
Chapter 69 Avoid One Problem, Get Another

Lee Seng ran to create distance from Scarlet and her antics. He kept getting the weird feeling she was going to ask him about Olivia and what he thought of her. He shook his head as he ran out of the hospital wing and picked a random direction. Lee Seng jogged down the halls for awhile until he reached an unfamiliar zone.

'Ah, dang it.' He caught his breath and looked around. 'Where did I go now?' He whipped his phone out and went to the Academy app. He hit the map and it pulled where he was. He squinted his eyes and read "Classroom Zone B."

"If this is Zone B then what's the front of the school?" Lee Seng whispered. He tapped his phone and inputted where he wanted to go. "Gymnasium A-E." Lee Seng tapped go and the map started to route him towards where he wanted to go. He turned around and started to follow the path back the way he came.

"I heard from one of the medical staff members that someone burnt themselves with their own power." Sara's voice spoke out from the corner. Lee Seng's ears twitched and he turned to see Sara walking with Victor. Victor had his button-up sleeves up to his elbows and was nodding. "Apparently it came from the Creator's sons match."

The two looked up as Lee Seng's tail swung. Lee Seng had stopped on the left side of the hall turning right with his phone in his hand. Lee Seng watched as Sara's eyes widened. She gasped as they both saw the burns and torn gym shirt. Lee Seng held the bow strapped on his left shoulder and nodded. Victor, who didn't even give a reaction, took a step forward.

"Is it true?" Victor asked. He pointed at the burnt t-shirt and Lee Seng looked down. He pulled at the shirt and nodded.

"Yeah." Lee Seng answered. His eyes went past Victor and landed on Sara. The girl seemed nervous that Lee Seng had shown up in front of them at the "wrong" time. Lee Seng sighed and looked back at Victor. "Everyone's fine. Don't worry too much about trivial things. It's bound to happen."

"True." Victor nodded. He slid a hand into his pocket. The awkward silence filled the space between them. "Did you win?"

"Yeah, we did."

"That's good. I hope you do well then." Victor smiled. "We should go, Sara. We don't want to be late." Victor turned to look at Sara. She had kept her eyes on Lee Seng the whole time, but nervously grabbed at her plaid skirt.

"Mmm, don't let me keep you here." Lee Seng bowed his head and waved his phone. "I need to get back to the gym and do some scouting." Lee Seng began to pass by Victor and make his way past Sara when Sara grabbed at him. Lee Seng felt her tug and was pulled to look at her. Sara's hand shook and her eyes seemed to tell the exact opposite of her hands. They were hardening and trying their best to hide her feelings.

"Lee." Sara whispered. She looked down for a moment and then looked back up. Her grip on Lee Seng's burnt t-shirt tightened. Lee Seng sighed and grabbed her wrist. He forcibly pulled her grip away and set her hand at her side.

"I thought I made it clear." Lee Seng said quietly. "I don't want to see you. I got over you and I just want to go about my day without unnecessary interruptions." He pulled his hand back and stood straight. His tail hovered proudly behind him. Sara gulped and looked down again. Her hands fiddled with her skirt.

"Why're you like this?" She asked loudly. She looked up and her eyes filled with determination and anger. "I had no choice but to leave. What did you expect me to do? Ignore all of this?!?" She waved her hands and took a step forward. "You said it yourself! I made my choice and to stick with it. That choice didn't work out with Manny, but it's good here! Why did you have to come in and ruin it? I'm fine and you disrupt everything and make me regret the last three years!"

"Watch it." Lee Seng shouted. He held his stance and narrowed his eyes at Sara. "Don't blame me for your unresolved feelings about me. It's not my fault you chose Manny and things didn't work out. It's not my fault that you had it good for the last three years in a nice ass place like this. It's not my fault you can't keep yourself together in front of me."

Sara grabbed Lee Seng's wrist and pulled his hand to her heart. Lee Seng could feel her heart beating and quickly pulled away. Sara started to grasp at Lee Seng pull him towards her. She desperately tried to grasp onto him.

"Enough!" Lee Seng screamed. He shoved her backwards and watched as she flew back into the wall. Her breath forcibly left her body and her legs buckling beneath her. She fell and gasped.

"H-hey..." Victor stuttered. He began to rush over to Sara and tried to grab her. Sara pushed Victor away and coughed.

"Can't we just go back to the way we were?" Sara cried. She slumped further down. "Can't we just do that?"

"No, we can't. It will never be the same. You know why?" Lee Seng asked. Sara looked up, wiping at her tears. "Manny and you left me. My close friends and friends from middle school left me too. Everyone left me to fend for myself. I ran away when my Mom died. Ran to my closest friends and y'know what they did to me? They pushed me away too.

"Believe me or not, my closest friends bullied me for three whole years. Sometimes I went home with blood stains and bruises and scratches that weren't even there because my damn body healed all of it. Those same so-called 'friends' are here today too. One of them was so hell bent on getting whatever sick revenge he wanted, he decided to harm himself in the middle of it all. He decided it would be okay for the sake of revenge.

"I don't know why people left me. I don't want to hear why you left me. If I had to be by myself for three whole years, what makes you think I wanna come back to one of the people I called 'family'?" Lee Seng's fist shook and his eyes watered. His ruby and sapphire eyes stared straight at Sara. Sara turned to look away and Lee Seng nodded. "Exactly. You can't, no, you won't accept that I suffered more than your so-called 'suffering.' That you one of the reasons why I have articles stating I'm a rebellious kid.

"I'm a failure to society and should just be let go from whatever family I have left. Little do they know, when my Mom left, both of my parents left as well. The people I stay close with now amongst the Numbers, are the only family I have left. So cut the bull crap. Stop crying that I won't accept your apology. If you really want to do me a favor, you should suffer with the fact you are the reason why I suffer."

"Lee... Lee..." Sara cried. Lee Seng sighed and turned to look at Victor who had quietly watched.

"Sorry, you had to see all of that." Lee Seng apologized. He pointed at Sara and then looked back at her. "Stay outta my life while I'm here for the last two years of high school." Victor narrowed his eyes.

'What does he mean by that? Did he get in?' Victor wondered.

"I can't even do a simple exam to get in by myself. The Creator has to pull all the strings and allow me to even think I had a good idea. None of this is my will, but his. You can make people think they're free when they're actually caged and the owner decided to change the scenery." Lee Seng shook his head. "Don't bother me anymore. If you do, I'll make sure authorities get involved."

Lee Seng turned left and lifted his phone up. He started down the hall, leaving Sara crying on the floor and Victor confused. Victor pulled his phone out and checked the time. He sighed and walked over to Sara, stuffing his hand in his back pocket and pulling a handkerchief out. He squatted down and grabbed Sara's hand and put the handkerchief in her hand.

"Get yourself together. We're late." Victor said. He stood up and turned around and took a couple steps before stopping. "I would stay away from him if I were you. Don't try to get back into his favor. He doesn't want it. If you try to, you're gonna get burnt to a crisp. He isn't worth everything you've worked hard for."

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