Binding to Geniuses To Become Stronger

Chapter 45 - Head-Exploding Finger Flick

Chapter 45: Head-Exploding Finger Flick

The rain seemed to have stopped in fear.

Murderous intent filled the air.

The young teen’s murderous intent made the heavens shake.

A flash of light cut through the night—the light came from the unsheathing of the Blooming Lotus Sword. Like a beacon of hope, the sword’s light brightened the night.

Out of the sword box!

Lin Yun was standing before the pavilion. His pupils constricted as excitement ran through his veins. Goosebumps appeared on his skin and his blood pumped audibly in his ears.


The sword rang out shrilly.

Following the draw, the rain was sliced in half. The sound of raindrops being sliced in half could be heard.



In a single draw, Fang Lang’s murderous aura was evident.

The sudden action turned the charming and leisurely entertainment house into a killing ground.

The sword had a spirit—the Blooming Lotus was once wielded by Xuanyuan Taihua.

As if sensing the barely concealed killing intent in Fang Lang, the Blooming Lotus Sword let out a shriek. The sharpness of the blade was revealed under the pouring rain.

Sword Draw Technique!

The sword potential he stored up throughout the journey from the Jade Pavilion to the entertainment house and Chunmei Courtyard was unleashed in one draw.

Like a lightning strike bursting from the ground, the noise shook the whole courtyard.

The Chunmei Courtyard’s Queen of Flowers yelped and hugged Old Fang by the neck. The color drained from her beautifully dolled-up face.

Old Fang’s hands moved to the lady’s slender waist—the skin was smooth and supple to the touch. His eyes were fixated on Fang Lang’s sword.


Inside the pavilion, Lin Yun did not back down. A glimmer of exhilaration flickered in his eyes at the sight of Fang Lang’s drawn sword.

Lin Yun took one step forward. He walked through the rainwater curtain caused by the pavilion’s roof. The spiritual energy in his body vibrated in tandem—every inch of his skin and muscles trembled. The water evaporated from his body.

He gripped the handle of his rusty steel sword and with a brutish tug, he drew it from his back.


The sword clash reverberated throughout the area.

The rain lessened when the swords clashed.

Sparks flew as metal kissed metal.

Lin Yun had a maniacal grin as he pounced like a tiger. The rusty sword was brought down heavily and Fang Lang quickly dodged to one side. Lin Yun’s powerful strike struck the limestone that decorated the pavilion.

A wave of energy radiated from the point of impact and the limestone cracked.

“I practice Donglu’s Dominating Sword Style. My sword demands retribution! Hence today’s duel. I remember you were a seventh-grade sword disciple, right? I will fight you using the seventh grade!”

Lin Yun remembered the introduction Fang Lang made after he came in as a substitute for that useless participant from Luojiang Academy. Lin Yun had a fun time toying with that boy.

He was worried if he used his sword master abilities, Fang Lang would refuse his challenge.

Lin Yun rarely lost. He almost never lost to someone like Fang Lang who was clearly miles below his level.

He did not take defeat graciously. Negative emotions formed a knot in his chest and affected the Dominating Sword Style. Therefore, he wanted to defeat Fang Lang with his spiritual energy and cultivation in order to relieve the pent-up frustrations.

This was the only way to smoothen Lin Yun’s cultivation path.

Fang Lang cocked an eye but said nothing. He moved around the wet courtyard with his Spirit Step, forming conical waves.

Lin Yun took a step and struck out with his heavy rusty blade. Water that clung to his sword shot out and evaporated into mist.

Fang Lang’s eyes were icy cold. He did not care why Lin Yun sought him out, this time... Fang Lang wanted to turn Lin Yun’s chest into a bloody smear.

He knew when it was time to bare his teeth.

He was not worried about murder but the trouble that came after.


It did not mean he would not kill.


Inside the pavilion, the tall and sturdy figure quietly served himself a cup of wine. He observed the ongoing sword fight under the pouring rain.

He had confidence in Lin Yun. Although the boy lost in the Gathering of Swords, it did not mean he was weaker than Fang Lang.

In contrast, with the aid of spiritual energy, the sword style taught by Donglu’s God of Blades would be enhanced. Lin Yun would be frighteningly strong in battle.

He did not interfere. This was Lin Yun’s battle to fight, his demon to conquer in order to cleanse his mind. Interference would only cause more problems.

The sturdy figure drank his wine and smiled knowingly.

Truthfully, Lin Yun’s trip to Luojiang City was influenced by many complicated underlying factors. Lin Yun was unaware but the trip was only permitted because Donglu’s God of Blades agreed to it.

Everyone in the Tang Dynasty knew Donglu’s God of Blades was siding with the third prince in the royal power grab. The third prince had beef with the Jiang family—their disagreements were getting more pronounced, both sides no longer hiding their distaste for each other.

Why did the Jiang family princess travel all the way to Luojiang City?

Fang Lang and Jiang Linglong were close—the boy even learned the Four Season Form and obtained the Blooming Lotus Sword which was coveted by the Jiang family.

The series of events had caught the attention of the third prince’s party. They suspected Fang Lang was a Jiang family chess piece beyond Imperial City.

Therefore, this trip to Luojiang City was not only for Lin Yun’s personal vendetta, it was also to investigate the Jiang family’s plan.

They did not harm a hair on Fang Beihe—the old man was just bait. They did not steal the Blooming Lotus Sword. However, a private cultivation duel was totally in line with the Tang Dynasty’s law.

Therefore, Chao Xiaojian would have no reason to act against them.

