Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 84 They Got Scammed By The King

"Repeat the nonsense you just spew and I promise not to only rip your goddamn mouth to tiny pieces but I will make sure that your head is not sticking to your body when you breathe your last," Kayden said, his bloodthirsty eyes focused on the man who was swinging his legs to and fro.

"Grandpa…," Logan shouted when he saw just how tightly the enraged King was grabbing the prime minister by the neck.

The look in his eyes was evident that he didn't give a damn whether or not he choked the man to death.

Logan crawled on the leg to where Kayden was holding the man still struggling to preserve the little consciousness left in him.

"Please your Majesty, save my Grandpa. Please don't kill him," Logan pleaded profusely with his palms together.

"Your Majesty, he might not be able to withstand it if you don't release him now," Gideon spoke up when he saw that the King wasn't with his senses.

Gideon spoke two more times before the King finally released Mr Martinez.

The proud man landed on the floorwith a big thud. He coughed severely while holding his burning neck.

"Didn't you say I am happy that my Queen got killed…," Kayden said as he approached his throne.

He turned to face them when he was standing right in front of his throne.

"So why don't I show you guys just how happy I am by killing each one of them right in front of your eyes?" Kayden stunned everyone with his words.

"He is not serious right"

"The King must be joking right,"

"He is not going to really kill them hmm,"

The boy's parents mumbled among themselves.

"Get me the sword. I am going to behead them myself," Kayden's words made everyone in the hall tremble.

Even the guards could not hide their shock.

They stare at the King as though he was a stranger and not the person they have been serving all these years.

"When I am done, I am sure that all of you will be happier than I am so there is no need to fret," Kayden said as he collected the sword from the guard who provided him with one.

"Your Majesty….. Please… please don't," Mr Martinez let go of his ego and pleaded like the desperate man that he is.

His wife never had sons so he didn't have an heir to will his properties to after his death.

After so many years seeking for a male child, his second daughter gave birth to a son he has been yearning for all his life.

From the day he was born until these moments he had showered all his love and attention on Logan.

He has so many expectations of him. He wouldn't be able to survive the night if he lost him, not to mention watching him die in front of him.

What kind of torture could be more painful than watching your very beloved child die in front of you while you as a parent are helpless.

The clanging of the sword generated by how the King was dragging the sword on the floor sent shivers down their spine.

The clanging was like the ticking of a timebomb which means that the moment the ticking stops is the time they lose their lives.

It was so horrifying for every single parent there including the boys.

"Please…," pleads and wailing filled the room as they watched the King draw closer.

He he acted as if he didn't hear any of their pleas.

"In a minute or two let's see whether each one of you will be happier than me," Kayden said as he paused in front of Logan.

Mr Martinez's heart stopped beating for a few seconds when he realised that his grandson was the King's first target.

Kayden lifted the sword just above his head. All pleads fell on deaf ears.

He descended the sword immediately. Just before he could chop Logan's head off his body, Mr Martinez went down on his knees.

If he was just a second late then he would have lost his grandson forever.

"I admit they were wrong in killing the Queen. No matter what was their reason they shouldn't have killed her so please forgive them," Mr Martinez pleaded profusely when he saw that Kayden wasn't kidding around neither were his words mere threats.

"Even though not for anything but for the sake that I have been a good minister who has served under many Kings. For the sake of my merits please spare their lives".

"And why should I listen to you when you have always made it a point of duty to challenge my authority?" Kayden asked coldly.

"Also, didn't you just say I was happy that she died so why are you so scared to experience the same happiness?Or is it that you are allergic to happiness?"

Normally Mr Martinez would have said something but he was very sober at the moment for some reason.

"As long as you let my son live then I promise to do anything you want. Also, I won't undermine your authority starting from this moment," Mr Martinez said, not stopping to plead.

He knew very well that the fate of his grandson relies on what the King's judgement would be.

He knew that provoking the King by acting stubborn will only push his grandson nearer to his grave.

"It's the Queen your grandson killed and not some commoner so how could your mere promises be enough for a bargaining chip for his life?" Kayden asked, swinging the sword left and right to remind the Mr Martinez what was at stake.

"You name the price. I will give you whatever you want as long as you let him live," Mr Martinez said with a secretly clasped fist.

"I want the army your family has been building up to be made into the royal army," Kayden stated firmly.

"Starting from this moment you will promise never to instigate the Ministers to go against my orders…," Kayden trailed.

"Also, from this day onwards never will anyone in your household ever become the Queen….,"

"What?" Mr Martinez, who has eyed the Queen's position for his granddaughter ever since Kayden became the King shouted.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Kayden asked fiercely.

Even though Mr Martinez wanted to say something he swallowed back whatever he wanted to say when Kayden brought the sword close to Logan's neck.

"No, Your Majesty," Mr Martinez said with his head lowered.

Kayden went ahead and stated more conditions not only for the prime minister but also for the other parents too.

All the conditions he stated were immediately printed on paper and given to all the parents to sign in case they decide to do otherwise in the future.

[Joan, I am so sorry that I had to use your death to get what I have always wanted from them but believe me, I am not doing this for myself but for the people you love]

Kayden was in a daze as they signed the documents.

[With these I will be able to publicly protect everything and everyone you love. I won't have to sneakily do it like how I did with you when you were alive. I couldn't publicly protect you despite how important you were to me. I don't want the same thing to happen and this is why I am doing this]

Kayden's eyes became misty as he kept on staring into space.

[Although I have decided to spare their lives, that doesn't mean that I won't avenge you so don't get me wrong. Because I will make sure they still pay the price of murdering you]

Kayden snapped out of his daze when he heard background voices.

"Your Majesty, now that we have signed the papers can we go with our sons?" One of the boy's parents asked curiously.

Kayden shifted his gaze to the man who talked. "Did you say you want to take them with you?" Kayden asked, his expression was emotionless.

"When did I ever mention that they were going to go with you?" Kayden stunned everyone with his words.

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