Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 34 They Went Shopping

"Yes," Audrey and Joanna chorused to the excitement of Anthony and Jocelyn. Even the Alpha couldn't resist smiling when he saw the excitement on his little sister's face.

"Yay! Big Sister is the best," Anthony yelled in excitement. He jumped on Joanna's legs.

"Since you have given us your words to keep us entertained the entire day then I don't see any harm in staying here one more day," Joanna said smiling. She patted Anthony's hair affectionately.

"We will only have a problem if you fail to keep your words...,"

"That won't happen, I can assure you of that. I wasn't given the title of the Queen Of Entertainment for nothing," Jocelyn said as she tapped her chest confidently to show that she was equal to the task.

The Alpha let out a dry cough to get their attention once again.

"The annual hunting contest will commence in a few hours. As our guests you both are free to participate in the contest if you are fond of hunting just like the people here," The Alpha said with a firm expression.

"I will let Jocelyn enlighten you more about the annual hunt.  You both can decide whether or not to join the contest afterwards".

Jocelyn stood up from where she sat. "I accept the Alpha's order with pleasure," Jocelyn said. She got all dramatic by bowing in a ladylike manner.

"Dear brother, you will have to forgive me for my impudence because I am gonna steal your guests from you. As you know we have a lot of things to do," Jocelyn stretched her hand and immediately pulled Joanna to her feet.

She also held Anthony's hand before she dragged the two siblings along with her. Audrey followed them closely after paying respect to the Alpha.

"That silly girl will never change," Alpha Benjamin remarked. He stared at the direction they took while shaking his head.

He turned to face his Beta, Noah. "The silly girl is gonna need a lot of money to successfully execute her words so get her my card," Alpha Benjamin said. He stood up and left the sitting room after passing his orders.

Jocelyn and her newfound friends didn't leave the packhouse when Benjamin caught up to them.

"The Alpha said you should use this for today," Noah said, as he handed the black card into her hands.  Jocelyn's happiness knew no bounds when she lowered her gaze and saw what Noah had shoved into her hands.

"I have always known that my Elder brother is the absolute best. Help to relay to him that he is the best brother in the world to me and I love him a whole lot," Jocelyn's smile broadened as she caressed the card in her hand like it was such a precious treasure. All she could think about at the moment was the thing she could do and buy with the card.

Earlier she was already starting to get worried about what she was gonna do since her card had a limit she could use. Now that she has her Elder brother's card she could see her problems being solved in a flash.

"Let's go and have fun ladies," Jocelyn said delightfully. She led the way towards the huge gate.

"You can use the car, he didn't forbid you in using any of the cars...,"

"Sorry but I reject your offer. How do you expect me to entertain my friends while driving inside the car?" Jocelyn said. She took her guests and together they left the packhouse.

"Carl, you and your men should keep a close watch on them. No harm should come near the Young Miss nor her friends," Noah said to Carl who was about to follow Jocelyn.

"I will do just that," Carl bowed slightly to honour the hierarchy. He and his men left the packhouse.

They started their day with the first activity being sightseeing. Though compared to where they came from Kingdom Twipera was bigger and better than here but the pack wasn't lacking either.

It had places of entertainment like clubs, malls, cafes, restaurants and so on.

Jocelyn, the Queen of Entertainment took them around all the places in the pack worth seeing.

The girl was too carefree to care about the mean gaze passersby were giving her.

She didn't need anyone to tell her that the reason they were all glaring at her was that she was moving around with a vampire which was supposed to be the greatest enemy of all the werewolves residing in the pack.

Jocelyn finally took them to the zoo. The zoo was huge and filled with common and rare animals.

"Whoa… is that what a peacock looks like for real?" Joanna exclaimed with her right hand covering her agape mouth.

"It looks a lot better than the one you often see in movies or textbooks, right?" Jocelyn asked, smiling.

Joanna shook her head affirmatively. "Mm… it looks a lot prettier and awesome than the ones I often see in books. Wow…," Joanna was so fascinated by the beauty of the peacock. She couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful animal.

"I am sure you must have a zoo too where you come from so why does it look like this is your first time going to a zoo…,"

"That is because this is really her first time entering a zoo. She never had the luxury to visit the zoo," Audrey replied to Rachel's question. Her reply left Rachel even more confused.

"But why is that so…,"

"Because my stepmom would have broken my legs if I did. She isn't a very nice lady if you were to know," Joanna replied. She tried to sound nonchalant about the topic at hand but she couldn't pull it off perfectly.

"Although you couldn't visit the zoo in the past, you have me now," Jocelyn beats her chest confidently.

"You are unrestricted here. You can walk around the zoo as many times as you want, none will dare to utter a word with me around".

How Jocelyn said these words made the ladies chuckle.

"I have heard you, Your Royal Highness", Joanna jokes. Everyone burst out laughing because of how dramatic she acted while saying the words.

All of them walked about the zoo. Joanna was fascinated by the sight of so many of the animals at the zoo. Anthony almost got bitten by a snake when he put his finger into the snake's cage.

"Big Sister, that is a giraffe. The neck is way longer than it is in the storybooks I have read," Anthony pointed at one of the giraffes.

"Mm… you are right about that," Joanna replied smiling.

The five of them had fun in the zoo for about an hour before Jocelyn dragged them to the mall which is the biggest one in the pack.

Because her new friends are only gonna spend a day at the pack time was limited and that is why Jocelyn tries to manage time as much as she could.

"Joanna, that will look awesome on you so let's buy that," Jocelyn pointed at a red long sparkling gown.

Actually, she noticed that Joanna has been staring at the dress since they got there and that is why she decided to buy it.

"You don't have to. Besides, it looks expensive…,"

"I am the boss today so you will listen to me ok," Jocelyn said playfully. She signalled the salesperson to wrap up the clothes.

"Also no matter how expensive it is, I can afford it. Besides it's not our card so you don't have to worry about the money ok," Jocelyn said as she held Joanna's hand and dragged her along.

"I want that, this and those," Jocelyn said beaming.

Jocelyn made sure there was no dull moment. She made sure they had tons of fun just like she promised them.

As they were having fun, back at Kingdom Twipera Adhara was venting out her anger by talking.

"I swear I will kill that witch when she returns," The enraged Adhara said with clasped fists.

"And I will make sure she doesn't die an easy death for what she did".

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