If anyone was to be injured by the ensuing ruckus, no one was to be blamed but luck.

The tall and sturdy figure emptied his cup. He watched the flickering blades under the rain and smiled.

“Excellent choice of wine.”

Any wine would taste good with such entertainment.


Clang! Clink! Clang!

The two swords clashed repeatedly.

The collision produced bright sparks under the dark, gloomy sky.

Equipped with his spiritual energy, Lin Yun did not stop his strikes and his aura was getting more dominant by the second.

Fang Lang had fought Lin Yun during the Gathering of Swords and remembered certain aspects of his sword skills.

However, with the help of the spiritual energy, Lin Yun was many times stronger than when Fang Lang fought him during the competition.

Lin Yun did not underestimate Fang Lang. He was wholly-focused, much like when he visited Donglu’s demon world. Every move with his rusty sword was aimed to impair and kill.

“Seventh grade versus seventh grade. I will win!” Lin Yun screamed.

He wanted to defeat Fang Lang fair and square. He wanted a clear mind!


The rusty sword slashed horizontally with one fluid motion. Even the heaven’s rain was sliced in half. The trajectory of the strike was beautiful, full of power yet elegant in its execution.

Fang Lang leapt. Spiritual energy channeled through his body rapidly and the water droplets on the tip of his feet evaporated.

Without any expression, Fang Lang’s body vibrated and the rainwater that soaked his body immediately dissipated. Round, intense eyes stared at Lin Yun. Another sword joined the Blooming Lotus sword, drawn and ready.

In a flash, a dazzling light struck out from Fang Lang’s hand. The sword came down on Lin Yun’s head.

The raindrops froze and time stood still.

Lin Yun’s eyes widened. In the next second, his brain registered the familiar scene. He was excited.

Back in the battle ring on Mount Shu, Fang Lang had taken to the air and changed the dynamics of the fight. Lin Yun was completely overwhelmed by Fang Lang’s attacks.

It was the same scene but this time, Lin Yun would not lose!

“Dominating Sword Style...Lightning Fuse!”

The seventh-grade spiritual energy contained within Lin Yun burst out with a thunderous clap.

Lightning arced across the rusty steel sword.

This was the sword technique that made Donglu’s God of Blades famous—the Dominating Sword Style Lightning Fuse!

A rumbling sound.

Dark clouds gathered and two thunderous claps rang out.

On the rusty sword, lightning sparked and caused an explosion.

An overlay of two thunderclaps, one shrouding the other.

This was the extent a seventh-grade sword disciple could achieve.

Lin Yun waved the sword and a series of fan-shaped blade mirages shot through the rain. Rumbling thunder accompanied the strike as it rushed toward Fang Lang’s waist.

If it struck true, Fang Lang would undoubtedly be cleaved in half. Blood and guts would spill all over the floor.

A cultivator’s battle was life or death!

Fang Lang’s eyes narrowed.

Lin Yun’s attack reflected in Fang Lang’s eyes—the killing intent was overbearing.

Fang Lang had been waiting for this moment!

Lin Yun had exhausted his seventh-grade strength and was unable to quickly change his cultivation.

Spiritual energy circulated quickly within Fang Lang.

Fang Lang removed the limiter he set for himself. The seventh-grade limit was used to fool Lin Yun.

He revealed his eighth-grade sword mastery and switched to Jiang Linglong’s cultivation state.

The sudden growth in power presented a stark difference between Fang Lang and Lin Yun. It was the golden opportunity.

Fang Lang wanted to kill Lin Yun but with the tall and sturdy man’s presence, he had to be calculative about it.


The Blooming Lotus Sword clashed with Lin Yun’s rusty blade.

Fang Lang raised his hand. Thumb and middle finger met—Finger Flick Energy Wave!

A raindrop fell as Fang Lang’s middle finger flicked outward. The unlucky raindrop exploded into smithereens.

The hazy mist expanded. The shapeless energy wave twisted and shot toward Lin Yun’s attack.


Swords clashed as the energy wave met the thunderstrike.

The night sky was filled with an endless shower of raindrops. At that moment, the sky shook.

In Chunmei Courtyard, thousands and thousands of raindrops exploded into steam.

Amidst the haze, Lin Yun went from surprise to embarrassment to anger.


‘You aren’t a seventh-grade sword disciple? Fang Lang, you scoundrel!’

Fang Lang remained emotionless throughout the battle.

“I never said I was still a seventh-grade sword disciple.”

A loud clang.

The ground shook.

The thunderstrike was devoured by the energy wave. The Blooming Lotus Sword pressed down on the rusty sword and without mercy, Lin Yun was disarmed!

With the grace of a swallow, Fang Lang stepped onto Lin Yun’s heavy sword and caused him to lose his grip.

Like a slithering snake, Fang Lang closed in. Hand raised, thumb and middle finger met. He positioned his hand before Lin Yun’s forehead like a blessing Buddha.

Seeing the enraged Lin Yun, Fang Lang did not hesitate.

He flicked his finger and a burst of energy was released from his fingertips.


A dull thud.

The energy wave exploded.

Lin Yun’s head was tipped back by the strong blast. Raindrops sizzled as blood and gore splashed everywhere. Lin Yun’s body sailed through the sky and tumbled onto the ground, kicking up waves of water.

As soon as Fang Lang landed, he turned, his green robes swatting away raindrops. He rushed at the fallen Lin Yun with the Blooming Lotus Sword, a neutral expression on his face.

Damaging the head was not enough.

He had to make sure.

A stab in the chest would do it.

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