
Chapter 954 Find Cargo Crew 4 (2)

Lee Seng's vision moved in and out. He groaned, trying to push himself up, but the sound of footsteps alerted him. Two pairs of feet landed next to him. 

"Hmph." A female's voice grunted. She moved closer to Lee Seng. She grabbed his face and moved it. "He's out of it. Good. Take him. I'll go help the others with the two others." 

"Yes, ma'am." A male's voice spoke. The woman walked away, leaving the male Deimon with Lee Seng. He grabbed Lee Seng and lifted him up without fail. "You're heavy." Lee Seng bounced as the Deimon slung Lee Seng over his shoulder. 

"Argh…" Lee Seng groaned. The Deimon smirked, letting out a small chuckle before turning. Lee Seng could see Chrono and Calis fighting. 

'Where's… Evan and Ritsuka?' Lee Seng thought. His head grew heavy and dropped. Lee Seng's vision went in and out. 'C'mon… L-look…' Lee Seng struggled to lift his head upwards. He could barely hear or see anything. He let out a groan and succumbed to darkness.

"…yo…" A distant voice quietly greeted. A tiny poke came after and Lee Seng rolled. "Hey… I thought you'd —" Another poke came to Lee Seng. He stirred, rolling onto his back and turning his face. He could feel something hovering to his right. Another poke came but it was harder this time. It pushed the right point, waking Lee Seng and forcing him to sit up. "Hey!"

Lee Seng and the other person groaned. 

"Why'd you have to do that?" The familiar voice asked. Lee Seng rubbed his forehead and turned to face the person. Silver hair, tan skin and red and blue eyes stared back at him. Lee Seng stopped, rubbed his eyes and then furiously blinked to see if he was seeing correctly. "I came to wake you because you were sleeping too long."

Keng was kneeling right next to Lee Seng. He looked slightly younger and even more handsome. Lee Seng couldn't help but stare at the twin Fox.

'Am I seeing things?' Lee Seng touched the side of his head. 

"The connection was reestablished." The System's voice spoke all around them. "It's only a matter of time before you can physically show yourself, again."

"Mmm, that's good." Keng looked up to the cloudy skyscape. He looked back to Lee Seng. "Are you okay? I didn't expect you to take this long to get back in contact with me." He reached out for Lee Seng who looked at him like a robot. "Hello? Earth to Lee Seng? Are ya there?" He waved his hand in front of his Biohuman twin. Lee Seng's face broke from its robotic stare. His eyes filled with tears and he threw himself at Keng, hugging him. He sobbed hard and the memories of Keng in the Soul Home came back.

Keng smiled and hugged tightly. He couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for Lee Seng. He had left him alone without much warning.

"You're really here!" Lee Seng sobbed. He began to say something but it was incoherent. Keng began to hush Lee Seng, rubbing his brother's back.

"It's okay, Lee." Keng's voice was soft. "I know it took a while, but I'm here now." Lee Seng continued to speak incoherently. "I know. I know. Sorry. But hey!" Keng pulled Lee Seng away from him. He smiled at him, brushing away his tears. "We're reconnected now at least. I know you've been desperately trying to funnel energy to me. I'm here now."

"But, but…!" Lee Seng sniffed. He wiped his tears away. "T-they—"

"It doesn't matter right now." Keng grabbed Lee Seng's hands. He tugged on them enough to pull Lee Seng's focus. There was determination in Keng's eyes. They burned with a quiet fury that understood Lee Seng's every unspoken word. "You need to wake up and you need to find the others."

"W-what? I-I—"

"But you must." Keng put a hand on Lee Seng's shoulder. "You have to. You have to make sure Brood Mother never gets to achieve her plan." Lee Seng shook his head but Keng continued. "You have to wake up. Give it time. I'll return by your side after some time. As long as you live, I will always return to your side." Keng pulled away and stood up. 

"Connection is starting to wane. The User is waking up." The System informed Keng. Keng looked up and thanked the System. 

"You heard her." Keng looked over his shoulder at Lee Seng. "Don't despair. We're the Blessed warriors of Vox'su and Rox'su. You've found meaning in all the people you've met so far. You found meaning even in the darkest pit and you've claimed the Creator as your father. I know it's not right that you have to do this for your father, but… It's all for a better tomorrow." Keng turned away and started to walk. 

