Beyond the Timescape

Chapter 792: Imperial University Dao Debate

Chapter 792: Imperial University Dao Debate

After the black-cloaked figure left, the room went back to being completely silent.

Xu Qing picked up the jade slip off the table and sent some divine will into it. A moment later, his eyes turned even colder. Turning, he looked out the window into the dark night, and his gaze became like a brush. Using the night wind as a palette knife, the silence as a rhythm, the universe as the canvas, and starlight and moonlight as the ink, it was possible to paint a beautiful picture of dawn. Within the painting, Xu Qing slowly blurred until he vanished from sight.

When he reappeared, he was outside of the painting, walking down the street toward the Imperial University.

He had heard the news that the big showdown between the Xeno-Immortal School and the God-Merging School would continue as planned. He also knew that the Xeno-Immortal School’s tower had been unsealed the night before.

As the dawn slowly replaced the night, beams of light cut through the darkness and brought hope to heaven and earth. Everything was waking up and returning to normal.

That included the Xeno-Immortal School. Inside the tower, the schoolmaster sat alone, as he had the entire night. Looking outside, he saw the waning darkness, and the burgeoning light of the sun. He also saw... a figure approaching. That figure stepped out of the light of dawn and into the tower.

“Schoolmaster,” Xu Qing said softly, bowing at the waist.

The schoolmaster looked at Xu Qing and the sunlight framing him. The schoolmaster knew who this student was, and also knew that he had joined the Xeno-Immortal School back when it was still in decline. He remembered thinking that this student had some natural talent. But later, as the Xeno-Immortal School revival picked up speed, plenty of talented people showed up, and he eventually stopped paying attention to this particular student. He could never have guessed that, after the Xeno-Immortal School was finally unsealed, this person... would be the first and only person to come back.

As the schoolmaster heaved inward sighs, Xu Qing went over to one of the jade slip shelves. He wanted to find information about the God-Merging School. Considering that their philosophy was diametrically opposed to the Xeno-Immortal School’s teachings, it was only natural that there would be plenty of information about them.

That was especially true of the Xeno-Immortal Enquirer. Although most of the stories in the tabloid were either contrived or based on hearsay, there were still kernels of truth to be found. His plan was to go through all of the records he could find, with the goal of confirming some of his speculations. At the same time, he would plan what to do next. As far as he was concerned, Seventh Prince was already a dead man. However, Seventh Prince wasn’t the only person he planned to deal with.

Bai Xiaozhuo....

After reaching the shelf, he started going through the various records.

The schoolmaster looked at him as if he wanted to say something, but couldn’t find the words. Eventually, he sighed.

“Sir Dark-Thunder, it’s possible that there won’t be a Xeno-Immortal School after today. You can shed your conclave student status any time you want. And feel free to get rid of your dao seed, that way, your future path will be free of obstructions.”

With that, he took out a jade slip and put it down off to the side. That jade slip could revoke his conclave status. Having done that, the schoolmaster stood and slowly walked outside. It was dawn, and thus, the time had nearly come for the debate. As he looked off toward the horizon, the schoolmaster felt lonely and miserable.

He wasn’t sure if the enigmatic master would show up. Nor did he have any idea what fate had in store of the Xeno-Immortal School, or what to do. But regardless, he was the current schoolmaster. Thus, his eyes gradually began to shine with determination.

It doesn’t matter what happens. Even if this is the end of the line... I won’t let the Xeno-Immortal name be tarnished!

With such thoughts on his mind, the Xeno-Immortal schoolmaster strode toward the Imperial University’s daoist rite center.

Back in the tower, Xu Qing watched as the schoolmaster walked off. Then he went back to checking the jade slips. Eventually, he heard bells tolling. Student poured into the university, and the buzz of conversation filled the air. At that point, Xu Qing put down the ancient records he had been studying. He’d found the answer he had sought. He walked out of the tower and into the crowd.

