
Chapter 2 Nurse's Office

Lee Seng's eyes shot open. He gasped as he threw himself into a sitting position. He was under the shade of a tree and the smell of grass danced in his nostrils. He rubbed his eyes and took in his surroundings. Cars flew by, people walking and ignoring him. He saw Griffyth High School in the distance and quickly checked his watch.

8:47 AM

"Shit, I was out for two hours? I'm so late!" He quickly threw himself onto his feet and started to run towards the school. He bobbed through the small crowd of people walking and enjoying the cooling Fall day. They were only two months into the school year and Lee Seng didn't want to cause trouble so early on.

Lee Seng ran towards a cross walk and hit the walk button. He was so close to the school. He looked left and right and saw no cars were coming. He jogged in place as he threw his hands into his leather jacket. The crosswalk sign signaled to walk and he started his way towards the school. Griffyth High was located in the heart of the Outskirts. It took Lee Seng fifteen minutes to walk to school. He could've grabbed a cab or a bus, but he liked the exercise every day. It was his time to himself when he wasn't being chased around by the Kang twins or some poor student who thought they could pick on Lee Seng to vent their feelings of disgust.

p Griffyth was massive. There were a huge staircase that lead up to the entrance of the school. The school had columns going up at the front of the building. The modern white walls and lots of windows were done in recent years, but Lee Seng never really was in awe. It was just a place he went to because he had to.

Lee Seng ran up the stairs, skipping steps on the way up. He reached the top and saw that the many doors leading into the school were closed. Nobody was waiting at the front. He pulled his student ID out of his pocket and walked up to the door. He swiped it on the door card and it went from red to green.


Lee Seng pulled the door open and stepped into the regulated air conditioned building.

"It's nicer out there..." He groaned as he pulled open the next set of doors and walked into the large opening. He walked over to the left side and went through the third door. Two women were yapping away with coffee in their hands. One of the looked over to see who it was and scoffed.

"Mr. Chang, you're almost three hours late. I didn't get a notice from your parent." Mrs. Grey made her way over to the counter.

"Yeah, I didn't feel well and passed out on my way here." Lee Seng said. Mrs. Grey nodded as a holographic screen popped up. She started to tap away and then put her hand out. Lee Seng handed her his student ID card and she lowered it to a black device. She tapped the card against the black device and the holographic screen flashed. She handed the card back to Lee Seng and started to tap at the screen.

"Second period is ending. You might as well gather your things and get ready for third period." Mrs. Grey looked up at Lee Seng. Lee Seng nodded. "If you need any medication in case you pass out again, I would suggest going to the Nurse's office before third period. We don't need any complications, alright?"

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you." Lee Seng bowed his head and turned to walk out of the office. He turned left and rounded the corner towards the huge lunch room. He took another left and found his way towards the Nurse's office. He knocked, stepping in.

"Hello?" Lee Seng peeked in. The sound of soft music played. Lee Seng walked further into the room and peeked his head around the corner. A man was taking inventory of medication. He looked up and smiled at Lee Seng.

"What a delightful surprise. What're you doing here?" The man asked. Lee Seng smiled and walked over to the Nurse.

"Mr. Evans, I came for some medication. I passed out coming to school and Mrs. Grey told me it might be a good idea to grab some meds from you before third period starts."

"Ahhh," Mr. Evans nodded. He set the tablet and meds down and started to fish through the cabinets for medicine. "You passed out? You sure that's it?"

"Yeah, just passed out. I didn't get knocked out, don't worry." Lee Seng said. "Even if I did get knocked out, I wouldn't need meds for that sort of thing. I heal fast, remember?"

"Just because you heal fast doesn't mean your body will be fine." Mr. Evan said, pulling out some meds. He uncapped it and handed two pills to Lee Seng. Lee Seng took the pills and turned around and walked over to the water cooler. He pulled out a cup and threw the pills in his mouth as he filled the cup with water.

He gulped the pills and water down, turning to look at Mr. Evans who was studying him.

