
Chapter 861 Can't Sleep, Breakfast

Dawn came quickly with little sleep. Lee Seng tossed and turned, replaying the conversation in his head. He analyzed the conversation over and over, again. It was only almost 4:30 in the morning when he couldn't take it anymore. He got out of bed, threw on some clothes and made his way out of the apartment without Ritsuka or Keng noticing. 

Lee Seng walked the streets. To his amazement, the city was still alive and thriving. He walked around the city, blurring himself through the city. 

'Did I make the right choice?' Lee Seng asked himself. 'Should I have trusted them?' He stopped at the cross walk and looked up at the red lit sign. He slowly breathed in and out. 'Clear your mind. You made your choice. Stick to it.' The cross walk light turned green and Lee Seng slowly picked up into a jog. 

"I made the right choice." Lee Seng whispered under his breath. He jogged around the city for quite some time, slowly watching the sun come up. Lee Seng chilled outside a cafe with two freshly made croissants and a latte. He looked around the city as his phone buzzed. He pulled it out and noticed Ritsuka was calling him.

"Yeah?" Lee Seng answered the phone.

"Where'd you go?" Ritsuka asked. It sounded like Ritsuka was a bit worried with his morning voice.

"I went for an early run because I couldn't sleep." Lee Seng answered. Ritsuka let out a sigh of relief. "I'm at the cafe near the house if you wanna come."

"Is there anything to even eat there? I'm hungry."

"I got fresh croissants."

"Let's just go to a breakfast joint." There was shuffling on Ritsuka's side followed by a loud yawn. 

"You can sleep for longer. I'll bring breakfast for everyone." Lee Seng suggested. 

"No… I'm fine. Let's go out and eat and we'll bring some back for everyone." Ritsuka insisted. 

"Alright. I'll be waiting at the cafe around the corner from the apartments." 

"Alright. See you soon." The phone disconnected and Lee Seng set it off to the side. He took a big bite of his croissant and blew the heat out as he tried to not burn his mouth. He grabbed his latte and took a sip. "Ahhhh~" 

Lee Seng was nearly finished with his first croissant by the time Ritsuka rounded the corner. He was in a wind breaker and shorts like he was going to go for a run. He jogged right over to him and smiled, taking a seat. 

"It's kinda chilly today." Ritsuka commented. Lee Seng nodded and slipped the croissant to Ritsuka. Ritsuka grabbed the croissant and stuffed half of it in his mouth. "Ha, ha hot!" Lee Seng chuckled.

"Yeah it is. Delicious though." Lee Seng's smile faded. "Too bad we won't be here to have it everyday." 

"What do you mean?" Ritsuka asked with his mouth full. 

'I'll tell you later.' Lee Seng telepathically told Ritsuka. 

"C'mon, let's go to that breakfast spot." Lee Seng stood up. He grabbed his trash and threw it away with the half-drunk latte.

"You could've waken me up." Ritsuka bumped Lee Seng. "I was gonna go for a run today, but you came home so late."

"I feel even more bad." Lee Seng bumped Ritsuka. Ritsuka and Lee Seng laughed as the two bumped into each other. 

Ritsuka led Lee Seng into a cozy restaurant with loads of earthly elements. Plants climbed the pillars and walls, the wooden flooring with the rough stone walls. A waiter greeted them and seated them in a booth. The two friends sat across from each other as Lee Seng took more time to take in the thematics. 

"Nice place, huh?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng nodded. "We ordered out from this place yesterday. I came to pick it up and was immediately in love with the place. It's good you're here now. You can feel how this place just lifts your spirits. I was able to breathe and take a moment to myself when I entered this place. Supposedly, the owners had that in mind when they made this place."

Lee Seng could definitely see the effects working. Everything he had been thinking about since he left in the morning was slowly disappearing. The earthly thematics certainly had a strange effect on him, but Lee Seng welcomed it. Rather, he felt like he needed it. Lee Seng snapped out of it and flipped open the menu. They had come here to eat, so he would eat.

