
Chapter 882 Poseidon's Memory

Victor Callas reached out to help Olivia, who twitched. Victor kept his smile as he stopped. 

"I'm on your side. You can trust me. I'm Biohuman." Victor told Olivia. 

'What's Victor doing here?' Lee Seng thought. 'I could never forget Dark Matter like that…' From the moment he fought Victor for the first time until this very moment, Lee Seng hadn't forgotten the one person he had wanted to be like. 

"Victor?" Lee Seng called out. Victor stepped closer into view and waved.

"It's been awhile, Lee Seng and Olivia. Let me help you up." Victor motioned. 

"Well, I'm stuck because of—" Olivia began to say when Victor easily plucked her out of Lee Seng's grasp. Lee Seng felt his arms land on him with a loud thud. He let out a grunt before letting out a sigh of relief. "T-thanks." Olivia stepped away from Victor.

"No problem. You're next." Victor started to reach for Lee Seng when Olivia stuck her hand out and blocked him. 

"He gets heavy when he's under his Negative. Just let him be for a bit." Olivia told Victor. He nodded and took a step back with Olivia. "What're you doing here? I thought for sure most of the city would be under the influence of those juicers."

"So you know about them, too." Victor commented. "I guess terrorist ghosts would know a lot."

"Terrorist ghosts?" Olivia gave Victor a weird look. "What do you mean about that?"

"Judging from that response, you wouldn't explode your own home." Olivia started to move when Lee Seng managed to sit up and grab her leg.

"Enough." Lee Seng told her. Olivia let out a sigh and turned away. She pulled her leg from Lee Seng and walked it off. Lee Seng slowly turned to Victor and studied him. He was wearing a strange cloak. He could barely tell Victor was in front of him. "A cloaking enchantment?"

"Perceptive as ever." Victor nodded. "Are you okay now?"

"Dandy." Lee Seng sarcastically responded. He rolled his arms and let out a sigh of relief. "At least it didn't last half an hour… Maybe I'm getting better at this." Victor reached his hand out and Lee Seng took it. With a bit of effort, the two of them managed to get Lee Seng up. 

"How have you been? Especially after the accident?" 

"Mad that someone would attempt to wipe mine and everybody else's memories about this." Lee Seng motioned at himself. Victor glanced at the tails and then to Lee Seng. "What? You aren't shocked by my appearance?"

"Why would I be? You always had a tail. Now you have more. How'd that happen?" Victor asked. Lee Seng looked at Olivia, raising an eyebrow. 

"I guess the spell didn't work on everyone." Olivia answered Lee Seng's thought. Victor gave them a confused look as they turned to Victor.

"Do you find it odd that people didn't bat an eye about my Biohuman looking form?" Lee Seng asked.

"Well, I found it odd you didn't have a tail at first and then I realized other people found it normal…  just played along but that was two years ago… We shouldn't really be out here right now. It's dangerous." Victor looked around. "Who knows when one of those D3I jerks comes by. They'll either want to kidnap you or kill you for power. We should go to the hideout."

"Yeah, about that… We can't." Olivia told Victor. 


"We're trying to get backup into the city. We need to get to the control center for the Walls." Lee Seng said. "The faster we do that, the faster we can tackle what the hell's happening around here."

"Don't tell me you got into the city without knowing?" Victor asked. Lee Seng and Olivia looked at each other before Victor jumped backwards, conjuring water. "Where have you two been recently? I know you can't get into the city as it's being heavily reinforced right now. How'd you get in?"

"Poseidon, let's not get carried away, alright?" Lee Seng stuck a hand up. "There's a wonderful explanation for all of this, but it involves having built trust and…"

"Tell me how you got into the city then!" Victor released a blast of water in between Lee Seng and Olivia. The two didn't flinch. Their communication jewelry began to ring and Olivia sighed. 

"I'll take this. You deal with Mr. Poseidon." Olivia told Lee Seng. Lee Seng nodded and watched Olivia turn and begin to leave. Victor began to move and Lee Seng intercepted him.

"I wouldn't do that, Mr. Callas." Lee Seng put an arm out. 