The dao debate between the two schools of thought was already the subject of a lot of attention. But then things went really bad for the Xeno-Immortal School, and now, this debate was going to be scrutinized even more closely. That was especially true considering... that the emperor had specifically issued a command indicating that the debate should be held. As a result, a lot of people were paying attention to the event, and not just students from the Imperial University. Organizations and groups from throughout the imperial capital were using a variety of means to make sure they could watch.

There was only one place in the Imperial University where dao debates were held. It was the university’s only daoist rite center, which was in the middle of the university.

It was a large facility that could comfortably hold hundreds of thousands of spectators. In years past, whenever high-profile dao debates were held, they would attract big crowds. At the moment, there were a lot of students converging on the daoist rite center. In fact, just about every student who lived in the imperial capital was planning to attend. The buzz of conversation filled the air as everyone looked up.

High in the air overhead were two very large octagonal dao altars. They were ancient and refined, with one of them being white and the other black, which seemed to hint at themes of purity and resolve. The eight-sided structures that formed their foundations signified the harmonious convergence of earth and heaven.

As pressure built up, both altars emitted sounds like daoist chanting, which spread out in all directions along with dazzling light.

The God-Merging School’s schoolmaster sat on the black altar. Behind him were his chief students and other high-ranking members, including Seventh Prince. Hundreds of people all sat there cross-legged. There were also a host of God-Merging students clustered down below.

There was only one person on the white altar; the Xeno-Immortal schoolmaster sat there all alone. He seemed bleak and desolate.

Among the organizations outside the university who were watching the proceedings, many shaking heads could be seen. After all... in years past the Xeno-Immortal School was the number one school of thought in the Imperial University. But now....

Many people sighed in their hearts, and that included the Xeno-Immortal students who had gathered at the daoist rite center.

Xu Qing was in the crowd. He could sense the mounting pressure, and as he looked up at the God-Merging School’s altar, he saw Seventh Prince and... the schoolmaster. He looked at them calmly. For the time being, he did nothing to expose them. It seemed like a better idea to wait until the show reached a climactic juncture, then step in.

Eventually, after the bells tolled for the ninth time, the sky over the Imperial University rippled, and two figures appeared, both wearing white robes.

One was in the lead, the other followed. One was old, the other was young. In the lead position was an old man with a kindly face that was full of wrinkles, like furrows dug out by the passage of rivers over countless years of time. He could no longer stand tall and straight, but that just made him seem more wise and farsighted. This was the chancellor of the Imperial University. Behind him... was the current vice-chancellor, who was also Third Prince.

They did not wear the masks common in the university, which meant that their facial features were plain for everyone to see. As soon as they appeared, the schoolmasters of both the God-Merging School and the Xeno-Immortal School stood. Along with all the other students present, they clasped hands and bowed.

“Greetings, Chancellor.”

The chancellor had been personally appointed by the emperor, and he was known as a person of virtue and prestige. Whether it was erudite knowledge, status, or contributions, this old man possessed them all in spades. He had been around since the days that the Imperial University was founded, and over the years, had personally provided assistance to many of the schools of thought. He was a member of the imperial clan as well. In terms of seniority and ranking he was actually the paternal uncle of the reigning emperor. That was why Third Prince walked behind him in a very respectful way.

The chancellor stopped in midair, looked up into the canopy of heaven, and bowed.

“Well met, Emperor.”

His words caused a stir amongst the students below. Meanwhile, looking at the spot in the sky to which the chancellor had spoken, it was possible to see the air rippling as an image appeared. It provided a view of the imperial palace. The emperor was there, seated on his throne, looking very solemn.

When the chancellor clasped hands in greeting, the emperor rose and returned the salute. It wasn’t a salute based on the etiquette of social standing. Rather, the emperor was representing humankind as a whole, which transcended everything else. The reason for him standing was that he wanted to show respect. It was respect for the chancellor of the Imperial University, and all of the work he’d done over the years.

