
Chapter 891 Best Tracker

Lee Seng and the Yamada brothers made it halfway before large amounts of pings appeared in Lee Seng's head. The Fourth District was filled with strange Dark Matter energy. He could hear a couple coins in the Academy building.

"Why'd we stop here?" Jiro asked. "We should continue onwards."

"I hear too many things here." Lee Seng replied. "I think it'd be better if we kept ourselves on the ground from here on out."

"What do you hear? Is it bad?" Ritsuka asked. 

"Coins in the Academy building. There's something past the Academy building that's giving off sinister vibes." 

"That doesn't sound good." Ritsuka sighed. 

"What do you mean by that?" Jiro asked, turning to look at his younger brother and the Creator's son. He looked to Ritsuka for an answer, but all he got was a puzzled face. Ritsuka thought for a moment and looked at Lee Seng.

"Y'know those comics you read? The one about the man who had crazy senses which could detect when he was going to be attacked?" Ritsuka asked Jiro. Jiro nodded. "Well, Lee Seng has that in a way. If he's in this spot…" Ritsuka pointed a finger in the middle between the three of them. He started to draw a circle outwards of Lee Seng's range. "He can feel things all around him in this circle."

"If I'm actively searching for things, I can increase it, but the way it responds isn't so great." Lee Seng added. "That's why my passive zone is better. It's about here." He moved his finger to the middle and then went about halfway to his body. 

"You detected something within that zone of yours?" Jiro asked. "Are you sure it's something?"

"We're here, so I would say it's definitely within my range." Lee Seng glanced over to the Academy building. He eyed the left side and then quickly looked at the others. "Let's go inside." Ritsuka could tell something was wrong. He tugged at Jiro and motioned.

"The coins don't matter if we deal with the problem, right?" Jiro asked.

"C'mon, let's get some coins!" Ritsuka shouted loudly. Rituska pulled his brother's good arm and turned him around. "I don't wanna be here any longer!" Lee Seng fiddled with his necklace and followed after. He telepathically marked the spots on the spot that were of interest.

Two golden marks, a large black dot behind the academy building and six red marks to the left in front of the Academy. He filled some odd spots with blue. He didn't quite know what these were, but they gave off DM.

'Six people?' Ritsuka telepathically spoke to Lee Seng. 'There's six of 'em on us? Do you think they saw us?' Lee Seng tried his best not to snort at that question as they stepped into the Academy.

'At least six. There's a couple blue marks around us that I don't know about. They're giving off some energy, but it's odd.' Lee Seng replied. 

"What's going on? Why're we going in here? What if there's people in here?" Jiro asked when they entered the lobby. He pulled his hand away from his young brother and turned to look at Lee Seng.

"There's six dudes out there." Ritsuka whispered to his brother. "Lee Seng felt them, so we went inside."

"We're cornering ourselves in the building? I don't see how that's great for us. We're trapped in here." 

"We'll use the coins against them." Lee Seng moved past the brother's and towards the right side of the building. 

"W-what? How?" Jiro asked.

"You ever wonder why those other guys attacked us?" Lee Seng stopped and looked at Jiro and Ritsuka. "What if the coins give off where the other coins are?" He pulled a coin out and grinned. Ritsuka joined Lee Seng and snagged the coin from Lee Seng's hands and brought it up to his ear.

"Oh!" Ritsuka looked at Lee Seng. "I think I do hear something…"

"What?" Jiro asked, joining his brother and friend. Ritsuka turned towards Jiro, giving him a serious look.

"It's saying you're a bitch." Ritsuka smiled. Jiro rolled his eyes and pushed Ritsuka away. 

"Ah, you're so annoying." Jiro grumbled. He started past Lee Seng. "Where are we going?"

"Uh, this way." Lee Seng awkwardly motioned and left with Jiro. 

As they got closer to the coin, Ritsuka found the coin to be reacting to the coin. "Whoa! It actually reacts!" Ritsuka told his brother and Lee Seng. He happily squeezed between them and lifted the coin. The intricate designs within the large coin were pulsing. 

"It's like a game of hot and cold. I think we're getting closer." Lee seng pointed at it. "Don't need me for that." Ritsuka and Lee Seng snickered as a trash bin rolled out from a classroom and into the hallway. The three stopped and stared at it. Lee Seng moved his eyes over to the classroom. He could feel a presence hiding their energy. 