"Why should I trust you?" Victor asked. "You might be one of them."

"And you could be a well-functioning Deimon who's just playing a facade to get us to believe you." Lee Seng responded without a care in the world. 

"Why would you say that? I could easily use this moment to turn against you and capture both of you then." Victor growled. Lee Seng's eyes twinkled and for a moment, Victor saw an endless cosmic space within his golden eyes. "Your eyes… They aren't like those people." He shook his head and jumped backwards. "It could be a trick!" He raised his hand to attack Lee Seng, but the eight-tailed Fox Spirit was already turning away from him.

'Why's he turning away from me?' Victor thought. 'He's mad! It's fighting basics 101! You should never—'

"Someone's already trying to take over the tower?" Lee Seng asked aloud. He turned to Victor and nodded silently as if he was listening to someone talk on the phone. 

"They said they're resistant?" Olivia asked. "Who's in the resistance?" Lee Seng and Olivia looked at victor and nodded. "Yeah, we see one of 'em in front of us. Should we befriend him?"

"Roger that." Lee Seng nodded. He moved straight up to Victor who raised his hand to attack. Lee Seng sighed and rubbed his head before sticking his hand out. "I guess we're both on the wrong foot here. My teammates say that you're apart of the resistance and you're actually a big shot or something. I guess we're on the same side."

"On the same side? You didn't even answer me on how you got here." Victor pointed. 

"Tell me, Poseidon. Do you know where the tower is?" Olivia asked, rejoining the group. "Your people and my people want all of us there. WE don't have much time. I think they said something about Deimons showing up being a thing… Wouldn't want more injured before the big fight, hm?"

"Big fight?" Victor asked, confused. Lee Seng flipped his hand and they floated into the sky. They zoomed off towards the tower. The empty city blurred around them until they eventually made it. There were a couple of people waiting out front as Lee Seng, Olivia and Victor landed. Victor stumbled, clutching his mouth as he tried to hold in his puke. He turned and vomited on the ground as some resistance ran over to him.

"Poseidon! W-where did you— Who are you?" A resistance member turned towards Lee Seng and Olivia. 

"We're here." Lee Seng spoke aloud. 

"They're giving us a hard time, so we can't come outside." Liz replied. "You'll have to find a way in yourself. They're being asses. Oh! Don't be destructive like your brother! They're already on the fence about us because of him!"

"Just wait until they see two of him." Olivia commented. 

"What're you talking about? Who are you? Why did you come here with Poseidon?" A second resistance member asked. They pointed their weapons at Lee Seng and Olivia. 

"In-fighting will only lead to destruction." Lee Seng told them. "We're on your side. We caught your ace near my apartment. I tripped a trap and had to deal with some Deimons."

"Deimons? What do you mean by that? Do you mean those D31 faction idiots?" 

"Yes. They're also called Deimons. They take an injection - well, I guess it's juice - and their personality and powers switch?"

"How do you know that…?" The first resistance member asked. They pressed their blade up onto Lee Seng's neck, shaking. Victor wiped his mouth and turned.

"You haven't answered my question." Victor growled. He stepped forward, almost pressing himself against Lee Seng and the sword.

"Can I tell him?" Lee Seng asked.

"You're gonna reveal your secrets?" Manny asked through the communication device. 

"Poseidon's gonna chew me out at this rate." Lee Seng replied. Manny sighed. Lee Seng could envision him rubbing his neck.


Lee Seng smiled and nodded. "I got some information and we teleported in my apartment. That's why we tripped the trap set by those Deimons. Managed to kill all but two but the dude ate the girl so…"

"Am I supposed to just believe that?" Victor asked.

"Hey, you wanted to know! And you didn't even tell us your 'resistance' group was coming here. I guess our plans just happened to line up." Lee Seng shrugged it off. 

"Poseidon, what if they… backstab us? What would we do then?" The third guy asked.

"Hey, we used to go to school together. Plus, anyone with a brain would know not to mess with Vic over here. The dude almost drowned me two years ago for show." Lee Seng smiled.

"What do we do, sir?" The second resistance member whispered.

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