
Chapter 65 Olivia's Purpose

Olivia began to clear her mind. Her grandmother's voice spoke out to her and she knew what she had to do. She closed her eyes and saw her grandmother rocking away in the creaky rocking chair on the porch. She remembered the cool breezy day in the village hours away from Capitol City. Olivia sat next to her grandma, her face buried in her hands.

Four Years Ago...

She had been crying about her power. The doctor had told her she was an Observer. Her power, Dismantle, was a strange power, but theorized it could have manifested due to her family's desire to help others. Olivia came from a family of doctors. They branched themselves into different fields. Medicine and psychology were what Olivia was told her parents went into.

Her father had decided that they would house their grandmother. Family was important just like helping others was. Olivia resented her parents for it, but loved her grandmother very much. She spent many years playing and exploring around the home as her grandmother sat on the rocking chair knitting away.

Today, Olivia had her Biohuman serum injection and hoped her father and mother would come. She was disappointed to hear from grandmother that they weren't coming. They were "stuck in Capitol City" and had to handle things there. Her own parents couldn't even come to her serum appointment nor did they come for her PR or classification sittings.

Olivia insisted to go alone, but grandmother insisted.

"Let me go with you. I want to be there for you, dear." Grandmother spoke in Korean. Olivia pleaded with her but in the end, grandmother tagged along. They did her PR and shortly after that, her classification. Grandmother understood what was happening and made sure the doctors were very thorough in their explanations. She didn't want her own grand-daughter to ask questions later.

Hours later, they had gone through everything they needed to and were sitting in the front porch. Grandmother was sipping some hot tea while Olivia buried her face in her hands and cried.

"Why couldn't mother and father come back for this? Why couldn't they just give me some of their own attention?" Olivia wondered aloud. Grandmother had patiently let her rant. She knew her own son and daughter-in-law were busy, but hid her disappointment well. She didn't want Olivia to know she was disappointed. She needed to be Olivia's rock so Olivia could grow strong and be the wonderful grand-daughter she was meant to be.

"My power isn't even that great. Dismantle? What am I supposed to do with that? How am I supposed to use it to help others? Why should I help others?" Olivia cried. Grandmother sighed and set her hot tea down. She let out a breath and breathed in the cool Summer air.

"Liv, dear." Grandmother spoke. "I know you wanted your parents to be here, but you know they are busy helping others in Capitol City."

"They put others lives over mine, grandma!" Olivia protested. "They barely come home. Dad only let you stay here because he feels the need to pay you back for raising him and accepting Mom into the family! They don't care about me. They left me with you and went to the city for better work."

"You know that isn't true, Liv. They provide housing and pay for people to take care of the yard work. They make sure this small village is safe so we are all safe. They provide you and I with everything we need and want. They may be busy, but they love you as much as I love you, dear."

Olivia's foot shook in frustration. She rocked her leg up and down. She mindlessly did this when she was always frustrated or thinking. She stood up and turned to look at her grandmother. Her grandmother calmly watched Olivia.

"Why do I need to help others? Why should I help others?" Olivia asked. "The two people I want in my lives rather help everyone else but me!"

"Remember, Olivia. You are a crucial part of the battle. To disrupt the flow of battle and calm it in an instant. That is our purpose." Grandmother spoke in Korean. She lifted her left hand and stared at the ring on her finger. She smiled and looked at Olivia who had turned to stare at the village. "I have telekinesis and use it to understand both mind and body with patients. Your father can heal internal and external injuries. Your mother understands the mind and uses her powers to calm and try to understand people's heads better.

"You are the product of a long line of Ok men and women who have helped people for generations through their own blood, sweat and tears. Your parents, me and generations before have done it through medical help, but it doesn't mean it will always be like that." Grandmother explained. "Your great, great, great, great, great grandfather was a spy. He helped Korea in that way. He would go out of his way to provide housing for those who were less fortunate.

"Just because our family has had a very long history of helping, doesn't mean there are people who strayed from the path. Everyone strays from the path, but you must remember, Liv, to come back to the path when you are called. Even if you don't feel ready, your purpose will be shown to you. You may not do anything medically or become a doctor, but you can become an Adventurer like you've always wanted and explore the Old world. Explore the world your parents and I grew up in.

