Berserk Stick System

Chapter 63: Body Transformation

After clothes were in my hand, I looked at Lusi.

‘Hmm… looks like something is missing but what is it? Oh right, underwear!!’

I held my head, ashamed of myself for forgetting this simple thing. Looking into the system store again a variety of sexy underwear, and normal looks. Well, I don’t want her to wear weird underwear right now, so I just bought a normal one. It was a normal-looking blue undergarment with a small ribbon on it.

“Can you use this?” I asked her and handed her clothes.

Lusi looked at clothes and nodded, she took off the blanket she was wearing and showed her beautiful curves. Of course, I will not look away, I will record this moment in my precious memory.

‘Wow, this looks erotic,’

“But before that, can you get rid of those wings, tail, and your horns?”

Since earlier, some of the dragon features on her body were still there, if she wanted to wear clothes, it would be difficult to use. I’ve always wondered how can a dragon wear human clothes, when it’s hard for them to use themself? I don’t know maybe they have special clothes for them to use, like magic clothes that can adjust to their bodies. It’s also the same as the shirt I gave her, as it also has a wearer’s body adjustment. Or maybe they can get rid of some of the dragon’s features on their body like their wings which are definitely annoying when wearing clothes.

“I can do it,”

Saying so, all the dragon features on her body slowly shrunk and disappeared. I was already aware of her abilities, but I couldn’t help but be amazed. Her innate skill was Body Transformation, she could make anything from her body, such as a sword or knife with just her hair, this of course sounded great.

Lusi put on her panties slowly, she didn’t have any bushes in her private place, I unconsciously gulped. After putting on her panties she put on her bra, her pink nipples showing before the blue shield covered them. I look at this disappointedly, but after seeing her in underwear, it looks sexy. She then put on clothes I gave her, and white stockings, even though I saw all this, she ignored it and didn’t care.

“I forgot to tell you, my name is Lute Carter, just call me Lute. Since we are now family, you don’t have to hesitate to ask, or ask me for anything,”

“Um,” She just nodded.

“Let’s get out of this room,”

I reached out my hand to invite her, Lusi took my hand and we both walked out of the room hand in hand. I took out Seezingcal and called others, after hearing their location, I tried to find it.

Once there, I killed several scientists while passing through the hall. But it looks like there are still a lot of scientists here, maybe I should destroy this whole scientist lab with a big bang. Thinking so, I unknowingly arrived at Shelly and others’ location.

When Shelly saw me she was happy, but when she saw me holding a woman’s hand, her face immediately stiffened. She looked at this with an uneasy feeling.

‘W-what was I thinking, I never felt this way before, but why am I feeling this way now,’ Shelly tried to deny her thoughts, but the feeling didn’t go away.

“Lute, who is this girl?” Leila asked me.

“She? Her name is Lusi, I found her in a glass tube and saved her.”

“Wait a glass tube? Doesn’t that mean she’s an experimental object,” Shelly said in surprise.

“That’s right, a location I found earlier was full of glass tubes and strange creatures there, I better not tell you guys,” I said with an uncomfortable expression.

They seemed to understand and nodded with helpless faces, only Karyn had an angry face hearing this.

“They’re doing experiments on people, this is unforgivable,” Karyn gritted her teeth.

“Relax Karyn, now we can only save those we can save. And for those who have been transformed by scientists, death is a good thing for them,” Shelly said with a painful expression.

Everyone was silent, they also understood that death was the best thing for those who had been turned into strange creatures. All they could do now was save only those who could still be saved.

“Shelly how about you guys, did you guys find anything or find Uncle Tommie’s wife?” I broke the silence by asking Shelly.

“We haven’t found anything yet, maybe it’s in a deeper room,”

“Alright, now our priority is rescuing kidnapped people, let’s go find them,” I lead them.

“Um,” everyone nodded.

We all move in search of a person who has been kidnapped, this room confuses me, so I have to leave traces like scratches, so we don’t get lost. This is a maze of scientists that must have lots of strange rooms and places. Not long after searching, we found an elevator that would take us downstairs.

Enter the elevator, elevator doors close and the elevator goes down. When we got there, we found a lot of people in a tube, luckily they were all still in normal condition and safe. Shelly and others breathed a sigh of relief and were happy that there were still many survivors.

“Let’s save them all.” I turned to them.


We spread, to save a person in the tube. We shattered the glass tube and took out the person who was inside.

“Cough, cough, a-am I saved?” A little girl looked at me with expectant eyes.

“That’s right, take it easy, after this, you will return to your home,”

“Is that true!! I’m happy, I’m so happy Hick…Uuuu,”

The little girl cried in my arms, I also hugged her with a smile. Lusi saw this felt her heart move slightly, she looked at the tube that had a person in it, suddenly she opened her mouth and spoke.

“Lute, I want to help too,”

“Hmm? You want to help, let’s do it together,” I smiled in response.

“I-I’m safe?”

“I’m glad I saved,”

“Mom, Dad, we’re safe,”


Everyone’s voice was happy to have been saved. They feel so grateful to us, they think of us as their savior. We all smiled because they were safe. Suddenly Nylah’s voice called out to me from where she broke the tube.

“Lute, here is Uncle Tommie’s wife,”

“Where? Let me see,”

I had a happy smile when I heard this, but once I got there the smile on my face disappeared. A woman was lying there, but her lower body seemed to have strange tentacles. Turns out I was too late to save her, I gritted my teeth feeling so angry.

“How can this be, is there nothing I can do?”

I looked at the woman who had fainted with mixed feelings. I told Uncle Tommie I’d save her. But now that his wife has a change in her body, I don’t know what to do now.

“Lute, maybe I can help her,” Dina’s voice sounded in my ear.

“Can you help her? How?” I asked surprised.

“Master, it seems that it is not impossible, take a look at that woman’s condition. Although there is a slight change in her body, it seems that it is not fused properly and is still in process, with Dina’s eating ability, she can remove tentacles that are on this woman’s body.”

“You can do that? Dina, please help this woman, “

“Don’t worry Lute, I will help her now,”

Dina came out of my clothes. and wrapped around Uncle Tommie’s wife, I slowly saw tentacles on her body begin to disappear and be replaced by human legs. My worries were just gone after seeing this.

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