Billion Dollar Player

Chapter 9: Protection Money

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Protection Money

Raven held the Nameless Sword in his hand, a seemingly unremarkable weapon despite its staggering value of twenty million coins.

In fact, even the sword he used previously felt better than this. The former Sword felt effortless to wield, like it was tailor-made for his physique. In contrast, the Nameless Sword carried too much weight.

Even though some of his strength was boosted thanks to being covered in precious High Tier Items, the sword still felt too heavy.

Additionally, the sword lacked any remarkable features. Its blade was ordinary and lacked sharpness. To make matters worse, the sword exhibited signs of rust, as if it were made of simple iron and had been neglected for centuries, collecting rust over time.

This item didn't seem to be worth its supposed value of twenty million. In fact, it felt even inferior compared to the low-tier swords he had observed at the store.

Despite purchasing the sword, its description remained elusive to him. Nevertheless, he chose to put that thought aside as the timer had reached zero and he had other pressing matters to attend to.

Despite its poor quality, the sword was the only weapon he possessed. He couldn't even buy anything else since the merchant had disappeared as soon as the hidden trial began.

As he had no other option, he grasped the heavy sword firmly with both his hands, aware that attempting to lift it with just one hand would be futile.

With tremendous effort, he heaved his sword and swung it towards the Ice Wolf King in an attempt to attack. Despite the sword's bluntness, he hoped it would make somewhat of an impact due to its weight. His expectations weren't high, but he was determined to deal some damage nonetheless.


As soon as he swung his Sword, even he grew surprised. That blunt Sword that looked like it couldn't even cut through a sheet of paper sliced through the heavy Armor of the Ice Wolf King as if it was the sharpest weapon in the world!

It didn't stop there. Along with the sword of his sword, a dark energy gathered at the blunt edge of the Sword.

A brilliant beam of light emanated from the sword, effortlessly cleaving through each Ice Wolf King in its trajectory.

The blast left a deep crevice in the ground, as the Ice Wolf King's army was decimated in an instant.

At first, Raven was in disbelief as he stood and watched the dust settle. Despite his doubts, his previously perceived weak Sword possessed an unknown power, which allowed him to take out all of the Snow Wolf Kings in a single stroke.

He could only look at the rusted sword, intrigued. This Sword was worth two hundred high grade items! However it was certainly not as ordinary as he initially thought.

He still didn't know what that mysterious power was. However, it felt as if that strange power in the sword could've easily devoured him.

Despite using just one attack, he was left gasping for breath and fell to his knees due to sheer exhaustion. Had all the Ice Wolf Kings not perished in the battle, he was uncertain about how he would have managed to continue. Thankfully, the hidden test had come to an end.

[Congratulations. You've finished the First Hidden Trial within one second. Extra Achievement Points have been granted]

[You've received the key to access to the Second Hidden Trial. Please enter the second stage of Bloodline Trials to access the Second Hidden Trial."

Multiple notifications appeared before him, while a chilling aura spread in the surroundings.

Out of nowhere, a mysterious key materialized before him. It was like no other key he'd ever seen before, appearing to be made entirely of ice with a semi-transparent quality. Despite its delicate appearance, the key was surprisingly sturdy and unbreakable.

Raven extended his hand, grasping the cold key that could open the way to the second Hidden Trial.

He wasn't aware of how many trials his brother and the rest had completed to obtain the Legendary Bloodline, however, he was determined to complete them all. Fortunately, he had an advantage that the others did not possess!

While others had the power of their exclusive skills which granted them special abilities, he had the power that none had... The power of money!

He kept the key in his inventory, along with the heavy Nameless Sword. Exhausted as he was, it became quite a challenge for him to maneuver with the burden of his heavy sword.

Luckily, his energy was gradually replenishing at a slightly quicker rate due to his Rings.

After taking a brief ten-minute break, he got up and headed towards a glistening door in the distance that became visible after he passed the hidden test.

He didn't know what the second trial was. However, after taking care of the first trial, he felt very confident. If possible, he wanted to meet the merchant again to buy another weapon since he couldn't always use his Nameless Sword.

Using that sword was dangerous since it meant inevitable death if he failed to finish the enemies in one attack. Moreover, that sword was already famous. Even though it looked useless, many players wanted it.

He had yet to encounter any other Players undergoing the Bloodline Trial as they were in different stages. Nonetheless, he knew it was only a matter of time before they crossed paths. The thought of them recognizing his sword only added to the potential challenges he could face.

As Raven approached the door, it creaked open slowly, as if by magic. A blinding white light emanated from the other side, making it impossible for him to discern anything beyond the threshold. It was as if an invisible force was obstructing his view, hinting at the mystery that lay ahead.

He steadied his mind and braced himself for whatever may come in the Second Trial. With heightened awareness, he crossed the threshold of the door.


Raven emerged from beyond the door, ready to enter into battle. He had carefully equipped himself with all the necessary items to enhance his abilities. However, upon arriving, he could only furrow his brow.

He did not encounter any ferocious beasts, instead found himself in a spacious hall that could comfortably accommodate tens of thousands of individuals with ample room to spare. This was a stark contrast from his previous experience in desolate surroundings.

The hall was exquisitely embellished with a delicate fusion of gold and silver accents, and the walls were clad with detailed carvings and paintings that depicted stories from long-forgotten myths and legends.

He couldn't resist the overwhelming feeling of amazement as he immersed himself in the grandeur of the surroundings.

He marveled at the beauty of this place, realizing that it surpassed anything he had ever seen on Earth. He couldn't even begin to estimate the cost of acquiring a property of this caliber back home.

His attention was further captivated by the fact that the place was bustling with activity. The area was abuzz with thousands of individuals, with some seated and others congregating in groups, engaging in lively discussions.

The individuals in question possessed distinct equipment that appeared to have been purchased from the Merchant. What piqued his curiosity was that all of them were Players, and none of them seemed to be of human origin.

A sense of uniqueness surrounded the individuals present in the grand hall. Certain individuals possessed dragon-like wings giving them a distinct draconian appearance, while numerous Elves could be spotted in groups of their own.

It was as if this place was where hundreds of species from all around the universe had gathered and he was the only human here.

He eventually comprehended why the Guide and the Merchant were so fascinated by his human identity.

As Raven surveyed his surroundings, a haughty voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts. "Well, well, what do we have here? A new face?"

A hand patted his shoulder roughly. "Listen up, kid. If you don't want any trouble, just fork over half of your coins. In return, we'll keep you safe."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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