"It's a beautiful world. It has changed a lot in the last twenty-five years, but I want you to do what you think will be best. Don't close your heart to help others, dear." Grandmother pulled Olivia's arm and Olivia turned. Grandmother smiled, warmly, at Olivia and pulled her into a hug. "You are an Observer, yes, but you are going to the be the first Ok woman in our family's history, to adventure the world and claim the world back for everyone."

Olivia breathed in and out. Her eyes opened and Keng stood near her. Jae held his burnt face. Jason was burning and screaming in pain and anger. Lee Seng stared at her.

'Would she be able to do it?' Lee Seng thought. Olivia held her mirrored circle fingers together and felt a spark in her head followed by the noise. She smiled and moved her hands up to Jason.

"You will never be able to rest! You scumbag!" Jason screamed. Olivia let out a sigh and felt her spirit rush at Jason. It slammed into Jason causing him to freeze. Her spirit mixed with his and she grabbed his spirit and shook him.

"Frozen Spirit." Olivia muttered. The orange-white flames extinguished and Jason froze in place. His eyes wildly whipped around and settled onto Olivia. He tried to scream but nothing came out. Olivia's eyes bled. The blood ran down her cheeks and she let out a gasp. She was falling. She landed on Keng, who turned to let her rest on his back. Keng grunted as he held Olivia.

"Lee! She passed out!" Keng shouted. Lee Seng turned to look at Olivia and then looked back at Jae and Jason. Jae had made his way to his brother. He watched as Jason's eyes stayed onto Olivia. Lee Seng could feel his emotions pouring out of Jason's eyes.

"Hey, enough!" Jae said. He pointed at Jason's arm. "You've burnt yourself a lot! Are you stupid or something?!?" Jae's face twisted with sadness and worry. "Why would you do something like this? Revenge isn't worth it." Jae turned around and looked at Olivia and then Lee Seng. His eyes lingered on Lee Seng for awhile. The sounds of people cheering seemed to die and the two stared at each other in silence.

"You should get him treated." Lee Seng broke the silence.

"Y-yeah, we... We forfeit!" Jae shouted. A horn blared above them and Team 26 lit up green. The arena walls came down and healers rushed onto the scene. Lee Seng pulled the fox mask off and felt it crumble into wisps. The white wisps dissipated and he sighed in relief. Medical staff rushed to him and began to barrage him with questions.

"Are you okay? Are you injured? Any burn marks?"

The medical staff began to check him. His Academy shirt had burnt in many places. He allowed the staff to heal him and check for any abnormal signs. He watched as Jae was pulled away from his brother. Jae kept on saying Jason's name over and over again. Lee Seng's heart sank deeper.

"I don't want this." Lee Seng whispered. "No one deserves this."

Healers began their healing on Jason. Jason's eyes spoke every true intention. His eyes watered and tears fell. His skin burnt as the healers began the healing process. When he was good enough to be moved, they moved him onto a stretcher and ran off with him.

"Jason!" Jae cried. He tried to push past the medical staff but couldn't.

"Calm down, Kang. Your brother needs medical assistance in the hospital. You do too. Please cooperate. Your brother is in good hands." A medical worker said. Jae sniffed and wiped his tears away and nodded. His eyes followed his brother until they left.

"Fine." Jae said. The healers healed most of his injuries and they then moved with him towards the hospital.

Medical staff pulled away from Lee Seng and nodded.

"You're all set. You seemed to heal most of your injuries. You must have a high self-healing capabilities." A medical worker said.

​ "Y-yeah. The white wisps heal most of my non-lethal injuries." Lee Seng answered. The medical worker nodded and turned to look at where Olivia was. Olivia had been moved off from Keng and put on a stretcher. They had wiped away the blood from her eyes and healed her. They were moving her away and Lee Seng moved past the medical workers. Keng watched as they passed him.

"Where is she going?" Lee Seng asked.

"Probably to the hospital too. You can come to the hospital area while you wait for Miss Ok." The medical worker answered. Lee Seng nodded slowly.

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