Seated at a lower level than the emperor were thirteen figures who also stood and clasped hands. Each of those figure pulsed with a shocking aura. In fact, all it took was a single glance for Xu Qing to confirm... that all of them were Smoldering Gods. It was self-evident who these people were. They were the heavenly kings who were currently in the imperial capital.

After the ceremonial greetings, the emperor sat back down, as did the heavenly kings.

Meanwhile, the chancellor turned his attention to the daoist altars, and to the people from the Xeno-Immortal School and the God-Merging School. Then he looked at the hundreds of thousands of students who had gathered. A kind smile appeared on his face.

“It’s been a long time since I officiated over a dao debate in the Imperial University. I’m very pleased that this is finally happening again.

“This dao debate will consist of three stages: first, heavenly daos debate approval. Second, human hearts debate falsehood. Third, morning and night debate the hereafter. The victor will not be determined by either of the schools of thought participating in the event. You students will decide. All of you possess wisdom and agency, and thus, the winner will be picked by whomever you approve in your heart.”

The moment the words left his mouth, a prismatic beam of light shot up from the God-Merging School’s altar. Rumbling sounds echoed out as it rose high into the sky, glittering and bright. That beam of light was created by the hearts of the students. Its size and height was a visible manifestation of how much people approved of the God-Merging School.

The Xeno-Immortal School also had a beam of light, but in contrast... it was only about 9 meters tall. The difference between the two was about as dramatic as the difference between heaven and earth.

All groups and organizations took a long moment to take in the scene. The buzz in the Imperial University grew louder.

Beneath his mask, Xu Qing frowned.

Up in midair, the chancellor shook his head slightly. However, the dao debate had to go on. Clearing his throat, he said, “And now, let the heavenly daos debate approval.

“Before two schools of thought can begin a dao debate, their techniques and thinking patterns must be approved of by a heavenly dao. That is a basic requirement for dao debates.

“In Revered Ancient, there are 99 ancient heavenly daos that are currently sleeping. Humans can’t easily sense those heavenly daos. But there are also 100,000 ordinary heavenly daos, 3,000 of which blessed the creation of the Imperial University’s daoist rite center. Therefore, this place can be used to connect with those 3,000 heavenly daos.

“If the heavenly daos do not approve of you, the debate cannot continue, and that will indicate that the school of thought in question requires adjustments. At this point, both the Xeno-Immortal School and the God-Merging School can choose whether or not they wish to proceed.”

On the black altar, the God-Merging schoolmaster chuckled beneath his mask.

“God-Merging students.”

The students from the God-Merging School released their auras, which merged together to create a huge shadowy figure looming overhead. It had three heads and six arms, and seemed to be made of a host of godly entities all combined into one. That combination created an incomparable aura. Surrounded by ripples and distortions, it almost looked like a god.

As the God-Merging schoolmaster looked up, the huge figure overhead lifted its right hand into the sky and pinched its fingers together. An intense rumbling sound echoed out. At the same time, the God-Merging schoolmaster stood and bowed.

“Please, let the heavenly daos debate approval.”

All of a sudden, a host of rifts spread out in the sky, large and small. They became a collection of cold eyes that opened and looked at the figure summoned by the God-Merging School.

“Go ahead.”

“Go ahead.”

“Go ahead.”

The voices of great daos echoed out loud for everyone to hear.

The students down below were already starting to get excited. Even the chancellor had to nod.

“Of the 3,000 heavenly daos, 2,137 offered approval. What benevolence!”

At the same time, the prismatic pillar of light coming off the God-Merging altar climbed a bit higher.

The God-Merging schoolmaster turned to the chancellor and bowed deeply. Then he turned to look at the Xeno-Immortal schoolmaster.

The Xeno-Immortal schoolmaster sighed inwardly. Then, bracing himself, he stood and released some of his aura. Clasping hands to the sky, he said, “Please, let the heavenly daos debate approval....”

He didn’t sound very confident.

Down in the crowd, Xu Qing looked up calmly at the dome of heaven.

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