
Chapter 872 The Metallic Wolf

Barry defensively stared at Lee Seng and Keng while the timid maid and an older maid put out the fires. The Scottish butler stood with his arms behind his back, waiting for the maids to finish securing the place.

"These are Master Evan's friends?" Barry asked the Scottish butler. Barry and the Scottish butler were dressed in similar fashion - butler suits and a pair of nice dress shoes. Barry had a bronze handkerchief tucked in his pocket next to his heart while the Scottish butler had a gold one.

"Yes, Barry. You mustn't be so rude to such friends." The Scottish butler answered.

"I thought Master Evan was dead." Barry turned to look at his superior. The butler seemed to get a bit offended and agitated by Barry's comment. 

"He was never dead like his father may have pronounced." The Scottish butler quickly defended. "You shouldn't go around saying things like that without evidence."

"We're done, sir." The older maid announced. She wore a maid outfit and was on the older side. She smiled at Lee Seng, Olivia and Keng with a granny smile that would make anyone melt in any other circumstances.

"Good work, you two. We'll need to regroup with the others and make sure to take out those pesky junk-droids…" The Scottish man sighed. "But we have guests that came to help." He nodded at the three standing in front of them. The butlers and the maids turned and bowed. "I'm Head Butler Jonas. The young butler to my right is Butler Barry. Do excuse his reaction, anyone seeing you two would assume you're monsters. The older lady on the other end is Madam Cheryl. She was out here with Miss Janice showing her the ropes to the greenhouse when they were attacked."

"It's nice to meet Master Evan's friends." Madam Cheryl smiled. "Oh, it's such a relief to see his friends."

"If you don't mind me asking… How do you know us?" Olivia asked. 

"Master Evan sent snail mail about everyone." Madam Cheryl answered. "The Master is so old fashioned. I wonder how none of the marriage candidates managed to not like him. He's sweet."

"They have to deal with his personality." Barry commented. Head butler turned to look at Barry. "I know, I know. I didn't mean it…" 

"You'll have to excuse Barry. He's good at his job but he can't keep his mouth shut." Janice quietly apologized. 

"It's fine." Lee Seng waved his hand. "He reminds me of a certain someone." He began to chuckle and Olivia hit him in the stomach. 

"Let's stay on track, hm?" Olivia eyed Lee Seng. Lee Seng stopped laughing and nodded. "Is there anyone else out here?"

"I don't think anyone else was scheduled outside." Madam Cheryl looked at the Head Butler. His eyes shimmered for a moment ending with his eyes being closed and shaking his head.

"There should be no one else here, but knowing a couple of the staff, they'll probably end up doing tasks not delegated to them for the day." Head Butler Jonas sighed. "You needn't worry about them. We're more than capable of taking care of our people.." The butler trailed off. His face grew a bit more sad. Head Butler Jonas quietly asked, "Is the Master okay?"

"He's fine." Olivia answered. "We showed up on the beach and he saw all that smoke in the distance and ran straight for home. He's somewhere in the home."

"He's probably after the Head Maid…" Head Jonas looked at the three guests. "She's supposed to be dealing with floor three's library. I would look there as if it was Master Evan's favorite place."

"Alright." Keng nodded. "Thank you for the information. Do you need help getting to a safe place?"

"Don't worry about us." Barry smiled. "We're more than capable of beating some car wrecks."

"Just tell anyone you come across to go to the designated safe place. They'll know what you're talking about." Head Butler Jonas added. Lee Seng, Keng, and Olivia nodded. "To get to the third floor, go through the back entrance. The stairs are near the entrance, you can't miss it. Make sure the Master is fine and reassure him we're more than capable of protecting ourselves."

"Thank you." Lee Seng smiled. The group said their goodbyes and headed inside. They moved into the living room and looked to their left. The stairs were hidden behind some bookcases. 

"That's how you get up there…" Olivia whispered as they climbed the stairs. 

"This place is swanky." Keng commented.

"Where'd you learn swanky?" Lee Seng asked.

"You." Keng grinned. Lee Seng rolled his eyes as they hit the second floor. 