"Your back is showing indications you fell." He said. Mr. Evans stepped forward and spun Lee Seng around. "What did you do, Lee Seng? Did you get in a fight again?" He turned Lee Seng back, making direct eye contact with him. Mr. Evans suspiciously studied Lee Seng's eyes, waiting for an answer. Lee Seng gave a forced smile and tossed the paper cup into the trash bin.

"I'm fine." Lee Seng said moving away from Mr. Evans. He walked over to a chair and sat in it.

"You can't lie to me, y'know. These eyes can detect any abnormalities." Mr. Evans pulled his rolling chair over and sat himself in front of Lee Seng. "You can tell me, Lee Seng. Who did this to you? Did the Kang twins find you and chase you, again? Did some poor freshmen decide to pick on you?" Lee Seng tilted his head backwards, looking at the ceiling. He let out a sigh.

"The Kang twins did find me, but I lead them up onto the rooftops and decided to jump. Thankfully, I'm durable because my bones and back healed like nothing." Lee Seng smiled. Mr. Evans sighed and rubbed his temples. He rolled his chair closer to Lee Seng.

"Lee Seng we talked about this. You're healing capabilities are VERY strong, but it doesn't mean you should rely on it. What if you don't heal right away?"

"I'm fine! It wasn't that bad." Lee Seng retorted. Mr. Evans grabbed Lee Seng's wrist and Lee Seng made eye contact with him, again.

"Then let me check." Mr. Evans sternly said. Lee Seng sighed and stood up, yanking his hand back. He pulled off his jacket and pulled his t shirt over his head and onto his arms. Lee Seng turned and Mr. Evans gasped.

"How are you even walking? Don't you feel any sort of pain?" Mr. Evans asked. A small bloody opening was left where Lee Seng had gained the injury. Lee Seng really didn't feel anything but Mr. Evans concern made him want to look at his unnoticed injury. "Your bones look fine but your wound isn't fully healed yet. We should really call Ms. Aimee for a heal." Lee Seng slipped his shirt back on and grabbed his jacket. He weaved his way out from Mr. Evans and turned his back towards the exit of the Nurse's office.

"It doesn't hurt that much. I can handle it." Lee Seng said. "I have a high pain tolerance. I'll be fine." The sound of a door opened and the two glanced over to see who it was.

"Oh, Chang, you're here early." Ms. Aimee said closing the door. Mr. Evans looked at Ms. Aimee and sighed.

"His back." He pointed at Lee Seng. "It's not fully healed and he insists it doesn't hurt." Ms. Aimee glanced at Lee Seng's back as he started to turn, trying to hide his injury from Ms. Aimee. Mr. Evans quickly grabbed Lee Seng and held him. Lee Seng tried to pull away but Ms. Aimee quickly smacked his back. Lee Seng screamed in pain moving towards Mr. Evans who held him tight.

"You are hurting, Chang! You have a higher than normal pain tolerance but you're lying to yourself!" Ms. Aimee yelled. She lifted his shirt up and saw the slightly opened wound. Blood was oozing out and she rolled her eyes. "You have another shirt?"

Lee Seng nodded. Ms. Aimee put her hands up to the wound and a soft light started to trickle from her hands. The wound started to close and the pain disappeared. She finished and nodded at Mr. Evans. Mr. Evans let go of Lee Seng's arms and rolled his chair back. Lee Seng slipped his shirt off and walked over to a drawer and pulled it open. He grabbed a shirt and tossed his dirtied shirt to the side and pulled the shirt on. The bell rang and Lee Seng sighed.

"Third period, yay." He sarcastically said. "I guess I should go to gym." He grabbed the dirtied shirt and closed the drawer. He pulled his leather jacket on and tucked his shirt into his pockets. The two nurses waved at Lee Seng as he walked out.

"Try not to get into anymore trouble!" Ms. Aimee said.

"I'm trying my best." Lee Seng answered back as he closed the door.

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