"Good morning, thank you for stopping by. Can I start you off with something to drink?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have a lemon water." Ritsuka answered. Lee Seng flipped to the end and looked at the drinks. 

"I'll have an iced tea." Lee Seng looked up at the waiter.

"Alright. Do you guys need time to pick something to eat?" The waiter asked. Lee Seng looked at Ritsuka, who was still looking at the menu.

"I'm good." Ritsuka answered. "You can go first."

"I'll have the 'I came here for breakfast but wanted a burger.'" Lee Seng told the waiter.

"Oh, one of those people?" The waiter asked.

"The burger just looked too good to pass up." Lee Seng chuckled.

"How did you want that? Medium-rare?" 

"I'll take it medium-rare. Could I also get an extra side of hash browns with that?" 

"Sure thing… And for you, sir?" The waiter turned a bit towards Ritsuka.

"I'll have the supreme breakfast platter." Ritsuka answered. 

"How do you want your eggs?" 

"Sunny side up."

"Hash browns okay?"


"Alright, is there anything else I can get for you guys?"

"That's it."

The waiter nodded and collected the menu and excused himself. 

"So, are you finally going to tell me more in-depth of what happened?" Ritsuka asked.

"I told you I would tell all of you." Lee Seng replied. 

"C'mon! I just wanna know the deets!" Ritsuka complained. "Just give me a little more than yesterday." He leaned forward.

"Let's just wait until we see everyone else. They'll probably want to know what's next, but I guess I can tell you what's going to happen next." Lee Seng sighed. "I think we should leave for Capitol City as soon as possible."

"We haven't even gathered enough information. Why would you want to go so soon? It hasn't been that long since we've came here." Ritsuka whispered. "I thought we wanted to be sure."

"Yeah, that's what I want too but if I have to go off of what happened yesterday—"

"And here's your drinks." The waiter smiled. He placed them onto the table, sliding them to Lee Seng and Ritsuka. "I'll be back with your food in a bit."

"Thanks." Lee Seng smiled. He turned his attention back onto Ritsuka and sighed. "If I have to go off of what happened yesterday, I would assume they're going to make their move knowing me."

"What does that mean?" Ritsuka whispered.

'It means my brother and sister will definitely bank on the fact I'm going to Capitol City. They'll want to move and try to get there by the time I get there.' Lee Seng told Ritsuka telepathically.

'So when do we have to leave? Now?' Ritsuka asked.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ 'We can stick around for a bit longer. Gather information, get more creds and try to deck ourselves out in better gear if we need to. We leave once my brother or sister - hell, even if Uncle Nikolai - gets in contact with me.'

"How can you be so sure they will?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng looked around and took a sip of his iced tea. "What if they don't… y'know?"

"We'll go according to plan. Knowing them, they probably will take at least a couple days to get back to the outskirts of the city. They'll make contact then." Lee Seng guessed. He took another sip of his drink and crossed his arms together. Ritsuka' phone began to blow up with pings. 

"Well, someone's up." Ritsuka sighed. He dug his phone out and unlocked it. "Yup… They're wondering where I am. I'll tell them you're with me and—"

"Don't say I'm here. Just tell them you'll bring food and to wait a bit." Lee Seng suggested. 

"Sure." Ritsuka began to type away.

"Gives me some time to process." Lee Seng sighed. Their food eventually came and the two young men decided to give the waiter a large order of random assortment of breakfast items. They thanked the waiter and dug into their food. Lee Seng gushed over the burger and hashbrowns. They were well-seasoned and really felt like an absolute cheat of a burger.

Their large to-go order eventually came out as they finished eating.

"Here's your large to-go order. I brought your check as well. Did you want to pay here or up there?" The waiter asked, setting the large bags of food down onto the table. 

"I'll pay here." Ritsuka lifted his phone up and the waiter pulled out a scanner with their order. 

"It'll be 34,526 creds." The waiter told him. He scanned the phone and printed the receipt. "Thank you for comin' by!"

"Thank you for the food." Lee Seng nodded.

"See y'all next time." The waiter waved goodbye and turned around and went back the way he came.

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