cautious Anthony was she could not blame him for being this way.

Three days ago, she had freshened up at noon and got ready to leave for Audrey's apartment since it was her day off.

She had just come out of the bathroom and was about to dress up when her door flew open.


Innocent Anthony screamed in horror the instant he set his eyes on his naked Big Sister. He covered his eyes and dashed out of the room.


The door slammed closed. The surprised Joanna could hear his running footsteps from outside.

She heard Laura shouting at him to slow down but his continuous footsteps were evidence that he didn't listen to her.

Joanna's thoughts were cut short by the slam of the door.

"What is it, Little Rice ball?" Joanna questioned her gaze on Anthony wearing a pair of brown trousers and a blue shirt.

He looked smart and neat with his new haircut.

Joanna walked three steps forward and covered the gap between them. "Do you need help with your assignments? Or do you want Big Sister to play with you?" Joanna raised her right hand and slightly ruffled his brown hair.

"I have done my assignment…,"

"Whoa… my little rice ball is now a big boy," Joanna cut in. She playfully ruffled his hair once again.

"He doesn't need Big Sister to help him with assignments anymore," Joanna fell as she went and sat on the bed.

Anthony ran to sit beside her on the bed seeing her fallen expression.

"Of course, I still need Big Sister in many ways even without her helping me with my assignments," replied Anthony, his innocent eyes centred on his unhappy sister's face.

"And isn't it a good thing that I am improving so why does Big Sister look unhappy?"

He let go of her hand when she wouldn't talk or look at him.

His fallen expression alarmed Joanna, who was trying to pull a prank on him.

"Are you angry with me because Mother and Sister Laura has been making things hard for you…," Joanna gently hit his head with her middle finger causing him to raise his gaze to look at her face.

"That hit is to get those silly thoughts out of your head," Joanna said smiling.

She lifted her hand and held his chin and made sure he was looking at her face.

"My little rice ball is this handsome, cute and considerate," Joanna's smile broadened as she looked at his chestnut eyes full of so much innocence.

Although Anthony has never joined in with her mother, father and stepsister to torment her, there was a time in the past that she really resented him.

She was so overwhelmed by the pains of her family's maltreatment and at a point, she transferred her hatred to the innocent boy.

Thinking back now she knew just how much she wronged him. Thank goodness she came to realise her mistakes.

She would have long committed suicide in this hellhole called HOME if not for her little brother who stood up for her occasionally even at the expense of being scolded and spanked.

"You are my only little rice ball, the apple of Big Sister's eyes. You are nothing like your mother, father, sister or others or who bully me so, how could I ever hate you huh?" Joanna stroked his face lovingly.

She could hate everyone and turn the world upside down but they are certain people she would never harm no matter how crazy she turns out.

These few people are none other than Audrey, Kayden and Anthony. Maybe a few others will be added to the list in the future that she isn't sure of.

"I am thrilled to see that you are making progress with not only your studies but also your training… I also can't stop myself from being sad…,"

"But why?" Anthony asked as he held Joanna's hands still on his face.

His heart felt calm hearing that his assumptions were wrong.

"Because as you grow up little by little, this Big Sister of yours is gonna become less useful in your life…,"

"Big Sister can never become useless to me," Anthony replied with a broad smile. He raised his hand and cupped her face.

"I will still need Big Sister to bless my mate and me when I grow up…,"

"You are still too young to think about that naughty boy… I wonder who fed your little head with such ideas," Joanna scolded playfully.

They were still talking and laughing when Anthony jerked to his feet. His flustered look made Joanna worried.

"What is it?" asked Joanna as she stood up from the bed.

"I was so happy earlier that I forgot to tell you that someone is waiting for you downstairs," Anthony said with his head lowered.

Here couldn't believe he got carried away and forgot the reason he came to his sister's room in the first place.

"Someone is waiting for me?" Joanna asked with raised eyebrows.

She has already set up an appointment with Audrey to meet her in the evening after work so she knew the one downstairs wasn't Audrey.

"Yes. He said he was your friend so I let him in…,"

"You know that I don't have any other friends apart from Drey so how could you let a stranger into the house without confirming his identity?" Joanna reprimanded in a serious tone.

"Although he looks quite weird wearing those glasses and his curly hair looks kinda odd, he didn't look like a bad person that is why I let him into the house," Anthony mumbled with his hands folded at his back.

Joanna's eyes widened when she heard Anthony's description of the visitor. She bent and grabbed Anthony on the shoulder.

"What did you just say he looked like?" Joanna demanded. She grabbed his shoulders tighter.

"He wears glasses and a blue backpack. His hair is a bit long and curly. It covers half of his face," Anthony described but didn't understood why Joanna looked so anxious.

"Oh my gosh… What the hell is he doing here?" Joanna remarked standing up straight. She raked her fingers through her well-styled hair.

"Big Sister, do you know him?" Anthony inquired seeing how abnormal his Big Sister was acting.

"Of course I do… he is the biggest troublemaker of all. I have always known that he will be the death of me someday," Joanna stated absentmindedly as she paced about the room.

"Anyways what am I still doing here when I am sure he must have caused havoc downstairs," Joanna muttered. How she dashed out of the room left Anthony dumbfounded.

His Big Sister has always been composed so he wondered what must have possessed her to make her behave this way.

"I wonder what is wrong with Big Sister," Anthony mumbled, his gaze on the brown door Joanna had forgotten to shut.

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