Lee Seng attempted to scramble onto his feet, but just as he was on his hands and knees, the entire place began to flicker. 

"Oh!" Keng turned. "Tell Calis to not worry! I'll come back…!" 

[Temporary Connection has been severed.]

[/Keng's Egg/ has woken the User, healing him of his injuries in the process.]

Lee Seng's eyes opened. He swung upside down. He looked around and noticed there were tied up bodies all around him. They all hung… upside down? He pulled his arms upwards and noticed they were tied. He stuck his arm out and noticed the bindings around his ankles. They had tied them up and then what? 

A groan escaped someone's mouth in the distance. Someone quietly pleaded to be let go while the smell of blood and fire lingered in the air. Lee Seng looked 'down' and noticed the spikes on the ground. They were lit with many colorful energy spots.

'It's like the minefield.' Lee Seng thought. 'How did they tie us up and string us upside down?'

"Get me out…!" A voice weakly shouted. Lee Seng turned and peered through the darkness to see a woman swinging in her binds. "You bastards…! Come back…!" 

Lee Seng pulled his arms inwards towards his chest and watched the bindings around his wrists. He pulled his hands away from each other and felt the tug of the binds. Lee Seng steadied his breathing and focused. He pulled and grunted loudly. The bindings snapped, freeing his hands as his arms spread out like wings.

Lee Seng retracted his arms to his chest and let out a sigh of relief. Flames lit up in his hand. He smiled and reached as far as he could for the binds holding him upside down. With his other free hand, he drew the rune for wind and let out the flames from his fingertips. Flames caught the binds and began to burn

The binds burned away, freeing Lee Seng into a fall. He slashed the wind rune, watching the wind catch up. He drew the rune for flying and slashed it. He flipped himself upright and looked around. 

"Hey! You!" The woman shouted. "Save me!" Lee Seng moved over, slashing each hanging person and catching them with wind. He made his way over to the woman and slashed her bindings off. "Whoa! W-what the—"

"Grrr, she keeps yapping! We oughta punish her more!" A Deimon shouted from around the corner. Three Deimons rounded the corner, turning their attention to where the hanging bodies were supposed to be. Lee Seng and the Deimons made eye contact. They blankly stared at each other before Lee Seng noticed land. 

"W-what the—" Deimon 2 started to mutter when Lee Seng blasted forward. 

"Hey!" Deimon 3 shouted. She conjured ice from her fingertips, shooting them at Lee Seng. 

"Oho, you're so dead!" The woman chuckled. She threw up a barrier, blocking the attack. Lee Seng moved them forward, dropping everyone onto the ground. Fire engulfed Lee Seng's hand as he shot himself forward, releasing the flying and wind runes and reaching out for the Deimon. 

"Aghhh!" Deimon 2 screamed as Lee Seng collided with him. Lee Seng's burning hand wrapped around the Deimon's throat, squeezing and crushing the throat in one go. Deimon 1 turned, pulling a gun from his side when a multi-shield barrier wrapped around Lee Seng. Ice and bullets rained on Lee Seng.

"Kill the barrier user!" Deimon 1 shouted. Deimon 3 turned and raised her hand at the woman. A sharp hissing noise came out between Lee Seng's teeth. His body erupted in fire, slashing the woman's arm with two fingers. The Deimon's arm fell, fire burning and cauterizing the wound right away.

"Ahh!" Deimon 3 screamed. Lee Seng pushed forward, injecting his fingers straight into the woman's neck, blowing it off in flames. Deimon 1's eyes grew wide as he emptied his bullets. Lee Seng turned and slashed at the Deimon's neck. 

Deimon 1's eyes were wide as the head hit the ground. Lee Seng let the flames dance on his finger tips for a second before extinguishing them. 

"Are you okay?" Lee Seng asked the woman. He returned to her side, crouching. The woman's eyes connected with his, telling him she was in shock at his display of dexterous power. Lee Seng stared at her for a while until she snapped out of it.

"Huh? Y-yeah, I'm fine. I-I didn't think we'd kill them so quickly… I-I thought…" The woman's voice trailed off.

"Good to know you're safe." Lee Seng smiled. His eyes squinted along with his smile. The woman couldn't help but feel safe with the strange Biohuman with… ears.

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