
Chapter 879 Surprise Attack

"There are controls on each wall point, but they monitor it through one of the buildings deep within the city. We'll have to go there, capture it and hope to God they get here in time." Ritsuka told the group. They stepped through the portal and arrived at Lee Seng's apartment. Everything had been covered and the windows were all covered. 

'I guess this place didn't get ransacked.' Lee Seng thought to himself. His feet carried him to his room and there he found himself digging through one of the drawers. 'It's here somewhere… Aha!' He grabbed an ID card for the lab and slipped it into his pocket. 'This'll make things confusing for everyone.'

"Where do we go from here?" Evan asked. 

"Give me a minute. I need to figure out where we are." Ritsuka answered. Lee Seng closed the drawer and stepped out of the room. He slipped the card into his pocket and pulled the map out. "Ah, why's this thing so hard to use when you're trying to find something?" Ritsuka flicked violently, trying to zoom out and get his bearings. 

"We're here." Lee Seng tapped. The map synced with his teammates, showing them what he was looking at. He zoomed out and inputted the location Ritsuka was talking about. "The control center is here. We'll need to either drive there or do some flying."

"It's quite a ways away… What do you think people would assume to be odd? People flying in the air at this time or driving?" Liz asked.

"It's the middle of the day and I don't see no one out there." Manny took a peek outside. "I think they would find it odd that a car's driving around."

"Then we fly." Lee Seng smirked.

"So, what do we do when we get into the building? We go to the control center and override all of the controls manually?" Manny asked Ritsuka. 

"There are certain times when the city has to put the controls into auto control. The machine monitors who comes through by scanning facial recognition from the database. If we know who's going to be in that car, we can allow entry based on that information." Ritsuka explained.

"Sounds easy enough." Keng nodded. 

"Let's go then." Manny motioned.

The group exited and made their way out of the building. There was not a soul in the lobby. Lee Seng couldn't help but wonder if everyone had evacuated or not. 

'This is going to get sloppy real quick.' Lee Seng thought. Manny was the first to pass the doors, triggering a strange noise.

"Shit!" Lee Seng and Keng shouted. A barrier flew up as the building exploded, knocking everyone backwards. Smoke billowed and the building began to warp. Laughs echoed all around as clouds of black smoke gathered all around the group.

"To think we'd catch some stragglers!" A masculine voice laughed. "What do you think, babe? Should we kill 'em?" 

"We got our cake… so we should eat it, too, right?" The woman answered with such a pouty tone. They laughed as purple eyes locked with the group.

"Ah, great." Lee Seng groaned. "More Deimons."

"Oh! This one knows who we are!" The girl pointed at Lee Seng.

"Of course they do!" A second man spoke. "The whole damn city knows who we are!"

"What should we do to them? Skin them alive? Hurt them a bit and then bring them to them?" A second woman asked.

"Argh, we don't have time for this!" Keng released a blast of energy outwards. The Deimons slammed against the walls as team Zephyr stood up. "Let's go!" Lee Seng and Keng wrapped the group up and flew out of the building.

"No you don't!" The first man growled. Hooks flew out, grabbing Lee Seng and Olivia. He pulled back forcing the two of them out of gravitational hold. Lee Seng and Olivia shouted, landing on the ground as the Deimons wrecked the lobby.

"Lee!" Keng shouted, turning to watch the Deimons put up a strange forcefield. 

"Olivia!" Liz shouted. "What do we do now?" Keng grunted and pelted the forcefield. All of his attacks seemed to nullify.

"Go!" Lee Seng shouted. "Continue with the plan! We'll catch up!" Lee Seng and Olivia moved towards each other, putting themselves back-to-back. 


"Just go!" Lee Seng's eyes twinkled as his tails protectively wrapped around Olivia.

'What now?' Olivia asked Lee Seng. 'It's seven to two.' They scanned their enemies, noticing two of them were holding the forcefield up while the rest were waiting for Lee Seng and Olivia to do something.

'Don't be so scared of what's about to happen.' Lee Seng told Olivia. She began to say something when a blast of fire and ice flew out from the Deimons. 'Gate VI: Bubble Barrier.' A colorful set of bubbles appeared, blocking the attacks.

"Hey isn't that—" Manny pointed.

"And that's my cue!" Keng shouted, pulling the group away as a couple of Deimons took potshots at them. 

