
Chapter 61 4 Years Ago (2)

Lee Seng wouldn't ever forget those kind words. Just like he wouldn't forget what would happen at the end of Summer. The sudden death of his mom pushed him away from his father and his older siblings. He cut contact and ignored calls. Police and the public were informed of his sudden disappearance just like they were informed of his mother's death.

Capitol City mourned the death of Lee Seng's mother, Chee Chang.

"Chee Chang will be loved by Capitol City and her family. She left her husband, Dr. Chang, the Creator and her son, Lee Seng Chang. Mrs. Chang was a nurse who worked at Capitol City Hospital for over twenty years. She spent her time running free clinic check-ups, fundraisers and was truly a pillar of the community." The news anchor spoke.

"Her son, Lee Seng Chang, is currently missing and there as been a call for everyone to look for him. Dr. Chang, the Creator, has said Lee Seng hasn't taken his mother's death well and fled. If you have any knowledge or whereabouts of where Lee Seng could be please call--"

The tv shut off and Lee Seng looked up. Jason held the remote in his hands and shook his head.

"Even you know they're looking for you and you're still hiding here. Mom and Dad have reluctantly let you stay the whole Summer, but you have to keep your end of the bargain." Jason waved the remote at him. Lee Seng sat in the huge game room on the second floor. They had converted the extra living space into a game room for the twins.

Lee Seng had spent most of his time in this area. He and the twins would always be playing some game and/or watching videos on the internet through the big TV screen. Lee Seng sat on a bean bag and focused his gaze onto the TV screen again. Jason sighed and sat on the bean bag next to Lee Seng.

"We have to all get the Biohuman serum in three days. You should go back and get ready for that. The whole city is in an uproar because you fled home. You know my brother and I will always welcome you into our home, but you need to make sure your Dad knows you are okay." Jason said. Lee Seng nodded and Jason groaned. "Don't just nod at me, Lee. Say something."

"I understand." Lee Seng said. He turned and looked at Jason who was frustrated. Lee Seng hadn't seen Jason this frustrated in a long time. It made him smile and Jason quickly pointed at Lee Seng's smile.

"Why are you smiling? This isn't something you should be easily smiling about!" Jason jumped onto Lee Seng and the two began to wrestle on the ground. They rolled around and Lee Seng started to laugh as he tried to pull Jason off of him.

"Let me go!" Lee Seng chuckled. Jason pinned Lee Seng's arms and the two stared at each other. Lee Seng could feel the pull in Jason's eyes and quickly shook it off and looked away. "Fine, I give, I give." Jason smiled and let Lee Seng go and got off of him and laid next to him.

"I don't want you to ignore your problems. It isn't good for anyone who does that." Jason turned his head to look at Lee Seng. Lee Seng turned his head and stared at Lee Seng. He smiled and nodded.

"Fine, I'll go home tomorrow since you've been telling me to for the last couple of weeks." Lee Seng pulled himself up into a sitting position and stared at the stair railing on the other side of the room. "I can't ignore this forever. My Dad will probably lock me up when he see's me. Probably will ignore his promise to my Mom and not let me go to high school with you guys."

"Hey, don't think like that." Jason sat up and patted Lee Seng's leg. "Your Mom's promise should be kept even more now that she's passed on. She would probably smite your Dad if he broke the promise." Jason chuckled. Lee Seng smiled and nodded.

"She probably would, tbh (to be honest)." Lee Seng mimicked the noise of thunder and threw an invisible lightning bolt in the air. Jason began to spaz and the both of them laughed.

"What're you two up to now?" Jae asked. He climbed the stairs and his head poked out and appeared between the stair railings. He smiled as he rushed up and towards Lee Seng and Jason.

"Nothing." Lee Seng and Jason answered in unison. Lee Seng shrugged and Jae narrowed his eyes at the both of them before sitting opposite to the both of them.

"So, you gonna leave?" Jae ask.

"Mmmhm," Lee Seng nodded. "I should leave tomorrow and figure out everything."

"Yeah, go officially see your Mom, dipshit!" Jae smacked Lee Seng's leg. Lee Seng cried out in pain and chuckled. He rubbed his leg.

"I mean, I've technically seen her at the funeral and have went a couple of times already." Lee Seng truthfully answered.

"What, really? When?" Jason asked.