"There aren't stairs to the third floor?" Olivia asked. 

"Maybe it's somewhere else?" Keng guessed.

"An attic of sorts?" Lee Seng suggested.

"Their house was pretty big… That could be the case, but where do you think—" Olivia was immediately cut off by a bloody scream coming to the right. The group quickly moved down the hallway, looking through every opened door. 

"Ah!" A man screamed as he was thrown out of a room and into another.

"Pesky humans." A growl came out of the room to the right. A metallic hand grabbed onto the door frame and ripped it apart as it stepped out. The smell of acrid and sulfur burned Lee Seng and Keng's noses as a loud hiss grew. A metallic wolf stepped out with jagged spikes as fur. Red eyes stared at the bloodied man as Olivia, Lee Seng and Keng came to a stop. 

The wolf turned to look at them and smiled. 

"Are you worthy?" The metallic wolf asked. 

'It looks exactly like the one in my dreams.' Lee Seng thought. The metallic wolf's eyes landed on Lee Seng and it's grin became unnatural.

"There you are!" The wolf cackled. "I never thought I'd see you here! It took a lot of energy to find you. To think you would show up in front of me!" The wolf rushed forward, lava glowing in its body as the metal hissed. The wolf's claws lit up and screeched through the wolf, burning through the wood and lighting everything on fire. 

"Tch!" Olivia reached out for the wall, watching it move forward, slamming into the wolf. The wolf ripped through the moved wall and pounced onto Olivia, sending her into the twins. The four tumbled down the hall as the wolf's metallic claws wrapped around Olivia's shoulder and burned her. 

"I don't want you!" The wolf raised its fiery claws and went in for the kill. A blast of gravity shot out of Lee Seng's hand, pushing the wolf backwards. Keng shot forward, grabbing onto the wolf and moving down the hall. The two broke through the side of the house, falling straight into the side yard. 

Olivia screamed in pain as liquid metal and lava burned into her skin. Lee Seng quickly jumped up and moved to her side. He pushed the golden light into her, easing the pain as howl's erupted into the air.

"Healing aura." Lee Seng whispered. The golden energy bubbled outwards, turning into a aura zone. He focused on Olivia while hearing grunts from Keng. 

"Go help him…" Olivia spoke through her teeth. "I'm… fine." Lee Seng's eyes shook. 

"You'll be in deeper shit if I leave you here!" Lee Seng protested. Olivia grabbed his hand, focusing his attention onto her face. 

"I'll be fine… You put a healing aura on me anyways… Go." Olivia told him. Lee Seng slowly nodded and rushed down the hallway. He pulled the injured man out of the room as he moved by and telepathically set him in the healing aura.

"Ahahah!" The metallic wolf cackled. Keng clutched his side, trying to ignore the liquid engraving on his side. "I didn't know there were two of you! This'll make things much more interesting!"

"Hey metal dog! Stay!" Lee Seng shouted. The wolf looked over at Lee Seng. It growled as Lee Seng jumped off the second floor and onto the ground. "You want me, right? Come and get it!"

"Argh!" The wolf lit up and blazed straight for Lee Seng. Lee Seng's dragon eyes caught every movement. The wolf swung its right claw straight for Lee Seng's neck. He raised his arm, blocking the attack and watching the left claw move straight for his throat. Lee Seng's hand flew outwards, slamming into the metallic body of the wolf. He pushed past the heat, pushing the wolf backwards.

'It's burning hot! Be careful!' Keng telepathically told him.

'Too late for that.' Lee Seng answered. He wrapped himself in a golden aura, letting the Dark Matter Suit come out. His tails swayed behind him, ready for the wolf's next move. 'Coat the blocks and the hits with a layer of gravity… We'll have to be careful about this too…'

"Argh!" The wolf slid to a stop. Its stomach was a bit dented as it raised its red eyes to Lee Seng. "I'll kill you and make sure the Deimons know who did it!"

"The Deimons?" Lee Seng quietly spoke. "So you're one of them?" He glared at the wolf, drawing his brother's attention.

"Ha! Of course you would know us! I'll prove my worth and show them making a binding contract was worth it!"

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