
Chapter 82 Police & Boba

"Hello, Alice's Boba Shop. It's Tiffany, what can I do for you today?" Tiffany answered the call.

"Hey, Tiffany, can you give the phone to Alice? It's Lee Seng." Lee Seng begrudgingly answered. Tiffany scoffed and Lee Seng could feel her eyes rolling at him.

"What do you want, pipsqueak? Get into some trouble or something?"

"Just give the phone to Boss, please."

"Boss!" Tiffany groaned loudly. "It's for you."

"Who is it?" Alice asked very faintly in the background. Lee Seng held the phone up to where his human ears used to be and realized his ears had picked up what they were saying from that far.

"Dammit, I forgot my ears aren't there anymore." He muttered as he clicked the loud button on the phone call and held the phone in front of him. He heard Alice clear her throat and pick up the phone.

"Hello, Alice speaking." Alice spoke.

"H-hey, Boss, it's Lee Seng." Lee Seng nervously spoke.

"Oh, Seng! Thanks for coming in even though you're on leave! I appreciate you helping out April."

"Oh, uh, n-no problem..." Lee Seng nervously chuckled. "I actually called be-because uh..."

"What happened?" Alice asked. Her voice had gone from happy to serious and Lee Seng's body shook from the chill of her voice.

"Not anything too serious." Lee Seng glanced at the floor. "Let's just say I'm waiting for the authorities to get John for assaulting me, again."


Lee Seng winced at Alice's voice. He was scared of Alice and that was part of the reason why he liked her. She was always sticking her nose into his situation and making sure he was okay. Even though she was always like this, Lee Seng liked her. She listened to his problems, made sure he ate and acted like an older sibling to him.

Her voice went silent and Lee Seng slowly poked his head back.

"Did you throw the phone again!?!" Alice shouted. Lee Seng jumped backwards and quickly moved back.

"N-no!" Lee Seng lied as he scrambled to pick up the phone. "I didn't throw it. I was just... giving my ears some rest." Lee Seng could hear Alice sighing loudly. He could picture her rubbing her temples.

"How long is it gonna take?" Alice asked.

"Uhhh... Ten or so minutes?" Lee Seng estimated. "They'll be here soon. I told them I secured John in the hall and was going to be in my room and for them to knock on my door."

Lee Seng heard the pounding on his door and turned.

"Oh, that's them! I'll be down for work afterwards!" Lee Seng quickly said.

"Fine. Don't get into more trouble, Seng!" Alice said.

"Yeah, I won't. Bye." Lee Seng hung the phone call up and stuffed the phone into his pocket and quickly ran towards the front door. He slipped his shoes on and opened the door. A male police officer nodded at Lee Seng and stepped away.

"You called about the assault?" The police officer asked.

"Yeah." Lee Seng nodded.

"We can't take him away. He's glued to the floor. Was that your doing?"

"Oh, he kept swinging at me so I pinned him onto the ground with my power." Lee Seng nervously answered. The police officer nodded and motioned for him to come out.

"It was in defense, right?" The police officer asked. Lee Seng nodded and shut the door behind him. The two walked towards the elevator. A couple of police officers were surrounding John and Lee Seng nervously crept closer. He was scared John would try to laser him or swing at him, again.

"If you dispell it for us, please." The officer waved at John. Lee Seng sighed and moved straight up to John and squatted down. He smiled at John who immediately had rage eyes. Lee Seng tapped John on his chest and watched as John started to move for a swing when the male police officer who had knocked at Lee Seng's door, put his hand up.

John froze in place as Lee Seng moved his head away from the arm that almost hit him from behind. He stood up and moved away from John and the police officer told the others to secure him.

"We'll take him from here. Thank you for your cooperation." The police officer nodded. Lee Seng waved and the officers restrained him with Dark Matter dampener cuffs and hit the elevator button. The male officer turned to wait and then immediately turned back. "I've read about you on the news. Aren't you the Creator's son?"

"Mmm, yeah." Lee Seng awkwardly answered. The officer nodded and stared even more at him. The other officers were turning to soak in the look of the Creator's son. They had all learned about physical changes. They were all curious about the 'failure son' as well, but his physical changes were apparently more important.

"How'd you get the tail and ears?" The officer asked.

"Uhhh, powers kinda did that. I don't know how, exactly, but they did this." He motioned to his ears on his head and his tail. The police officer nodded as the elevator dinged.

"Well, thank you for using the necessary procedures. Stay outta trouble, alright?" The officer said. Lee Seng nodded and bowed as they left. Lee Seng moved over to the stair exit and started down the stairs in a rush. He didn't want to let Alice wait too long for him to clean up his mess and miss extra hours he didn't really need.

Lee Seng cleared the eight flights of stairs in minutes and pushed the door open and entered the lobby area. He stepped out of the lobby and found himself in the backside of the businesses. He ran through an alleyway to get to the front and turned right. He passed two storefronts before reaching the familiar 'Alice's Boba Shop.'

The shop had a huge glass front with the shop's name written in a large cursive font on it. The door was a large wooden door and a sign in the window that read 'Open for business.' Lee Seng pulled the door open, ignoring the stares of customers sitting in front of the store under umbrellas.

"Welcome!" An employee chimed as the bell rang. Lee Seng waved and rushed over to the counter. He passed it, his co-workers and customers eyeing his tail and ears, and pushed past the curtains and walking into the kitchen. The workers quieted and stared at him as he passed and made his way to the locker room.

He pushed in and went to his locker located at the end and pulled his button-up shirt off and gently placed it on the hook. He grabbed the hat and put it on and pulled the apron on. The apron had the same business logo plastered across it with his name tag. He put it on and closed the locker and turned.

A blonde woman stood in the doorway. Her hair was wrapped up in a bun with two metal chopsticks stuck in it. The roots of her hair were black turning brown and blonde. She wore a white t-shirt and tight blue jeans. An apron was on her and her name tag displaying who she was. Alice Liu blocked the doorway, her arms crossed and tapping.

"You really had to cause trouble, huh?" Alice asked loudly. Despite her nice features and warm demeanor, Alice was actually one of the few people that scared Lee Seng. She was a great mentor who stuck her nose into Lee Seng's business, constantly. "What's the damage now?"

"He laser beamed the hallway, carpeted floors and some of the tenant doors." Lee Seng answered. Alice groaned and shook her head. She stepped in and pointed behind her.

"It's always money coming out of you and him whenever you're together. Don't worry too much about it, I'll get it fixed." Alice waved. "Just get to work. I appreciate you coming in for April." Lee Seng nodded and started to make his way towards Alice when he stopped in front of her.

"Oh, Alice," Lee Seng began. Alice looked at Lee Seng with curiosity. She bit her lip and Lee Seng knew he had her attention. "I did pretty well on the Academy exam. I think I will get in." He didn't want to tell her he DID get in. She knew his background but kept out of his personal affairs with his Dad and him.

"That's good. Let's wait until the results are out. Until then, do you want to work more?" Alice asked, nodding.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate that." Lee Seng smiled. Alice nodded and patted Lee Seng's shoulder.

"I'll notate that and rotate you onto the schedule more until we hear the results, kay?" Alice smiled. Lee Seng didn't know how someone could scare him yet make him feel so comfortable. He nodded and she gave him a thumbs up. "Alright, if that's it, get to work, Seng." Her face turning back to business mode.

"Yes, Boss!"

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