'Do you sense them?' Ritsuka asked.

'They're hiding their DM.' Lee Seng replied.

'What do we do? Attack?' 

'If coins can pinpoint where other coins are, then that must mean the coin existing in the Void Storage must be somehow picked up through the rune…' Lee Seng looked at the faded rune mark on his right hand. He grabbed the coin from Ritsuka and lifted his finger to his lips. 

Lee Seng moved straight up to the trash can without a care in the world. He started to reach for the trashcan, intending on picking it up, when the person exposed their presence. 

"Ahhh!" The person screamed as they rushed straight for Lee seng. 

'A kid?' Lee Seng thought. The kid rushed straight for Lee Seng, who simply turned and watched them almost run into the classroom across. 'How can a kid have energy? I technically shouldn't even be able to detect it!' The kid turned, and conjured a large dagger - almost half an arm-length of the kid. The kid narrowed her eyes as she disappeared and reappeared in the air, going straight for Lee Seng's neck. 

'She has a coin.' Ritsuka thought. 

"Hold on." Lee Seng spoke. The kid froze in mid-air as Lee Seng turned. "How can a kid have DM?"

"Argh!" The girl screamed. She tried her hardest to move but nothing was working. "Let me go!"

"Could it be…" Jiro whispered. He moved over to the kid. "A case of a kid exhibiting powers from a set of parents who already have the Biohuman serum?"

'That's right… There are cases like that.' Lee Seng thought.

"Let me go! I need to get outta here! Give me your coins!" The girl screamed. Lee Seng sighed and moved out of the way, letting the kid continue her action. She slashed the air and landed on the floor, rolling and immediately revealing her dagger.

"Hey, kid. I don't think you should be wielding a knife that big." Jiro sarcastically spoke. The girl eyed him and dashed at him. She swung at Jiro, who easily dodged her attacks. 

'She's got a good foundation.' Lee Seng observed. Ritsuka sighed and moved over to stand with Lee Seng. 'She's probably trained since she manifested her power. I wonder what her parents' powers are.'

"Don't you think it's kinda sad?" Ritsuka whispered to Lee Seng. "A kid like her stuck in a dangerous place such as this?"

"Woah! I'm not your enemy, kid! Stop swinging that thing before I get hurt!" Jiro shouted as he narrowly dodged her attack. He created distance between him and the girl as she moved her dagger arm up to her neck like she was protecting herself.

"She seems capable enough. Probably stayed hidden and got some good coin too. Isn't that right?" Lee Seng spoke up to the girl. She immediately turned, protectively hovering her free hand over her pocket. "You got the coin we're looking for."

"You can't have it!" The girl shouted. "I need to get back to Mom and Dad before its too late!"

"Hey…" Ritsuka began to speak. The girl jabbed the dagger in the air at Ritsuka, who immediately took that as a 'no speaking' response. Lee Seng sighed and lifted his hands up.

"You must be a Fighter. You're feisty. You got good footwork. Your parents must've taught you well since you can hide your energy so well, too." Lee Seng complimented her. The girl still kept her guard up. The three men were keeping her from dashing. She knew it. Lee Seng took another step, letting up on her. 

"We aren't going to hurt you." Lee Seng smiled. "I think you could have this coin, too." He threw the coin and the girl immediately jumped for it. 

"You're giving her our coin?" Jiro asked. "I thought you wanted to get outta here with all the coins!"

"You were right. It'd be a waste of time anyway." Lee Seng answered. "He looked at the girl showing his right hand. "Wanna see a magic trick?" He summoned the void Storage and pulled the other coin out. The girl's eyes lit up. She lowered her defense as she ran for the coin. Lee Seng handed it to her and watched her snatch it and look at it.

"How'd you do that?" The girl asked. Lee Seng smiled and lowered himself to her level.

"You can have them. We don't need them. You probably want to see your parents, hm?" Lee Seng asked softly. The girl looked at him and immediately grew defensive. She swung her dagger as Ritsuka and Jiro immediately began to rush forward. The blade stopped short of Lee Seng's cheek. "You don't gotta be so aggressive. We won't hurt you."

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