Olivia's eyes widened. She questioned if Lee Seng could do such a thing with his power. She watched as the attacks did nothing to the barrier. There wasn't a single crack. Olivia pulled her dagger out and felt the hum of built up energy. She flew out of the barrier, slashing three Deimons before they could react. Their bodies instantly froze as the earth around her shifted, pulling the Deimons downwards. 

Lee Seng dashed for the forcefield users, gripping his hand like he was holding Sun blade and swinging it straight for the head. Sun blade materialized, slamming against the forcefield and nullifying the effects.

'Nullified effects.' Lee Seng thought. He jumped backwards, moving his right hand over to his left shoulder and blocking more fiery attacks. He slid into the ice, going further backwards than anticipated. 'Bubble Catastrophe.' 

Colorful bubbles flew out to the left, exploding in colorful smoke as Lee Seng and Olivia rejoined each other. 

'What now?' Olivia asked. 

'We have to push past those nullifying forcefields.' Lee Seng motioned. 

'Or we could create our own way out.' Olivia thought. Lee Seng looked at her and smirked.

'There is another way out.' Lee Seng grabbed her and they moved straight for the staircase. 

"Where are we going?" Olivia asked as they blasted through the door and down the stairs. 

"To the car garage! We'll go out that way!" Lee Seng shouted.

"You could just blast your way out then go that way!"

"I'm trying to cause the least amount of damage, not make more of it!" Lee Seng and Olivia flew through the underground door. Lee Seng tried to pick up speed, lifting them up into the air but nothing happened. "Argh! Why can't I fly?"

The two slid to a stop, looking behind them. Colorful bubbles filled the space. 

"Am I crazy or is that Manny's sister's ability?" Olivia pointed. The bubbles exploded in ice and fire as three Deimons rushed out of the ice and fire cloud.

"No, that really is Z's ability!" Lee Seng grabbed Olivia's hand and ran into the cars. Ice and fire exploded all around them, causing the cars to beep like crazy. Lee Seng flexed his free hand trying to conjure cosmic energy. "Why won't it work?!?" Olivia pulled away from Lee Seng and turned, touching one of the cars.

"This is in self-defense!" Olivia shouted. The car's materials disappeared in an instant as fireballs and icicles flew at them. Lee Seng turned and threw his hand up, conjuring a huge colorful bubble barrier. He watched the fireballs explode in front of them and fly everywhere, shaking the underground car garage. Icicles pelted them as Olivia sucked in a breath.

"Do you trust me?" Olivia asked Lee Seng. 

"W-why are you asking that now?" Lee Seng asked.

"Do you or do you not trust me?" Olivia asked, pointing her dagger towards the Deimons. There was a small point of hesitation for Lee Seng. He hadn't necessarily ever said he trusted anyone. He had spent so much time telling everyone he wouldn't leave them, but he never told anyone (but Keng) he trusted them with his life.

"Ever since the day we met I trusted you!" Lee Seng shouted. "There was something about you that told me that you weren't for the person you read about online! I wanted to be your friend but I didn't know how to do it!" It took Olivia by surprise but she steeled herself. Now wasn't the time to be happy that the person she liked trusted her since day one. The dagger glowed brightly as the car's materials started to form all around the dagger. She let out a sigh and focused.

"Recombination Burst!" Olivia casted the spell. Metal, liquids, and glass fired outwards, pelting the Deimons. The Deimons groaned as they were impaled and sent backwards. The nullifying Deimons blasted through the door, throwing their hands up to block it. "Go!" 

Lee Seng rushed forward. 'If I can't use my powers right now because I activated a Gate, I'll just use my knowledge of Z against them.' Colorful barrier balls flew all around him. He weaved his hands together like he had seen Zoe do many times. He slammed his foot in front of him and pivoted his body right, mimicking a throwing motion. 

"Barrier Explosion!" The balls flew outwards, exploding in shrapnels. The shrapnels bounced everywhere, landing on the barriers and bouncing against the walls and flying back at Lee Seng. Lee Seng grunted as the shrapnels pierced him, but that didn't matter. He listened to the grunts of pain. He hoped he had done it right and caught the Deimons off guard.

Lee Seng took a step back and waved his hand. He watched a cosmic shield fly up. His powers were back as the Deimons all crumbled to the ground.

[5 Lesser Deimons were killed! A boosted 45,000 souls were added to the Golden Protocol! 344,754/1,000,000]

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