"I was gonna go Friday, but left Saturday. You guys were worried for me for the whole day. I showed up at night and you guys barraged me with questions." Lee Seng chuckled. "And then I went a couple of times throughout the Summer. I went during the day once. Apparently trying to look 'not suspicious' makes you look suspicious. I almost thought I got caught a couple times that day, so I went before closing to visit Mom." Lee Seng explained. "I'll probably go see her before I contact Akio."

"Alright, I guess we should catch some sleep then." Jae whipped his phone out and checked the time.


"It's only 9." Jason pointed out. "Who sleeps at 9?"

"Seng should get some rest before he visits his Mom and gets roped back into his dad's lab." Jae answered.

"I'll get some sleep either way." Lee Seng waved off.

14 Hours Later

The alarm blared at 8am. Lee Seng swung for his cell phone and shut the alarm off. He rolled over and opened his eyes. He pushed himself off the bed and swung his feet onto the floor and stood up. He started his morning routine: use the toilet, wash hands, brush teeth, and do morning face wash routine.

He wandered out of the bathroom and back into the guest room he had been occupying for the Summer and changed into a blue striped tank top and black shorts. He slipped on white ankle socks and ran his fingers through his hair before squishing all of his stuff into his backpack and zipping it.

He swung the backpack onto his shoulder and opened the door. He poked his head out and noticed the twins bedroom door was opened. He could hear someone peeing and wandered over to a bean bag and let his backpack drop onto the floor before sitting on the bean bag. He pulled his phone out and stared at it.


He unlocked it and saw the 46 missed calls, 53 unread text messages, 99+ unread social media messages and 99+ social media notifications. He sighed and clicked the missed calls. He scrolled through the calls. Akio, Akali, Scarlet and Alex had called him about 40 times in total. His Dad had shockingly called him 6 times. He clicked the text messages and noticed a lot of people had texted him.

'Where are you' was probably what he saw the most on all of the text messages. He didn't bother to answer any of them. They would know in a couple of hours after he went to see his Mom. The bathroom door opened and Jason stepped out of it. His bed hair had its own ideas and Lee Seng couldn't help but smile. This was a sight he never wanted to get used to.

"You're already up?" Lee Seng asked.

"Yeah." Jason yawned. He wandered over to his room and poked his head in. "Jae, hurry up. Lee Seng is gonna leave before you even wake up." He pushed himself in and moments later, Lee Seng heard a body land on the bed and a loud smack noise. Jae cried and the two began to wrestle. Lee Seng stood up and wandered over to the twins room.

Even though there were enough rooms in this house, Jason and Jae decided to stay in one big room together. There was two queen beds on one side of the wall. Lee Seng wondered how they managed to get so much room, but didn't bother to entertain the idea. He watched as the Kang twins wrestled on Jason's bed.

'It looks like Jae fell asleep on Jason's bed again.' Lee Seng smiled.

"Dude, stop it! I'm up!" Jae pushed Jason away. Jason chuckled and pulled away. Jae threw himself onto his feet and looked over at Lee Seng who was smiling like an idiot at the both of them. "Oh, you are up. I didn't even hear you."

"Yeah, you were dead." Jason said. "Wash up and we can say bye to him."

Jae nodded and started over towards the bathroom on the other side of the game room. He passed Lee Seng and patted him before entering the bathroom opposite to the twins room and closing it. Lee Seng turned to look at Jason who buried his head in his pillow.

Lee Seng's phone pinged and he looked down at his hand. He raised his phone and noticed the text.


I know where you are. Come out before your Dad decides to call the cops.

Lee Seng groaned and clicked the text message.

"Let me say goodbye to my friends first. I wanna go see Mom before I go home." Lee Seng typed. He click sent and then decided to send another message. "Did you guys know I was here the whole time? Why didn't you force me to come back then?" Lee Seng angrily stuffed his phone back in his pocket and wandered over to his backpack and slipped it over his shoulder. His phone pinged and he pulled it out.

"Your Dad said he saw you at the funeral so he let you be for the rest of the Summer. I was told to come get you today. Your Dad wants to see you too." Akio replied.

"What does it matter if Dad wants to see me? Is he going to keep Mom's promise or is he gonna break it?" Lee Seng texted back.

"If you come outside, I'll tell you. Hurry up!"

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